"It's impossible to do this at all. I know these things in my heart. How could I do it according to your ideas? You are a bandit, but I won't be afraid. If I am really afraid, when you appear For a moment, I have given you this burden.".

Chapter 2183 Will not miss any chance

"Don't dangle around here with these two weapons. It's useless to me at all. The reason why I am like this and ignore your words and actions is because I don't want to hurt you. , you are still a conscientious bandit."

After the masked man in black heard what Yang Xuan said, he himself was a little dumbfounded. He felt that a young man would say such a thing. Could it be that he didn't know that this was a bandit?

Why does he still look so arrogant? The masked man in black 22 felt that he was a little embarrassed, he didn't know what to do, he was robbing at the moment.

But as if he was a victim, the masked man in black did have a conscience, even though he became a bandit in this mountain.

But he won't kill people, he can't do it at any time, so what he meets is a villain, otherwise he will never hurt anyone's life.

For him, he was clear in his heart, but he felt that Yang Xuan in front of him had said so much, did he just hope that he would put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately?

It is impossible for the masked man in black to do this. He just wants to grab something and maintain his own life. He has entered the village life. He doesn't want to farm or work.

He didn't want to live like those people, after all, he wanted to get something for nothing, but he felt that robbery was still the best choice for him.

Otherwise, he couldn't have done this at the beginning. He just felt that these situations had arisen at this moment. How could he not understand the problems behind it if he knew it in his heart?

Looking at the masked man in black, Yang Xuan felt that this guy's current appearance still made him feel a little unimaginable, and he seemed a little repentant at the moment.

But it is impossible for him not to be a bandit, but Yang Xuan doesn't care about so many bandits, there are too many bandits in the world, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to redeem them one by one, as long as they don't hurt others.

As long as they get their own things, they will naturally leave. Yang Xuan is either ignorant of the situation at the moment, or he hopes that they can decide all of this by themselves since Yang Xuan has landed here.

He wanted to go to Yunzhongshan Temple but was stopped by a masked man in black, ready to rob, Yang Xuan thought it was quite interesting, it seems that this bandit is not a heinous sinner.

Yang Xuan also understood this matter in his heart at the moment, but felt that the more it was like that, the more unimaginable it was for him, but Yang Xuan would not make this matter too entangled.

He knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, his mood was quite stable.

Yang Xuan won't worry about this matter, after all, it doesn't make any sense anymore, the world is in chaos, so there are too many bandits233, and many villains have appeared.

"At least you won't hurt other people's lives when you hijack property. You just rob things without killing people. Otherwise, I've already let your head fall to the ground. How can I keep you? You don't want to be in front of me." Crazy, if you are sensible, you can leave me immediately."

"I don't want to hurt you either. If you want to be your bandit, then do it right here. As long as you don't kill people, it's fine. In this troubled time, there are many people who are hungry, and there is no way. , if you really have a way to get what you want, it is also a pretty good opportunity.".

Chapter 2184 Many people are hungry

"Being a bandit is not a bad thing. After all, some people have nowhere to go. I understand you. After all, you are not an evil sinner. Although you robbed some things, you didn't hurt anyone's life. I just Forgive you, why don't you feel unconvinced?"

The masked man in black also admitted that he did a good job, how could he want to kill people? At the very beginning, he was not a commoner.

The reason why he had nowhere to go was because he felt that he might be too lazy to do anything, and his skills were pretty good, so he wanted to stay here nearby.

Ready to become a bandit, life is quite easy, and after robbing some things, he can still maintain politics, and at the same time he will not kill people.

If the masked man in black hadn't had any means back then, he wouldn't have been able to do this, but he has some bad habits, but he is not that evil, nor is he that vicious.

He couldn't bear to kill people. Although he held two weapons every day and looked fierce, he really wouldn't hurt anyone.

He has never killed anyone, he is not that courageous, he is just pretending to be a bluff, he is just holding two weapons to show courage to others.

But he also has a company, but he will not kill anyone easily, he knows what he is doing, just to grab something, to keep himself alive.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to live in this place. People have said that the Yunzhongshan Temple is more dangerous, and the masked man in black also thought that the more dangerous the place, the safer it might be.

He just had such an idea, so he decided to come here again, otherwise he would not be here.

Looking at the masked man in black, Yang Xuan wondered why this guy didn't say a word now, why he looked so quiet, did he repent.

Yang Xuan just felt that the masked man in black could not be a bandit. He is not very old in his current state. If he is asked to do other things, unless someone takes him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to go on the right path, but as long as he doesn't kill people as a bandit, it's fine. At least his current situation looks pretty good.

But the way Yang Xuan looked at him, even though he didn't speak at the moment, he still had an unconvinced expression on his face, his eyes revealing a struggle. Is this guy trying to scare himself with his eyes?

