
How could ordinary people have such courage? Even if they can hunt and resist sexual danger, but if this is too much to say.

They can't touch such a danger. It's better not to enter the forest or go to the Yunzhongshan Temple. No wonder there are so few people in this place.

It turned out to be the reason, but Yang Xuan also thought a lot about it.

Since this is the case, why did someone create such a situation in the first place, and build a temple in such a dangerous place? It's a bit weird to think about it.

When Yang Xuan thought of these things, he felt a little weird, but every time he was reincarnated, it was different.

Chapter 2172 I don't want to be reincarnated in a temple

This time he didn't know what kind of identity he would enter the next reincarnation world, but after he came here now, it might be like a world.

Could this Yunzhongshan Temple be the place where he was planning to reincarnate? Yang Xuan thought it was unlikely, but he didn't want to be reincarnated into Yunzhongshan Temple and become a monk. How could this be possible?

He thought it was funny even thinking about it at the moment of "February 27".

Although Xiao Yunce didn't understand anything, at least now he knew these situations didn't seem to be dangerous, and Yang Xuan's appearance didn't bring any panic.

But he hoped that the other party would not easily enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, or not to touch it. These conditions are better, because when they did not enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, they did not feel that there would be danger.

But once you enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, danger will follow, what should you do then? Because ordinary people have such a way of speaking, they don't touch those demons and ghosts.

They wouldn't come to the door, it was such a situation, Xiao Yunce knew how much he was facing this problem.

He also knew what to do in his heart, he just felt that if these situations were really like this and thinking like that, then it would be fine, but he raised his head with Yang Xuan.

Looking at the high place in the mountain, the Yunzhongshan Temple stands there. Although it is covered by trees, it still looks clearly visible. I can vaguely feel this spectacular scene, which is in this mountain.

It also makes people feel particularly miraculous. In fact, Xiao Yunce also wanted to go in there to take a look, but he didn't have the guts at all, and he was also afraid that he would not know what Yang Xuan was thinking.

If the other party has this ability, Xiao Yunce might go with him, but at this moment it depends on Yang Xuan's thoughts, Xiao Yunce can't just go his own way.

He looked at the green smoke rising from the top of the mountain, and felt that the people inside would light incense burners every day. How could this phenomenon happen? Xiao Yunce understood more or less in his heart.

Facing this question, he was not so afraid. After all, he felt that Yang Xuan came here, and he didn't seem to be afraid, so why should he be so entangled.

"Because there was green smoke from the highest part of the forest, we knew that there were people living there. Later, when we smelled the incense, we knew that it was the Yunzhongshan Temple. A temple was built in the place where we ordinary people simply cannot climb such a high mountain...."

"It is impossible to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple at all. I feel that the situation there is more complicated. We all discuss it. It is better not to go, because we will go to the Yunzhongshan Temple from the current location."

"I'm afraid it will take half a day to go, and the danger is everywhere. How could we have the ability to take this risk? Then everyone just didn't go there at all. Besides, there is a small temple in our village 0.3 , it is the same to worship there.”

Xiao Yunce had already told Yang Xuan about this matter, he was aware of such a situation in his heart, they would not dare to enter Yunzhongshan Temple at all.

There is a small temple in their village, they can worship there, why go to such a far place, and it is so steep and scary, they will never enter the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Chapter 2173 Beasts appear frequently

Some people in the village, when they are free, stand at a low place and look at the Yunzhongshan Temple standing there, but no one dares to touch it, no one dares to try it since it is there.

They didn't even dare to look for this secret. After all, they already knew it, so there was no need to take this risk for this matter, and there were some wild beasts that often appeared in the forest.

It is even more dangerous, they have no ability, and once they encounter wild beasts, they are difficult to resist. Xiao Yunce also understands these situations in his heart at this moment, but what exactly does Yang Xuan want to know?

What on earth is he trying to do? Knowing nothing about all this, Xiao Yunce felt a little strange, and after the other party heard this, his face was very calm, he was not afraid at all.

He also looked fearless.

It was the first time for Xiao Yunce to feel so relaxed. It seemed that this time he came here and looked at the forest without being so scared. Could it be because of Yang Xuan?

Xiao Yunce would suddenly feel this way, otherwise, he wouldn't have said that, he just felt that the current situation was here.

He is also aware of the problem behind this, he just feels that if something really happens, he knows what he should do to face such a problem.

Of course he knew how he should face it, and no matter who Yang Xuan was, at least he would not hurt himself, Xiao Yunce had nothing to worry about.

He will no longer have any worries in his heart, but Xiao Yunce still doesn't quite understand what Yang Xuan wants to do, and he always has to figure it out.

Rather, Xiao Yunce had already told him so much and answered the questions, but he wanted to know more about the situation in the Yunzhongshan Temple, so Xiao Yunce knew nothing about it.

Yang Xuan already understood the situation in his heart. It seemed that there were people living in the Yunzhongshan Temple. When he looked up at him, there was indeed a lot of green smoke coming out of the mountain.

