And Ling Yunsong also understands these things, but he feels that if some problems arise, he knows what he should do, and Ling Yunsong also knows how he should deal with them.

Facing a master like Yang Xuan, I really hope that he can stay in Qingfeng Village. Their Qingfeng Village will not be so dangerous, and at the same time, there is one more person in his family.

Chapter 2124 I don't want Yang Xuan to leave

He has someone to accompany him, and he can learn a lot of abilities from Yang Xuan. This is his idea, and at this moment Ling Yunsong doesn't know what Yang Xuan's plan is.

Anyway, there are some questions that need to be asked clearly, so that you can feel at ease in your heart, otherwise, how can you know the cause of these problems.

Since there are things that cannot be changed, he also hopes that some things can be resolved in a "one-seven-three" manner.

While Ling Yunsong was talking just now, he was already preparing to cook for Yang Xuan.

Ling Yunsong is usually quite comfortable living alone in Qingfeng Village. There are many people in their place. Anyway, he is not alone, and he usually does a lot of things.

It's just that now that Yang Xuan has come to the house, he is very happy, and he just wants to have a meal with Yang Xuan. Does Yang Xuan want to stay here?

Ling Yunsong has already asked, so it depends on his answer. Ling Yunsong kept looking at Yang Xuan with a full face of expectation, but he didn't want to delay his meal. He just thought that it was already dark, so cooking a meal for Yang Xuan was also considered a meal. Treat him.

Because he relieved the danger of the seaside, dealt with these crises, and at the same time allowed them to live a normal life, so that they can stay here without worrying anymore, everyone understands this matter.

I just feel that some things have happened, so they all understand these situations, how could they not understand and then ask my question?

Seeing that Ling Yunsong's movements were so skillful, Yang Xuan had already started cooking, and Yang Xuan didn't refuse, anyway, it's okay to have a meal here.

Yang Xuan was also thinking about whether to leave Qingfeng Village these two days, Ling Yunsong had already asked this question, but Yang Xuan had no plans in mind, he just felt that the current situation seemed calmer.

Then Yang Xuan felt at ease, he could leave Qingfeng Village at any time, after all, the danger in the room had been ruled out, how could Yang Xuan be thinking about it?

He just felt that now that these situations had arisen, he knew what he should do. Looking at Ling Yunsong, Yang Xuan also felt that he was quite carefree living alone.

Moreover, the people in Qingfeng Village all take care of each other, Ling Yunsong will not be bullied by others, and he looks strong, and he lives very freely. It seems that the whole person is in good condition... .

Yang Xuan wouldn't think too much, after all, there are too many things in this world, Yang Xuan will solve them as soon as they come across them, Yang Xuan is also thinking about the question Ling Yunsong asked.

"Why do you think so much? I haven't thought about these things. Anyway, I have come to Qingfeng Village now, but it is impossible to live here forever. It is still possible for these two days, so don't think about it." It's too complicated, let's let it all go, and besides, this place is very good."

"I also like this Qingfeng cottage, but for the time being, I don't have any plans to think about it slowly. After all, I know these things in my heart. How could I not know what you think? You want me to be here With you, and here to protect you, everyone will not be in danger."

"Don't worry, there will be no danger around here, and there won't be any ghosts and ghosts. There is nothing to be afraid of. You can stay and live in Qingfeng Village, and you will never have to go to other places. For you These have been stabilized, so don’t think too much about it.”.

Chapter 2125 Travel around the rivers and lakes

While cooking, Ling Yunsong heard what Yang Xuan said, and he understood what Yang Xuan meant.

It seems that it is impossible for him to stay in Qingfeng Village for too long, it is impossible for him to live here forever, Ling Yunsong is somewhat disappointed.

But he could understand it in his heart. After all, Yang Xuan didn't belong here, so Ling Yunsong was quite curious about where he belonged.

But now that there are some questions, it is not necessary to ask so many questions, after all, Yang Xuan is a special person.

