But now everything has stabilized, and he doesn't think so much now. At this moment, he is flying faster and faster in the air, Yang Xuan feels quite enjoyable.

After all, after all these things are resolved, he doesn't worry in his heart, and his heart is relatively peaceful. As long as this matter can be resolved, then Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry so much.

At the same time, he got some abilities, and he will get a lot of cheats, so he can practice his own spells. Yang Xuan finds it very enjoyable, but his mood is still quite stable.

This time Yang Xuan also knew that it doesn't matter, anyway, it's a good thing to get more abilities, if he can't get it, he will get it slowly.

Yang Xuan landed slowly in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and now he has arrived at a place, which is quite special, but he looks good at this place now.

Yang Xuan is now on a piece of grass. He looks ahead as if there is a place. What is this place? Yang Xuan doesn't quite understand now.

But it seems to be quite special, so not far away there is a person squatting there, Yang Xuan walked over to check this person, suddenly turned around to scare Yang Xuan, his face was pale.

Yang Xuan didn't know what happened to the other party, but he didn't seem to be poisoned, so why was his face so pale~?

Yang Xuan felt like a person who came out of hell, no difference, it was only daytime at the moment, if it was night, it would be particularly scary.

"Little brother, what's the matter, are you okay? Why is your face so pale? Who are you? This place looks very desolate, how could there be a person? Look at this, do you feel afraid that your face is so pale, but just now When you turned around, why did your face look like this-?"

"Are you uncomfortable? Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I just passed by here to take a look. I think the environment here is more beautiful. But when I saw you just now, I was a little surprised. Now Why did you appear here? I think this place is quite desolate, no one lives at all."

After Yang Xuan said this, he looked at this person, but he felt that this young man seemed to be in good condition, even though his face was extremely pale, and now his face has not changed.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Could it be that he was born so white? However, his eyes looked a little melancholy, but his condition was not bad, he was not as weak as imagined, nor did he appear to be poisoned.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to stand up and talk to himself, but at the moment he didn't answer, Yang Xuan was also thinking, if that's the case, don't worry.


After all, now that this situation has arisen, everyone thinks that all of this is rather special, but that if some situation arises, he knows how to face it all.

I know better how to deal with these things, but I feel that some situations seem more complicated, so it also makes me feel a little unimaginable.

Yang Xuan also thought about where this place was, it looked so remote, but there was a person there, and there was no one living nearby.

Yang Xuantian looked endlessly into the distance, although there is a piece of grass, but the surrounding area looks so clear.

Chapter 2164 This person is very pale

Yang Xuan felt quite strange in his heart, who are these two people? And he was already watching himself at this moment, and Yang Xuan was slowly approaching.

After all, Yang Xuan didn't run away, he just felt that this person looked a little strange, but why he appeared, Yang Xuan felt rather curious.

When Xiao Yunce saw Yang Xuan, he really felt strange, but "two two three" he also felt that the other party also felt strange, Xiao Yunce lived in this far away place.

He didn't know why he came here, just now he felt a sudden dizziness and dizziness, that's why he had such a situation.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to sit there just now. He just wanted to rest for a while, but he did not expect Yang Xuan to appear, and Xiao Yunce was also looking at his place.

I don't know why, but there is a strange feeling, but there is a very tall temple in this place, and there are many people living there.

Xiao Yunce won't go when he comes out, but now he feels that Yang Xuan's appearance is quite special, who is he?

Xiao Yunce also had the same idea, they both felt that the other was a little curious.

Although Xiao Yunce was worried, but looking at Yang Xuan's appearance, he also felt that he was not a bad person.

Xiao Yunce let go of his defenses in his heart, he just felt that now that this situation had arisen, how could he not know about it in his heart, besides, even if he didn't quite know why he came here.

But this place does look rather desolate, but when Yang Xuan appeared outside, Xiao Yunce also felt a little curious in his heart.

He also felt some thoughts, just looking at Yang Xuan's appearance was a bit strange, his clothes also looked really special, Xiao Yunce had never seen such beautiful clothes.

With Yang Xuan's identity at this moment, how could Xiao Yunce know? But treating him as an ordinary person, Xiao Yunce felt no pressure.

When Xiao Yunce saw him, he felt that he was neither a monster nor a bad person. Xiao Yunce didn't have any worries in his heart, although he had some thoughts in his heart at the moment.

But there is no need to worry so much at all, Xiao Yunce also understands this situation in his heart...

"Brother, I'm Xiao Yunce. My home is quite far from here. I don't live here. This place is relatively desolate, but I just came here to have a look. Maybe I lost my way just now, so let's go forward Keep going, all of you came here later, is my face that white?"

"Why didn't I feel it? It may also be that I was suddenly tripped and jumped, and was a little panicked when I got up. After all, I felt that I could hear some sounds in this place just now, and they were like the sounds of wild animals. There is only one forest behind this place."

