But he will think about it, after all, he knows that it is impossible for Yang Xuan to leave Qingfeng Village so soon, for them, they must understand in their hearts at this moment.

How could Liu Chengfeng not know the situation behind these things, he just felt that some situations really happened, he knew how to deal with 220, so he didn't have to worry so much at all.

And Liu Chengfeng also understood in his heart that facing this problem, it depends on what he and Murong Yundi think. He is still in a relatively calm mood at the moment, sitting in the inn with Yang Xuan and the others.

They chatted while eating, they were very happy, they also answered many of Yang Xuan's words when they heard Yang Xuan's meal, but it's not clear how many people in Qingfeng Village are eligible, so we need to count them.

Otherwise, how could he know this problem in his heart? He just feels that these situations have appeared now, and he doesn't quite understand the truth, so he feels that all this is quite surprising to him.

Yang Xuan was eating now, and he already knew what they were thinking. Yang Xuan couldn't figure out what Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi were thinking.

He just felt that they were not in a hurry in the current situation. Besides, everything was relatively new to them now, whether the True Reincarnation Tower could be opened normally.

Yang Xuan is also unknown now, he just feels that now that these situations arise, it depends on how they decide, so how could Yang Xuan not understand these situations in his heart.

He just feels that if these problems have really changed now, he also hopes that all problems can be solved in a way, facing such problems.

Yang (ccad) Xuan also understood in his heart at this moment, and was able to understand the problems behind these things better, so his mood was relatively stable. He never worried so much, he just felt that everything should go with the flow.

For problems that cannot arise, of course he hopes that all of them can be resolved smoothly, and for things that cannot be resolved, Yang Xuan was thinking of other ways at that time.

Anyway, when he saw Liu Chengfeng and the others, he also felt that they met the conditions. Although they didn't agree now, they were just thinking about it, and they just didn't have an answer.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, both of you. I'm just talking to you about this matter today. It's just a preliminary chat with you. You can understand these things. Regarding the issue of the Reincarnation Tower, my heart is Clear, and these questions are confusing to you."

"How could it be possible for me not to know what you two are thinking about each other? I just feel that this issue is for you now, as long as you are clear in your heart, and in the face of such a situation, I just hope that you can know my origin, I have With this ability, you can enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and go to Qingfeng Village."

Chapter 2158 I'm not sure

"I'm satisfied in my heart. As for whether you want to do this or agree to it, it's up to you to control it yourself, and I won't force it. After all, there is no need for it. If the people here don't want to say that However, I will leave here in two days, and we may never see each other again."

Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi already understood what Yang Xuan was thinking, and they believed it with all their minds. Although they had some doubts in their hearts, they also understood.

Yang Xuan looks so kind, how could he fool them with this matter? how can that be possible? Liu Chengfeng also thought that there was no need to worry about this matter.

He and Murong Yundi kept watching, and Yang Xuan knew that since the other party said so, they don't have to worry about it now, let alone think too much, but they just feel that something has happened.

Then Liu Chengfeng didn't want to have too many doubts, just believe it, and besides, Yang Xuan didn't need to lie to them with this matter.

If you really want to lie, it is impossible to turn into such a lie, it is really unbelievable, Liu Chengfeng also thought that this thing is really weird.

But at this moment, if these things happen, he doesn't want too many problems from the middle. He just hopes that everything will go smoothly. He really doesn't want to have too many disputes. He just feels that once all the situations appear .

He is clear about these reasons, how could he not understand the problems behind it? After thinking about these things, he is still in a good mood, and he is not worried about these situations at all.

Yang Xuan didn't have to worry so much at all, after all, how could they think of rejecting such a good thing? Moreover, Yang Xuan also thought that Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi were good friends.

They are also discussing now, anyway, this matter is not in a hurry, Yang Xuan is also aware of this truth, besides, when he came to Qingfeng Village, everything will be solved slowly, and slowly penetrated.

Some people don't know, but now only the two of them know, and Yang Xuan is not so urgent, he just feels that the current situation is just going to a new world through the True Reincarnation Tower.

