····Ask for flowers 0···

"If you can't solve the problem, then everything will end badly, and things will be difficult at that time, but I'm just talking about all this. There is no danger in this place, and nothing has happened. You don’t have to worry about these things at all.”


After Ling Yunsong and the others heard Yang Xuan's words, they were extremely happy. It seemed that there was no danger in the water.

It is safe at the seaside, they can come here to play and play in the future, they especially like this scenery.

I also like the seaside situation, but since they heard that there are unknown creatures in this place, they have stayed far away.

Although they live in other places, they can walk half an hour away from the beach to get there, but they don't usually come here. For them, it's really too scary. Three.

Chapter 2114 No Unidentified Creatures

After all, since they heard about the situation in this place, they stayed far away. After all, for them, they knew it in their hearts, so how could they not understand it.

I just feel a little strange, and a little worried about facing this situation. They all know what to do, and they know how to make decisions.

It's just that something happened, they all knew "167" and didn't need to think too much, everything was dangerous.

Then they can only think about these things, but now, there is no danger, and their hearts are particularly peaceful.

At least they won't have any worries in their hearts. For them, they can finally know that the seaside is safe, and there is no danger in the underwater world?

It turned out that there was someone there, and they were very surprised. How could this person be so powerful that he could live in the underwater world.

It's really different, is this person capable? Otherwise, how could it be possible to live in the water all the time, is this person a fish? Really surprised.

Yang Xuan just told them what he knew, which made them very happy, after all, Yang Xuan also understood.

As long as they understand that the sea is not dangerous, they will feel at ease. After all, what is the underwater world like.

They would never be able to go, the sea is too deep, if it wasn't for Yang Xuan's ability, he would never have done so.

Yang Xuan couldn't reach this level, he knew in his heart that his heart was relatively calm.

Yang Xuan didn't worry so much at all, he just felt that these things had happened now.

He knew what to do, and he knew how to decide. He just felt that something happened, and of course he understood this truth in his heart.

How could it be possible not to understand the truth behind it? The more it is like this, the more it can be changed, the more it can be dealt with.

As for how to decide these things, then Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he didn't have to worry about so many things for the time being.

As long as there is a new change, then everyone can understand it in their hearts, and how can they not understand the truth behind it.

After all, when this incident happened, there will be a reasonable solution to all the problems. It doesn’t make any sense to think too much....

For them, they all understand these situations in their hearts, and they just feel that things have already been decided in this way.

Then their psychology is quite solid, for them, they have already seen all this clearly.

"Let's go back first. Although the seaside is not dangerous, it's getting dark. It's cooler near the sea surface. The temperature in this place is very high during the day, but it's still relatively low at night. Don't get sick, after all, although this place is not dangerous, the water is very deep."

"It's better to be careful. In the future, even if you enter the sea at 0.3, don't go into the deep waters. It's okay around here. Otherwise, your water quality is not good enough. Once you enter the water, it's really bad luck. Well, I still hope you can be more cautious."

At this moment, after Yang Xuan finished speaking, he followed them back to the village. This village is really good, and it is the place where they live.

Now Ling Yunsong is leading the way.

Chapter 2115 Entering Qingfeng Village

Yang Xuan is also walking behind them at this moment, so the Qingfeng Village has already appeared.

Yang Xuan looked at the Qingfeng Village in front of him, it was indeed a good place, no wonder the people here lived so happily.

Although there are dangers at the seaside, they usually don't go there. Now they know that the seaside is not dangerous.

They will be able to live normally in the future, facing such a situation, Yang Xuan is not worried, he just feels that he has told them so much.

22 Let them know that nothing will happen here in the future, and they can live here freely.

Yang Xuan came to Qingfeng Village, he didn't think about anything, he just hoped that the people here could live a little more peacefully, Yang Xuan never thought so much about other things.

He just felt that this kind of situation had happened now, and the Qingfeng cottage was not in danger anymore, so he looked at what was going on, and then left here.

After all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that all of this was over, there were no monsters or unknown creatures at all, this was everything humans said.

It wasn't what they thought, it seemed that they could calm down now, and Yang Xuan had explained so much to them, Ling Yunsong and the others were already extremely happy at this moment.

Yang Xuan looked at them and was very happy, after all, human beings can live a good life.