It looks lifelike, and there is a lot of gas floating in the sky, Yang Xuan has already confirmed it at this moment, but Yang Xuan always needs to figure out what kind of character is being made here.

And since he came here, is this a new world for him or unknown? Yang Xuan always wanted to find out, otherwise, how could he have left so quickly?

For him, although all this is rather confusing, he will always know what he wants to know. For him, he has no worries in his heart.

He was still in a good mood, he didn't have too many thoughts at all, everything was normal like this.

"It turns out that I already understand the situation, so don't worry so much. I just asked so many questions just now, and I just feel that the situation looks weird at the moment, but from your 230's words, this Yunzhongshan Temple is inhabited. It’s just that the terrain is relatively high, so people don’t want to bother at all.”

"I don't want to go to the Yunzhongshan Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. I have already understood this situation, but you don't have to think too much now, and since such a problem has arisen, it is not as imagined at all. If there really are ghosts and ghosts here, they have already appeared, how could they have come to this point?"

"No matter where your identities are, if there is such a kind of alien existence, how can they let you go so easily?".

Chapter 2174 The situation is getting more and more complicated

"At the moment, I feel that everything is quite stable, but I want to find out who lives in the Yunzhongshan Temple, and I just asked so many questions."

Xiao Yunce felt surprised at this moment, what did Yang Xuan say? Does he really want to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple to see it? He is so brave.

Xiao Yunce also thought that if he really had the ability, or had the guts, Xiao Yunce would also like to see what was going on in the Yunzhongshan Temple and who lived there.

And what kind of style is it inside? It feels very mysterious and curious. Xiao Yunce has actually had this idea for a long time.

But he didn't have the ability, and he didn't have the courage to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple alone. He made an appointment with his friends, but they all refused.

No one would accompany him to do this at all. They all felt that his spirit was not good, and that his brain was stimulated. Why did he have to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple?

Knowing that that place is so dangerous, why do you want to go there? At this moment, Xiao Yunce also felt very excited. Since Yang Xuan said so, he had this idea.

So with all of this, is it possible to realize his dream with him? Whether you can untie this knot in your heart depends on Yang Xuan, Xiao Yunce is looking at him quietly at the moment.

It depends on what he thinks, whether he wants to do it or not, Xiao Yunce also wants to explore this secret with Yang Xuan himself, otherwise, if he waits for him alone, he will not dare to go at all.

Yang Xuan really didn't want to waste any more time, he knew in his heart about such a problem, since Xiao Yunce couldn't change all of this, Yang Xuan was about to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, and he didn't want to wait now.

"But if I want to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, you probably won't follow me. I don't think you have any ability, so don't follow me. It is also dangerous. I have the ability to protect you, but I think you will enter the Yunzhongshan Temple It doesn't make any sense, because it's going to be dark in a while'々."

"Maybe there is something going on here, and isn't there a lot of talk about this neuropathy? I just hope you can think clearly, and you can think clearly. Don't be so stubborn anymore. How do you hear this? After talking, you can go back in a while."

"¨After all, your village is quite far from here. By the time you walk home, it will be dark. Go home as soon as possible before dark. Don't have any problems. I don't want you I chatted and delayed the time to go home, and your family will be anxious by then."

After Xiao Yunce heard what Yang Xuan said, he already understood the other party's thoughts, seeing that he didn't want him to follow him to Yunzhongshan Temple at all.

Xiao Yunce didn't have to be so stubborn, he was relatively calm, facing this situation, he knew in his heart what he should do, so how could he not understand the situation behind it.

I just feel that if the other party can solve some things, then even if I don't go to Yunzhongshan Temple, it's okay, let's talk about it.

He still thought that since Yang Xuan said so, he must be capable, Xiao Yunce is not capable, and cannot enter the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Chapter 2175 I met a robber in the mountains

Xiao Yunce didn't want to drag others down, so why did he have to do this, it would be better to go back to the village in a calm manner, let alone cause trouble for Yang Xuan.

In this case, everything will be stable. At this moment, facing Yang Xuan in front of him, although he feels a little unwilling in his heart, he must listen to the other party's arrangement.

Otherwise, once some situation arises, he cannot solve it at all, and it will be even more dangerous at that time. Xiao Yunce looked at Yang Xuan quietly, said a few words to him, and turned around to go to the village.

It was indeed getting dark, and when he entered the village, it was getting dark, fearing danger, Xiao Yunce also felt frightened, he had already turned around and walked down the mountain, and had already left here.

Standing alone at the foot of the mountain, Yang Xuan looked at the Yunzhongshan Temple standing in the middle of the mountain. It was extraordinarily majestic. Although the plants were relatively dense now, it was difficult to cover up the light of the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Especially now that the sky is getting dark, since the Yunzhongshan Temple has lights shining out, it still looks very dazzling at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Xuan has already decided to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple. At this moment, he has started to walk slowly, but he originally wanted to fly in the air.

Later, he thought about walking forward now to see what was going on, and now he had slowly reached the halfway up the mountain. When he was walking up the mountain again, he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

The moment Yang Xuan turned his head, since he saw a figure shaking, Yang Xuan felt strange that this place was so remote and steep.

