Of course he knew how he should be sure. Now that he was gone, he was in a good mood facing this problem, but he still had some ideas.

Ling Yunsong just wanted to know what Yang Xuan wanted, what happened?

Yang Xuan already understood these problems in Ling Yunsong's mind, it seems that he saw that he had something on his mind, Yang Xuan was just thinking about the problem just now.

He was just thinking that once the True Soul Reincarnation Tower was opened, would they be able to enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate into the world.

To change the fate of one of them, Yang Xuan was also thinking about this matter.

So when he came out suddenly just now, Ling Yunsong had already noticed it, but Yang Xuan was also thinking whether to tell him or not.

After all, they just came to Qingfeng Village and suddenly said this thing, can they believe it, after all, they don't know what the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is.

····Ask for flowers 0···

I don't know what kind of environment the other kind of reincarnation world is for them.

Everything is relatively confused, they may be a little anxious in their hearts.

At this moment, Yang Xuan also understood this matter in his heart. He understood that what Ling Yunsong asked was because he wanted to know what he had to solve.


But they couldn't do what Yang Xuan really solved. How could they have this ability?

"I don't have any thoughts anymore. Don't think so much anymore. It seems that you are still very sensitive. I am very happy to be able to guess so much and think so much, but you don't have to worry about it now. For me, I understand the matter in my heart, and I also understand these issues.”

"And just now I was just thinking about something about myself. Maybe I told that person, why don't you believe it? I think it's better not to talk about this matter. After all, if I tell you some things directly I am afraid that you will not be able to understand at all, or you will not be able to control all this in your heart." Three.

Chapter 2119 Storms keep appearing

"For you, it may be that you don't believe what I say, but as long as you believe in me, you will believe what I say, but now I think it may not be the time, let's talk about it in two days, I do have something in my heart, but Don't worry, I don't need any help."

After Ling Yunsong heard these words, he knew clearly, no matter what.

These things happened on the "170" day, and he knew it in his heart.

How could he not understand this problem? Even if these things happened now, it made him feel a little sad.

Ling Yunsong didn't think too much about it at all, after all they all knew in their hearts that the Qingfeng cottage was safe and the seaside was dangerous.

It's ok for them not to go to the seaside, and they won't be dangerous to enter Qingfeng Village. Their Qingfeng Village is very strong, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter.

Today Yang Xuan has a special status, he is everyone's friend, and he has the right to enter the Qingfeng Village after the danger here has been eliminated.

Otherwise, even he would not be able to get in, let him face the situation clearly in his heart.

They have already seen it very thoroughly in their hearts, they just feel that Qingfeng Village is safe now, the seaside is also calm, and there will be no more danger in the future.

The arrival of Yang Xuan has made everything very stable. At this moment, he feels that what Yang Xuan said seems to be nothing wrong with him.

And his ability is so powerful, he will not be in any danger, and he will not have any accidents, besides, he looks fine now and has not been hurt.

The same thing in the sea has been solved, and he has given you a satisfactory answer.

There is no need to worry so much, Ling Yunsong is really at ease in his heart, he will not think wildly at all.

Yang Xuan has already said what he should say, but although he has some thoughts in his heart, Ling Yunsong and the others don't even know what ability he has.

Yang Xuan also thought that Ling Yunsong was also thinking of himself, and Ling Yunsong was so worried when he saw that he had something on his mind, and wanted to help him solve the problem.

And how many people are there in Qingfeng Village, Yang Xuan can't understand now, let's get to know it slowly, because he doesn't want to talk about his own affairs now...

I also don't want to say that I can bring everyone into the reincarnation world through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. Once they hear about this, they will all be shocked.

At least you have to get along with them slowly, and tell this matter later, now Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to face this situation, he knows in his heart what he should do.

His heart was still relatively calm, Yang Xuan didn't care that much at all, but what he said to Ling Yunsong made him understand why he had some worries, Yang Xuan didn't have too many thoughts at all.

"I don't have anything to solve. If I really have something to solve, I can do it myself. My 0.3 is thinking about your problems, so I hesitated just now, but you don't have to think about it." Too many, don't worry, I'm really fine."

"This Qingfeng cottage is also a beautiful place. Now when you are free, you can go to the seaside to have a look. There are many beautiful scenery on the seaside. You can all feel that kind of atmosphere. It won't be like before. It’s like that, I’m always so worried.”

Chapter 2120 Everything will be calm

After solving the matter in the sea, there will be no danger at all here, and no creatures will come out to harm people. Yang Xuan is not worried in his heart, after all, he is clear about this matter.

You don't have to think about these things anymore, and the people in Qingfeng Village can live a good life now, let's talk to them later.

After all, Yang Xuan can pass through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, but they enter the reincarnation world and start a new world, it depends on whether they have this idea and whether they have this condition.

And Yang Xuan has already controlled everything, and now there is no situation in this Qingfeng cottage, so he feels at ease.

