The masked man in black still felt a little strange in his heart, he looked at Yang Xuan quietly, they kept a certain distance now, but he just couldn't figure out a young man in his heart.

When he was at the foot of the mountain just now, he chatted with that person for so long, but that person left, and Yang Xuan in front of him was going to climb the mountain alone. Does he want to go to Yunzhongshan Temple?

The masked man in black felt that there were only these very weird people in the Yunzhongshan Temple. The masked man in black would never go there anymore, but he still felt quite safe living at the foot of the mountain.

He didn't know what lived in the Yunzhongshan Temple, whether the people were some evil monsters or humans, the masked man in black just thought they were monsters.

How else could he have survived till now? It's not as scary as people say at all, and the masked man in black doesn't care so much at all.

Yang Xuan felt that he was not afraid of the masked man in black. Even though he had said so much, the other party was also fearless. It seemed that he had a lot of courage.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to prepare to rob near the Yunzhongshan Temple, and stay here. The harvest here is quite small. Does he really do this every day?

Anyway, Yang Xuan felt that there was still a lot of risk for him to do so. This place is quite close to the Yunzhongshan Temple. It is not clear who lives in the Yunzhongshan Temple....

It seems that he has lived here for so long, and the absence of any danger proves that there are no evil monsters living in the Yunzhongshan Temple. Yang Xuan felt at ease.

But the masked man in black is here to rob, which is not a good thing, but after hearing what he said, at least Yang Xuan didn't eliminate him for the time being.

Because the other party had already said that they only robbed some property and did not kill people at all, so this point is not bad, Yang Xuan also thought about it for a while and asked what happened.

"You didn't rob once or twice, it seems that you are safe and sound, there should be no danger here, but if you want to rob me, it seems that today is not easy, I have nothing on me, this burden is 0.3 It's just the clothes I carry with me, if you want, I can give it to you."

"But what kind of gold and silver treasures do you want, I don't have any at all, I have no money on me, if you don't believe me, you can accept it, but I advise you, you should leave here, don't wait for me to make a move, right? I think I'm quite gentle."

Chapter 2178

"You feel that I have no ability, but if you think so, you are wrong."

"It's not that I'm looking for death today. I think you are looking for death. A good person with such a strong body with hands and feet will not farm or do other things. Since he is robbing in this place, this What the **** are you robbing? I advise you to leave here."

How could there be anything valuable on Yang Xuan's body? Based on his ability, he only has a lot of spells and skills, it is impossible to bring these things, and he doesn't need them.

It seems that the masked man in black really miscalculated, Yang Xuan just hoped that he could understand and leave here quickly, otherwise, Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt him.

After all, the other party is not a monster, he just grabs things here to survive, and he doesn't kill people, Yang Xuan feels that he is not guilty of death.

At this moment, he didn't attack him, and Yang Xuan didn't take any action, because he didn't want to kill anyone casually, and the masked man in black might have no choice.

Naturally, he has difficulties, not every robber, every gangster is so cruel, some of them have no choice but to do so, Yang Xuan also understands this matter in his heart.

But at this moment, the masked man in black wanted to rob him, but there was really nothing to rob him. There was nothing about Yang Xuan that he had told the masked man in black so clearly.

I hope he can understand that if he is really not convinced, he can launch an attack, Yang Xuan wants to see what a robber is capable of.

The masked man in black was a little confused at the moment. He was holding two weapons, one was an ax and the other was a broadsword. He didn't attack Yang Xuan. After all, he didn't want to hurt anyone.

He was just being helpless, just robbing, talking about some things, he would not do other things, he just felt that the other party said something in his burden.

There are only some clothes and things that he carries with him, he has to look at them, otherwise how could he believe it, he just thinks that this young man is so calm.

And since he was really crazy when he spoke, the masked man in black was also thinking about the other party. It seemed that he was the only one who was capable. Such a quiet young man was robbed.

He looked so calm, not afraid at all, and he was a little worried at the moment, but he couldn't back down, after all, he had been robbing here for so long, and there was no danger or situation.

But he didn't dare to relax easily, he was now holding two weapons ready to attack him at any time, he didn't know if the other party would take the initiative to attack, he was ready at any time.

"Stinky boy, don't be so arrogant. Does 230 have some skills? But I'm not a vegetarian. I've been thinking about it for so long, and I have a little bit of effort. How could I want to rob? I've already said, I don't want to kill, so don't force me to do it."

"If you don't take the initiative to take out the valuables on your body, I will really be rude to you. Since there are clothes in your baggage, then you open it and let me have a look. I have to understand it before I can believe it. Let’s talk, but seeing how rich you are dressed like this, how could it be possible that you don’t have gold and silver treasures on you?”

"So you go out with nothing? How do you survive outside?".

Chapter 2179 Look at the things in the baggage

"Don't take me for a fool, let alone talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with you if I can't get into the water. Although this place is remote, it's okay to grab something, and there are people passing by if it's remote. here."

Yang Xuan didn't expect the masked man in black to say that. It seems that this guy is not an idiot.

