After all, they have never entered the forest, nor entered the Yunzhongshan Temple, and feel that this place is too special.

The Yunzhongshan temple is so high and steep, if they usually want to burn incense and worship Buddha, there is a smaller temple in their village, and they can do it there.

The reason why Yang Xuan said this was that he hoped that he could understand these things, so he shouldn't be so worried. Faced with this matter, Yang Xuan didn't want him to be so nervous.

After all, Xiao Yunce said so much, and he looked so worried, because he was afraid that he would be in danger if he could not enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, but Yang Xuan felt that the Yunzhongshan Temple was such a place, how could it be dangerous?

And why don't people go there to burn incense and worship Buddha? Yang Xuan doesn't know much about some of these things, but what Xiao Yunce said makes sense.

After all, they are used to living here, this is their custom, Yang Xuan should stop guessing so much, he just felt that such a situation had arisen.

He knew and understood the problems behind this in his heart, but he felt that once something happened, his heart would be relatively peaceful.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Just thinking about these things doesn't need to worry so much, facing such a situation.

Yang Xuan never thought it was too complicated. After all, he came here. If the people here can reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, wouldn't it be great to go to the reincarnation world?


"I just think that the more such a situation is, the more I can feel such a different situation, and I can also experience a different way. But who is there in the Yunzhongshan Temple now? See You don’t understand, none of you have been there, and I ask too many questions.”

"It doesn't make any sense anymore, but now that this situation has arisen, how can I not understand such a problem in my heart? I just think that if this situation arises, then all problems will get a solution. Besides If there is really a strange phenomenon in this forest."

"It seems that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, but whether it is dangerous or not, you can't judge now." Three.

Chapter 2169 Devoted Prayer

"At least you are living in the nearby villages, and you still haven't encountered any danger or situation. This proves that everything is relatively calm, and it is not as imagined at all."

Yang Xuan didn't quite understand, after all, this Yunzhongshan Temple is such a sacred place, don't the common people want to go, don't they feel curious? If they worship the "227" Buddha devoutly, how could they not go to Yunzhongshan Temple?

This matter made Yang Xuan feel very strange. Although he had some thoughts in his heart, he didn't quite understand what the situation was.

Moreover, Yang Xuan's mood is relatively calm at the moment, after all, these things are not too much for him, although he thinks so in his heart.

But he also knew how he should decide all of this. Yang Xuan passed by here, and felt that the Yunzhongshan Temple was at the highest point in the forest, so this place was rather special.

So do people feel that the mountain is too high to climb? I still feel that it is too steep and dangerous at all, so everyone will not go.

But Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his mind, why was the Yunzhongshan Temple built at the highest point in the forest? Can't it be built on a flat land to create a particularly good temple?

Although Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his heart, he didn't quite understand the situation. He also knew in his heart that no matter what kind of situation it was, he could see it.

But he is still relatively calm at the moment, and he doesn't have too many worries now.

After hearing Yang Xuan's words, Xiao Yunce was not so worried about him. After all, he knew it well, so as long as he knew it, he didn't have to think too much.

After all, for him, his heart is relatively calm, so how could he not know the problems behind these things? He just feels that once such a situation arises.

He understands how to do these things, and knows how to deal with the problems behind them. Once some problems arise, he is still in a good mood.

At least now he doesn't worry so much in his heart, he just feels that some situations have arisen, he understands the truth behind them, and knows how to decide all these...

Then Xiao Yunce also thought that Yang Xuan seemed to have such an idea, so in fact they couldn't explain so much, Xiao Yunce didn't know much about this Yunzhongshan Temple after all, and was at a loss.

Their minds were also blank, and they didn't know what the concept was. They had never seen the Yunzhongshan Temple, they had only heard of it.

"Brother, after hearing what you said, I don't worry anymore, but we are really confused about the matter of Yunzhongshan Temple. For us, we don't know what's going on at all, and like this We do feel a lot of respect and awe in this sacred place."

"But we didn't dare to go, because this time the forest is too high and steep, and there are wild animals here. We are also worried that if we encounter wild animals halfway through 0.3, we ordinary people have no ability. Once there is danger Appeared, met the beast."

"How could we get out of danger safely? We just thought not to take this risk, but we didn't know why this happened at the beginning, which made us feel very weird.".

Chapter 2170 The cliff is very steep

Xiao Yunce couldn't answer Yang Xuan's question just now. He had lived near here for a while, but he didn't know anything about Yunzhongshan Temple.

He also didn't know when the Yunzhongshan Temple was built on the top of the mountain. No one knew it at all. He just heard it from people in the village.

When he came here, he found that the Yunzhongshan Temple was really built on the top of the mountain, where there was green smoke and the smell of incense burners.

But he has never climbed up, he does not have the courage, and the people in his village dare not come here, he is just curious, just passing by here, want to come and have a look.

But seeing Yang Xuan now, after chatting for so long, he is also clear about these truths, the Yang Xuan in front of him, he is not a bad person, Xiao Yunce feels at ease.

