Yang Xuan never dreamed that through the True Reincarnation Tower, he came to the Poor World. This world is different, but whether this world is a normal human world or not, Yang Xuan is not yet sure.

I heard from Gu Yuefeng that there are goblins, weird people, and human beings here, so what else is there? Yang Xuan doesn't know, it's all quite confusing to him.

At this moment, he understood every word Gu Yuefeng said. It seemed that they didn't need his help, but whether Yang Xuan came here was reincarnated, he was still not sure.

He saw that Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his heart, he just felt that these things really happened at this moment, and he knew how to deal with these things.

But Gu Yuefeng also doesn't want Yang Xuan to destroy everything here, if they really 243 amazed the lives of these aliens, they are human beings and cannot normally stay in the poor world.

Gu Yuefeng still wanted to live in Poor Extreme World no matter where they were, they had already lived here for so long.

They also don't want to go to other places. Although the people who come here feel dangerous, they don't feel dangerous at all for people like them who have lived for a long time.

Although Gu Yuefeng didn't know much about Yang Xuan, and didn't know what it meant and how he came here suddenly, Gu Yuefeng didn't ask so many questions.

After all, this place is not isolated from the world, and there are still humans that occasionally appear here. Gu Yuefeng just thought of this matter no matter what it is.

Then I hope that everything here is peaceful, and he doesn’t want to have any troubles anymore, because there have been some problems before, and then some things changed later, so many people lost their lives because of this.

It's better not to disturb the dangers here. As for those dangerous locations, Gu Yuefeng and the others usually wouldn't go there.

He saw that although Yang Xuan had a lot of doubts in his heart, some things were up to him to decide, and he didn't think about these problems at all.

"After all, everyone's thinking is different, and everyone's ability is also different. Faced with such a situation, we all (ccad) know what kind of thing it is, and we don't have to worry so much at all. I think there are some situations, if there are some changes."

"We don't want to change our living environment either. In this poor world is our best choice. We are very happy to stay here. No matter how dangerous others think this poor world is, I think You're used to everything here."

"I don't want to change my life. Why did you come here? I don't think so much. I just hope that you can protect yourself. Maybe some evil things will happen in this place wherever you go. Just don't expect any surprises."

Gu Yuefeng spoke so directly, I hope Yang Xuan can understand that in this poor world, he can decide what he wants to do.

But don't look for those dangers, don't touch those dangers, it's better to calm down, Gu Yuefeng doesn't know how much ability Yang Xuan has.

I don't know what the situation is, I just feel that everything looks special, but Gu Yuefeng is also thinking about many problems in his heart.

Chapter 2206 Keep searching for these mysteries

He just felt that the appearance of Yang Xuan made all of this suddenly change a bit, but what should he do? How to decide?

He couldn't face this problem clearly in his heart, and he knew better how to face this person in front of him. Gu Yuefeng told him so many things to let him stay in this poor world well. with.

I don't know what he thinks, but Gu Yuefeng already felt that his strength is very strong, but he still can't guess who he is. There are too many masters in this world, and many unexplainable things will happen~.

When Yang Xuan heard what Gu Yuefeng said, he also found it quite funny. Why did Gu Yuefeng look so nervous? Could it be that this place is really so dangerous? But if it is true - there is danger.

How could Yang Xuan care so much? It's just that he has come to the poor world, whether this place is a reincarnation world or his new-world.

Yang Xuan doesn't know yet, everything has to be explored slowly, besides, Gu Yuefeng doesn't want to do his own business here, so Yang Xuan won't do it for the time being.

He just felt that since he came here, let's discuss some things slowly. He didn't have too many thoughts at all. Yang Xuan just felt that since the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower brought him to the poor world.

Let these things go with the flow, he just thinks this place looks different, so this place also looks a little weird, so there is no need to worry so much.

Facing this situation, he knew better in his heart how he should make a decision. Gu Yuefeng was an interesting young man, and he seemed particularly nervous.

