But I'm also afraid that if everyone can't accept it, they will feel like a monster.

"I've told you, don't think so much. The past has passed, and some situations have arisen, so as long as you know what to do, in the face of such a problem, I understand in my heart. I also understand these things, even if it feels like this is the same situation.”

"The more you find it unimaginable, if you really can't make a decision on some things, then all the problems can't be solved in a way. Besides, all these things don't exist now, Qingfeng Shanzhai There is no danger anymore, and there is nothing to worry about in such a situation."

Yang Xuan now feels that when there is something to say, he should say it. He doesn't want to hide the truth at all, so now he also understands what he should do, facing the situation in Qingfeng Village...

Although he doesn't know much about it, the people here definitely have desires, and once they want to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower for reincarnation, they have a chance. Yang Xuan doesn't want them to miss this opportunity.

"If there is really a new change, maybe all the problems can be solved again. It is impossible to reach such a level. Faced with such a problem, as long as everyone is clear about it, you don't have to think about it. There are too many, this Qingfeng cottage is already safe."

"However, I have something to tell you about 0.3. Please inform the people in Qingfeng Village tomorrow. I originally wanted to tell you in two days, but I thought it would be better to tell you in advance. This matter is also for you It is beneficial to say, but it depends on whether you have this idea."

Yang Xuan and Ling Yunsong had already talked about the True Reincarnation Tower, but now he briefly summed it up, and Ling Yunsong also seemed to have a weird expression.

Chapter 2130 Yang Xuan walks in the cottage

Yang Xuan just thought that since he had said these words, he didn't have to worry about it, and he just expressed it briefly, but Ling Yunsong somewhat understood it.

Yang Xuan was also thinking about seeing the Qingfeng cottage tomorrow, what do other people think, because Yang Xuan wants to control this matter himself.

Ling Yunsong didn't understand some words, for him all this was quite confusing, this time Yang Xuan came to 22 Qingfeng Village and wanted to use his own ability.

Taking them into the world of reincarnation and giving them a new change, that's what Yang Xuan thought in his heart, no matter what Ling Yunsong thinks at this moment, Yang Xuan doesn't care.

They had already rested after eating, and Yang Xuan left when they got up in the morning.

Ling Yunsong's family took a walk in this Qingfeng cottage, it is so big, Yang Xuan wants to see how many people there are here, and appreciate the scenery here, and tell everyone about his origin by the way.

Yang Xuan was walking on the road, looking at the situation in Qingfeng Village, all this is relatively peaceful, unexpectedly people are busy now, Yang Xuan saw that this place is really lively.

Moreover, there is a very wide road, and there are sellers on both sides. Unexpectedly, there are so many people in this Qingfeng cottage, which surprised Yang Xuan.

He was watching their situation while walking at the moment. It was really beautiful. I didn't expect that this morning, I was so fairy-like.

The top of the mountain is full of mist, slowly rising, Yang Xuan did not expect this to be such a scene, no wonder they don't want to leave here.

But Yang Xuan will not force it, if they want to enter the reincarnation world, Yang Xuan will take them away through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and announce the news to them at that time.

Let's see how many people are willing to do this. When Yang Xuan was fascinated by the things sold at a small stall, a person patted him on the shoulder from behind. Yang Xuan turned around and saw that it was a young boy.

This young man is Murong Yundi, he just felt that Yang Xuan's back looked like that friend, he thought it was his friend, but after this pat on the shoulder, Yang Xuan returned to that moment.

He looked at his friend who was not his at all, and looked at Yang Xuan with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, big brother. I thought you were my friend. I felt like you were my friend in the back just now. The back is very similar, but the clothes are not so similar. I thought my friend was making new clothes. , The paving technology used in our place is good."

"I'm still thinking about what new fabrics will be added. Seeing that your back looks exactly like my friend, but the clothes are so beautifully made, it really makes me feel very curious. I just think about when my friend After changing into such good new clothes 190 clothes, the style is so novel, it looks really elegant, so it’s not.”

"I feel very sorry, who are you? Why have I never seen you before? You are not from this Qingfeng village, are you here to visit relatives? We also have some people from outside who come here, but not many , some people will come here one after another every year.”

After Yang Xuan heard these words at the moment, he kept looking at Murong Yundi. He thought this young man was quite interesting, so it turned out that he had admitted the wrong person. Yang Xuan thought he knew him, or what was wrong with him? .

Chapter 2131 Yang Xuan did not make a decision

It turned out that this was the case, and Yang Xuan and his colleagues thought it was nothing. After all, the people here had lived for too long, and Yang Xuan was not from here at all.

For them, they often walk around here, and they must be able to see the difference at a glance. It seems that their clothes are also quite special, allowing them to recognize them at a glance.

Yang Xuan's clothes are very special. He likes this set of clothes and basically wears this set of clothes all year round. The color is also Yang Xuan's favorite color.

He didn't expect to let him in the back, and he recognized the wrong person. Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter. After all, when walking around this Qingfeng village, everyone's backs are similar. This is also normal, and it's not a big deal.