It is indeed a bit strange, no wonder it is normal for them not to believe it, and they are serving people in this Qingfeng village, if they hear this, it is impossible for them to believe it.

"Because this opportunity is only once. Every world is different, and every place is different. I can't come back. I just told you about this. You understand in your heart that these situations have appeared at this moment. My mood is still quite stable.”


"How could I not know the situation behind this? The more I feel like this, the more helpless I feel, but at the same time, I know this situation in my heart. Otherwise, how could I think so Well, I just think that now that this situation has arisen.”

"Don't worry, I just want to make it clear to you, but now if you want to count your own people, you can tell them about this matter. This action will start tomorrow, and you will complete this task and report my history. Tell them all about it."

Liu Chengfeng didn't think so much anymore. Three.

Chapter 2159 No risk

After he heard Yang Xuan's words, he already understood in his heart, so at this moment he believed in this matter in his heart, but he had to consider whether he didn't believe it.

He just felt that now that he suddenly entered the Tower of Reincarnation, went to another world, and left Qingfeng Village, they felt that everything was unreliable.

Even though they also heard what Yang Xuan said, they also understood "Twenty Twenty" that once they ended their lives in other worlds, they would return here.

There is no loss in all this, it is just an experience, but Liu Chengfeng and the others are still somewhat confused, maybe they don't know what to do.

But everything was curious, and he wanted to try such a thing. At this moment, he knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, he knew what he should do.

Faced with such a situation, how could Liu Chengfeng not know about these problems? Whose reason is it? He is much smarter than Murong Yundi.

Yang Xuan didn't have too many thoughts, he just hoped that they could solve the problem in this Qingfeng cottage now, and everything in this Qingfeng cottage was so good.

It's all so unbelievable, how could Yang Xuan not have any worries, but he also thought about it, although everyone felt that this matter didn't seem to be true.

But what Yang Xuan said is true, I hope he can understand, and at this moment, Liu Chengfeng and the others have finished their meal, the food here today is so delicious.

Yang Xuan really didn't care anymore, besides, he didn't care about these things and came to Qingfeng Village. If everyone didn't want to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan could leave immediately.

He felt that it didn't matter anymore, besides his ability is so powerful, he didn't care about his ability at all, if he could get various abilities, it would be a good thing for him.

If you can't get it, then Yang Xuan has already seen it all.

At this moment, he saw Liu Chengfeng and the others speak clearly, and they left the inn. After all, the meal had already been eaten, and Yang Xuan didn't want to waste time, let's talk about it tomorrow after rest.

Yang Xuan didn't want to be confused at all, and if the people in Qingfeng Village were really suspicious all the time, it was up to them to judge all of this, Yang Xuan didn't want to force too much...

"If they believe it, come to me, and then the Tower of Reincarnation will be opened, let you know what the Tower of Reincarnation looks like in advance, so that you can pass through the Tower of Reincarnation and enter We have arrived in the reincarnation world and started a new world, this is actually a very good opportunity for you.”

"I don't want to come here anymore. I missed such a good opportunity. After all, it's only this time. It's a once in a lifetime. I just think it doesn't matter if you really don't believe it. I'll leave here in two days. It is also clear that you only need to live happily. 0.3”

"After all, it's just a process of experience. After entering the reincarnation world, you will eventually come back here, and you will return to your previous world. This is the case."

After Yang Xuan finished saying this, he, Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi had already left the inn, they had already finished their meal, and now they have explained everything.

Chapter 2160 The night view of the cottage is good

Yang Xuan didn't have any worries anymore, at the moment he was also thinking that there was an inn ahead, he wanted to find a place to live, and he didn't go to anyone's house tonight.

He just wanted to stay alone for one night and think about this issue carefully. After he said goodbye to Liu Chengfeng and Murong Yundi, Yang Xuan walked forward and let them deal with the matter.