Yang Xuan thought it was really interesting, the masked man in black was not as hateful as he imagined, even though he was a bandit, he was a few years older than himself.

Some things are also forced to be helpless, but what Yang Xuan should say should be clear, let him understand that what he is doing now is not a good thing, but if he feels unconvinced, he can completely fight against himself.

It depends on whether his ability can reach such a limit, and I want to make it clear at this moment, regardless of the masked man in black, he doesn't know what is powerful at all.

"¨If you want to fight me, then you can fight me with your weapons. I'll see how capable you are. If you don't have this ability, you should leave here quickly. I don't want to hurt you. You, but don’t stop me, I still want to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple`々.”.

Chapter 2185 To survive as a bandit

Yang Xuan didn't want to be long-winded at all, a bandit was not qualified to talk so much nonsense to him, either because the masked man in black had never killed anyone before, or just to grab something.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to keep him in this world.

Yang Xuan has principles in doing things.

He will not kill people casually, let alone wipe out a person for no reason, even if the masked man in black is already a bandit, Yang Xuan doesn't want to do that.

And he is also helpless, if he has other survival instincts, he will not want to be a bandit, after all, if the person he meets is a master, his life will not be saved.

Yang Xuan could understand, but he didn't want to block his way at this moment, Yang Xuan still wanted to go to Yunzhongshan Temple to see the situation there. 233

How could Yang Xuan still be in the mood to talk to him so much, what should be said has already been said, Yang Xuan felt that he had done the best of benevolence and righteousness.

If it weren't for my kind heart, I'm afraid the masked man in black would have died at this moment. How could he still have the opportunity to say so much to himself?

Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that facing such a situation, he didn't attack the other party because he felt that a bandit was sometimes forced to do so, even if there was any way.

Maybe none of them would do this. Of course Yang Xuan could understand such feelings, but at the moment he didn't want to talk so much anymore. The masked man in black is still quite stubborn.

If he had to look at what was in his luggage, Yang Xuan would not be able to show him.

There were clothes and a protective Yang Xuan in the baggage, how could it be possible to take them out easily? No matter what the masked man in black said, Yang Xuan would not care so much, this guy is not qualified to fight against paper.

"I don't have any time to waste here for you. Hurry up (ccad) and leave me now, don't block my way anymore, and it's impossible for your ability to block my way."

"The reason I've told you so much is to see what's going on with you. You're a bandit, but being a bandit has its benefits. If you're so free and easy, the common people don't have much ability. Leave after you've got something, don't stay here."

"Don't you understand what I said? With your ability, can you still resist me now? If you can grasp it sometimes, why don't you threaten me with a weapon now? Why don't you use your weapon to fight against me? If you resist, it proves that you have no bottom in your heart, let it go quickly."

Yang Xuan didn't make a move at the moment. They wanted to kill the masked man in black. Even though he was a bandit, he wasn't guilty of serious crimes. He didn't hurt anyone's life.

He just wants to grab some things, just to make a living, which is also a way of life, but it's not the best choice for him.

He should be on the right path. Yang Xuan was about to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple at this moment, but he didn't expect to meet a masked man in black on the way.

Yang Xuan didn't want to say these words at all, he had already said what should be said, he just felt that these things had already happened at this moment.

He knew how he should face all this, besides, he wanted to go to Yunzhongshan Temple to find some clues.

Chapter 2186 Looking for more clues

See who lives in this Yunzhongshan Temple and why the people around here are all Yunzhongshan Temples, which is rather scary. Yang Xuan thinks there is something scary about such a temple.

Go check it yourself, and you will naturally understand the reason behind it. Since Yang Xuan has come here, he wants to leave here if he doesn't want to.

For him, he knew in his heart what he should do, and he knew what he should decide. Yang Xuan was still relatively calm at the moment~.

No matter what the masked man in black is, this guy doesn't have the guts to fight against him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to wait until now, he's just bluffing.

Based on his ability, he is really not qualified. Yang Xuan kept him in the hope that he could understand his intentions, hope that he could correct his evil and turn to the right, and put down the butcher knife.

If he can do this, all of this is fine, if he doesn't want to do that, then Yang Xuan doesn't want to force it, let him decide all this by himself.

Yang Xuan didn't want to interfere so much anymore, a bandit also had a chance to choose, and it was impossible for Yang Xuan to kill him, and there was no need to kill them all.

Sometimes bandits don't necessarily want to be bandits, they are also desperate. In the era of war and chaos, Yang Xuan also thought about such a situation, which is really quite special.

But besides the fact that there are so many masters now, he has a certain amount of courage to be a bandit here. After all, once he encounters a master, he may not be able to retreat unscathed.

The masked man in black looked at Yang Xuan quietly, feeling that this matter was really coming to an end, but he still wanted to take off the other party's burden.

Then his own ability can't resist the opponent, it seems that this matter is just talking.