At the beginning, he still felt very scary, but there are some things he needs to explain clearly to Yang Xuan.

After all, he doesn't know the truth of the matter, why don't people make this Yunzhongshan temple shorter? Why is it built in such a high place?

"Okay, don't think too much about it. We don't know about Yunzhongshan Temple and don't know how to answer you. I don't know what you want to do at the moment. After all, when we lived here, I It was discovered that it appeared in the Yunzhongshan Temple, and none of us knew what was going on behind it, and none of us had an answer."

"And those of us who live in the village never mention this matter. Only occasionally, we hear someone mention the Yunzhongshan Temple, but no one knows who lives there."

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he already understood in his heart. It seems that this situation is not as complicated as he thought, but who lives in this Yunzhongshan Temple.

And why does it all feel so weird? Yang Xuan had some concerns in his heart, but at the moment he was also thinking that he was going to enter Yunzhongshan Temple to check the situation.

Xiao Yunce and the others are just living a normal life. As long as they are doing well, Yang Xuan has no worries in his heart. He just hopes that he can leave here as soon as possible, so he also reminded himself that Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

For such a thing, Yang Xuan has already seen it very thoroughly. No matter what danger there is, how can it be difficult for him, his heart is still relatively calm.

Yang Xuan looked up at the endless forest, and when he looked up at the top, he felt that the forest went directly into the sky, unexpectedly it was really quite spectacular.

No wonder Xiao Yunce and the others are so worried. This matter seems to be somewhat special, but if some situations arise, his 227 understands these situations in his heart.

He just felt that all this was not as he imagined, and it was really special. For him, he already understood this matter too much.

Yang Xuan has already passed by here, he just hopes that everything can be under this control, Yang Xuan just doesn't want the people here to suffer any harm.

They are ordinary people, they have no ability, they are so cowardly.

If there were really too many dangers because of this matter, then Yang Xuan felt that it was really worthless, how could he not be clear about the problems behind it.

Chapter 2171 Yang Xuan decided to enter the mountains alone

At this moment, Yang Xuan understood in his heart that no matter what kind of situation it was, he could handle everything well, so he didn't have too many worries in his heart.

But Yang Xuan came here, and he was a little confused about the things here. What is the situation in this Yunzhongshan Temple?

Yang Xuan always has to figure it out before leaving here, otherwise, whether there is any danger behind this, Yang Xuan can't conclude that it is impossible for him to leave like this.

Xiao Yunce still didn't quite understand what Yang Xuan meant. What exactly did he want to say when he came here? Why is he asking such detailed questions now?

Xiao Yunce originally thought that the people here would basically leave, but he was particularly interested in this person in front of him, wanting to know more about Yunzhongshan Temple.

However, Xiao Yunce didn't know anything about Yang Xuan's background, but he knew this truth in his heart at the moment, so he knew that there were only so many things.

For him, he understands this situation in his heart, just feels that something has happened, he knows what he should do, and he also knows how to deal with this situation.

However, Xiao Yunce was somewhat afraid. After all, it was better not to go to the Yunzhongshan Temple. If something really happened there, danger would befall the village.

Xiao Yunce didn't want their village to suffer, but he also told Yang Xuan what he had heard, and he had never seen other phenomena.

At this moment, all of this can be regarded as speculation, but at this moment, the smoke from the cooking can be seen in the right eye, which is coming out of the Yunzhongshan Temple.

This is enough to prove that there are people living there, not at all, everyone is talking nonsense, Xiao Yunce is also aware of such a situation.

Seeing Yang Xuan at this moment, I have many doubts in my heart, but let's talk to him about the Yunzhongshan Temple, otherwise this person will keep asking endless questions.

"You can see blue smoke from the Yunzhongshan Temple on the top of the mountain. Although this weird phenomenon is scary, we all know that there is a Yunzhongshan Temple there, so we don't have to worry so much. People used to see this in the village. I thought there were ghosts and goblins there'々."

"It was only later that we realized that it wasn't us who were at ease. However, few of us usually come here. We all don't want to touch this danger, and we all think it's better to stay away from this kind of danger."

Yang Xuan now understood what was going on. It turned out to be one of the reasons. It seemed that they were also worried that the mountain was too steep, and there were basically dangerous beasts there that often haunted it.

How could ordinary people have such courage? Even if they can hunt and resist sexual danger, but if this is too much to say.

They can't touch such a danger. It's better not to enter the forest or go to the Yunzhongshan Temple (for Zhao). No wonder there are so few people in this place.

It turned out to be the reason, but Yang Xuan also thought a lot about it.

Since this is the case, why did someone create such a situation in the first place, and build a temple in such a dangerous place? It's a bit weird to think about it.

When Yang Xuan thought of these things, he felt a little weird, but every reincarnation is different.

Chapter 2172 I don't want to be reincarnated in a temple

This time he didn't know what kind of identity he would enter the next reincarnation world, but after he came here now, it might be like a world.