Tomorrow, the people in Qingfeng Village will know the news, and the two of them will go to 22 to spread the news, Yang Xuan feels at ease, and at this moment he continues to move forward.

Even though it is not dark now, Yang Xuan wants to appreciate the beautiful scenery of this cottage. Now he is standing on a high place watching the sky getting darker and darker, and wants to appreciate the beautiful night scenery here.

It has been a few days since Yang Xuan came to Qingfeng Village, and he hasn't seen the night view here yet, and he doesn't know if the stars in the sky reflect the stars in this place at night, which is particularly bright.

And Yang Xuan felt that this place was relatively dark at night, so although there seemed to be many stars, they were not as bright as imagined.

But Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, after all, he also thought that these things have been resolved here, so let's see if the people here have this idea to enter the reincarnation world.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan will leave. After all, these situations have been waiting for a long time, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to waste time. For him, he knows it well.

Although he is not in a hurry at the moment, he knows what he should do in the face of such a thing, and he knows how to make decisions. Otherwise, how could he have such an idea?

Then how could he not know about this matter? Yang Xuan just felt that now that this situation had arisen, it was time to solve the problem.

Otherwise, when will this matter be delayed before it can end? Yang Xuan also had some thoughts in his heart at the moment.

"It seems that the matter of Qingfeng Village needs to be resolved. Otherwise, these matters will not be resolved at all. If there is no move, this is the situation. Otherwise, how could it be possible to reach such a level? The people of Qingfeng Village How many of them meet the conditions and can enter the Tower of Reincarnation, which is a good thing."

"Otherwise, if this matter drags on for longer, it will be impossible to solve the matter, and it will become more and more serious. It will not look like it was imagined at all. Everything will have new changes. It seems that the situation this time is If something changes, if it doesn’t work, get out of here as soon as possible.”

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to reach such a level, no matter what, give them another chance, otherwise, if they miss this opportunity, it is impossible for them to have such a thought.

It is also impossible to go to other worlds. It seems that this matter really needs to be solved properly. If it cannot reach this level, it will be impossible to be in the current state. "

Yang Xuan sat on a rock, looked up at the starry sky, and was talking to himself. Although he knew this matter in his heart, sometimes it really couldn't be resolved.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to reach such a level? And if some situations are really like this.

It's impossible for it to happen like before. Although the danger of Qingfeng Village is gone, can the people here trust themselves? .

Chapter 2161 No confidence in myself

Yang Xuan felt that it was unknown, and once the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, Yang Xuan would leave here.

He won't have this attitude anymore, but the matter can't end so quickly, and the True Reincarnation Tower can't appear so quickly, Yang Xuan is also waiting for the opportunity.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't know about this matter, besides, the situation in this Qingfeng cottage was different, he either didn't understand these problems, or felt that these situations had appeared now.

He also knew what to do. Faced with such a result, Yang Xuan was also thinking about the people here, if they were really like this.

If there is this opportunity, it will change all of this, and the notice will also deal with some things, but it feels that some problems have arisen, so it seems that Yang Xuan also has ideas in his heart, how could he not do anything.

Facing this situation, he knew how to deal with these problems in his heart, but he felt that some situations had arisen, and he knew what he should do and how he should decide these things.

Yang Xuan looked at the night as it was already dark, doesn't it mean he doesn't want to go back now? How can he not be clear in his heart? He is saying that the matter of the reincarnation world has not been resolved yet.

Whether these human beings can agree, whether the conditions can enter the True Reincarnation Tower is still unknown, how is it possible in Yang Xuan's mind, but he knows this matter now.

Although he wasn't very worried at the moment, he also thought that he would know what he should do if any situation happened, but now he was still thinking about what to do if something happened.

He knew that Kaikai was just thinking about it, and if he would make a count tomorrow to see if anyone followed him out of here, Yang Xuanxie would feel at ease when he entered the reincarnation world.

Otherwise, I don't know how long this matter will have to wait. How could he not be clear about it? He also knows what he should do when facing this problem.