The young man had left just now, why did something happen again? The figure of this person was tall and mighty, and he passed by in a flash. Yang Xuan felt a little strange, so he stood where he was going to check the situation.

When Yang Xuan was preparing to check the situation, this figure suddenly flashed in front of Yang Xuan. He was holding two weapons and looked fierce, and this person's eyes revealed a fierce look.

But wearing a mask has already covered his face, only a pair of eyes can be seen, and he looks like a robber in black clothes, Yang Xuan feels even more surprised, this (ccad) person has already spoken.

"If you don't want to die, quickly take out your things, and I will let you go. Why don't you believe that I am a robber? Do you want to suffer before you are willing to submit? Seeing how you are dressed like this To be rich, you must have a lot of things from before."

"If you are sensible, quickly hand it over yourself, so that I don't have to do it. I'm not trying to scare you. I don't have eyes with these two weapons. Once I shoot out these two weapons, I'm afraid you will die. Just throw it away, if you don't want to die, just listen to my arrangement and don't come near me again."

"Otherwise, I will make your death very ugly. If you don't believe me, you can try it. Young people, don't be so arrogant. I'm just robbing money, and I don't want your life."

After the masked man in black said this, he looked at Yang Xuan and felt quite surprised. After the young man heard these words, he saw that he was carrying a weapon and was about to rob him.

But the other party is not afraid at all, fearless, his eyes are so firm, the masked man in black also finds it unimaginable, this young man doesn't seem to have any skills to be gentle.

Chapter 2176 The bandits are very rampant

Why is he not afraid at all? His eyes told himself that he no longer had so many, and the masked man in black felt a little weird.

At this moment, he was already very angry. He wanted to attack, but he had to wait for the other party to answer before speaking, if the other party obediently handed over the things.

The masked man in black saves trouble, he just thinks that this person is carrying a burden, and there must be some precious treasures inside, that's what the masked man in black thinks~.

He had been lying in ambush here for a long time just now, even though people said it was quite weird here, the masked man in black was not afraid at all, because there were still some villagers who would come here, and some people would pass by-here.

As long as someone passed by here, it would be no problem for the masked man in black to rob some things. He has lived here for a long time, and he just saw Yang Xuan chatting with someone at the foot of the mountain.

The masked man in black didn't move, he just followed after seeing Yang Xuan going up the mountain, the masked man in black didn't care so much at all, he just felt Yang Xuan in front of him.

It seems that he has the ability, otherwise, how can he see that he is not worried? Isn't he afraid of being robbed? Or he doesn't worry about anything at all, which is really illogical.

Yang Xuan's eyes were particularly determined. He looked at the masked man in black in front of him. This guy's teeth and claws really made him feel a little funny. The expression on Yang Xuan's face at the moment was relatively calm.

How could he care about a robber? He didn't expect there to be robbers here. Yang Xuan was planning to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple.

But he didn't expect to encounter such a situation in the middle of the mountain. Yang Xuan was also quite surprised, but he had nothing to worry about now.

With his ability, can't he deal with a robber? The appearance of the masked man in black made him feel very interesting.

In such a remote place, he actually robbed here. It seems that the harvest is not very good. Although people pass by this place occasionally, there are too few people.

He should have chosen a place with a lot of people, but Yang Xuan felt that it was really too bizarre, did this robber have something wrong with his brain?

····Ask for flowers 0···

"You are still a robber just like you. Don't think that you are here with two weapons in your hands. Who are you scaring? I'm not afraid at all. I think it's too funny just like you. Wearing such a black suit Wearing a mask on the clothes, will others find it scary?"

"For me, I'm not afraid at all, so don't scare me anymore. Besides, this place is so remote, are you out of your mind to rob here? If you want to rob, you must find a place with many people. And from this point of view, your harvest is not very good."


"Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to wear tattered clothes. I think it's really unimaginable. There are robbers in this ghost place. Aren't you afraid of death? The Yunzhongshan Temple is right here, this place It's rather weird, it seems that you have lived here for so long."

After the masked man in black heard these words, he was already angry.

However, he felt that what the other party said was reasonable. The ragged clothes he was wearing really looked like this. The masked man in black also thought that he would not gain much here.

Chapter 2177 The Bandit Holds Two Weapons

But he has no other place to go, so the nearby villages are relatively poor, and going there is just to rob some food, and he doesn't think it's interesting.

He is staying nearby. Maybe there are some passers-by who have some gold and silver treasures on them, and they will gain something by themselves, and occasionally they will gain a lot.

But since "Two Thirty" he likes to wear such a set of clothes, how could he use the money to buy clothes? He is a robber, and he has been in this mountain for so long now.

He didn't want to leave at the moment, but when he heard what Yang Xuan said, he still felt a little bit of truth, but he would not change, an ordinary person came here.

He even tried to persuade himself, the masked man in black thought it was too funny, the other party seemed to have a good tone, he was not afraid when he met a robber, the masked man in black was really surprised.

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