He has this ability, he can solve it, and he has to find those unknown creatures, which is really amazing.

Watching Ling Yunsong cooking, Yang Xuan felt relatively calm. After all, the Qingfeng cottage is safe now, and there is no danger at the seaside.

Yang Xuan doesn't need to think too much anymore, he can roam the rivers and lakes everywhere, wandering everywhere.

But he doesn't know what the result will be in this Qingfeng village now, and they don't know that he can take them into the reincarnation world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

This matter is unknown to them, and Yang Xuan hasn't told them about it yet.

I don't know if they will have other thoughts after hearing this, and will they feel scared?

But Yang Xuan always wants to talk about this matter, since people here can have a new start through the reincarnation world, then there is always a chance.

Let's see if they want it or not. Although they live freely in Qingfeng Village, if they have such an opportunity, it would be a pity for them to miss it.

Although Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to say it, but when he is about to leave in two days, he will always explain this to everyone. At this moment, he also understands the way of life of the people here.

"I also know in my heart that you look like this, and I also understand that you want to live a free life. It looks good. At least everyone is in a good mood, so there is no need to worry so much. Faced with this problem, as long as everyone Just know how to deal with it in your heart, and there is no need to worry too much about other things.”

"These things are things that I understand in my heart. I don't need to think about them at all. After all, there is no need for them. As long as everyone is clear in their hearts, what are you talking about? These things can't happen all at once. There are too many accidents. And you have seen this Qingfeng cottage, the place where you live is so nice."

"And such a beautiful scenery is more charming. I always have to stay for two days when I come here, but I have other things to do, so I can't stay for too long. Don't keep thinking about my things .”

Yang Xuan felt relatively relaxed at the moment, and he also understood these 173 principles in his heart, but he just felt that what are these people planning to live here now.

Yang Xuan wanted to express his state of mind, and also wanted to express his position, but now he didn't say so much, he just chatted with him, it was already dark.

Besides, he just came to Qingfeng Village today, so he is not very familiar with everything, and he doesn't know much about the situation here. Let's talk about it after he understands it. It is impossible for Yang Xuan to leave here so soon.

Always stay for two days, or stay for a while, after all, the cottage is picturesque, the scenery is beautiful and spectacular, I want to enjoy the scenery here.

Chapter 2126 Ready to start again

Besides, it's the same wherever he goes, he just goes to a reincarnation world to start a new life, and can also let people prepare their abilities after passing through the Reincarnation Tower.

Yang Xuan is still relatively calm at the moment, after all, it doesn't matter to him.

Yang Xuan just thought that since he came to Qingfeng Village, let everything go with the flow, he didn't force too much at all.

He does things with measure.

Seeing how safe this Qingfeng cottage is, and even though people feel that this place is somewhat dangerous, these dangers do not exist, they are all imaginary, and they are not real.

Yang Xuan had finally fulfilled a wish, otherwise, when he thought about these problems, he would feel very helpless in his heart, because he felt that the current situation had arisen.

He understands what he should do, and he is relatively relaxed in his heart, but facing such a problem, how could he not understand in his heart, how should he decide all this.

And Yang Xuan thought about the people living in Qingfeng Village, if they really qualified, they could enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and enter the reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan will take them in and give them a chance, it depends on whether they want to do it or not. At this moment, Yang Xuan also understands in his heart, and he understands this situation even more.

Faced with such a problem, his heart is relatively at ease, and he doesn't think about too many things at all. Everything is relatively easy for him.

Ling Yunsong moved very quickly, he had already prepared the meal, and now he brought the rice and dishes over, and Yang Xuan and Yang Xuan had already started eating, Ling Yunsong didn't have too many worries in his heart.

After all, Yang Xuan has this ability, he can remove all the dangers here, so that everyone can feel at ease, and don't have to think about it anymore.

Otherwise, even though they are far away from the sea in this Qingfeng cottage, they still live uneasy, and they are very anxious.