Otherwise, how could he not be in a hurry when he thought of these 22 questions, but Yang Xuan now understands the situation, so he doesn't have to worry so much at all, all of this has been resolved.

"After all, there is no danger there now. For you, you don't have to be as scared as before. I understand it in my heart, so these things depend on what you think, but don't think too much. Everything is stable. That's right, this place won't be in any danger anymore, and I can't have any accidents."

"Okay, don't think too much about it. It's impossible for anything to happen again. Since I passed by Qingfeng Village, I will definitely help you out of this crisis, and I will definitely help you deal with these dangers. , anyway, everything is stable now, Qingfeng Village will not be in danger."

"It's impossible for there to be monsters in the sea. Everything is just guesswork. What are your plans now? But I think this Qingfeng cottage is pretty good. It's a quiet beach where you can swim freely. Don’t worry about anything like this, it won’t happen again.”

After Yang Xuan came to Qingfeng Village, he felt that this place is really good, at least this place has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the people are so kind.

Yang Xuan can enter the reincarnation world to open a new world, to see if they can have this opportunity, if they can meet the conditions, Yang Xuan is not in a hurry for the time being.

What Ling Yunsong said to himself, Yang Xuan also understood that he had some concerns in his heart, maybe because he was worried that he had some thoughts and Yang Xuan actually didn't think about anything.

He just felt that there was no rush to say something so early, because Ling Yunsong and the others didn't understand what was going on at all, so there was no need to confess this issue now, and wait until they got to know them better in two days.

Let's talk about my own abilities, tell them what the True Reincarnation Tower is like, so that they can choose a new way of life and enter a different world. This is the purpose of 170 Yang Xuan.

It's impossible for Yang Xuan to express what's in his heart right now, Ling Yunsong and the others simply don't understand that there is no difference between him and Ling Yunsong at home, after all, it's already dark.

Now Yang Xuan doesn't want to walk around in Qingfeng Village anymore, let's talk about something after thinking about it, otherwise, how could he be as calm as he is now, after all, he knows it in his heart.

No matter what the situation is, as long as you understand it, as long as you can control it better, you don't have to worry about other things at all. As for such problems once they arise, Yang Xuan knows these reasons in his heart.

Chapter 2121 Sudden Inspiration

He just felt that if things really made new progress, it would be a good choice for the people in Qingfeng Village to enter the reincarnation world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But they can't all meet the conditions, Yang Xuan also thought of this, otherwise he wouldn't be in the state he is in right now, he just feels that this thing has happened now.

How could he not understand this problem in his heart, and Yang Xuan has always been relatively stable, and he didn't worry about these things at all, he just knew in his heart and let everyone understand this truth.

But this matter is not in a hurry now. After two days, I will decide to have a good chat with them to see what they think? How did it decide?

Yang Xuan had a good idea in mind, otherwise all this would be his own guesswork, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

Ling Yunsong and Yang Xuan sat on the kang and looked at him and felt very happy. At least there is no need to worry about this matter now, and Ling Yunsong also knows Yang Xuan, he may be a master.

He can enter such a deep seabed to find those dangers, and he can solve the crisis for everyone. He is different because he really knows magic.

Ling Yunsong also felt very surprised at this moment. After all, since this matter happened, he no longer thought about other problems, but felt that everything would have a new solution.

And once something happened, how could he not know what to do? But once things change, he hopes that everything can be resolved as soon as possible.

He didn't think about other problems at all. Now that things had already happened, he knew what he should do. Some problems were not as they were imagined, and all of this had changed a little.

"Brother Yang Xuan, I am very happy when you say that, because we have lived in his Qingfeng cottage for so long now, and we have lived here all the time, not by the sea here, although it is a little far away from here. , but we especially like the environment there, and we also like the air there'々."

"But ever since we heard that there were some dangers, we didn't dare to go there. We felt very scared and terrified, and also worried about what to do if a monster appeared and ate us into our stomachs? Our How could you not be in a hurry?"

"¨¨I just feel that the current situation is not as simple as we imagined. I just feel that once the current situation changes, all problems will get a new solution. It is you who solved it. own crisis."

Yang Xuan didn't have any worries in his heart at all, and what Ling Yunsong said made him feel particularly comfortable. After all, it was not easy for Yang Xuan to understand their difficulties. They lived in Qingfeng Village, which was their home.

Of course they (obtained Zhao) did not want any problems or dangers to arise, for them Yang Xuan already knew it in his heart, but they just felt that the current situation had arisen today.

He knows what he should do, and he understands how to deal with problems better. He just feels that if some things can really be reconsidered, he really doesn't worry so much. He just feels that once such problems change, his mood will be changed. Still relatively stable.

Chapter 2122 The storm is always constant

He wouldn't worry about those boring questions at all, and Yang Xuan would solve all the problems, let them live here well, and won't let them have any accidents.

Yang Xuan has this ability, after all he has this ability, can he still refuse to save him? This is not his style, Yang Xuan also hopes that everything can be handled properly.

