Do they just want to live in this Qingfeng cottage for the rest of their lives? Although Yang Xuan didn't say it so directly, he still had some things to talk to him about.

After all, Yang Xuan just came here in Qingfeng Village, so he is not very familiar with everything, Yang Xuan only wants to prepare for all this through his own thinking.

Let's see if everyone can enter the True Reincarnation Tower to prevent it. Although all this is unknown, Yang Xuan will always work hard.

Only through such a method can he get the ability he wants, can get a lot of things, and Yang Xuan's ability can be raised to the strongest level.

But now, although he is not in a hurry, he can take things slowly, and he can't keep procrastinating like this, although he doesn't understand the situation in Qingfeng Village.

But once you understand it, you will understand these, then make a decision as soon as possible, and someone who meets the conditions can enter the Tower of True Reincarnation.

"If one day, I have this opportunity, do I want to go to the outside world for a while? Or I don't want to leave here at all, I just want to stay in Qingfeng Village for the rest of my life."

"When I say this, I just mentioned it casually, and I don't have any other thoughts. I just feel that I always stay in one place and live all the time. Do you find it particularly boring? Or are you all used to such a way of life? Well, I don't think there is anything boring at all."

"But don't listen to what I say casually. I just think that the Qingfeng Village you live in is quite comfortable now. There is no danger at all. Anyway, this place is quite stable now."

Murong Yundi was a little confused, what does this mean? He didn't know what Yang Xuan thought when he said that, Murong Yundi just met him.

It's just that he is in this Qingfeng cottage now, and he is from a different place. Murong Yundi feels that there is nothing surprising about him, and he is not a bad person.

Murong Yundi was unprepared, but felt that what he said made him feel some thoughts, although Murong Yundi didn't know why.

But at this moment, he is also thinking that if these problems arise, he may ask himself to reconsider, but if these things can really be changed, how could he not know the thinking behind it.

I just feel that the current situation looks quite simple, but it is really complicated to do it. He is in a good mood, at least he doesn't have too many worries now.

He just felt that if these things happened, it would be up to him how to decide this matter. Faced with such a 210 or that situation, Murong Yundi didn't know the reason.

Anyway, what the other party said had other meanings, and Murong Yundi didn't know what he wanted to do.

Murong Yundi thought it would be great if there was such an opportunity, but how could this opportunity exist? How could there be such a good thing in the world.

Yang Xuan looked at the thoughts in Murong Yundi's heart, let's penetrate a little bit.

After all, he knew these villagers in his heart. They lived in Qingfeng Village, and they were used to being free. Suddenly they had such thoughts, and suddenly there were such changes.

Chapter 2136 A Little Penetration

Yang Xuan told them so much, they may not be able to believe this fact, and they may not be able to accept all of this, Yang Xuan is just talking about this matter step by step.

Some problems have arisen, and everyone knows what to do, and even more how to deal with all of them, but if some situations really happen, Yang Xuan will of course use other methods to change everything.

And in the face of such a situation, he knew what to do in his heart, and he also knew how to make all these decisions. If these situations arise at this moment.

He understood the reasons for these problems, so he didn't have to worry so much at all. Facing such a situation, he was still in a good mood, anyway, Yang Xuan wouldn't think too complicated.

He knew in his heart that Murong Yundi should have such an idea, if he had this opportunity, wouldn't it be a good thing for him?

Anyway, Yang Xuan also thought that if he, as an ordinary person, had the opportunity to enter the reincarnation world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, then it would be a very exciting thing.

Yang Xuan will definitely not refuse, but not everyone thinks the same as him, he is also aware of this issue in his heart at the moment, it seems that Murong Yundi is also thinking about it.

Is this matter true or false? Faced with a situation like that, although Yang Xuan can see it more clearly at the moment, everything may not be as simple as he thinks now.

Since the problem happened, it depends on how you decide to go, and Yang Xuan is in a stable mood, just chatting with them casually.

"However, what I said just now is not necessarily a joke. If there is such an opportunity and such an ability that can lead you into a new world to live again'々."

"Is there anyone among you who wants to do this? Leaving this Qingfeng cottage to go to another world to experience a different situation and experience a different life. This is also quite good. It depends on whether you have If you have an idea, can you do it?"

"For me, I don't have too many thoughts or doubts about these things, but now that these things have arisen, it's up to you to decide. In fact, I said this completely with this in mind. of."

Yang Xuan carefully saw Murong Yundi, a young man, he was quite interesting and seemed to have a personality, they lived freely in this Qingfeng cottage.

And the street in front of me is so lively, there are shops on both sides, and there are people coming and going, it's really a joy, I didn't expect people to live so comfortably in such a remote cottage.

Suddenly, Yang Xuan didn't want to destroy everything that existed here. After all, he could announce that he would lead everyone to reincarnate into a new world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But Yang Xuan also wanted to tell them that those who meet the conditions can have this opportunity, and those who don't meet the conditions will not have this opportunity at all, but Yang Xuan feels that it is difficult to say it out of his mouth.