"Since it still looks so weird, I just feel a little scared, because no one knows what is going on in this forest. Anyway, the people here are quite early, and 0.3 usually we don't know it in this far away village. When I came here, I felt that this place is also relatively evil.”

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also understood, it seems that he is Xiao Yunce, so he just feels that Xiao Yunce looks quite simple.

And he stumbled just now, so his face was so pale, so this is the situation.

Chapter 2165 Yang Xuan thought this person was poisoned

Yang Xuan wasn't worried now, he thought Xiao Yunce had been poisoned, but the moment he turned his head, Yang Xuan felt that his face was too pale.

However, Xiao Yunce was born with fair skin. He looks so handsome, and he is really quiet. He has not been poisoned at all. He lives in a nearby village.

Is there something wrong with him coming to this place? Yang Xuan felt that if danger existed, it must be in the forest.

Otherwise, the beasts in broad daylight would often come and go, crying like ghosts and howling like wolves. This is not a good phenomenon, Yang Xuan just hoped that Xiao Yunce could live well.

Let's see what he says later, Yang Xuan doesn't know much about the situation here.

Xiao Yunce felt quite puzzled when he saw Yang Xuan, even though he now knew that something really seemed to happen in this place.

But after coming here, he didn't encounter any danger, and his heart was relatively peaceful. Xiao Yunce didn't know who Yang Xuan was, but his appearance was rather weird.

Xiao Yunce didn't know who he was. He had a lot of thoughts in his heart, and these strange phenomena also worried him.

He had never been here, then, though he had heard of some beasts that haunted them.

Xiao Yunce would not normally go into the forest. He didn't have the guts and felt scared, but at the moment he was still relaxed.

Moreover, there are people living in the Yunzhongshan Temple, which is at the top of the forest. Xiao Yunce and the others would not usually go there. It seems that there is no road here, but there is a small road that can be climbed up.

However, it takes a lot of physical strength and takes a lot of time to reach the Yunzhongshan Temple.

Xiao Yunce kept seeing Yang Xuan. Although he didn't know where he came from, he always felt that Yang Xuan appeared suddenly, so he felt a little scared.

"I don't think it's interesting to come here. I understand this situation in my heart. I just feel that these weird situations have appeared, which makes me feel particularly helpless and panic. But you came here. I think you are very happy. You are special, and you don't look like a person living in the world at all, who are you?"

"Why does it look like you are wearing such beautiful clothes? We don't have such fabrics in this place, and we have never seen people in other villages wearing clothes as elegant as yours. It is really special."

Yang Xuan didn't think that Xiao Yunce was very smart. Through his current observations, he already felt that he was not like an ordinary person. Anyway, Yang Xuan would not think so much, let alone explain so much to him.

It's even more impossible to tell him too many things, but now if they also have this idea, the people they live here also have a lot of concerns 223.

Then if they meet the conditions, they can also enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and reincarnate, but Yang Xuan is not worried about this matter now, but just feels that the phenomenon Xiao Yunce mentioned, if it exists, then it seems that the danger here There are also.

Yang Xuan also thinks that every time he enters the reincarnation world, he can help many people, which is what he wants to see most.

Yang Xuan didn't worry about these problems at all in his heart, he just felt that something had happened.

He doesn't have to worry so much at all, after all he can solve problems and deal with dangers, so why should he think so much, Yang Xuan also thought that since such a thing happened here.

Chapter 2166 The problem is not resolved

Yang Xuan also thought that if it could be solved, it would be a good thing, if it could not be solved, then he would think of other ways.

Xiao Yunce just felt that after talking about these things with Yang Xuan, he felt at ease.

After all, he was still thinking about what was in front of him. No matter who this person is, he is not a bad person. Xiao Yunce didn't worry so much, otherwise he just felt a little strange.

Moreover, this place is so remote and desolate, why do you think that Yang Xuan will appear here, and how much he can achieve is some idea, but if these things happen at this moment.

He knew how to face all this in his heart, but he still felt a little agreed in his heart, but if some things really couldn't be solved in this way.

He will also change this status quo, because how can he not understand the situation behind it, it just feels like the current situation.

The more he can make himself feel a different atmosphere, Xiao Yunce still has some thoughts in his heart, but he looks at Yang Xuan and his heart is calmer.

At least he doesn't worry about anything now, and he doesn't have to think too much. Faced with such a situation, he knows what to do in his heart, and he also knows how to deal with these problems.

I just feel that Yang Xuan is not an ordinary person, but Xiao Yunce doesn't need to think too much about who he is, but he still needs to tell him the situation here so that he knows that there are some wild beasts in the forest.

And it was very cruel, and at the same time, Xiao Yunce wanted to explain to him what was going on here.

Let him have an idea in his heart, and he doesn't know what Yang Xuan wants to do here or not to encounter any danger, it's better to be prepared in advance, otherwise Xiao Yunce wouldn't be able to think so much at this moment.

