"Similarly, unknown creatures can't hurt you. No matter if there are any, we have to investigate. After we understand it, don't we have a bottom line? Don't have to think about it."


After Yang Xuan said this, he lay on the bed and rested here with Mrs. Qu Zi tonight.

After all, Yang Xuan was also thinking that if the matter in the Orchid Sea Region was not resolved, he was always worried, how could he not understand the situation behind it, the more it was like this, the more helpless he felt.

And he knew in his heart that no matter what these things had already happened, Yang Xuan also wanted to come to the Orchid Sea Territory, so he couldn't just ignore the things here.

And it's impossible to see Qu Zifu being hurt, right? Facing such a problem, he just knows in his heart, how could he not have such a reaction? three.

Chapter 2089 No more hesitation

He just felt that now that such a situation had arisen, he certainly hoped that these things could be resolved.

And Yang Xuan had a lot of things these two days, even though he wanted to bring a lot of people into another world for reincarnation.

But he also thought that this matter is not so simple, not everyone has the opportunity to face such a situation, "157" he knew in his heart, no matter what the outcome.

He was able to confirm everything, and he thought too much, it was meaningless, although Qu Zifu seemed a little worried.

After all, he is still alive, but the danger must be resolved in time, so that this place can be safe. Qu Zifu also looks a little weird in this way.

So did he really not believe what he said? Anyway, what Yang Xuan should say has already been said.

He was just thinking about these things, and he didn't worry so much at all. If Qu Zifu was also worried now, Yang Xuan didn't know what to do.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't have such an idea in his heart, no matter what the outcome was for him this time, he knew it in his heart, and he didn't want to face such a situation.

I just feel that now that such a situation has arisen, he knows what to do and how to deal with the problem, but he feels that all the problems now are not as simple as he thought.

All of this is subject to new changes. Faced with such a result, how could he not be in a hurry, and how could he not be clear?

The more he feels like this, the more uneasy he feels. At the same time, he also thinks in his heart that these problems can be resolved as soon as possible, which is also a good thing for him.

Yang Xuan didn't have to worry so much, and he had some thoughts in his heart. Faced with such a situation, he was thinking that maybe everything had changed.

But once such a problem arises, he also thought of a lot of things, and Yang Xuan is quite relieved, anyway, he can handle all the things here.

Qu Zifu didn't expect Yang Xuan to say that, but faced with such a situation, he already knew what to do.

Qu Zifu still has some ideas in his mind, and Qu Zifu is remembering every word Yang Xuan said, but can he really solve this kind of thing now?

Qu Zifu was still a little worried, even though he told himself not to think too much, but when he thought about the problem in the Orchid Sea...

I think things are really uneasy, he understands what Yang Xuan said, it seems that this danger may appear at any time.

"Brother Yang Xuan, I have remembered every word you said. I am not capable of doubting now. I am just worried about whether the danger here really exists or whether there are more and more dangers like you said. Well, I feel that such a question really makes me feel quite helpless."

"But now that this matter has appeared, I am also thinking that everything is different. These problems, don’t let any danger arise again.”

"Actually, I also feel that this incident has happened. It really makes me feel unimaginable. In fact, I have thought of many things in the past two days, and I am also puzzled."

Chapter 2090 swallowed

Qu Zifu didn't know what to do, should Yang Xuan enter the Youlan Sea Area to understand the situation? This thing is really too dangerous.

He was particularly terrified, he just felt that if Yang Xuan really had the ability to enter the Orchid Sea Territory to collect the whereabouts of unknown creatures.

So all of this is easy to handle. If he has no ability, can he come back alive after entering the Orchid Sea?

Can it come out of the water? This matter is quite serious, and Qu Zifu is very anxious, but there is some worry in his heart.

No matter who Yang Xuan is, Qu Zifu knows that he has some abilities, but the situation here is more complicated, so it's better to be careful.

Qu Zifu also thought that if he left the Orchid Sea, would all of this be safe? Qu Zifu had no such idea before.

But now that Yang Xuan is here, he will have such an idea, if the other party is in danger because of his appearance and living here.

Such a thing is really worth the candle, how could Qu Zifu not think about it? Faced with this situation, he already knew it.

But now that this matter has arisen, how to decide, he doesn't know what to do now.

"I thought maybe I should really leave the Orchid Sea Territory, and all the dangers may really appear or more and more, my heart is also uneasy, especially anxious."

Yang Xuan didn't worry too much at all, but Qu Zifu thought too much, after all such things had already appeared before his eyes.

