The masked man in black still has an idea in his heart at this moment. After all, he is not ignorant of such a situation, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous.

For him, this is not a good thing. To be a bandit, he feels that he is too sad.

If the masked man in black hadn't gotten used to this life, it would have been difficult for him to persevere until now, but after hearing Yang Xuan's words, he also felt very reasonable.

It seems that I should re-choose my future path. The masked man in black is not very old, and he doesn't have too many hobbies. He just wants to have a stutter.

But it’s also getting something for nothing. I always think of such a problem, so I became a bandit here, but being a bandit has its own difficulties. There really aren’t too many things here, so grab something and exchange it for something to eat.

He also went to this village to change, so it would be better to live on his own. The masked man in black suddenly figured it out, and it seems that he should reconsider.

What Yang Xuan said at this moment, he also hoped that the masked man in black could understand that these things are over for today, and he hoped that he could leave here and find a place to live.

Don't stay here anymore, after all, it's really meaningless for him to be a bandit in this place, and it's not a particularly good place, so there's nothing in this place.

What's the point of being a bandit here just by luck? Yang Xuan felt that the masked man in black was so smart, he should understand this truth.

Tell him something and hope he can leave here. Besides, the masked man in black doesn't kill people, he just wants to grab something and keep himself alive.

It's completely meaningless for him to do this. It's better to go back to a village to live, so why do such a thing here.

Not only would he not be able to get any benefits, but maybe next time he meets a master, he might not even have a chance to survive. Yang Xuan also gave him a reminder.

"You take this risk every day if you do this. Maybe when you meet a master, your life will be lost again. At that time, you will regret it, and it is too late. You should think about this matter yourself. The reason why I said So much, I just hope you can understand that some things are not what you think, everything is special.".

Chapter 2189 A feeling of guilt

"Well, if these things can really be changed again, then whoever does this forever, I am afraid it is impossible to do this thing. For me, I am clear in my heart. Although I don't worry so much for the time being, but Faced with such a situation, I am still in a good mood.”

"Anyway, I don't think you are as evil as you imagined, so let's end today's matter. If you really want to reconsider your plan, then it's up to you to choose. Don't just stay here like you are now. , ready to be a bandit, it doesn't make any sense anymore."

The masked man in black suddenly felt a little moved. He just felt that what Yang Xuan said was really too philosophical. He wanted himself to face such a choice every day, which was really helpless.

And squatting here every day, being a bandit, and living a life that is not very comfortable, not very free and easy, sometimes even without food.

The masked man in black felt that he was really sad. It seemed that what Yang Xuan said was reasonable, so he had to think about it and see what he should do.

The masked man in black had some thoughts in his heart, but he knew what kind of choice it was in this place, and this place was relatively remote.

Unlike being in a rich village or a rich city, it would be better, although the masked man in black didn't have too many problems in his heart.

But when he thinks that he is living such an aggrieved life as a bandit, it is really boring. He has never thought of becoming a bandit, and he is not as happy as he imagined.

I feel that I am hungry and full, and sometimes I can’t even eat. Is this still a bandit? Simply a bum.

Yang Xuan said so much because he hoped that the masked man in black could understand that no matter what his status was, he was actually a bandit, so he had a conscience.

I hope he will turn around in time and stop being obsessed with his obsession. Besides, his hands are not covered with too much blood now, and he has never killed anyone.

Even though he snatched some things and felt guilty, he didn't deserve to die. Yang Xuan also thought about such a situation, so it was up to him to choose.

Besides, he faces such risks every day, how much can he get? Yang Xuan also thinks that it really doesn't make any sense for him to do so. I hope he can leave here quickly and find a place to live.

This is the best arrangement, Yang Xuan wants to explain these principles to him, I hope he can understand, after all, Yang Xuan still has to go to the Yunzhongshan Temple, so he can't waste any more time.

"¨You are a bandit, and at the same time you are taking a lot of risks, and you can't grab anything. There are not many people in this place, and the people who come don't have much gold and silver. Why do you have to Being a bandit here is the best way to find a place to live'々."