Yang Xuan did have a particularly important treasure, but he would not be taken away by the masked man in black, Yang Xuan just thought that this guy was quite smart.

He wanted to unpack the burden by himself, but how could Yang Xuan listen to him at the moment, if he hadn't looked at him himself, he would have been righteous.

Even though it was just robbery and did not kill anyone to make a living, Yang Xuan would not compromise, how could he be threatened by a bandit? Yang Xuan found this very interesting.

The masked man in black turned his eyes around when he was talking, and kept staring at himself, maybe he wanted to search for something, Yang Xuan had nothing but this burden.

There is one of his favorite treasures in Yang Xuan's baggage. Although it is not something too valuable, it is Yang Xuan's personal belongings, and he cannot easily give it to the other party.

But the masked man in black seemed quite stubborn. If he didn't see what was in the bag, he wouldn't leave here. Yang Xuan was also thinking about this guy.

It seems that he is also quite stubborn, but at this moment Yang Xuan also understands in his heart that no matter how stubborn he is, if Yang Xuan wants to get rid of him, there is no problem at all, but Yang Xuan doesn't want to do that.

The masked man in black kept looking at Yang Xuan. He said so much, but the other party was still indifferent. He didn't take off the burden at all, and the burden was tied tightly behind his back.

It just looks like there is something in it, otherwise how could the other party be so sincere? If it was just some clothes, how could he look like this now.

The masked man in black was not without brains, he felt that no matter who Yang Xuan was, if he met him today, he would definitely get something.

Unless there is nothing on him, the masked man will not hurt him and he will leave naturally, but the other party seems to be still teaching himself.

I still hope to go to other places to grab something by myself. The masked man in black is very familiar with the surrounding terrain and he knows exactly what there is in every place.

Moreover, these ordinary people don't have any valuable things at all. Apart from some food, they only have some worn-out clothes.

How could the masked man in black go there to rob? It would be better for him to squat near the Yunzhongshan temple. There are still some masked men in black who come here on this road near this mountain and can grab some things.

He has been here for a few years, and it's not bad, but he doesn't know anything about the Yunzhongshan (good) temple, but he won't leave here easily, let alone go to the village.

"¨¨I went to this nearby village to grab something, there is nothing valuable there, why should I go? Why do you have to dominate me, and although there is a Yunzhongshan temple here, but what is there in the Yunzhongshan temple? I don't know about people, it seems that you want to go to Yunzhongshan Temple, you go to your Yunzhongshan Temple, it has nothing to do with me'々.".

Chapter 2180 On a sinful path

The masked man in black didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so determined, he wasn't afraid at all, and the masked man in black also felt a little panicked.

But he couldn't show timidity at the moment, after all, he was a bandit, and he was robbing now, how could he be afraid?

But he didn't know what Yang Xuan's identity was, why did the other party look so calm? And he also wanted to go to Yunzhongshan Temple, and the masked man in black felt that it was really dangerous.

This Yunzhongshan Temple has also heard that there are some dangers, but the masked man in black has stayed at the foot of the mountain for so long, and he has not found any difference.

But at this moment, he is in order to make a living, in order to survive, he has no choice but to become a bandit here, but he will never kill anyone, what he said at this moment is to scare Yang Xuan.

The masked man in black felt quite helpless, the other party was carrying a bag, what was in his bag? If it was clothes, why didn't the other party take them down? Why not let yourself talk about it?

The masked man in black also thought that if he couldn't do it, he would do it in the future, but when he did it, Yang Xuan's life would not be hurt, even though he didn't know Yang Xuan's identity.

I don't know how capable the other party is, but today I finally met a person who has been walking around here for several days (ccad), but he hasn't grabbed anything. The masked man in black will not leave today without getting something .

"Keep the valuables on your body, otherwise I won't let you go easily. Do you think you are quite capable, fearless, not afraid at all, and take my words as a deaf ear."

"I'm a robber and a bandit. Why doesn't it matter to you now? You look down on my career too much. I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you. Hurry up and unpack your bags. I want to see If there is nothing valuable, I will take it away."

The expression on Yang Xuan's face at this moment was dismissive, he didn't care what the masked man in black said at all, this guy is just a bandit, now he wants to rob himself and accept his own, how is that possible?

There are some clothes in Yang Xuan's baggage, and one of his favorite treasures, how could it be given to the masked man in black, at this moment Yang Xuan doesn't want to kill him.

Just because he has principles in doing things, a bandit will not kill people easily, just to emphasize something, Yang Xuan thinks that the masked man in black can do things passably.

Because in this world, there are many people who are forced to do so, and they will take a sinful path, just like the masked man in black who became a bandit by himself.

He was also forced to do so, as long as he didn't hurt other people's lives and just thought about something, it wouldn't be a serious crime, so Yang Xuancai didn't kill him.

Yang Xuan quietly looked at the masked man in black, and felt that he was really acting like a prank, directing and acting on his own, just like performing here.

But Yang Xuan felt that his actions were so funny, his eyes seemed to be pretending to be calm, he was already scared, after all Yang Xuan had this ability.