At this moment, although Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his mind, he just came here to walk around to see the situation in Qingfeng Village. The people here really live more comfortably.

Moreover, this road is also very spacious, and there is not an endless stream of people doing business on both sides. Yang Xuan is very happy in his heart. It seems that people here live freely.

Yang Xuan also thought that if he really announced his origin to them, announced that he has this ability, they don't know if they can agree, but Yang Xuan thought that they could change the status quo after entering the reincarnation world.

It is also a good thing for their life to feel a new world, and then return to Qingfeng Village after everything is over.

Murong Yundi kept seeing Yang Xuan and didn't know who he was, anyway, he looked like an outsider, Murong Yundi recognized him immediately.

It's just that he might come here for a visit, anyway, it's not a big deal, Murong Yundi doesn't care so much, and they don't have any precious things in this place.

There is no wealth, there is no treasure at all, and it is impossible for descendants to come here. Besides, he saw Yang Xuan and felt that the other party was not a bad person.

And it looks very quiet, so it is also very elegant, how can it be a bad guy? Murong Yundi was just telling himself that looking at the other person's appearance, he also found it quite interesting.

At least now Murong Yundi is not worried, and Yang Xuan is not angry because he has identified the wrong person, Murong Yundi is more or less at ease in his heart, otherwise Murong Yundi was very embarrassed at the moment when he turned his head back just now.

"¨After all, our place is relatively remote, but we produce some special products in this place, and they will come here to buy them. I said that there is danger here and was relieved by others, and a master came." 々.

"We don't have to be afraid, otherwise, our Qingfeng cottage will make people panic, and some merchants from other places will not dare to come here. I am very happy to live here, at least everyone can support themselves without doing anything.”

"We can plant land, harvest food, and raise some poultry. Anyway, there are prey on the mountain, so we can survive whatever we do. It doesn't matter. After all, Qingfeng Village is originally remote, and some people do small things. For business, some people make a living by farming.”.

Chapter 2132 Express your position

Murong Yundi didn't know why he said so much, he didn't know Yang Xuan at the moment, but he felt happy talking with him, even though the other party didn't speak.

But Murong Yundi was just expressing his position, and after talking about these things, he told him the situation in Qingfeng Village and how the people here lived.

Anyway, he can survive no matter what is not bad here. Farming the land, harvesting food and raising some poultry, farming every day, hunting and gathering wild vegetables and fruits in winter, there is no problem.

Anyway, the people in this Qingfeng cottage live a relatively free and easy life, they live here very happily, without any pressure, if they hadn't heard that there was a danger on the seaside two days ago.

Afraid that they would be implicated living here, they wouldn't be so worried about 210, but all of this has been resolved by a master.

Murong Yundi didn't even know that this person was Yang Xuan, how could he know, he just heard about it, but he didn't go to the seaside during this time.

Also (ccad) I dare not go, otherwise the seafood on the seaside is very delicious, they would make it in diving every day, but now.

Ever since they heard the news, they didn't dare to go at all, and felt particularly scared. Faced with this matter, they knew in their hearts that everything was safe no matter what.

I don't know who this master is, it seems that he still hasn't left Qingfeng Village, Murong Yundi and the others are very curious, now he told Yang Xuan so much, just to tell him that there is no danger in Qingfeng Village.

But how could he know that Yang Xuan did these things?

Yang Xuan looked at Murong Yundi quietly after hearing these words, and thought he was quite interesting, and he told himself these things now to celebrate this event.

Besides, this Qingfeng cottage is not in danger now, and the seaside is also not in danger, no wonder Murong Yundi and the others are so at ease, this Qingfeng cottage is also very lively today.

There are a lot of people on this street, coming and going, selling things, there is an endless stream, it is really good, Yang Xuan likes this kind of atmosphere.

But he is also clear that it is impossible to stay here for a long time, Yang Xuan does not belong to every place, and it is impossible for him to go back often to his original world.

Moreover, it is very free and easy for Yang Xuan to freely enter and exit the True Soul Reincarnation Tower and enter every reincarnation world, but sometimes he also wants to fix himself.

Living a good life is like the villagers here, they can live so peacefully in Qingfeng Village, but Yang Xuan can't do this.

"That's how it is. It doesn't matter if you recognize the wrong person. My name is Yang Xuan and I just came here yesterday. But it seems that your street is quite lively. This Qingfeng Village is also very prosperous. It's really quite Well, whatever, as long as you can make a living, as long as you can live."

"You don't have any pressure to live here, the pace is quite slow, and you are free. Isn't that good? Judging by your appearance, you should have just grown up, but your smile is very contagious, and it also makes me feel special It's good, it's bright, but don't envy this dress."

"This dress was made in our place, and the fabric is quite special.".

Chapter 2133 Different places have different customs

"There should be no such fabrics in your place. I'm not saying that your place is backward, because the customs of each place are different. My fabric is a specialty of our place, and it is not sold here at all."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Murong Yundi understood that his name was so.

The name sounds easy to remember, and Murong Yundi also thought that his fabric was originally produced in their place, and it was really very good.

The fabric in this place looks softer and more elegant than theirs. Murong Yundi likes this style. After all, young teenagers also like to wear elegant and elegant clothes.

