As long as everything is resolved, then all problems will be solved. Besides, now Yang Xuan is also thinking that once such problems change.

Then he also hopes that all things can have a satisfactory conclusion, and the problems that cannot be solved can be thought of other things at that time.

Anyway, Yang Xuan was also thinking about what the unknown creature looked like, he had never seen Qu Zifu, he was just talking there alone, whether these things really existed.

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Yang Xuan is not sure about facing this situation now, he knows in his heart that no matter what it is, as long as he can get such a solution, as long as he can get such a change, he will naturally be happy in his heart.


"What's wrong? Don't you think it's incredible? Or do you feel a little suspicious of my identity? Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You know my name. Besides, when I came here, I suddenly When I found out that there was a sea here, I came over to have a look.”

"But I didn't expect that the temperature in this place is so high, and it is also such a remote place, and it looks a little scary. At the same time, you said that there are unknown creatures in it, which is really unbelievable, but the thing is In this way, once you encounter it, you don’t have to worry, it will be solved naturally if you have the ability.”

"I have already said, I will definitely solve the crisis here for you, and let you live here safely and safely." Three.

Chapter 2084 Changes in the Orchid Sea Area

"Since you don't want to go to other places, you are used to it here, and I will help you."

Yang Xuan felt in his heart that this incident happened, Qu Zifu looked like this, he seemed to be able to relax a bit, Yang Xuan just hoped that he could be happy, he was the only one living in this place.

It's really not easy, Yang Xuan just thinks that since the "153" has already appeared, then everyone doesn't have to worry so much.

Here he is the only one who lives by himself, so it seems quite normal, and he is still alive, and there is no danger.

Now that such a thing has happened, there is nothing to worry about, and at this moment he understands in his heart that no matter what the situation is, as long as it can change everything.

As long as these crises can be dealt with, everything will be solved in a way, and there is no need to think about it too complicated, and Yang Xuan always sees that everything is relatively simple

He is capable of not caring about anything, not being afraid of anything, he knows in his heart about such issues, no matter what it looks like, as long as he can change everything.

As long as he can be sure of all this, his mood will become much better. Yang Xuan doesn't have any demands at all, and he will also solve the danger in the Orchid Sea.

As for how to solve and how to find unknown creatures, Yang Xuan didn't rush to take his time. He still doesn't know the situation here just now, and he will think of a way after he understands.

Qu Zifu didn't expect that these things were really solved like this. For him, he felt that he really couldn't imagine it. Yang Xuan said it was so simple.

It seems that all these are problems that can be solved in an instant for him, and he wants to enter the Orchid Sea to check the situation.

Qu Zifu felt that this matter was too dangerous. If he really entered the Orchid Sea to search for clues, then the danger would follow.

Such a thing would not be done, and Qu Zifu also understood in his heart that no matter what the situation is, as long as he can decide all these things, as long as he can change it.

He will naturally solve everything, but Qu Zifu is also thinking about himself, if he can solve it, there is no need to wait until now.

Unidentified creatures have been looking for them a long time ago, but Qu Zifu in the Orchid Sea Territory seldom gets close. Looking at the situation in the Orchid Sea Region from a distance, he has never found any traces of unknown creatures. Only that time he found...

Qu Zifu didn't know what was going on, it was very strange to him, although he saw that Yang Xuan felt at ease.

But he doesn't know how much ability Yang Xuan has, can he do all these things, can he wipe out the unknown creatures, and how to find them?

If the unknown creatures don't come out and stay in the water all the time, don't they still have to enter the bottom of the sea?

"Brother, I understand what you said, but don't worry so much now, I know in my heart that all of this is caused by me. If I am not here, maybe you came to this Youlanhai 0.3 domain for a short stay. Will leave here, but I also feel quite puzzled."

"Just now when you were lying on the beach near the Orchid Sea, it felt as if you were not worried about this problem at all. I told you that it was dangerous, but you were not afraid, but you didn't see it at that time. The unknown creature came out and did not feel any abnormal situation.".

Chapter 2085 Everything Is Doubtful

Qu Zifu never thought that there would be such a day that danger would appear in this orchid sea area.

But now whether the things in the water really exist, Qu Zifu is not sure.