How could Yang Xuan ignore it, how could he not hold on? If Qu Zifu was really in danger and was swallowed by an unknown creature, he would die by then.

Yang Xuan felt sorry in his heart, since such a situation had already occurred, Yang Xuan had already come here and encountered such a crisis.

He always left after solving the problem. Besides, whether Qu Zifu can enter the reincarnation world with himself and start a new life is still unknown.

Yang Xuan hasn't expressed his intentions yet, so don't worry or be in a hurry for now, Yang Xuan can only tell him about these things after he has to settle the matter here.

Qu Zifu has already explained what he should say, but what Yang Xuan thinks Qu Zifu really can't decide his thoughts.

If he insisted on doing this, Qu Zifu would not be able to stop him. He just hoped that he could understand such a situation.

And the Orchid Sea Area is such a place, so they are far away from the Orchid Sea Area now, but they can also see the Orchid Sea Area not far away.

The surface of the water looks very calm, but it is not known whether there is any danger, and Qu Zifu is very anxious.

"I just feel that something like this has happened now, and I am very worried in my heart, but how can I not be anxious about something like this now? I have already seen this situation very thoroughly. I just feel that the more It’s such a situation.”

"The more I feel the more unimaginable, the whole person's mood becomes better, and facing such a scene, I am very happy in my heart."

"At least you say now that you want to save me and help me solve the crisis here, you won't die."

Chapter 2091

"My heart is finally at ease, but are you really going into the Orchid Sea to search for unknown creatures now? You have to think about this matter carefully, and don't let any accident happen, otherwise I will bear the blame."

He really didn't want such a thing to happen. Yang Xuan came here, so he couldn't have any accidents in order to find the danger here, Qu Zifu also thought about it.

If Yang Xuan really entered the Orchid Sea to look for unknown creatures, if he really appeared in danger.

Qu Zifu couldn't save him at all. After all, Qu Zifu was relatively timid and lacked ability, and he couldn't possibly know how to swim, so how could he enter the sea.

It was really a terrifying thing, at this moment he still thought that no matter what, Yang Xuan should be more cautious, and Qu Zifu also knew it.

Even if there is danger now, wouldn't there be no danger if he left the Orchid Sea? Why do you have to take this risk? How could Qu Zifu not worry about this matter?

Looking at the special anxiety in Yang Xuan's heart, the situation here is more complicated, and I didn't expect these changes to appear suddenly.

If this problem can be solved at this moment, Qu Zifu doesn't want anything else to happen, he is also clear about this situation.

In any case, if the matter cannot be resolved, then I don't know what to do now, and I don't know how to make a decision. After all, Qu Zifu is helpless.

How could he resist the danger together with Yang Xuan, it is relatively safe for a foreigner to live here alone, but the situation in the Orchid Sea Region must be changing, Qu Zifu understands this truth in his heart.

Even at this moment, his mood is more anxious, and he can't judge whether all this can be done. For him, his mood is also very bad.

Seeing Yang Xuan like this, and the other party is so kind, if it is really because of this incident that he has any accidents.

Qu Zifu really felt guilty for the rest of his life, he just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand this matter, the problem of the Youlan Sea Area.

If you can't solve it, then leave here, don't insist on breaking into the Orchid Sea.

Yang Xuan chuckled, Mrs. Qu Zi was too timid, he knew in his heart that Mrs. Qu Zi lived alone in this place, which was relatively close to the Orchid Sea.

He also has a lot of ideas, and he doesn't have the ability yet, that's why he is like this, Yang Xuan can understand his mood.

The reason why he still stays in this Orchid Sea area is because he may not want to leave or go to other places. For him, there are many nostalgia here.

"¨Didn't I tell you everything? Don't worry, there will be no danger. I want to enter the Orchid Sea to search for these things today, and I will definitely find them. Why do you want to be like this? Don't worry, Don't think about it too complicated now, let's go to bed now (to get Li Zhao), and wait until tomorrow morning'々."

"I will enter the Orchid Sea to look for unknown creatures. If there are really no such creatures, I will give up all this. If there are any, I will destroy them in the water, so your heart will be at ease. I There will never be any accidents, so don't worry about me."

"You stay here, and then we think there is no other way until the danger here is gone.".

Chapter 2092 Danger Does Not Exist

"At that time, what do you want to do and where do you want to go? Let's study it again. Besides, you don't need to worry so much. Since I have this confidence, then I can do it."

After Qu Zifu heard Yang Xuan's words at this moment, he already understood, it seems that there is no need to worry about this matter.