Yang Xuan didn't have any regrets in his heart, but now can he enter other worlds through the True Reincarnation Tower, do they meet the conditions?

Yang Xuan wants to see if they can go to the reincarnation world and give them a chance, this is what Yang Xuan wants to do.

At the same time, you can improve this ability, get a lot of things, and get a lot of spells.

Yang Xuan was quite happy in his heart, but now it all depends on their choice.

The people here don't know what to think, they may feel quite confused, they don't know what's going on at all.

Ling Yunsong looked at Yang Xuan and felt that he had something on his mind. Ling Yunsong and Yang Xuan had already gone home. They returned to Qingfeng Village, and Ling Yunsong led him to his home. After all, their cottage is relatively large.

Moreover, the terrain here is relatively dangerous, but this place is very safe, if there is no danger at the seaside, they would not be so worried at all.

Ling Yunsong was finally relieved now, he looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Brother Yang Xuan, what's the matter with you? It seems that there is something on your mind. Is there something wrong? Is there anything unresolved in this place? Tell us if there is anything, we have quite a lot of people now, And there are some masters, but not as powerful as you."

"They don't have this 170 ability, and it is impossible to do such a thing when they enter the underwater world. After all, the people here are very afraid. There is no water at the seaside, and everyone rarely goes there. If not I heard that there is danger there, and someone has entered the bottom of the sea."

"We can't go today at all. We just heard the news. We just went together with the guts. In fact, when we went, we were very scared and worried. We were worried that you would die in the sea if you couldn't get up. , I am also worried that a monster will rush out and eat us in the stomach, we are really very scary."

After Yang Xuan heard Ling Yunsong's words, he knew clearly.

Chapter 2116 Strong adaptability

He actually has nothing to do, but he has something to say to them. After all, Yang Xuan has the ability to let them go to the reincarnation world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Let them have a new world and a new life, I wonder if they have this idea.

Yang Xuan felt that now that these situations had arisen, there was no need to worry about anything. After all, it was their luck that they had this opportunity to know themselves.

But Yang Xuan didn't say so much yet. After all, he just came to Qingfeng Village, how many people are there, and what is the situation like here.

Yang Xuan is not very clear at all, and he doesn't understand everything here, let's talk about it after he understands, and Yang Xuan knows in his heart what he wants to do.

And facing such a situation, he has already figured it out clearly, as long as the people here can live peacefully and well.

Yang Xuan didn't worry anymore, but if they had this opportunity, they could enter the True Reincarnation Tower, start a new world, and start a new life.

This is also a good thing, Yang Xuan is also thinking about this matter, so he is not in a hurry to say it yet.

But the expression on his face may have revealed that he has something on his mind, and Ling Yunsong has already seen it.

Ling Yunsong didn't know what happened to Yang Xuan, why did he seem to have something on his mind, didn't the matter in Haili not be resolved, maybe he had other things?

Ling Yunsong still thinks that he wants to leave Qingfeng Village? He just came here, why should he leave in such a hurry.

Ling Yunsong didn't know what he was thinking at all, but he didn't answer or speak now, Ling Yunsong was quite anxious now.

After all, the two of them have returned home now, and Qingfeng Village is so big, Yang Xuan didn't go to other people's homes, but Ling Yunsong was very happy to come to his own home.

When it gets dark later, I will prepare some meals for him. Ling Yunsong is usually quite comfortable living alone. He is an adult, and he is very strong.

He just thinks that this place in this cottage is quite good, people are very united, and there are many people who take care of him

He is not alone or lonely at all. He has many friends and many friends. Here he can hunt, chop firewood, pick wild vegetables, pick some wild fruits and grow vegetables.

Anyway, there are many things to keep him busy, Ling Yunsong lives a particularly fulfilling life every day, he just feels that although they don't understand anything here.

They will not be able to contact the outside world in the future, but they live very happily, and they are also very happy. Since they were in danger at the seaside, they stopped going.

Today Yang Xuan has resolved all of this, there is no need to be too dangerous, they all know what is going on in their hearts.

There will be no more problems at the beach, and Yang Xuan is safe, Ling Yunsong is also very happy.