"Looking at your (good Zhao) appearance, my heart is at peace. After all, you have figured it out now, so you don't need me to urge you anymore. I don't want to kill you today, and you know the reason."

"You're lucky today. Go wherever you want. Go down for more than an hour not far away. Look for it. There should be a village. Hurry up and find a place to live a good life. Don't Wander outside again, otherwise, how can I be as lucky as today next time.".

Chapter 2190 Yang Xuan persuades the bandits to turn around

After the masked man in black heard what Yang Xuan said, he already understood what he should do, and he knew what to choose. He was very quiet.

And at this moment, he threw the two weapons in his hands into the grass, and he didn't want to be a bandit anymore. He decided to leave here and find a place to live quietly. From then on, he changed his ways.

Looking at the back of the masked man in black slowly leaving, Yang Xuan finally felt at ease.

Yang Xuan continued to climb the mountain.

After all, the Yunzhongshan Temple is so high and steep, Yang Xuan can only enter the Yunzhongshan Temple if he climbs to the top of the mountain, otherwise he would just look down and have no way of knowing what the Yunzhongshan Temple is like.

I originally wanted to quickly enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, but I thought it would be better to go up this road 237, and the Yunzhongshan Temple is so high and so steep.

Yang Xuan just wanted to experience the scenery along the way in person. For him, his mood was relatively calm. When Yang Xuan was about to arrive at Yunzhongshan Temple.

He has seen this light appearing continuously, and the smell of this fragrance is getting stronger and stronger, and he feels a little choking, and he has never felt such a situation.

Although Yang Xuan was under some pressure, everything was fine for him, even if it was a little dangerous, it was normal.

(ccad) He can change himself through such an ability, so it doesn't matter to him whether he is reincarnated or goes to another reincarnation world.

When Yang Xuan approached the Yunzhongshan Temple, the door suddenly opened, and a Taoist priest walked out inside, and he didn't look like a monk, but he had hair. Yang Xuan was also surprised at this moment, and slowly approached.

Yang Xuan felt that this person should be just an ordinary person, there was nothing evil about him, it was impossible for him to be a monster at all, it seemed that people's guesses were all wrong.

The Taoist priest who came out is Taoist Priest Yunya, and he is also out to wander around here at the moment, and they live on the top of the mountain all year round, the terrain is relatively high, and their life is relatively quiet.

But the moment he opened the door, he also saw Yang Xuan, and he also felt a little strange about this young man. He had gone up the mountain all the way, so it seemed that there were no scars on his body.

Moreover, he came to the top of the mountain so smoothly, which really surprised him, Taoist Master Yunya looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and said.

"Young man, are you here looking for someone? Why do you look so strange in your outfit? Did you come up this way? But it seems that you have a lot of ability and high internal strength. Who are you? ? Why did you come here? Could it be that you came to this Yunzhongshan Temple to find someone? Or something else."

"If you really have something to say, just say it directly. Don't worry and don't be hesitant. You don't look like a hesitant person when you do things like this. I am Daoist Yunya. I have lived here for a long time. The things here I know all about it, but did the villagers nearby tell you something?"

"Looking at you, you probably aren't the villagers here. I've seen a few villagers before. When they entered the neighborhood, they felt that this place seemed to be filled with monsters, and they were very scared. Later, No one would come here."

Chapter 2191 Yang Xuan has reached the top of the mountain

Taoist Master Yunya looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and he remained relatively quiet after saying these words, Taoist Master Yunya was not a monster at all.

They are just some ordinary people practicing here, and they have gained a certain amount of internal strength here, but now he feels that Yang Xuan should not be an idler.

But what did he come here for? Did he also hear about what happened here? Taoist Master Yunya had almost guessed it, and he came to Yunzhongshan Temple alone.

There must be something wrong or he came here to find out what happened, but Taoist Master Yunya only told him so much at the moment, let's see what's the matter with him?