Ling Yunsong also felt very helpless when he thought of this problem, but now some things no longer exist, and there will be no more danger.

They can live a good life in Qingfeng Village, they don't have to worry about it anymore, and they don't have to think about it anymore, everything has become very peaceful, Ling Yunsong gave Yang Xuansheng a bowl of rice, looked up at him and said.

"Brother Yang Xuan, don't think too much. I don't have too many demands. It would be better if you can stay in Qingfeng Village. If you don't stay here, we won't force it. This matter is not forced , Besides, you don't belong to me at all, my idea is really a bit out of the ordinary`々."

"¨But it's really hard to have this idea. I just think you are too capable, but let's not think about it too much. Let's eat. This is a meal specially prepared for you. Although there is nothing good, but ( The one who gets the money) is that we grow the greens here, and we grow the rice ourselves, and they are all very delicious.”

"Today you relieved the danger for our Qingfeng Village, so that the common people can live here well, no longer have to think about it like before, and don't have to face the dangers like before. All of this can finally be over , this thing is really good for us, and we know these things in our hearts."

Chapter 2127 Danger Always Appears

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he looked at Ling Yunsong while eating, and knew what was going on in his heart, and the current situation.

Yang Xuan also understood what Ling Yunsong meant, he didn't want him to leave, but Yang Xuan was also thinking about leaving after all, he couldn't stay here, maybe he would take them out of here.

Yang Xuan didn't worry about other things at all in his heart, he just felt that if this situation happened now, then they don't have to worry, Yang Xuan also wanted to wait until his own matter was resolved.

He will leave Qingfeng Village, and all this will be over, but it is unknown how many people he will bring into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower for reincarnation to the reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan doesn't think so much for the time being, everything is decided slowly, after all, 183 also understands these situations, but he just feels that when something happens, it's up to him to deal with it.

If some problems can really be changed, he also hopes that everything can be changed, and he doesn't worry so much or ponder so much at all.

Faced with such a situation, he has already made up his mind, but he just feels that if some things can really happen, he will not think about those boring questions anymore.

Once these issues change, he certainly hopes that everything can be carried out according to his inference.

Ling Yunsong thought about how sad they lived during this time, and they felt really helpless in this Qingfeng cottage, but when Yang Xuan came, everything was resolved, and they could go to the beach in the future.

In the past, when they heard about the seaside, they felt particularly scary. It was like a monster appeared in that place. They didn't dare to go there at all, and they didn't dare to bear such pressure. Now it's different.

All of this has been resolved, Ling Yunsong doesn't have any (ccad) concerns now, other villagers will receive such news every day, everything is safe, for him he knows in his heart.

Ling Yunsong looked at Yang Xuan's excitement, they chatted while eating, Ling Yunsong had never been so happy as today, after all he was used to living alone.

Although he didn't feel lonely, but suddenly Yang Xuan came here, he thought it was really good, if he didn't leave, it would be great.

But Ling Yunsong knew that it was impossible for him not to leave. With such a powerful identity, he should know spells. How could he stay in Qingfeng Village? Don't think too much about it.

Ling Yunsong also told himself that he was very happy to chat with Yang Xuan about some things.

"Besides, we wanted to go fishing at the beach these two days, but we really didn't dare to go. Thinking about how monsters would appear here, how could we dare to go? So it turned out that all of this was speculation and Illusions are not real, after you confirm, we can enter Qingfeng Village normally."

"You don't need to think too much, and you don't have to think about those problems anymore. All of this no longer exists. It is also a very happy thing for us. Anyway, at this moment, I understand in my heart that there is no need to think too much, and there is no need to There are too many worries, and if some things happen, it depends on what you think."

Yang Xuan was eating, and after hearing these words, he thought that their life during this time was too sad.