It may be that they have reached an agreement with these monsters. They live in peace and will not destroy each other's living environment. This is also very good.

Otherwise, what can Yang Xuan do now? He just felt that if these things were really in such a form at this moment, he knew in his heart that he didn't want to worry so much for the time being.

After all, he is also aware of this truth. If it is really impossible to change the fate of this place because of such a thing, Yang Xuan will not do it.

Besides the matter of reincarnation, he has already come here, whether he can be reincarnated as Yang Xuan is still unknown, since the True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda has sent him to this place and entered the poor world.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Yang Xuan didn't worry about anything, looked at Gu Yuefeng and didn't know much about what he did, could it be that people in this poor world have nothing to do every day?

"Little brother, I find it very interesting to hear what you said. It seems that you don't want me to help you? Didn't you say that there are some dangers in this poor world? There are some monsters or some monsters? Don't you want them to be able to help you?" Get out of here and eradicate them completely?"


"Although they live here, they won't hurt you for the time being, but if one day they become stronger, how can they not hurt humans? Don't you people here worry about this? I really didn't think of you people here Really brave."

"This poor world is actually such a special place. There are different creatures living in this place, and since everyone can live here safely, have these weird monsters never violated you? I just think that you Think about it too, I don't want you to be in danger." Three.

Chapter 2207 things need to be verified

Gu Yuefeng didn't know what Yang Xuan meant, why did he insist on destroying everything here, they were already used to the original living conditions here, so they didn't have to worry so much at all.

Gu Yuefeng also thought of Yang Xuan, he couldn't be sure what kind of world this poor world was, that's why he thought so much, Gu Yuefeng also knew what was going on with "two four three".

But at least the other party has to ask clearly before he can make a decision. He won't be so worried at the moment, and he won't think too much. Gu Yuefeng is also thinking in his heart, since the other party asks for his opinion.

It seems that he will not do something casually. In this case, Gu Yuefeng feels at ease, but when he thinks about this problem, it really makes him feel unbelievable. It always feels a little weird.

But if these things can really be changed in this way, Gu Yuefeng also feels that there is really no bottom line, and he still feels a little uneasy in his heart.

Gu Yuefeng was just afraid that they wouldn't be able to live in the Poor World anymore, and the people here didn't want to go to other places, so what should they do then? How could these people not want to?

Gu Yuefeng's expression made Yang Xuan feel even more surprised, doesn't he believe in himself? Or does he have other ideas? Is Gu Yuefeng also thinking about this question in his heart? Questions in Yang Xuan's head kept popping up.

Yang Xuan never thought of coming to this poor world to destroy their lives, but if there is really danger here, they should deal with it in time, eliminate it, and remove it.

It can't be kept as it is now. Although they have reached an agreement with these monsters, if things really happen, how can these monsters abide by the agreement?

Their lack of attack for the time being means that human beings are capable, and their ability is not strong enough to destroy human beings, otherwise they would not be able to live together in the extreme world with human beings.

Yang Xuan felt that this matter was rather strange, because Gu Yuefeng didn't know him very well.

But Yang Xuan can understand everything he said. Although he doesn't know all the circumstances of this poor world, he will naturally know what he should do after he understands it...

"Although I just came here, I may not be familiar with everything here, but if you tell me clearly, I know what's going on. It seems that you have reached an agreement with these monsters. There are also monsters here. There are some weirdos, so it's really not easy for you to live here."

"I really admire your perseverance. It's really incredible that human beings can live in an extremely poor world. I just think that these things happen occasionally at this moment. It depends on how you decide. There must be so many, I just feel that if there is really 0.3 new changes in this matter at this moment."

"Then how can some things be as simple as you think that everything will get a new development? What are your plans?"

How could Gu Yuefeng not understand Yang Xuan's thoughts, but now everything in this poor world cannot be destroyed, they have reached an agreement with these monsters, and they cannot step into other people's domains.