Could this Yunzhongshan Temple be the place where he was planning to reincarnate? Yang Xuan thought it was unlikely, but he didn't want to be reincarnated into Yunzhongshan Temple and become a monk. How could this be possible?

He thought it was funny now.

Although Xiao Yunce didn't understand anything, at least he knew these situations now that he didn't seem to be in any danger, and Yang Xuan's appearance of 227 didn't cause any panic.

But he hoped that the other party would not easily enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, or not to touch it. These conditions are better, because when they did not enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, they did not feel that there would be danger.

But once you enter the Yunzhongshan Temple, danger will follow, what should you do then? Because ordinary people have such a way of speaking, they don't touch those demons and ghosts.

They won't come to the door, it's just such a situation, Xiao Yunce understands this in his heart, and faces (ccad) this problem.

He also knew what to do in his heart, he just felt that if these situations were really like this and thinking like that, then it would be fine, but he raised his head with Yang Xuan.

Looking at the high place in the mountain, the Yunzhongshan Temple stands there. Although it is covered by trees, it still looks clearly visible. I can vaguely feel this spectacular scene, which is in this mountain.

It also makes people feel particularly miraculous. In fact, Xiao Yunce also wanted to go in there to take a look, but he didn't have the guts at all, and he was also afraid that he would not know what Yang Xuan was thinking.

If the other party has this ability, Xiao Yunce might go with him, but at this moment it depends on Yang Xuan's thoughts, Xiao Yunce can't just go his own way.

He looked at the green smoke rising from the top of the mountain, and felt that the people inside would light incense burners every day. How could this phenomenon happen? Xiao Yunce understood more or less in his heart.

Facing this question, he was not so afraid. After all, he felt that Yang Xuan came here, and he didn't seem to be afraid, so why should he be so entangled.

"Because there was green smoke from the highest part of the forest, we knew that there were people living there. Later, when we smelled the incense, we knew that it was the Yunzhongshan Temple. A temple was built in the place, and we ordinary people simply cannot climb such a high mountain.”

"It is impossible to enter the Yunzhongshan Temple at all. I feel that the situation there is more complicated. We all discuss it. It is better not to go, because we will go to the Yunzhongshan Temple from the current location."

"I'm afraid it will take half a day to go, and the danger is everywhere. How could we have the ability to take this risk? Later, everyone just didn't go at all. Besides, there is a small temple in our village. Worship there is the same."

Xiao Yunce had already told Yang Xuan about this matter, he was aware of such a situation in his heart, they would not dare to enter Yunzhongshan Temple at all.

There is a small temple in their village, they can worship there, why go to such a far place, and it is so steep and scary, they will never enter the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Chapter 2171 Yang Xuan decided to enter the mountains alone

At this moment, Yang Xuan understood in his heart that no matter what kind of situation it was, he could handle everything well, so he didn't have too many worries in his heart.

But Yang Xuan came here, and he was a little confused about the things here. What is the situation in this Yunzhongshan Temple?

Yang Xuan always has to figure it out before leaving here, otherwise, whether there is any danger behind this, Yang Xuan can't conclude that it is impossible for him to leave like this.

Xiao Yunce still didn't quite understand what Yang Xuan meant. What exactly did he want to say when he came here? Why is he asking such detailed questions now?

Xiao Yunce originally thought that the people here would basically leave, but he was particularly interested in this person in front of him, wanting to know more about Yunzhongshan Temple.

However, Xiao Yunce didn't know anything about Yang Xuan's background, but he knew this truth in his heart at the moment, so he knew that there were only so many things.

For him, he understands this situation in his heart, just feels that something has happened, he knows what he should do, and he also knows how to deal with this situation.

However, Xiao Yunce was somewhat afraid. After all, it would be better not to go to the Yunzhongshan Temple. If something really happened there, danger would befall the village~.

Xiao Yunce didn't want their village to suffer, but he also told Yang Xuan what he had heard, and he had never seen other phenomena.

At this moment, all of this can be regarded as guesswork, but at this moment, the right eye can see the smoke from the cooking, which is floating out of the temple in Yunzhongshan.

This is enough to prove that there are people living there, not at all, everyone is talking nonsense, Xiao Yunce is also aware of such a situation.

Seeing Yang Xuan at this moment, I have many doubts in my heart, but let's talk to him about the Yunzhongshan Temple, otherwise this person will keep asking endless questions.

"You can see blue smoke from the Yunzhongshan Temple on the top of the mountain. Although this weird phenomenon is scary, we all know that there is a Yunzhongshan Temple there, so we don't have to worry so much. People used to see this in the village. I thought there were ghosts and goblins there.”

····Ask for flowers 0···

"It was only later that we realized that it wasn't us who were at ease. However, few of us usually come here. We all don't want to touch this danger, and we all think it's better to stay away from this kind of danger."

Yang Xuan now understood what was going on. It turned out to be one of the reasons. It seemed that they were also worried that the mountain was too steep, and there were basically dangerous beasts there that often haunted it.

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