No matter what, these situations have arisen today, and he also knows what he should do. Faced with the current situation, they are all clear.


"Brother Yang Xuan, since you have already said so, I will not be so stubborn. I will listen to your opinion. I believe that you will solve all the crises without getting hurt. And since you have said so, just Prove that your ability is very strong, if you can't do it, you really won't choose this way."

"I understand it in my heart, and I don't worry too much at the moment, otherwise I will always be thinking wildly in my heart, and I also know that no matter what, since you have said so much and have been comforting me, let me Rest assured, I understand that no matter who you are, at least I know and won't destroy all of this."

"You're not going to change these things either." 3.

Chapter 2094 Everything subsides

"I don't worry anymore in my heart. Faced with such a situation, I know what to do in my heart. But at this moment, you have to think carefully about these issues. I don't want to worry anymore. And you have this ability, how can I No matter how doubtful, I understand in my heart."

Qu Zifu can think so much about Yang Xuan, so he doesn't have to worry so much, after all, he doesn't have to hesitate like the "160" just now.

And he was so scared in his heart, after all, he didn't need to do all this, Yang Xuan would definitely finish everything.

Faced with such a danger, Yang Xuan was particularly worried about Qu Zifu. It was not easy for him to live here without any harm.

If a similar situation occurs again, then all of this will not be as quiet as it is now, Yang Xuan also understands in his heart.

Besides, the danger is not that serious, and it is the best way to solve all this in time before too many problems arise.

Yang Xuan didn't want to waste too much time at all, he also understood this, let's chat with Qu Zifu for a while, it's already so dark.

Yang Xuan is also preparing to rest, they still have a lot of things to do tomorrow, Yang Xuan doesn't want to waste too much time.

Qu Zifu looked at Yang Xuan, the thoughts in his heart no longer existed, he just believed in Yang Xuan's ability and believed that he could do many things.

I also believe that he can solve many crises, and Qu Zifu doesn't have to think about other things.

He has already understood that there is no need for this. Yang Xuan is such a strong man. Since he himself wants to go to the Orchid Sea Territory to search for these unknown creatures to find these things.

Then why do I always think too complicated, Qu Zifu thinks it doesn't make any sense, Yang Xuan looks capable like this.

He spoke so calmly, and he didn't worry about his appearance, and he looked so natural.

Qu Zifu has nothing to worry about, as long as Yang Xuan can finish these things, he won't think so much.

"No matter what the situation is, as long as you have the ability and you can handle things, your heart will become very open. Otherwise, I have been thinking for the past two days. There are more and more dangers in the Orchid Sea. Should I How about staying here? But now if the things here are dealt with..."

"Then I will stay here. This is my home. I don't want to leave. Everyone else has already left. But I don't want to leave. I just want to live here. This Orchid Sea is where I first came to , and the place has so many great memories, even though it was empty and I was the only one left.”

"But I don't care, I know in my heart that I don't want to worry so much. Brother Yang Xuan, let's rest. There are still many things to do tomorrow, so I won't bother you anymore."

Now that Yang Xuan heard Qu Zifu's words, they closed their eyes and prepared to rest, and Yang Xuan didn't want to talk anymore. 0.3

What should be said has already been said, as long as the two of them know clearly, and Qu Zifu has no ability.

Yang Xuan didn't want him to be in any danger, he wanted to solve the problem with one person, and besides him, he knew what he should do.

At this moment, Yang Xuan's heart was relatively calm, because he felt that now that these things had happened, he knew how to make a decision.

Chapter 2095 Unknowingly falling asleep

Yang Xuan felt very at ease at the moment. Lying on the bed, Yang Xuan closed his eyes and wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible. Tomorrow's matter will be resolved tomorrow, and this evening is over, so there is no need to talk about anything.

When he got up in the morning, Yang Xuan saw that he had left here just after dawn, and he was going to go to the Orchid Sea Area to search for these conditions and see if there were any suspicious discoveries.

Yang Xuan didn't want to waste time, he had already set off by himself, although the sky was bright, it was still a bit dark, Yang Xuan walked quickly.

I came here in the Orchid Sea, looking at the situation on the water is relatively normal, but Yang Xuan is not too clear about what kind of world is in the water, since he is here, he always wants to explore it.

When Yang Xuan entered the Youlan sea area alone, he found a cave. This place is really quite magical.

Such a scene appeared in the underwater world, Yang Xuan was amazed, but now he was looking left and right in the water.

This place looks a bit weird, but no suspicious creatures were found at all.

But the words written on the entrance of this cave are Water Rhyme Palace.