The masked man in black is not a fool, he is so smart.

How could he not see the opponent's ability? The masked man in black didn't know the identity of the other party, anyway, the other party's ability was particularly strong, and his internal strength was relatively deep.

It seems that it is really impossible to resist him. The masked man in black is also aware of this truth. It seems that he will admit it today and cannot confront him head-on.

It is impossible for him to be brave, unless he doesn't want to live anymore, he has already seen the situation, no matter what the identity of the person in front of him is.

····Ask for flowers 0···

He is already a very powerful character, and it seems that he will admit defeat today.

The masked man in black also thought that as long as he was alive, he would not be afraid of having no chance. He could only do this in the face of Yang Xuan.


"It seems that it is impossible for you to commit the crime obediently today, but I am quite sensible. Since you are so young and have this ability, I am not your opponent at all, and I don't want to force it anymore. It seems that today I I found nothing, but I also recognized it, and I have seen it clearly."

"You are also sensible. You know that I will not kill people. Although I am a bandit, you did not take action. Your ability is much stronger than mine. I have already seen that I should be grateful now. What about your grace of not killing, but I don’t care so much about all of this.”

"Since you don't want to take off your baggage, I don't want to read it either. Let's just say goodbye. We will never see each other again. If you want to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, go." Three.

Chapter 2187 The journey is very long

"Danger may appear at any time. You should take care of yourself. After all, you are not a bad person. Although I am a bandit, I am not heinous. Everything I do is to survive."

After the masked man in black said this, he didn't want to keep him at all, he just reminded Yang Xuan to be more careful.

Although the masked man in black has never been to the "Two Three Three" Yunzhongshan Temple.

But I also heard that this place is very dangerous. If he is really not afraid, he can go to Yunzhongshan Temple by himself. The masked man in black doesn't want to interfere so much at all.

After all, today, as a bandit, I have no money, but instead met such a character, the masked man in black felt quite surprised.

But at this moment, in order to survive, he really can't fight against the opponent. The masked man in black has seen this situation, and he won't take this risk. He hasn't lived enough yet.

He didn't want to die in vain. Since the other party is so powerful, why should he seek his own death? Since the other party didn't want to pursue so much, he didn't want to pursue so much, and let himself leave here.

The masked man in black has already seen the situation clearly. He will not miss this rare opportunity, as long as he can survive. The masked man in black has principles in doing things and he will not kill people.

It is impossible to casually take a person's life just to rob something, he just wants to intercept something to survive, otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen to be a bandit here in the first place.

Yang Xuan's heart was finally at ease, the masked man in black could finally leave here, and he didn't have to prepare to rob himself anymore, Yang Xuan thought it was too funny, would he still want to rob him with his little ability?

If I hadn't been in a good mood today, if I hadn't seen that he had never hurt anyone else, Yang Xuan, how could it be possible to keep him here until now?

It is very easy to kill a person with Yang Xuan's ability, who has already smashed his body into thousands of pieces, but Yang Xuan will try his best not to do so.

He was relatively calm when he saw the masked man in black. After all, Yang Xuan also wanted to go to Yunzhongshan Temple to see what was going on. He didn't want to stay here at all.

Some things are already here. He knows what he should do. Facing such a situation, he knows better how to make sure...

Yang Xuan also wants to get more martial arts cheats, but he also wants to get more rewards, besides, every time he can improve his ability and improve his skills, this is a good thing.

Facing the masked man in black, he didn't care so much at all. Yang Xuan also thought that since the man was about to leave, it seemed that the matter had settled down.

"Is it right for you to think so? Otherwise, I wouldn't underestimate you just because of your ability. It is impossible for me to be qualified to tell me that I have already eliminated you by now, but it's not because of you." I usually do all this 0.3, let me keep you until now, you can grab things, but you won't hurt any lives."

"It's good that you won't kill people casually, otherwise, you would never have a chance to survive. All of this is because of what you usually do to save your life." It cost your life today, try not to rob in the future.”.

Chapter 2188 Thanks for not killing

"Besides, if you want to rob, how can it be so simple? This place is so remote and poor, and it is more difficult to rob something. It's better to go to the village to live, farm, cut firewood and hunt for a living. It's up to you Can Kung Fu still be hungry? Isn’t robbery just to have something to eat?”

After the masked man in black heard Yang Xuan's lecture, he felt that he seemed to understand some truths. It seemed that what the young man said was right, and the masked man in black also understood.

For him, he really lived in this place, so as a bandit, he robbed very few things, and sometimes no one passed by here for half a month.

The masked man in black also relied on those things before to maintain his life, and 22 and he also thought of many things, in fact, he also thought about the way Yang Xuan said.

It seems that it really should be changed again. I really didn't gain anything today, so if I can't get better, I'm afraid he will eat wild fruits and wild vegetables in this mountain.

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