After all, he and Murong Yundi have just met, so there are some things that he is not in a hurry to talk about. Yang Xuan just came here and still doesn't understand the situation here, so let's talk about it after observing for a few days.

Yang Xuan just said this matter vaguely, and what he said directly was afraid that Murong Yundi would not be able to accept it.

Chapter 2137 Some words are not easy to reveal

Besides, Yang Xuan also needs to understand the situation here now, to see if the people here can have this opportunity to reincarnate into a new world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Besides, Yang Xuan also thought that although there are quite a lot of people in Qingfeng Village, there are not many people who meet the conditions. Yang Xuan needs to understand it before making a decision.

He doesn't want to disclose this news directly now, because he has many thoughts in his heart. Yang Xuan just feels that now that these situations have arisen, he knows what he should do.

Faced with such a situation, he 210 also knew how to deal with it, but if these things really happened at this moment, he certainly knew that everything could really go ahead.

How could he have any other way? He just feels that these situations have emerged. He understands the problems behind them and the situation behind them.

He just felt that if some things could really be changed, of course he hoped that everything would go smoothly, but if they couldn't be changed.

Then Yang Xuan also hopes that all problems can be solved in another way.

He still doesn't want these people from Qingfeng Village to have a chance, cherish it badly, and feel a pity if they miss Yang Xuan, after all, Yang Xuan knows in his heart that they should be given the right to choose, and they have this right.

Murong Yundi really didn't understand what Yang Xuan meant, he was a little confused, after all he was just an ordinary citizen, and he was not very old.

He just felt that the current situation sounded really surprising.

Murong Yundi really felt that Yang Xuan's words sounded a bit inexplicable, what does this mean? How could it be possible to go to another world? Besides, isn't this world a good place now?

Murong Yundi and the others have never thought about leaving Qingfeng Village to see other places, but it is enough to go to other places for a walk, but they (ccad) really do not have this desire to go to other worlds.

Nor did they have the guts, let alone such thoughts, all this was really confusing to them, but at the moment Murong Yundi also felt that what Yang Xuan said had other meanings.

What does he mean? What did he mean by saying that? Does he have this ability? Or is there such a change?

At this moment, although Murong Yundi's mood is stable, he still has some thoughts, that is, he knows what to do when this situation arises.

He knew better how to decide all these things. Although his mood was quite stable when faced with such a problem, he didn't know what Yang Xuan was talking about.

What does he want to express and what it means, can't he just say it? So what exactly is this situation? In this case, is it really possible to go to other worlds?

"Brother Yang Xuan, although what you said sounds very tempting, I really don't know what it means. Faced with such a situation, I also feel a little unbelievable in my heart. Then what you said What kind of world is it like? Isn’t it our current world?”

"You said that if you go to live in another place, I think it is understandable, and I can understand it, but now you say that if you have the opportunity, you choose to live in another world, so is the other world good or bad? What is it like?".

Chapter 2138 has a bold idea

"Is it a living environment outside this world?"

"I just suddenly felt that all this was really strange. Although I was very confused, I also felt very curious. I knew it well in the face of such a situation. Although I didn't worry so much, some things happened. Yes, it always makes people feel a little unimaginable."

Yang Xuan looked at Murong Yundi and understood what he was thinking. It seemed that they didn't have the guts, they couldn't understand at all, and these were quite confusing to him~.

Otherwise, how could he say that, but Yang Xuan didn't think in a hurry, after all, there are still many people living in Qingfeng Village, Murong Yundi doesn't understand-.

But others may understand, they will understand this matter, it may be that what Yang Xuan said just now was not direct enough, and what he said seemed intermittent.

Or they didn't directly explain their origins, nor did they clarify what happened, they were in this state, so Yang Xuan was thinking about it for a while at the moment.

If many people here know their origin, then Yang Xuan will explain to them clearly what the situation of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is like.

Moreover, the transfer world is a different world, different from the present, so if they have this idea and the courage, they want to enter a new reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan will take them there, and will give them this chance, but if they are really timid or don't want to do it at all, it is even more impossible for Yang Xuan to force them.

Yang Xuan didn't speak all the time, and Murong Yundi felt a little confused looking at him, after all, how could he know these things, facing this Yang Xuan in front of him, he was just a stranger.

What did he mean by coming to Qingfeng Village? Murong Yundi didn't know at all, but the danger in their place had just been lifted, so now the other party actually said that they have this ability.

It may be true that it can take everyone into another world, but Murong Yundi is not too sure that he knows it clearly, whether it is true or not.

Then the other party seems to be kind, and he doesn't seem to have any other thoughts, so Murong Yundi doesn't have to worry, if such a thing really happens.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Murong Yundi is also willing to try such an opportunity. After all, it is quite boring to live in Qingfeng cottage for so long, but if it is really possible to go to other worlds in this way, it is also very good.

