"But it may be the reason you said. The people living near here think that Yunzhongshan Temple is a hell. It seems that there are devils living in this place. That's why they are so afraid."

"Otherwise, how could this place become such a deserted temple, but it doesn't matter. We monks practice here and feel quite at ease."

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan found it really strange.

After all, he had already listened to what Taoist Priest Yunya said, and it seemed that they had somewhat doubted people's thoughts. Otherwise, it was really impossible for the Yunzhongshan Temple to be so calm.

And the magic here is built. Although the terrain is higher and steeper, it is no problem for people to climb to the top of the mountain along the path, so as long as they worship Buddha devoutly.

Wanting to come here, they have no worries at all. It seems that the worries in their hearts have been cleared by Taoist Master Yunya. They live here and wait for the Yunzhongshan Temple.

It is true that no common people came here, maybe their colleagues would also find it very curious, Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart that he wanted to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to check.

Daoist Yunya hasn't agreed yet, let's see what he thinks, after all, Yang Xuan has no pressure in his heart, this Yunzhongshan Temple has already been seen, and Daoist Yunya has also seen it.

Are there any monsters living here? It's really impossible, Taoist Master Yunya looks so kind at the moment.

How could he allow the monsters to live here? It is impossible for this thing to happen, and it is impossible for goblins to appear, so stop thinking about it.

Taoist Master Yunya sat with Yang Xuan on the stone at the entrance of the Yunzhongshan Temple. Taoist Master Yunya felt that Yang Xuan's arrival was to relieve the doubts in the hearts of the common people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come here. Taoist Master Yunya actually felt that the few of them lived in the Yunzhongshan Temple, and no one came here to burn incense and worship Buddha.

On the contrary, I feel very quiet and leisurely. Otherwise, if there are too many people coming and going every day, they will be too busy.

Taoist Master Yunya feels that the current form is quite good, but if human beings really want to come to Yunzhongshan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha.

But now he was used to it, and no one came here in the Yunzhongshan Temple, and they basically wouldn't open the gate.

It will only be opened unless there is a special event. Basically, it will not be opened a few times a year. Occasionally, someone will come to the Yunzhongshan Temple because of its reputation, and they will open the door. This is the reason.

Taoist Master Yunya just wanted to explain the situation to Yang Xuan, let him understand, stop worrying so much, let alone think about the ghosts and ghosts in this Yunzhongshan Temple like those ordinary people.

How could such a situation happen here? Taoist Master Yunya also thought in his heart (Li Hao Zhao) that human beings have too much imagination, and they think about this problem every day, even if they live near here.

They couldn't sleep peacefully either, but Taoist Master Yunya and the others wouldn't be disturbed by people in the Yunzhongshan Temple, which is a good thing.

"¨At least we won't be disturbed. If people want to come here, of course it's okay. If we don't come here, we feel very quiet and don't have to deal with these people every day'々".

Chapter 2195 Taoist leader takes Yang Xuan to visit the temple

Daoist Yunya didn't expect Yang Xuan to come to the Yunzhongshan Temple, but no matter what his status was, Daoist Yunya had already seen the difference in him.

This young man is not an idle person, but such a kind of power exudes from him, which is endless. Taoist Yun Ya has already felt that this young man should have a very strong cultivation base.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have the guts to come to the Yunzhongshan Temple alone. After all, everyone has already rumored that the Yunzhongshan Temple is in danger, saying that there are some ghosts and ghosts here.

237 But he still came here resolutely, wanting to check the situation and understand the things behind it, which proves that he is not afraid of anything.

And the courage is extraordinary, so is Taoist Yunya, thinking that since he has come to Yunzhongshan Temple, let's take him in for a visit.

Taoist Master Yunya just thought that if he didn't bring Yang Xuan into the Yunzhongshan Temple, he would be suspicious, he would be aware of it, or the knot in his heart would not be solved.