Chapter 2128 Count the number of people now

They couldn't resist the pressure and the danger at all. It was really not easy for them to survive such psychological pressure. Yang Xuan came to Qingfeng Village this time to relieve them.

He was actually quite happy in his heart, as long as everyone could live a good life, he would have no regrets at all. Yang Xuan has always faced this matter relatively calmly.

He knew in his heart that he didn't need to worry so much at all, he just felt that if something happened, he knew what he should do, and he knew how to face such a situation~.

Moreover, Yang Xuan has been thinking a lot these two days, to see when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower will open, and then bring qualified people into the reincarnation world to start a new journey.

I don't know what they think, Yang Xuan will investigate the situation in this Qingfeng village tomorrow, and then count the number of people, and then announce the news in two days, and now he is not in a hurry to slow down everything.

After all, ordinary people live better, and it is impossible for people to accept this fact all at once. Yang Xuan was also thinking about this issue in his heart, and he also told himself that he was too hasty to operate.

Some things can only be decided after they are confirmed. He is still relatively calm in his heart, just thinking that Qingfeng Village is safe, no matter what, there is no danger here, so he doesn't worry about it so much.

Ling Yunsong kept seeing Yang Xuan and didn't know what he was thinking. Anyway, he just felt that he came to Qingfeng Village, and it seemed that he really didn't have any pressure.

He felt that all the troubles and dangers were gone. He was really powerful, and he was different and very capable.

Ling Yunsong didn't worry about these things at all in his heart, he just felt that now that these problems had arisen, he knew what to do and how to deal with them.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to reach such a level, and he knew in his heart that even if he was not worried, he would know how to face such pressure.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to obtain such an ability? Ling Yunsong also felt very happy in his heart, after all Ling Yunsong hoped that Yang Xuan could stay in Qingfeng Village.

····Ask for flowers 0···

You don't need to think about other things, and you don't have any regrets. If these things can really be decided at this moment.

He didn't have to think too much about it, and Ling Yunsong also hoped that Yang Xuan could stay in Qingfeng Village for a few more days, and he didn't want him to leave here so soon.

"Because there is no danger here, we don't have to scare ourselves all the time. Otherwise, every day when we think that there is danger at the seaside and may enter the village at any time, our life is really hard. Although we are very scared every day, but Still haven't left here."

"After all, I have no other place to go. I can only stay in Qingfeng Mountain Village. Although I am frightened every day, I passed every day safely and there is no danger. But I still feel special fear in my heart. Only you can be sure. All of this is an illusion, not real, we just feel relieved.”

Everything that should be said has been said, he just feels that everything is gone now, those things they thought have been ruled out, and there is nothing to worry about. Three.

Chapter 2129 More and more desires

They are also clear about such problems, at least they will not think about it anymore, and they don't have to worry too much about the problem, everything has been resolved.

Then they just need to live a normal life, and Ling Yunsong doesn't know when Yang Xuan wants to leave here or how long he will stay.

Anyway, let things take their course, Ling Yunsong will not ask "183", after all, Yang Xuan can't stay here, Ling Yunsong already understands this situation in his heart, it depends on what Yang Xuan says, Ling Yun Song felt a little puzzled, but now he didn't know what was going on.

At this moment, Yang Xuan felt that some words were said by others. Ling Yunsong was such a cheerful person, and he had such a bold personality, so Yang Xuan felt that there were some things to say to him.

Then tomorrow he will tell the people in Qingfeng Village, let them know what abilities he has, and let them know what the function of the True Reincarnation Tower is.

In this case, Yang Xuan wouldn't worry in his heart, otherwise, he would always guess in his heart, and Yang Xuan didn't think it was interesting, but he didn't know about it now.

Should I tell them, anyway, the situation in Qingfeng Village is quite special, Yang Xuan also thinks this place is really good.

Maybe they don't want to leave here at all, and they all like the environment here after entering the reincarnation world, but Yang Xuan also has many things in mind, although he doesn't feel any pressure at the moment.

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