"But you don't have to worry about it at all. Faced with this situation, I know it in my heart. I just feel that some situations are here. Of course I know what I should do and how I should make decisions. The thing now is to know these things in my heart. Reasonable, but you don’t have to think too much about it.”

"I'm not a bad person, I just got lost in this place, but something happened in the forest behind, it seems to be a very big place, so there seems to be a temple here, just listen to what people said, But I haven't been there either."

"I'm telling you this because I hope you can be prepared. If you just pass by here and don't want to enter the forest, then there is no danger. If you go in, then be careful, or don't go, Because there are people living in that temple, but no one knows who lives there.”

Xiao Yunce really has never been there, after all, he would not do it now, it is impossible for a person to enter the forest, it is quite scary, although Xiao Yunce is quite courageous.

But (it’s okay) he will not take this risk easily now, and the current location is still some distance away from the forest, so it will take a certain amount of time to go there.

It was impossible for Xiao Yunce to do this, he just told Yang Xuan about it.

Let him know what happened nearby, and there are people living in the temple, but they have never seen their people, and they rarely enter the temple to worship Buddha and pray for incense.

Chapter 2167 The temple is on the top of the mountain

Because he didn't have the guts, maybe he felt scared. After Xiao Yunce finished speaking, he looked at Yang Xuan quietly, not knowing where the other party came from.

But some things have been explained to him, maybe he can be prepared, and he doesn't need to explore these dangers anymore, let alone any accidents.

Xiao Yunce looked at Yang Xuan again, his mood was quite calm, Xiao Yunce didn't think anything was wrong at first, but he met Yang Xuan today.

Looking at him as a stranger, I feel that if he really feels that there are some situations here or he wants to stay here, then I hope he can understand the situation here.

Besides, this place doesn't have any great scenery, but the forest over there is really beautiful, those plants grow very densely, and some plants are relatively rare.

But the more such a situation is, the less everyone dares to get close to it. Instead, they feel particularly terrifying and desolate. I don't know why they feel this way.

Xiao Yunce just thought that no matter what the situation was, he knew in his heart that in the face of such a situation, although he had some thoughts in his heart.

But some things are not what I thought at all, everything is relatively calm, maybe this matter is just everyone's guess, but Yang Xuan came here, what did he want to do.

Xiao Yunce couldn't understand it either, but he didn't want to know so much, as long as the other party could prepare in advance and avoid any danger.

Yang Xuan already understood what was going on, it seemed that there was still a temple in this forest, Yang Xuan wanted to visit it, and since Xiao Yunce said that this house appeared.

Then Yang Xuan felt a bit miraculous, then the Yunzhongshan Temple seemed quite hidden in the forest, so none of their people would go there.

Are there any dangers of ghosts and ghosts there? Yang Xuan felt that this matter was really special, so it was normal for ordinary people to worship Buddha.

And this temple is in the forest, how could they not go? Did something happen here before?

Yang Xuan (ccad) was just doubting in his heart. For him, he knew in his heart that even though he didn't know much at the moment, he had to ask what was going on before making a decision.

"Little brother, don't worry so much. I understand what you said. Now I will think about this matter carefully. I just passed by here. I just felt that although this place is desolate, it is an endless grassland. It's still pretty wide."

"I just wanted to come over and have a look, and I found you. I just feel that the current situation seems to be quite special, and it is also quite strange, but now I understand this matter in my heart. For me, I don't So worrying about this problem is just thinking that this situation has arisen now.”

"I also understand, so it seems that you want me to be prepared, not to enter the forest easily, not to encounter any danger, I can understand this matter, but if these things happen at this moment, I also understand in my heart , although I am not so worried, but I am also worried about some problems in my heart."

After Xiao Yunce heard what Yang Xuan said, he was not so worried, and he also understood in his heart.

Chapter 2168 There are more and more fears in my heart

No matter what kind of situation it is, he can understand the situation behind it, so how could Xiao Yunce not know, it is just that it seems that the other party will not easily enter the Yunzhongshan Temple now.

Besides, Yang Xuan understands Xiao Yunce's meaning now, but he is not so clear about the other party's thoughts, he simply cannot understand so many things.

I just feel that now that problems like that have arisen, he can control everything and understand these problems, and at the same time be able to deal with the situation.

It turned out that he wasn't so worried about these things. For him, he already understood these situations in his heart, and Xiao Yunce didn't know the origin or character of the other party.

He just felt that if some situations were carried out in such a way, all of this would not matter, anyway, he wouldn't think too complicated in his heart.

And the other party is not a brainless person at first glance, he will definitely think about how to deal with it before he can decide how to make a decision.

Otherwise, it might be dangerous to suddenly enter the forest, but Xiao Yunce and the others don't know what the danger is here, they are just guessing.

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