Besides, there is nothing weird about this Yunzhongshan temple at all, it's just people's legends. They feel scared and frightened, so they say that this Yunzhongshan temple is like a hell.

Originally, the Yunzhongshan Temple was higher on the map, so it would be more difficult for people to come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, but there is no horrible thing happening in this place.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also knew that the other party was Daoist Yunya. It seems that at his age, he should not be some evil demon. Yang Xuan already felt it.

Besides, it is still possible to see the other party's true identity based on his ability, so Brother Yang Xuanshe doesn't have any pressure in his heart, and he wouldn't be afraid of these things in the first place.

But he also thought that it might be the people around here who didn't understand Yunzhongshan Temple at all, so they passed on this place as a dark world in a region.

This place didn't seem to be as it had been imagined. Yang Xuan looked inside through the gate and saw that there were many buildings inside, and many Buddha statues were enshrined.

And looking inside, there are still several halls, which are really good. It seems that what people imagine is just the opposite here, and Yang Xuan's heart is considered to be at peace at this moment.

After all, he didn't care about anything, and he came to Yunzhongshan Temple just to give an explanation to the common people, to check the situation for them, and then if they were sincere, they would come to Yunzhongshan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Yang Xuan just thought that it would be really difficult to come to Yunzhongshan Temple this way, and this place is too high and steep. If people really want to come to Yunzhongshan Temple, they will worship Buddha devoutly.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Then they will set off before dawn. It seems that this matter is decided by themselves. Yang Xuan came here just to know the situation behind it, to see if there is any evil thing that people said happened.


"I don't worry after hearing what you said. It seems that you already know my origins well, otherwise you wouldn't say that. However, there are indeed some problems when I come to the Yunzhongshan Temple. People say that there are legends about this place. It's a bit weird, and this place is a rather scary temple."

"I just thought that since it was such a situation, I would come here to see if there was such a frightening thing in the legend, which made people feel very surprised. I just passed by when I was at the foot of the mountain. Yes, I met a few villagers here, and they said that there is a temple in this mountain called Yunzhongshan Temple.”

"I just wanted to come over and have a look. That's the case, so you are the Taoist leader here, but there should be an abbot here." Three.

Chapter 2192 Single-handedly broke into the temple

"These things actually have nothing to do with me, but since I've passed by here, I'm more or less capable, so I want to come up and find out the situation myself."

Taoist Master Yunya didn't find it strange. After all, the young man who came to Yunzhongshan Temple was different. If he didn't have the guts, how could he come here?

"Two three seven" Daoist Yun Ya didn't find it strange at all, but after hearing these words, he felt that he had some thoughts in his heart, and the other party came here just to find the answer.

He just wanted to give an explanation to the nearby villagers to solve this doubt, otherwise he would not have appeared. Daoist Yunya was even more surprised.

But who is this person? Why does he look so strange? Daoist Yunya didn't know why, but he felt that Yang Xuan had a special aura.

I don't know what kind of character he is, it seems that he is really too strong, Taoist Yunya still has abilities at his age, so face the young man in front of him.

Although he didn't know the origin of the other party, he already felt that the other party was a very special person. He couldn't tell what the situation was, but he already felt something different.

Yang Xuan looked carefully at Taoist Priest Yunya, this Taoist priest is really kind, he is really not as evil as people say, his eyes look very kind.

Yang Xuan has been observing for a long time, since the moment Taoist Master Yunya came out of the gate of Yunzhongshan Temple, some people felt that he was not such an evil monster as people said.

It seems that there is no need to worry about these things. Yang Xuan already has the answer in his heart. Facing this matter, he knows in his heart that since he has the answer, he doesn't need to think about it anymore.

After all, at this moment, he also understands in his heart that no matter what the situation is, he can control it better and make this matter clearer.

Then there is no need to worry about these issues anymore, Yang Xuan just came here to give an explanation to the common people, otherwise he did not land in Yunzhongshan Temple, how could he come here?