Chapter 2208 stay in their domain

As humans, they have their own domain. They live in the southern part of this poor world, where the climate is relatively mild all year round. Unlike those monsters, they live in a relatively remote place, so the temperature is relatively low.

This is the difference between them. Gu Yuefeng just thought that no matter how much ability Yang Xuan had, he couldn't easily change everything about him now.

If there is something that they have a patriarch here, they can only change it after obtaining consent, otherwise they can't easily touch these dangers.

How could Gu Yuefeng not be worried? Yang Xuan has the ability, Gu Yuefeng has already felt that his power is boundless, but it's better to be careful.

There can be no more 22 accidents. Gu Yuefeng is either not clear about these reasons, or feels that the more such a situation is, the more helpless he feels.

He was also thinking that Yang Xuan came here, and if there was something to discuss slowly, at least he would not make a decision easily, so Gu Yuefeng felt at ease.

Otherwise, everything here will be destroyed, they won't be able to stay here, and human beings will be hurt by then.

Gu Yuefeng has been thinking about it for a long time, and everyone here thinks so, so up to now, they haven't been in any danger.

Yang Xuan didn't know why, Gu Yuefeng looked so worried, did he really not believe in his ability? Or does he have other concerns?

What should we do about this matter? Although Yang Xuan didn't have any plans in mind, let's talk about it slowly, let's see what Gu Yuefeng really thinks.

If you can't, go back to the place where they live with him to see what it looks like. After all, this poor world is so big, and the terrain is relatively vast, and the area is quite wide. What's the situation?

Yang Xuan didn't understand what these noble people looked like, were they human? And why did these monsters come here? Does anyone know the details?

Yang Xuan always has to understand clearly before he can make a decision, he can't easily change everything here, Yang Xuan also understands that Gu Yuefeng is so worried about him, so don't let him be afraid all the time.

Moreover, Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn't know whether he came here because he was reincarnated. The Tower of Reincarnation sent him here directly. Yang Xuan also felt quite puzzled.

This poor world is not the world I like, but I have come here, no matter what the world is, all this can't be changed.

"You people don't want to destroy all this at all. Do you really want to live with these demons and ghosts? What's the situation in 243? Have you ever seen these so-called monsters? It makes me feel quite confused. I don't know much about these, but I don't want you, as humans, to be harmed here."

"I have come here, I have already said, I will help you, and you also feel that there is a power in me, which is very strong, but since you don't want my help at this moment, don't you really think about it?" Is it? I don’t know how many human beings still live here.”

"I actually have my own mission when I come here, but now I tell you so much, you may not be able to believe it.".

Chapter 2209 I don't want to be reincarnated in this world

"Let's take it one step at a time. I just want to know everything here. I want to know the situation here. I don't want to change so much because of this incident."

Yang Xuan didn't know much about the situation here at all, he was rather confused about some things here, how could he know so much, he just came here.

Yang Xuan is not in a hurry, let's talk slowly, he and Gu Yuefeng have explained his situation clearly, but Yang Xuan doesn't want to tell them about the mission of coming here.

Wait until you infiltrate them slowly, after all, they can't accept so much at once, how could they believe that they came here through the True Reincarnation Tower?

How could this matter be as simple as imagined? Yang Xuan was also thinking about them. If they can't be changed, then everything will have a new change.

Yang Xuan naturally has a decision in his heart, and whether he can be reincarnated here, whether he can go to reincarnation, is still unknown or unknown.

But Yang Xuan thought that he should not be cast into a bad family this time, and that he was more comfortable, so it would be really helpless to become a girl by then.

Gu Yuefeng already understood Yang Xuan's thoughts, and it seemed that he would not act rashly, as long as he thought so, it would be fine, and Gu Yuefeng would not be worried.

Otherwise, they have already reached an agreement with the creatures here, and everyone can stay in this poor world without destroying each other's lives, and live in peace and harmony.

If Yang Xuan really changed everything because of his personal thoughts, what should he do then? How could Gu Yuefeng not be worried now?