If this matter cannot be resolved, then Taoist Master Yunya is not very relieved to face it. He is also aware of such a situation, no matter what kind of problem it is.

He knew how to deal with it, and at the same time, he also knew how to make a decision. All of this was relatively relaxed. Taoist Master Yunya also thought that there was nothing tricky or evil in the Yunzhongshan Temple.

There is nothing shady about it, if Yang Xuantian came here and wanted to know the answer, let him find out, otherwise his heart would never be at ease.

"This is the situation now, you don't have to think too much, just follow me into the Yunzhongshan Temple."

"Since you also want to solve the mystery in your heart, then I will grant your wish at this moment. This Yunzhongshan Temple has no shady activities, and it is not as evil as people imagined. Everything is very quiet, ( ccad) is just a few of us old guys living here, nothing else."

"You'll know it only after you've met it. Besides, you're a young man with profound inner strength. If there's anything here that you can't hide from your eyes, it's all up to you to decide. Don't doubt it anymore. "

Yang Xuan's heart was finally at ease, Taoist Master Yunya actually said that, it seems that he has agreed to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to check the situation, Yang Xuan is no longer worried.

Otherwise, what's the point of coming to Yunzhongshan Temple? He climbed over the mountain and reached the top of the mountain before coming to Yunzhongshan Temple. He just wanted to give an explanation to the common people.

After all, the people living in the vicinity felt that there was something strange about the Yunzhongshan temple, maybe there were monsters, but Yang Xuan didn't have such an idea when he saw that Taoist Yunya was here.

Taoist Master Yunya is a kind person. Although he has profound inner strength, he is not a monster. Yang Xuan doesn't need to worry anymore. He also wants to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to see who else lives here.

How could Yang Xuan not know the current situation? Taoist Master Yunya agreed to let him enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to visit. He proved that there was no ghost in his heart, and there was nothing shady about it.

There are no evil things in this Yunzhongshan temple, and there are no monsters. In fact, Yang Xuan has already felt it in his heart. After coming to the foot of Yunzhongshan temple, he felt such a situation.

Chapter 2196 Situation changes suddenly

He already knew that there were no ghosts and ghosts in this place. With Yang Xuan's ability, wouldn't it be possible to find out such a situation?

As far as he was concerned, he didn't have any thoughts in his mind, he just felt that now that these situations were here, he knew how to deal with them.

Faced with such a situation, of course he knows how to make his own decision. At this moment, these situations are not as they were before, and everything has changed~.

Yang Xuan didn't have anything to doubt at first, but since he came here, he must go to Yunzhongshan Temple to have a look, this place is so big.

Moreover, these buildings look so magnificent, if Yang Xuan didn't go in and take a look around, it would be a pity. After all, once he left this Yunzhongshan Temple, he might not come back again.

But this time I don't know if I reincarnated by myself in this way, anyway, what is the situation in the world when I turn around.

Yang Xuan can't be so entangled at this moment, he knows in his heart that you also know how to decide, and understand how to deal with these things.

Yang Xuan didn't think too much at all, let everything go with the flow, there are still many ways to reincarnate, and there is still a long way to go in the world of reincarnation.

Yang Xuan didn't worry about these things at all, looking at Daoist Yun Ya, at least he felt at ease.

The other party is not an evil monster, and there is nothing abnormal in this Yunzhongshan temple. It seems that it is a rumor from people and others, so that everyone dare not approach here.

Taoist Master Yunya and Yang Xuan had already walked back slowly, and were about to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, and they were now outside the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Daoist Yunya felt that Yang Xuan was kind no matter what his status was, and everything he said today was to eliminate hidden dangers for the common people and make them feel at ease.

Don't think about it anymore, otherwise the common people will think about it wildly, always feel that there are dangers in the forest, Yunzhongshan Temple, there are ghosts and ghosts, how can they dissipate their lives?

They said that they didn't leave here, and they were not at ease. They lived a life of pure talking every day, and Taoist Master Yunya didn't want to see such a thing.