After solving the problem, I don't worry so much in my heart, and Yang Xuan doesn't want human beings to be harmed. As long as there are things that can be helped, he will try his best to help and solve these problems.

Ling Yunsong was very excited in his heart. When he thought of Yang Xuan's ability and what he had done, he was very happy. After all, he knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was.

As long as he can understand the matter of 173, Ling Yunsong will of course agree. Besides, there is always some danger in Qingfeng Village now, and they don't have to worry about monsters from the seaside coming here.

I don't have to think about those things anymore, and I don't have to worry about too many problems at the same time, and Ling (ccad) Yunsong has a lot of things to think about this time, but I just feel that these problems have appeared now.

Of course he knew how much power Yang Xuan had. As long as he could live in this aspect, Ling Yunsong felt that it would be great, and he didn't know what Yang Xuan's plan was.

Ling Yunsong wanted to ask for a while to see if he wanted to live here? If he lived here, Ling Yunsong was thinking that he would live alone anyway.

Yang Xuan can stay in his own home and live with him, what a wonderful thing, Ling Yunsong felt at the moment whether he was a little whimsical, but he thought of this question in his heart.

There is no need to worry so much, everything will be stable, and he is still in a good mood. After all, he understands these principles, so he doesn't need to think too much about things, he already knows what he should do.

"You have resolved all the dangers, so we don't need to worry so much anymore, otherwise we feel very helpless and anxious, but if some things cannot be resolved normally, we can also hope that everything can progress quickly Some, don’t worry this time.”

"The Qingfeng Village is already safe, and there is no danger on the seaside. This is a very good thing for us, and it is also very good news. We are all very happy.

However, some people in Qingfeng Village don't know about it yet. It seems that the news will spread throughout the village tomorrow, and everyone will celebrate at that time. "

It turns out that this Qingfeng cottage is quite interesting, they will celebrate together if there is something, so it seems that they are living happily here, Yang Xuan doesn't worry about it anymore.

But now Yang Xuan still didn't say what he thought, and his ability Yang Xuan was also thinking about them, if he lived so happily here.

I'm afraid they might enter the Tower of Reincarnation. They would not choose to do so in other reincarnation worlds. After all, life here is so stable, how could they want to change?

Yang Xuan also thought that if it was him, he would not want to change it, after all, he was clear about this matter now.

As long as it is such a decision, there is no need to worry. Faced with such a problem, he also knows what he should do.

Chapter 2123

At this moment, I can understand these truths, but I feel that once everything happens, then Yang Xuan also hopes that all problems can be solved.

At the same time, seeing the people in Qingfeng Village living so happily, Yang Xuan was quite happy in his heart, he didn't have to worry about these things at all, as far as other things were concerned, he was relatively happy in his heart.

Then how could Yang Xuan not know these problems in his heart, he just felt that the people here can live a good life and be happy and safe.

Yang Xuan no longer has any worries, he can leave here, but what does Ling Yunsong mean by all that? Of course Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

Yang Xuan has already heard what thoughts he wants to express, but now Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to solve these things, and there are some problems, and he doesn't need to think too much.

As long as he can deal with the problem, then he doesn't have to worry about it. This Yang Xuan has always been relatively calm, watching such a thing happen.

He knows what he should do, and he knows how to deal with these problems. Yang Xuan has always been in a good mood. After all, he has the right, and he never has to worry about those other situations.

As long as the problems he can handle, Yang Xuan will never take them to heart. After all, he also understands these principles, and feels that if it really happened before, he also knows what he should do~.

I know better how I should decide all this. I always have some thoughts in my heart, but in my heart - I don't worry too much.

Ling Yunsong once saw that Yang Xuan had many thoughts in his heart.

Anyway, he has already said what he should say, and he is very clear in his heart, how much ability Yang Xuan has, Ling Yunsong has not said that he wants to keep him in Qingfeng Village.

Ling Yunsong just wanted to ask, but he didn't get to the point after talking for a long time just now, Ling Yunsong just thought, since these things have been put here.

Then Yang Xuan came to Qingfeng Village, this place is so remote, and since he appeared.

How could it be possible to leave so soon? I also thought it would be good for him to stay for a while, and I didn't want him to leave here right away, that's what Ling Yunsong had in mind.

"Because once there is something good in our place, everyone will have a good time together, which is also a very happy thing, but these problems are indifferent to us now, but we all hope that everything can go well I hope this Qingfeng cottage will always be safe."

····Ask for flowers 0···

"Otherwise, how could we live here? Faced with those dangers and those things, we feel very helpless, but we can't be too anxious about some things. Take everything slowly, but what do you plan to do in this Qingfeng?" Is the cottage going to keep going? Or will we leave in two days.”


Ling Yunsong looked at Yang Xuan quietly, not knowing what his reaction was, but felt that his current state was quite good, at least he didn't have to worry so much now.

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