Seeing Yang Xuan at this moment, his mood became calm. After all, Yang Xuan just came here. Although his ability seems to be very strong, who is he and what mission did he come here.

Gu Yuefeng couldn't be clear at all. After hearing his words now, he was still very skeptical, but if some things could not be decided, then it would be good.

Anyway, since this incident has already happened, let's take a good look at the situation, what exactly does Yang Xuan want to do, and what exactly is his mission to accomplish?

Are there any rare treasures in this poor world? Gu Yuefeng thinks it's impossible, he has lived here for so long, why has he never heard of this matter?

There are some things that Gu Yuefeng understands, otherwise how could he feel at ease? And where will Yang Xuan go in a while, do you want to follow him back to where they live? After all, the poor world is so big, they have their own place, and they live in a very secluded place.

"¨I understand what you said just now, and I don't worry about it anymore. Actually, it's not that I don't believe in your ability, but you just came here, and you are not familiar with everything here (does Zhao) It’s really special to not understand the rules here, let alone how we live.”

"I just don't want you to have any accidents, and I don't want you to encounter any problems, because the danger here is everywhere, but these villains and some evil monsters, they are far, far away from here, they are basically You can rest assured that the future will not come to our domain."

Chapter 2210 An agreement has been reached

After Gu Daozi said so much, he just didn't want Yang Xuan to destroy everything here, so he should stop meddling.

Why did he come to this poor world? Gu Daozi didn't know that this world is different. This world is full of evil and power at the same time.

They live here, so the divided areas, the creatures are of different types, they live in different places, and they live in peace and harmony.

If Yang Xuan really destroyed all of this, then I am afraid that this poor world will never have 247 days of peace. Gu Daozi is right to worry, after all he has lived here for so long.

He knew about the ruler here, Yang Xuan couldn't understand these things at all, so I still hope he doesn't make too many moves.

Now that he has come to the poor world, no matter what he does, Gu Daozi wants to lead him back to the place where human beings live, and stop wandering here.

"We human beings live in the southern area. That place is very warm. It's really quiet at ordinary times. There is never any danger. We haven't fought with these different (ccad) creatures until now. Everyone used to They made a deal in 2019, probably before I was even born."

"I don't know what you think. If you come to the poor world first, go back with me first. I will lead you to the place where we live. I think you are not a bad person, and you want to find those dangerous people. I don’t think there’s any need for those monsters, everyone’s life is pretty good, and they live here too.”

"As long as you don't bother each other, it's fine. After all, there are some evil creatures living in the Poor World like that place. This is also very normal. We are all used to it. We don't have to worry about these things at all. It appeared, which made me feel a little strange, but you just need to understand."

Standing on a rock, Yang Xuan overlooked the entire Poor World. It was too big to see everything here. Yang Xuan was also thinking about Gu Yuefeng, since he had told him so much.

It seems that the situation here is really special. There are many creatures living in this poor world, and they are also different creatures, which is really weird.

Yang Xuan also thought that since this was the case, let's wait until we understand the situation. Gu Yuefeng actually refused to allow himself to look for these monsters.

Then Yang Xuan just came here, he also thought not to be in a hurry, let's talk about it after it stabilizes, and see what Gu Yuefeng wants him to do.

After all, Yang Xuan has the ability, Gu Yuefeng has already seen it, but Yang Xuan didn't know if he came here to reincarnate, if he was reincarnated in the poor world, it would be really helpless, but everything cannot be controlled by him.

Yang Xuan also didn't want to destroy everything here, Gu Daozi actually said that, he didn't worry so much for the time being, after all, whether he could be reincarnated after coming to this poor world.

Yang Xuan is not sure, let's see if he can receive any reminders. After all, Yang Xuan's ability is getting stronger and stronger. Besides, with more abilities, his ability has reached its limit.

Enter another world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and then go to reincarnate, the current thing happened, but people here can also go to reincarnate if they meet the conditions, Yang Xuan wants to see how many people there are in this poor world.

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