Anyway, he doesn't worry about these problems in his heart, he just feels that when these situations arise, he knows how to face them, and he knows how to make all these decisions himself. At this moment, there is no need to worry so much about these things.


Faced with such a problem, Murong Yundi simply didn't know anything about it. Even after listening to what Yang Xuan said, he could understand a little bit, but not completely.

"But if there are new developments in the matter, there is no need to worry so much. Although I know what is going on in my heart at the moment, I am also thinking about these issues."

"I'm a little confused now. I don't know what's going on at all, but if some things really happen, then all the problems will be solved." Three.

Chapter 2139 The situation is complicated and changeable

"If you really think about it, maybe you don't have any troubles in your heart. Everyone knows what to do when facing a situation like that."

"However, we don't do this at all for things that we can't understand. It's a bit unimaginable to think about it. For us, the things you said are a bit too mysterious."

Murong Yundi is not very old in "213" years, but he speaks more directly, he has nothing on his mind at all, he just feels that Yang Xuan's words make him feel a little ambiguous.

It made him feel a little confused, he just wanted to ask what was going on, why would Yang Xuan say that? If there is such a chance.

Murong Yundi also thought that of course he wanted to experience a different world, but is this really possible? It made him feel a little unimaginable.

He is also clear in his heart, no matter what kind of situation it is, he understands in his heart how it is possible not to understand these problems, he just feels that such a situation has arisen.

He knew what he should do, and he knew how to decide all of this. At this moment, he knew in his heart that he was facing such a problem.

How could he not know the situation behind this in his heart, but Murong Yundi is not worried about some situations if Yang Xuan can really solve them.

But what about the new world? Murong Yundi always needs to understand, otherwise how could he choose such an opportunity? How could you have the guts?

Facing such a situation, he knew in his heart that although he was a little confused, if some situations could really be resolved, how could Murong Yundi be worried about those things in his heart.

And looking at Yang Xuan, he felt a little surprised, Yang Xuan is capable, he looks like an extraordinary person, but who is he?

Where did he come from? Why does it seem so mysterious? He has this ability, can he take everyone to live in another world?

It seems that Murong Yundi asked a lot of questions, Yang Xuan was thinking about this question at the moment, Murong Yundi actually asked Yang Xuan like this, just tell him some things directly.

And if he knows the situation and has understood it, he can pass all the news to the people in Qingfeng Village, so that Yang Xuan doesn't have to go there himself...

Let him do it for you, let him tell everyone about this matter, and as long as they believe it, they can follow themselves into the Tower of Reincarnation.

Then go to the reincarnation world, this matter is quite good, Yang Xuan doesn't want to be too wordy, but if these things can really be done at this moment, then my heart will be relatively peaceful.

"Since you ask this question, I will tell you some things directly, and since we are friends, there are some things I don't want to hide from you. After all, I know this in my heart. You may not believe it, but I want to tell you You said a lot of 0.3, and the opportunity I'm talking about is to enter another world, I can."

"But you go to the reincarnation world through the Reincarnation Tower, that way is like that problem, then what is the Reincarnation Tower, it can make people travel through it constantly, and change constantly. A passage to another world is such a thing.”.

Chapter 2140 Meets Reincarnation Conditions

"All of this sounds rather miraculous and weird, but it is true. I am the one who can control the True Reincarnation Tower. This time I came to Qingfeng Village and passed by here. It happens that there are many people here. If you meet the conditions, you can enter the Tower of Reincarnation."

"Then start a new life and start reincarnating. It's such a simple thing. Just believe it. Then there are many things that you need to control."

Murong Yundi looked at Yang Xuan with his head tilted, and felt that it was even more exciting. Is what he said at this moment true? Can he control the True Reincarnation Tower? Such a situation.

He has never heard that 22 has seen such a miraculous thing that I can bring people to reincarnate into other worlds.

It was really unheard of. To him, they just lived freely in Qingfeng Village, how could they hear such bizarre things.

Seeing his expression, Yang Xuan also found it funny. It seems that he didn't believe it at all or he was also doubting it. After all, anyone else would doubt this matter.

How could they believe it all of a sudden? For such a situation, Yang Xuan could understand them, but he told them something slowly so that they could accept it slowly.

After all, Yang Xuan, who has already come to Qingfeng Village, doesn't want to leave here just like that. If someone here really meets the conditions, and he also wants to follow him into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate the world.

It would be a pity to do nothing. Yang Xuan also thought of many problems. At this moment, he looked at the young man in front of him and there were many people coming and going on this street.

But Yang Xuan was not in a hurry to say so much, he met Murong Yundi temporarily, told him about this matter, and saw his reaction, he was indeed depressed.

Yang Xuan can also understand them, but this matter is true and reliable, Yang Xuan let them understand, don't doubt it anymore, when is this.

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