····Ask for flowers 0···

At this moment, he asked Yang Xuan to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to have a look, so that he could go back and tell the common people down the mountain to let them know what's going on here.

If they don't find it troublesome, tiring, or dangerous, they can come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, and this place will also be open to the public.

Although Taoist Priest Yunya had many thoughts in his mind, facing Yang Xuan at this moment, he made it clear what he should say, otherwise the other party would be suspicious.


"Let's go, follow me into the Yunzhongshan Temple, and you will see clearly that there is no such evil thing as you said, and there are no demons and ghosts living in the Yunzhongshan Temple. It seems that you want to There are too many, it seems that the brains of the common people are really too active, and their imagination is relatively rich."

"I scare myself, and I dare not approach this forest anymore, making our place seem like a horrible hell. If we didn't hear you say that today, we really don't know why."

"We all find it strange that this Yunzhongshan temple is so beautiful." Three.

Chapter 2197 Daunting

"There are many Buddha statues enshrined here. Why don't people come here to burn incense and worship Buddha? That's the reason."

Taoist Master Yunya certainly knew how the people felt. If they weren't so worried, they wouldn't be so scared.

How could they not come to the forest to find what they want, and there are many wild vegetables in this forest, and there are also many "two forty" traditional Chinese medicines.

At the same time, this place can still be hunted, but people just hear the horrible cry, and they dare not go in at all.

Daoist Yunya thought that people were too timid.

Besides, these terrifying cries are just the sounds of the beasts in the mountains, there are no ghosts or ghosts at all, and there is nothing special at all.

It seems that people are thinking wildly, Taoist Master Yunya also understands in his heart that there is no need to worry so much, now he has entered the Yunzhongshan Temple with Yang Xuan, let him appreciate everything here.

Whatever he wants to see and ask, it is totally fine. Daoist Yunya followed Yang Xuan and walked slowly forward. Now the courtyard is very big.

There are a few monks cleaning the courtyard. This season, there are a lot of leaves and some garbage in it.

These people are cleaning every day, and they are very clean. Even if no one comes here to burn incense and worship Buddha in the Yunzhongshan Temple, they still clean it every day.

After Yang Xuan entered the Yunzhongshan Temple, he watched everything here carefully, and he began to observe from the moment he entered the door. These monks have been sweeping the floor, and they didn't look at themselves with their heads down.

They just took a look at Taoist Priest Yun Ya, and then continued to work. They didn't seem to disturb Yang Xuan with anything, and felt that such a situation was really rare.

Some people saw some strangers coming, they would all watch, but these few people didn't seem to care about anything, they were just working, Yang Xuan continued to walk forward.

Looking at these few Buddha statues is really magnificent, and they seem to be very sturdy. The courtyard of the entire Yunzhongshan Temple is very clean.

Yang Xuan continued to go up the steps with Daoist Yunya, and his heart was still relatively calm. After all, there is no smell here. With Yang Xuan's ability so powerful...

He has already felt a different atmosphere, but so far there is nothing special here, he just thinks that since no one is going to be born in this place.

It seems that there is no need for him to reincarnate in this Yunzhongshan Temple, otherwise he would be really depressed in this place.

Then facing such a situation and facing these Buddha statues every day, it is really depressed, Yang Xuan told himself at this moment that he didn't want to think so much.

Since there is no danger in this Yunzhongshan Temple, we will leave soon.

"It seems that this Yunzhongshan temple is really a good place. The environment and location are very good, and in such a high place, you can see the situation under the mountain from this courtyard, and you can see everything at a glance. I didn't expect 0.3 to be here It is really amazing that such a temple can be built in this place.”

"It's no wonder that the common people may feel that they are afraid. At first, they felt scary when they heard some cries, but the forest is so steep and high, and it is impossible to climb such a high mountain every day. They also feel that there is something wrong when they come to the Yunzhongshan Temple. It's dangerous, but it's also right."