Knowing how to make his own decision, all these situations are like this, although it looks a bit bad, but there is no way, Yang Xuan has already understood this kind of thing, he looked up at the starry sky.

There are many thoughts in his heart, but he is not so worried. After all, all this is not a problem for him. The problem he wants to solve can be completely solved.

"Once some problems arise, everything will change, and there will always be a new solution. I hope everything goes smoothly, but it is impossible. It seems that this matter is getting more and more complicated, but here I don’t know much about what people think now, let’s talk about it tomorrow`々.”

"¨You should have a good rest tonight. Although the stars in the sky are extraordinarily beautiful, I really don't have the mood to look at them. It seems that the scenery of Qingfeng Village is good, but why is this place at night?"

Getting it) looks so dark, and the light of the stars is not so bright, but it doesn't matter, as long as they live freely, there is no danger here, and everything has stopped."

Yang Xuan was pondering these questions in his heart at the moment, and he had already sworn a hundred days, and he knew how he should face it.

But now he just told himself that there is no need to think about anything, everyone knows about these issues, but he is not in a hurry at the moment.

Chapter 2162

Even if some things arise and cannot be resolved, he still hopes that everything can make progress, and he really doesn't want to have too many problems.

For him at the moment, his heart is quite open. Yang Xuan also thought about resolving this matter tomorrow, and he didn't want to stay too long after leaving Qingfeng Village.

After all, he has been here for a few days, and he has already explained so much to them about the Tower of Reincarnation. It is enough for a few people to understand, and they can discuss this matter when they go back.

Yang Xuan has gone back to rest now, and it is too late for him to see the sky, so why can't he just sit here and watch the stars all night.

Yang Xuan also felt that although the scenery of Qingfeng Village was good, it was very dark at night in 223, and he fell asleep in bed after returning.

When he woke up in the morning, Yang Xuan talked to these people about some things.

Yang Xuan now knew how many people there were in Qingfeng Village, and followed him into the Five Elements. Now that he had counted the number of people, he was ready to set off. The Tower of True Reincarnation had already been opened.

Yang Xuan was also very relaxed in his heart. After leading these common people out of Qingfeng Village, Yang Xuan shuttled through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and brought them a new world of reincarnation. Yang Xuan felt at ease. (ccad)

After Yang Xuan safely sent them to the reincarnation world, Yang Xuan felt at ease, the door of this Qingfeng cottage was opened, and they all entered a new world and began to reincarnate.

Yang Xuan was also very happy in his heart, because he felt that the situation had stabilized now, and the people in Qingfeng Village had already met the conditions to go to the new reincarnation world, so Yang Xuan didn't have to worry about it.

At this moment, Yang Xuan had already left in the True Reincarnation Tower, everyone had already gone, turned around to the world, Yang Xuan didn't worry about anything in his heart.

He is quite at ease at the moment, he did not expect that he is really a brother in Qingfeng Village, at least these people can understand all this.

At this moment, Yang Xuan doesn't worry so much now. Faced with this situation, he also knows in his heart that he has gained some abilities from it, otherwise it would be a good thing for him to not worry about anything.

"All this has finally calmed down. I really don't have to worry about it. Otherwise, I still feel helpless when I think about these things, but the people here finally believe it all, and finally don't have to doubt it anymore. As long as they believe it, they are now Isn't there a new beginning?"

"It doesn't have to be like before. They had such a turning point, and then returned to Qingfeng Village. Isn't that good? It seems that everything is really stable, so I don't need to worry anymore. "

"Otherwise, I feel a little helpless in my heart, and I also feel a little unimaginable, but all this is my wishful thinking, and it's not that serious."

"There are not so many problems, and it is quite stable. It seems that this matter can be resolved. I should leave, but the next goal is to see what is going on, and whether I can return to my own world. , but it doesn't matter, everything depends on the arrangement of the Reincarnation Tower."

Yang Xuan is now in the True Reincarnation Tower, pondering in his heart.

Chapter 2163 The speed is getting faster and faster

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