When Yang Xuan was walking towards the Water Rhyme Palace, the entrance of the cave suddenly opened. The world in the water was really different. Yang Xuan was even more surprised when he saw someone walking out.

Since there are people in this underwater world, it is not a creature at all, but Yang Xuan still feels a little unimaginable.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Aren't you afraid of death? This is my territory. You have broken into here now. Is there something else? Why do you come here like this? The water Does the other world have anything to do with you? You suddenly ran out now, is there something wrong?"

"But I look at you, you are very capable at such a young age. You can survive in such an environment and even come here. This Water Rhyme Palace is a dark place. The world is so deep in the water. You will also find that it really surprised me.”

"But what is your origin? Don't look at me like that. I'm just asking, but if you are a bad person, I won't let you go."

The person speaking is Gu Mochou, he has lived in it for so long, and the underwater world is good for him.

In fact, at the very beginning, he changed into a different appearance. When he came to land, he just looked at the environment of this place.

After all, he has been living in the water for so long, and he doesn't know much about the vicinity. Later, he saw a person, so he just hoped that the other person would not approach this sea area after seeing his appearance.

160 In this way, Gu Mochou can live a peaceful life, and he doesn't want to be disturbed.

For him, he knew in his heart that he didn't have to worry about so many Gumo worries, just looked at Yang Xuan in front of him and didn't know who it was.

This man was able to find the Water Rhyme Palace from such a deep water, which really surprised him, Gu Mochou was also thinking about his own place.

After being discovered by him, why did he come here? In fact, Gu Mochou is not a monster at all.

Gu Mochou is just a human being who likes life in the water after gaining some abilities and ran to this place.

Chapter 2096 Don't Want To Be Disturbed

This water area is more dangerous, and at the same time it looks more terrifying. Gu Mochou only thought that such a place is the safest.

He stayed here, which was one of the reasons for his choice, but he didn't know why, Yang Xuan appeared and disturbed all of this, and he didn't know what to do.

He just felt that the current situation might be another kind of change for him, but Gu Mochou didn't want others to find out where he was, and he didn't want others to disturb his life.

He lives alone in the underwater world, and he is really free. The Water Rhyme Palace is also very well built by himself. There are many creatures and aquatic plants in it.

In such an environment, no matter who lives here, they feel very happy. Although it is an underwater world, it is really good.

Gu Mochou likes this kind of environment. It has been a long time for him to live, and he already has a lot of abilities, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

He lives well here, and there are animals in the water here with him. The Water Rhyme Palace is very lively. Even though he is the only one, there are quite a lot of animals in the water here.

An ocean world is really different. Yang Xuan's appearance broke all of this. Gu Mochou looked at him and didn't know who he was.

But I find it quite strange, his ability is extraordinary, otherwise he would not be able to discover the Water Rhyme Palace, Gu Mochou has some thoughts in his mind at this moment.

It is always necessary to find out who it is, otherwise, I feel uneasy, what is he doing here?

Do you want to destroy the entire Water Rhyme Palace? Thinking about it, Gu Mochou felt a little anxious, and he would definitely not let him do this.

Yang Xuan felt surprised at this moment, he just looked at the person in front of him, he was a human being, he was not a creature or a monster at all.

Yang Xuan really thought it was quite interesting, Gu Mochou looked really different, he had lived in the water for a long time, and felt that his appearance was similar to that of the Dragon King.

Yang Xuan felt that such a situation was really weird, but he knew that Gu Mochou didn't seem to have any evil intentions.

Instead, he felt that he was a bad person, otherwise he would not have said that, but Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he came here to inspect the situation, how could he be hurt?

But the other party felt that he was a bad person and wanted to hurt him, and Yang Xuan also felt that it was really unimaginable.

"¨I didn't ask you now, but you asked me instead, why do people like you exist in this underwater world? What do you mean by living in this place? You are pretending to be a ghost, like us ordinary people, it seems You did all of this, so someone saw an unknown creature appearing around here'々."

"Could it be you? But you are a human being now, (the one who wins the king) can you change into a creature? Otherwise, how could there be such a rumor?"

"Because they all feel that there is danger in this sea area, there are monsters here, but since you are living here now, it seems that you have lived in this water rhyme palace for a long time. There will be such a water rhyme palace, it seems that this is your home, but what about your home?".

Chapter 2097 Prepare to fend for yourself

After Gu Mochou heard these words at this moment, I think it's really strange, this person's words are too rampant.

Could it be that this Water Rhyme Palace is this home? Besides, the underwater world has never been here before, so he suddenly rebelled, does this world belong to him? Is this sea area under his jurisdiction?