Then Yang Xuan has always been so sure, so calm, he doesn't care about this danger at all, and he doesn't care about these things, so it proves these problems.

There is no need to worry at all, Qu Zifu has become calmer now, and he also feels that Yang Xuan said so, so don't think too much about anything.

And the other party has abilities, and he is not a fool. If he can't solve the danger and fear of unknown creatures, how could he insist on bringing up this matter.

Qu Zifu didn't ask him to do this either, after all, it's been so long since what happened in the Youlan Sea area, although this place is dangerous.

But Qu Zifu is still alive after all, which proves that everything is safe for the time being, let's ask about things in the future.

But Qu Zifu also understands Yang Xuan, since he wants to do this, don't stop him, because the other party has this ability (ccad) and don't think too complicated.

He thought about these things, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt a little difficult, but now if these problems are too entangled, it will no longer make any sense.

Regarding the issues in the Youlan Sea Area, Yang Xuan had also thought about it in his heart. If these issues could not be resolved at this moment, he would not insist on doing so.

It is also impossible for him to resist these dangers. Yang Xuan also thought that since he came to the Orchid Sea, no matter what the situation is here.

He entered the Youlan sea area to have a look and talk about it. If there is any danger, he will remove it. If there is no danger, then he will have a bottom line in his heart.

I don't need to think about it anymore, I also think that since he came here, he can't just leave here, and Qu Zifu lives here alone, which is quite pitiful.

He always had to settle his matter before leaving. Yang Xuan also thought of many things. After all, he already knew this kind of problem, so don't think about it too complicated.

He just felt that the more he was like this, the more helpless he felt, but when some things happened, he also knew what he should do, facing such a situation.

He also knew how to deal with the problem in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have said that. When Qu Zifu thought of such a problem, Yang Xuan could understand him.

"If I really don't have the confidence or the ability, I won't do it. That's it. I can solve these problems. Why are you so worried? If these things are really important to me Difficulty is beyond my control, and I will not raise this matter."

"I will not go my own way. I have already understood such things in my heart. There are too many dangers, but people cannot escape these things. It may not matter to us. We can leave here. But once we get out of here."

"If these unknown creatures really become stronger, what should they do if they go to other places and hurt others? At that time, the world will become a purgatory. It's better not to have such things happen. You can do all of this Don't worry, everything will be given to me, as long as you don't worry.".

Chapter 2093 Getting Serious

Yang Xuan was very calm in his heart. After all, he did have abilities. If he was really a cowardly and incompetent person, how could Yang Xuan do this?

At this moment, he was thinking in his heart, Qu Zifu should not be so worried, and Yang Xuan also thought that he would have a rest after chatting with him for a while.

After all, after resting tonight, Yang Xuan will go to the bottom of the Orchid Sea Territory tomorrow morning to look for these unknown creatures.

Seeing if there are any unknown creatures that Qu Zifu mentioned, Yang Xuan also thought of many problems, he just felt that these problems had appeared now.

He just wanted to settle everything, and he didn't want to delay too long at all, but all the situations appeared, and he knew what he should do.

I know better how to face all this. It is such a situation that makes me feel a little helpless.

Yang Xuan was also thinking about Qu Zifu, although he had some ideas, but he had no ability after all, and Yang Xuan didn't want him to encounter any danger.

He just needs to wait here for himself, Yang Xuan will come here to find him after he finishes dealing with the problem, he just feels that these things are like this now~.

If you think too much, there is no need for it anymore, how could Yang Xuan not be clear about this issue in his heart, the more he feels like this, the more unimaginable he feels.

But Yang Xuan knew this question in his heart. After thinking about these things, he pondered in his heart.

It seems that this matter should not be too complicated, and some things will be resolved. Since Yang Xuan has this ability, he doesn't care about anything.

The situation in the Orchid Sea Area is relatively complicated, and Yang Xuan is ready to explore all of this, otherwise, he will feel particularly unbearable.

And if the problem cannot be solved, he is also very anxious in his heart. At this moment, he is also thinking that no matter what, he must solve all the problems before he can be at ease.

Otherwise, there are so many dangers in the Orchid Sea Area, how could it be possible for people to survive.

After Qu Zifu was lying on the bed and heard Yang Xuan's words, he finally felt at ease. Would they rest after chatting for a while?

Is Yang Xuan really going to enter the Orchid Sea Territory tomorrow? This matter is so decided.

····Ask for flowers 0···

The thoughts in Qu Zifu's heart, I don't know whether it is excitement or feeling a little excited, and at the same time worried, anyway, all kinds of complicated emotions have come with him, and he understands in his heart.

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