The construction of this Yunzhongshan temple is really weird. Why did it have to be built on such a high mountain top? Yang Xuan has a lot of questions in his heart, and he will ask Taoist Master Yunya for advice later...

He also thought for a while to see if he could enter the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Although Yang Xuan is powerful, no one can stop his actions, but if Taoist Master Yunya allows him to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple openly in the future, it will be better.

"I want to answer this kind of doubt for people, otherwise, people would not even dare to approach the nearby forest, let alone come to the Yunzhongshan Temple, but when they are down the mountain, they always see some gas When the top of the mountain floats out, I feel that there are people living in this Yunzhongshan temple.”

"But people burn incense and worship Buddha every day, but 0.3% of them don't have the guts to come to Yunzhongshan Temple. I feel quite puzzled by these things, so I want to come and have a look. It turns out that this is the case, and there will be no more Don't think too much about other things."

"Since I passed by here, can I go in and have a look? This Yunzhongshan Temple looks serious from the outside, but I don't know what it looks like inside.".

Chapter 2193 It turns out that all this is guesswork

"But just now, through the crack of the door, I saw that there are many buildings inside, many palaces, and many Buddha statues enshrined. It is really a spectacular place. Then your Yunzhongshan Temple should not be open to the outside world, then Even if people come here and climb such a high mountain, they probably won't be able to get in."

Yang Xuan had this requirement, otherwise, what would he do when he came to Yunzhongshan Temple, after all, he could enter Yunzhongshan Temple by himself through his ability.

Yang Xuan thought it would be better if he went in with Taoist Priest Yunya, he didn't want to enter Yunzhongshan Temple without authorization, and he didn't want to sneak around by himself.

Besides, we have already met Taoist Master Yunya, Yang Xuan was also thinking about these things, that is, he had already told the other party his name when he was chatting with him just now.

Yang Xuan didn't want to hide it either, and besides, there was nothing to hide, he was not a famous person, and the Taoist Master Yunya he thought of was quite real.

Such a Taoist priest manages things in this Yunzhongshan Temple, and there are higher people here to manage it, no matter what it is.

Yang Xuan just wanted to go in and enjoy the scenery inside the Yunzhongshan Temple, look at these buildings, and these Buddha statues. He also wanted to find some doubts and see if there were any other situations.

Although Daoist Yunya is kind, if other people are evil, they are all possible. Yang Xuan has a lot of things on his mind.

After all, his mind is so active, he always has to understand it clearly before he can know the answer he wants, and then he can go back to the mountain and explain to the common people, otherwise, Yang Xuan would feel uneasy.

Taoist Master Yunya already understood what Yang Xuan meant. It seemed that this young man wanted to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple for a visit. How could Taoist Master Yunya refuse?

There is nothing shady in this Yunzhongshan temple, so this is a Buddhist holy place, this place is so quiet and sacred, how can it be possible to allow some unclean things in it?

Daoist Yunya was also thinking about the other party. Since he had this thought, there was no need to beat around the bush. Daoist Yunya also thought that since Yang Xuan had already come to Yunzhongshan Temple.

Then he must be asked to do it, otherwise, they will not be able to solve their doubts. How can he explain to the villagers when he goes back? Taoist Master Yunya already understands this matter in his heart.

It seems that it is like that situation, then some things are not what they think at all, and only when they see the answer can they believe it.

If he couldn't see the truth, how could Yang Xuan leave easily, and how could he not have any worries? Taoist Master Yunya 237 has already seen the situation clearly.

"Since you have this idea, how can I refuse it? Since you want to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, go for it. Anyway, there is nothing shameful about this place, and there is no bad deed. As long as you want to It is open to the public at any time to visit, but no one comes here all year round.”

"Basically, our gates will be closed, and we seem to be used to it. If the people here come to Yunzhongshan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha every day, and add incense oil, we will open the gate every morning.".

Chapter 2194 Go up along the path

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