Gu Mochou felt that it was really unimaginable. The young man's words really made him feel a little careless. Why did he say that? Gu Mochou has lived here for decades.

Isn't this underwater world his own? Isn't this sea area managed by oneself? The animals here are also here, and the creatures in the water get along better with themselves.

They are all free to come and go in the Water Rhyme Palace, and they don't have to report anything at all, so Gu Mochou is actually very happy living here.

The creatures on the bottom of the sea are all relatively close to him, they depend on each other for survival, Gu Mochou is a human being, but he likes life in the water, that's why he came here.

But is all this really going to be broken at this moment? What does this person in front of him want to do here? Gu Mochou didn't understand or understand at all.

After Yang Xuan finished saying this, his eyes were full of future gazes. He felt that Gu Mochou had appeared, so it seemed that everything here was done by him.

Otherwise, how could some unknown creature appear, and how could someone discover the danger here?

It seems that it's all what he said. Yang Xuan knows in his heart that he has the ability, but now that this thing has happened.

What was Gu Mochou thinking? Although Yang Xuan is not very clear, but he lives here, does he regard himself as his family?

Does he not want to leave here? But this place is deep sea water, as long as he doesn't leave the seabed, why does he want to enter the land?

Yang Xuan was also thinking about this question in his heart. After all, it is impossible for him to change in his appearance, and it is impossible for him to live on land, but why did he come out to scare others?

Ordinary (ccad) surnames see something scary, how can they not be worried about some terrible things? They dare not approach the waters anymore, that's all.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this place to become a horrible place, an evil sea.

"You are destroying people's normal life now. It doesn't matter if you live in this underwater world, but you can't go on land to scare the people. They are relatively timid to them. Once they find some unknown objects appearing, they will feel very scared. At the same time, I was very surprised.”

"But these things are not what you think at all. I didn't ask you now, but you asked me instead. Do you think I look like a bad person now?"

"If I were a bad person, first of all, you would not be able to stand up and talk to me. I have already eliminated you. I feel a little unbelievable about your appearance. What is the situation? You should recruit it now, otherwise, then I'm going to be rude to you."

After Gu Mochou heard these words at this moment, he felt quite strange. It seems that this person knows everything, and he has already understood the situation here.

Chapter 2098 Xingshi asked the crime

The last time Gu Mochou left, when he entered the land, he really found that person so Gu Mochou. He was wearing black clothes and crawling on the ground, like a terrifying monster.

That person was also very scared, so he ran away. Gu Mochou thought it was ridiculous when he thought about it now, and he didn't do it on purpose last time.

But now that someone has come here to look for him, it seems that his appearance has affected his life~.

But Gu Mochou doesn't want them to disturb her life in the underwater world, is this the same-is it true?

Besides, since then, Gu Mochou has never left the Water Rhyme Palace, nor entered the land, is there anything wrong with him?

He just felt that the Yang Xuan in front of him came here, as if he had asked the teacher to blame him, as if he had done a lot of wrong things, and he really didn't know.

Why would he think so, but now that these things have happened, no matter what Gu Mochou understands, no matter what Yang Xuan says, he doesn't care.

How could Gu Mochou not think about these things in his heart, he just felt that these problems had arisen now, and what did Yang Xuantao mean in front of him? What was he trying to do here?

I didn't do anything wrong. Could it be that this is the reason why people feel scared when they see themselves.

He didn't hurt others, and he didn't hurt human beings. Besides, he was just a human being, so how could he hurt his compatriots?

He likes such an environment living in the underwater world. He built the Water Rhyme Palace himself, and he has some abilities.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to live in such deep water, Gu Mochou knew it in his heart, but what exactly did Yang Xuan want to do when he appeared?

He was a little confused, did he want to leave here? Gu Mochou didn't want to fight with him at all. At the beginning of talking, he felt that his appearance was weird, and he just wanted to know the reason.

Seeing these things happening in front of him, Yang Xuan was even more surprised. He didn't expect that there were people living in the Water Rhyme Palace, and it was different in the underwater world.

Moreover, this sea area is quite special, but Yang Xuan looked at him carefully, and he didn't know his identity, why did he come here?

····Ask for flowers 0···

Had this really become a place for him? But Yang Xuan didn't know so much at all, and he always had to understand clearly before making a decision.

After all, Yang Xuan also felt that Gu Mochou was capable, but if he wanted to compete with him, he might not be able to do it.

But Yang Xuan wants to tell him clearly, let him know what's going on.


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