Chapter 2198 Every Buddha statue is so solemn

"You said it just now, but no one came to disturb your life. You are very quiet. Everyone has their own way of life. It is not easy for you to wait in this Yunzhongshan Temple. I have now cleared my doubts. Yes, I came here, and I also want to know something."

Daoist Yunya understood what Yang Xuan said. If he came to Yunzhongshan Temple and didn't want to know the situation behind it, how could he appear?

Daoist Yunya was also wondering who the young man in front of him was, and why he was so capable, but Daoist Yunya didn't have too many worries at the moment.

Just because he felt that the other party came here, 22 didn't do bad things, and he didn't come here to rebel, Taoist Yunya didn't worry so much.

After all, although they have some abilities, they are also worried about some situations in this Yunzhongshan Temple. They feel that it is very safe here, and no one will disturb their lives.

It is also the best choice for them to stay here. Taoist Master Yunya has practiced for so many years, so he has never thought too much about it.

Since coming to Yunzhongshan Temple, everything has been stable and staying here is the best choice for him, and he doesn't have any worries at all.

He just felt that living in this place was relatively quiet at the moment, at least he didn't have to worry about not having a place to live. When he saw Yang Xuan, he was staring at everything here.

Yang Xuan didn't have any thoughts in his mind, but he had to say some things clearly. He felt that Taoist Master Yunya was older, but he was more steadfast in doing things.

At least it made my heart feel very relaxed, after all, Yang Xuan didn't have any pressure, and at the same time, he didn't have to be wary of any danger, even though he didn't care about anything.

But if some situations really arise, he knows what he should do. Faced with such a situation, he knows how to deal with it. After all, he wants to get more abilities.

This time, Yang Xuan also thought that there was no need to worry so much about some things. Faced with such a result, he was still in a good mood.

Moreover, Yang Xuan walked slowly in the Yunzhongshan Temple. The courtyard is so big, and there are steps going forward, and there are several palaces, all of which are on high places.

Looking up, the further you go, the higher you go. This is a very sloping place, so the entire Yunzhongshan Temple was built at the highest point of the forest.

The forests here have been cut down to create such a Yunzhongshan temple. With such a 240-degree view, Yang Xuan doesn't feel too much pressure.

"And you already know my background. I just think that since the common people say that the Yunzhongshan Temple is dangerous, I would like to come up to see what is going on and what is the danger. Otherwise, my heart is not at ease. I It just feels like this is happening right now.”

"I understand what I should do, and I know better how to deal with these things. Faced with such a problem, I have already seen it very clearly. I just feel that the more it resembles that kind of problem, the more helpless I feel. My I'm in a good mood, at least I don't have to worry about anything now."

Chapter 2199 Will not be devoured by demons

"Otherwise, I always think that if there is danger here, it is impossible for people to live here so comfortably. If there are ghosts and ghosts in the Yunzhongshan Temple, people will not be able to live in peace in the nearby villages. I am afraid that they have already been banned. The demon has swallowed it, how could it stop like it is now, just like this situation, I understand it in my heart."

Taoist Master Yunya will not deny this point. If there are really some demons and ghosts rented in this Yunzhongshan temple or they are some monsters, how could they not enter the vicinity and hurt the people?

How is it possible to let them live in safety? Taoist Priest Yunya also understood in his heart that Yang Xuan is so smart, since he has already understood this matter, there are some situations where he really doesn't need to worry so much.

How could Taoist Master Yunya not understand these problems behind it? The appearance of Yang Xuan added a lot of color to the Yunzhongshan Temple.

I feel that this young man feels fresh and refined standing here, the young man is different, and Taoist Master Yunya hasn't seen anyone come here for a long time.

If Yang Xuan hadn't come here today to explore the secrets here, I'm afraid their Yunzhongshan Temple would really become a place that no one cares about.

It turned out that the common people felt that there was some danger in the Yunzhongshan Temple, so they didn't dare to approach it. Taoist Master Yunya finally understood.

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