However, the fabrics here are considered acceptable, and Murong Yundi's clothes are more exquisite in workmanship, but compared with Yang Xuan, they are really far behind.

But Murong Yundi looked at Yang Xuan, he must come from a particularly prosperous place, and the things in their place must be very good.

Otherwise, how could his clothes look so special? Murong Yundi also thought that the fabric was slippery to the touch.

And it's very soft and cool. It's the best to wear in this weather. After all, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Wearing this clothes seems to have the feeling of escaping the heat. That's what Murong Yundi thinks at the moment.

Young people like to dress and they like to be clean. Murong Yundi is no longer as sloppy as he was when he was young. After all, how can he be in the same state as before when he grows up-?

Yang Xuan was very happy in his heart, Murong Yundi's eyes were full of light, it seemed that he liked the clothes, but it was impossible for Yang Xuan to use his own ability to change him into clothes.

If he was wearing such a suit, he would look quite special in this Qingfeng village. After all, Yang Xuan is an outsider, and he came to this Qingfeng village just passing by.

You can wear whatever you want. Yang Xuan didn't do anything and didn't want to do too much. After all, it doesn't make any sense. They wear what they have here.

Everything here is already very good, and the clothes Murong Yundi wears are pretty good, and the workmanship seems to be quite exquisite, and the fabric is also quite smooth and soft.

····Ask for flowers 0···

It's just that compared with my own clothes, they are indeed much worse, besides.

The tailor shop here can make such exquisite clothes, it is really perfect, this is a remote small cottage, it is really very good to have such a craft.


"However, the materials you wear are pretty good, and the workmanship is quite delicate, and the fabric is not rough. Although your Qingfeng cottage is relatively remote, it is not as backward as you imagined. It seems that you are living well, and Dressing can be regarded as relatively tidy, which is already not easy."

"After all, this place is so remote and it allows you to live like this, so it's a good thing, but you said that there is no danger yet, so don't go when there is danger. Now there is no danger, isn't that a good thing? Or Congratulations, you can travel freely in the future."

"I don't have to worry as much as before. I was very surprised when I heard the news. I'm still very happy, at least as long as there is no danger." Three.

Chapter 2134 Will not interfere with these things

"It's the same wherever you live. Although this place is relatively low-lying and seems to have fewer people coming, as long as you live happily, no one will interfere with all of this."

After Murong Yundi heard these words, she was quite happy in her heart. After all, what Yang Xuan said made her feel very comfortable, so there was no pressure in her heart.

"two one zero"

Otherwise, I always feel that the clothes Yang Xuan is wearing are very beautiful in fabric, and the style is so likable. Murong Yundi actually likes this suit very much.

But he still knows that the tailor shop in their place can't make such clothes at all. If he likes it so much, he can't let the other party give him the clothes.

Murong Yundi is just talking, envy is envy, they live well here, and Murong Yundi's clothes are quite exquisite.

What Yang Xuan said was correct, and Murong Yundi knew all of this. He didn't have any pressure in his heart at the moment, but he just didn't know what Yang Xuan was doing here, and he felt quite curious.

Moreover, a person like Yang Xuan looks quite special, and he seems to give people a different feeling, and he can't tell what is different.

Anyway, there is a strange feeling, Murong Yundi didn't think too much, Yang Xuan actually said that, it seems that his clothes are quite beautiful, don't be so entangled because of this clothes.

Yang Xuan said this, just to comfort Murong Yundi, hoping that he can feel better, after all, he likes his clothes, so Yang Xuan can't give them to him.

Besides, Murong Yundi and the others are still living well here, so everything here does not want to change, Yang Xuan is also thinking about whether his purpose should not be said.

And when he walked around this Qingfeng cottage today, he felt that his people lived in a relatively comfortable life, and they lived here freely.

Then I can do whatever I want, and there is no pressure to support myself. If I go to a new reincarnation world, maybe everything will change.

Although Yang Xuan thought so, he knew in his heart what he should do, and he was also thinking about this truth when facing this matter, but he just felt that this question should be said...

Or if you don't rush to find out more, let's talk about the situation here later, but it's okay to announce this news, after all, Yang Xuan has the ability to take everyone into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to the reincarnation world.

With such a good opportunity, Yang Xuan didn't want the people in Qingfeng Village to miss them. Although he didn't believe it, once he explained it clearly to them, they would naturally believe it.

Now Yang Xuan told himself that he didn't want to think about it so much, after all, he knew the situation in front of him in his heart, it was the special Murong Yundi who still liked the material of his clothes.

But Yang Xuan wanted to praise him to save him from feeling uncomfortable.

"I think it's good to see you like this. At least now you can stay here at 0.3. Living in this Qingfeng cottage is also the best choice. It seems that you all like life here. One day, don't you?" Don’t want to go to a better place? They all want to stay here.”

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just asking casually. I think it's a pity that you haven't seen the outside world."

Chapter 2135

Yang Xuan just wanted to test Murong Yundi's tone, to see if the people here could have such an idea, want to live in another world, or experience a different situation.

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