After he heard that someone was robbing, he was not afraid at all, so how could he not be afraid of the other party? Yang Xuan also understood in his heart that since this is the case, there is nothing to worry about at the moment.

Chapter 2181 Is Overwhelmed

Besides, he won't kill people easily. Even though the masked man in black is a bandit, there are some things he doesn't say willingly.

If he can survive, he doesn't necessarily want to do this. It seems that the other party only wants to be strong enough and then leave, but there is really nothing on Yang Xuan.

It is impossible to give him the treasure in the baggage, after all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that this protection would be of no use to him.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't know about this situation, besides, this time he was going to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to check the problems here.

But I didn't expect to meet a masked man in black here. This guy is now covered with a mask. Yang Xuan is not afraid at all, and doesn't care about his situation.

I just want to leave here, but this guy insists on looking at the burden, how could Yang Xuan give it to him? It seems that he is really a genius, and he is still a bandit with his ability.

However, Yang Xuan also thought that it was okay for him to rob the common people, but he had a principle that he would not kill people, and he did a good job in this regard. Although in this chaotic era, many people can't afford to eat, and many people have no choice but to get into this business, but at least the masked man in black can't kill people.

The masked man in black was a little at a loss, he just felt that he had said so much, why was Yang Xuan indifferent? Why does he still look dismissive? Isn't he afraid~?

The masked man in black felt a little unbelievable. How could ordinary people not be afraid when they encountered bandits? The ax and the knife of the masked man in black are very sharp.

Then once the neck of the person is cut, the neck of the other party will fall off, but the masked man in black will not do this, he just pointed at me.

He just wanted to rob some things, and he didn't want to kill people, but he didn't care about Yang Xuan in front of him, and the masked man in black was a little at a loss.

But he also wanted to take a look for a while, and if he said something that scared him, could the other party take out his bag, the masked man in black just wanted to see what was in his bag.

If there are some gold, silver and jewels, the masked man in black will take them away, and his life will never be hurt, but the masked man in black has been watching for a long time.

····Ask for flowers 0···

He felt that the reason why Yang Xuan was so calm was that he had some kung fu? He felt a little strange, but the masked man in black was pretty good at it, so he just wanted to see what the other party thought.

Why doesn't he give it if he just wants to grab something? Could it be that he wants things without his life? The more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes.


The expression on his face at this moment is also very ferocious. If he doesn't show such an appearance to scare the other party, how can he make others feel scared?

"If you cooperate with me obediently and take out your valuables, I will not hurt you. If you resist, then don't blame me for being rude to you. Your life may not be saved. I have already said I don't want to kill people, but if you insist on touching my bottom line, then I won't let you go easily."

"Why are you unconvinced? Don't think that I will let you go if you are so calm. Since I have become a bandit here, I will not let you go easily. I will not leave without seeing something ."three.

Chapter 2182

"Look at you, the clothes you wear are so expensive, how can you not have any valuables on you, so don't fool me anymore, do you want to lose your life for these things outside of you?"

The clothes Yang Xuan wore were indeed expensive, and the masked man in black could tell.

How could he be an ordinary citizen? He must be a rich man, right? "Two, three, three." The masked man in black also thought that it was relatively remote in their place, so how could such a person appear.

The masked man in black still felt a little strange in his heart, but he had already said what he should say, what was the situation before him, and what was Yang Xuan's situation? The masked man in black couldn't figure it out at all.

After all, the masked man in black snatched these things before, but now it seems that it is more difficult to grab some things. Could it be that the other party's baggage is really just some clothes?

If it was just some laundry, why didn't he show it to himself? The masked man in black also felt that these things were unreasonable at all, and they couldn't be explained.

The other party didn't look like he used to at all, and there must be something magical in his luggage, it must be something very important.

Otherwise, why did the other party carry it on their back and not take it off at all? If the masked man in black didn't see anything, how could he let him go?

In fact, the masked man in black had already made up his mind. If the other party didn't have any valuables on him, he would definitely not hurt him and let him go.

But if the other party has something on him, he can teach it, and the masked man in black will never miss this opportunity. He just thinks that Yang Xuan has the ability.

The masked man in black is not a vegetarian either. He has been a bandit for so long and his kung fu is pretty good. He just wants to fight this situation.

Yang Xuan thought it was funny, the masked man in black was still showing his teeth and claws, and the expression on his face was more ferocious at the moment, was he trying to scare himself?

How could Yang Xuan care about him? No matter what he said, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to take out this burden.

And what's in Yang Xuan's baggage...

The masked man in black is useless at all, and it is impossible for him to exchange some property or food. What exactly does the masked man in black want to do?

Does Yang Xuan also feel that he can't do anything other than rob? It seems that the people living nearby are relatively poor, otherwise he would not be preparing to rob in this place.

And he can only get some food in the nearby villages, isn't it okay for him? Food is enough for them.

"Don't overestimate yourself, you guy. I've already said that I don't have any conflict with you with these clothes and supplies on my body, and I don't have the gold, silver and jewelry you want. How can you Don’t believe me 0.3? But don’t try to think that I’m going to show you this baggage.”

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