"¨But (Zhao's) now that you are back, you don't have to worry about anything. It turns out that all this is just imagination, and there is no danger at all. It is really a very good thing for us, but now you see It seems that there is something, if there is something that can't be solved'々."

"Don't be polite to us. If you didn't come here today and give us such an answer, how could we know that the seaside is not dangerous.".

Chapter 2117

"In the future, we can go to the beach to collect shells, go to the beach to pick some seaweed and so on."

"There are also those kelp that you can come back to eat. Besides, the scenery by the sea is more beautiful. We usually like it there, but since we heard that it is dangerous, we dare not go there."

Of course Yang Xuan knew what was going on. It turned out that they lived happily. It seemed that after they were at the seaside, they could go there often.

Besides, Yang Xuan just didn't interrupt what Ling Yunsong said, and felt that what he said just now was 170 serious. Yang Xuan only wanted to answer after hearing what Ling Yunsong said.

After all, Yang Xuan has nothing on his mind right now. For him, he came to Qingfeng Village and only wanted to tell the people here.

You can go to the reincarnation world to open a new world through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and see if they can meet the conditions. Yang Xuan also thought that if someone really entered the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

Starting a new journey and starting a new life, Yang Xuan will gain a lot of abilities. He is also thinking about it now, once he gets more abilities.

He did things more smoothly, and he didn't have to worry about anything at all, and he understood this situation in his heart, and he was quite at ease in his heart.

But now Ling Yunsong doesn't know how much ability he has. After all, Yang Xuan still doesn't know how many people are here.

And tomorrow, I will wander around in this cottage to see what's going on, and I have to appreciate the scenery here.

After all, it was too late today, it was already dark, so Yang Xuan didn't want to go.

Ling Yunsong didn't worry so much at all in his heart, he just felt that talking to Yang Xuan about the current situation, they were already friends.

Ling Yunsong looked at that Yang Xuan was not very old, but his ability was extremely powerful. Since he was able to enter such a deep underwater world alone to find those dangers.

It proves that his ability (ccad) really cannot be underestimated, he is really like a powerful master.

Could it be that he is a god? Ling Yunsong didn't ask too many questions, but he just felt that he could resist the danger now, that he could eliminate the danger around Qingfeng Village.

What else do they have to worry about, and when they face this matter, they understand in their hearts that they don't need to worry at all.

When these situations arise, he also understands what to do, and even more knows how to face all these situations. Ling Yunsong also thinks about this problem calmly in his heart.

He was still in a good mood, and Ling Yunsong didn't have too many thoughts at all.

He just felt that as long as they could live a good life in Qingfeng Village, he never worried so much about other things, even though he didn't know Yang Xuan's ability.

But at least he can help everyone inquire about the danger behind this. Now that they don't have to be in danger anymore, Ling Yunsong has nothing to worry about.

"We can only walk around the Qingfeng Village every day, that's the reason, but all this has been lifted, you just talk about what you have to do, don't beat around the bush, and don't hang out with us, after all we There are too few things that can be done, and I don’t know if I can help you.”

"For us, we just hope that we can live here well. Qingfeng Village is really beautiful, quite big, and this place is also very vast.".

Chapter 2118 The scenery is exceptionally beautiful

"Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see a lot of scenery, but this place is relatively remote. There are actually quite a lot of people here, but there are very few outsiders. You came here today, which is also an accident for us, but now I don’t think so much anymore, it doesn’t exist anymore.”

Ling Yunsong had finished what he was supposed to say, and when he saw Yang Xuan, he didn't know what was going on with him, anyway, he seemed to have something on his mind.

Although he was not very clear in his heart, he seemed to be a little anxious. He didn't know what was going on with Yang Xuan~.

And looking at him like this, I also have some concerns in my heart. Could it be that Yang Xuan has something inconvenient to say? Ling Yunsong felt a little worried now.

But he knew that Yang Xuan would solve it no matter what, it seemed that he was thinking too much.

He didn't want to say it, maybe he had his own thoughts, Ling Yunsong didn't even know that Yang Xuan had such ability.

Yang Xuan will have such a spell that can take them into a new world in the game, how could they know this.

Everyone understood in their hearts that Ling Yunsong would never have heard of this matter.

Although he is quite confused about Yang Xuan now and doesn't understand his situation at all, but if such a problem really arises.

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