Facing Yang Xuan's questioning, Qu Zifu felt that he was a little baffled, as if he suddenly didn't know anything, and he didn't know why he felt this way.

After all, Yang Xuan also said that he could eliminate the danger here and search for these unknown creatures, but Qu Zifu felt that this matter was too risky, so it would be better for him to decide for himself.

He just knows in his heart that no matter what the reason is, as long as he can decide things, he never thinks too much.

This is facing the immediate danger, and no one knows what to do in their hearts. Faced with a situation like that, everyone is worried that some accidents will happen.

It's better to be cautious, how could Qu Zifu not be afraid?

He just felt that all this was really a bit too bizarre.

"I think it's really incredible. How to explain all this is impossible to explain, and you just said that you can help me eliminate the danger here and eliminate the unknown creatures, but the unknown creatures only come out Once, as for whether it is still in the water or not, it is impossible to determine at all, how do we check now."

Now that he has come to the Orchid Sea Territory, he doesn't worry about so many problems at all, regardless of whether there are unknown creatures in the Orchid Sea Territory.

It doesn't matter to Yang Xuan, if such a creature really exists, Yang Xuan must find these guys and destroy them.

Otherwise, it would be dangerous for Qu Zifu to be here. Besides, in Qu Zifu's current situation, he is eligible to enter a new world to reincarnate.

But he still doesn't know his origin, Yang Xuan didn't tell him so much, so don't worry about it for the time being, and tell him about these things after the matter of the unknown creature is resolved.

The more Qu Zifu thought about it, the more he felt that it was too scary. Does Yang Xuan really want to do this? If he really entered the Orchid Sea to look for unknown creatures.

It's better not to do such a thing, the risk is too great, Qu Zifu also thought that even if he didn't feed himself.

But can Yang Xuan really do this? But if you think about it, if he really did this, why would he say it?

It made him feel that it was really unimaginable, but these things had already happened, so Yang Xuan already knew the situation here.

Although they have returned home now, the danger still exists after all. Qu Zifu also thought that if he can't do it, he should leave here. The danger in the Orchid Sea Region may be everywhere. 157

Qu Zifu also didn't want himself to enter the point of no return, and was also worried that something would happen, how could he not be afraid?

"Are you going to go to the bottom of the sea to look for unknown creatures? Besides, I don't know how to swim, and you don't want to put yourself in such a dangerous environment. I think this is a bit unimaginable. If all this is temporarily It's calm, why should we let this unknown creature come out again?"

"I don't think there is any need to think about this matter now. Isn't it good? Besides, everything is safe now, and I don't know if the unknown creature is in the water.".

Chapter 2086 Everything Is An Illusion

"All of this is just what I thought, and the situation I saw at the beginning should not be an illusion, but since that time, I have never seen any traces of unknown creatures."

Then how could he not be worried now, faced with such a situation, he hoped that Yang Xuan could think clearly, and don't act emotionally.

And don't go to your relatives when you don't have any answers. It's better to be cautious when entering the Youlan sea area, Qu Zifu is worried.

Qu Zifu also wondered whether the current situation is real, after all, he only saw it once, how could he confirm so much?

He knew in his heart that no matter what the reason was, he was always thinking about this problem, and he was a little worried.

But things have already happened. He hoped that there would be a solution to everything, and he also hoped that there would be an answer to everything.

Otherwise, once something like this happens, he doesn't want Yang Xuan to suffer any harm, even though he knows Yang Xuangang.

But he still hopes that everything will go smoothly, and there must be no accidents. Qu Zifu has been here for so long, although there is no danger.

But thinking about these unknown creatures every day is really uneasy, but he has never left here.

He admired his perseverance. If it was someone else's situation, he would have already left here, how could he have the courage?

After Yang Xuan sat on the bed and heard Qu Zifu's words, he thought in his heart that no matter what it was, these things were over.

How could it be possible that I don't know what to do? Do you just feel that the current problem is not as serious as imagined?

Besides, Yang Xuan can resist all dangers, Qu Zifu doesn't know how much ability he has, and Yang Xuan can't say so much at the moment.

After all, the purpose of coming here is not important, Yang Xuan just walked around and found that the Youlan Sea Area is dangerous.

Qu Zifu is still living here, Yang Xuan always wants to help him solve these problems, besides, let's see if he wants to enter the reincarnation world for a new start.

Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to ask now, after all, the danger here is not resolved now, and Qu Zifu's reincarnation from another world is over by then.

He still wants to go back to this place and try to make it as safe as possible, which is better.

"¨I've told you, don't worry so much, because I'm here, what are you afraid of? I said today that I always want to go into the water to look for unknown creatures, so I must be sure, you don't You don’t have to follow if you know the water, I will solve the problem for you when the time comes, I’ve already said it.”

"Since I've come here, I passed the Youlan sea area and saw that you are in danger, how could I not care about it? Since you want to stay here (to Li Zhao) and live in this place, it seems that there are so many If a problem arises, I will definitely not let you stay here alone, so don't worry so much."

"When I settle the matter here, then you will be safe, you can stay here, you don't have to worry about anything, this is my idea, although I don't think so much about other things, but I also I don't want to be hurt like this here, this is a decision of mine."

Chapter 2087 Can't Give Up Hope

After he heard what Yang Xuan said, he was very happy. After all, he also felt that Yang Xuan had this ability, so he really didn't need to think so much.

He is also clear in his heart, no matter what, can he solve this matter now? Faced with such a situation.

If he can really deal with these problems, then he doesn't have to worry about it. Qu Zifu also thought that if he can really solve the danger here, the unknown creatures can also be wiped out, so he doesn't have to leave here.

This is also a very good thing for him, so he thought in his heart that it was really great, but he felt a little unbelievable for the young man in front of him.

He doesn't look very old, does he really have such power? Can he really do this? These things have been lingering in his mind at least.

He didn't know if all of this was true or not, it sounded weird anyway.

Since Yang Xuan said so, he will definitely do it. Faced with this situation, he has already made a decision in his heart, and he has already come to Youlan Sea after get off work.

Seeing such a situation in this place, to him, it all means something, and he will definitely solve all the problems, regarding such problems.

He thought in his heart that there would always be a new change, and it was impossible for him to let such a thing happen and face such a situation.

He has already seen it very thoroughly, but he feels that the more this is the case.

"How about it? Do you have any doubts? Don't think too much. I have already said that I can solve all the problems here, no matter if it is an unknown creature or something, we don't have to worry about it after we figure it out. Even now It probably doesn't exist at all, I said we always have to figure it out?"

"If the problem cannot be solved, then we will think of other ways to solve the problem. We don't have to worry about it. This is my idea. And we have to explore whether the unknown creature is in the water or not. , after all, you have seen some terrible things."

"Then there must be a problem (ccad). How could there be nothing? You think you may be hallucinating, which is impossible."

Qu Zifu just felt that he didn't want to inquire about this matter, because it would be too dangerous to enter the water, if it was really because of the existence of unknown creatures.

Can Yang Xuan really resist such a thing? The question he was thinking in his heart was really frightening, but if this thing really happened now.

He knew in his heart that no matter what it was, he would be sure of all these things and do them well, but he just felt that once such problems changed.

He was really helpless in his heart, but are some things really like what he thinks? It's not possible, Qu Zifu is also clear.

After all, the other party has already decided to do this. It seems that this matter can no longer be changed. Qu Zifu also understands that no matter what, these things are already facing such a situation. It seems that he is thinking too much.

It doesn't make any sense anymore, Qu Zifu looked at Yang Xuan quietly thinking about these issues in his heart, feeling that once too many things happened.

Chapter 2088 Desolate Desert

Qu Zifu understood these things in his heart, and it depended on what Yang Xuan did. He was helpless, but whether there were any unknown creatures in the Orchid Sea Territory.

He was still not sure, he looked at Yang Xuan quietly and didn't answer or speak, he was a little worried in his heart.

Although he is still alive, he knows in his heart that this danger may exist at any time, how can he not be in a hurry, and he is also thinking about what the situation is~.

He just hoped that he could survive. He really didn't think so much about other things. He had been thinking about this issue for a long time, but he didn't leave the Orchid Sea, he had no other place to go.

Yang Xuan felt that Qu Zifu looked like this, why didn't he seem to believe himself at all.

Doesn't he think of nothing? Are you not worried? Have you taken all the problems to yourself? Why do they still look like this?

Yang Xuan thought it was really too strange, did he really not believe that he had this ability, or did he really have other ideas?

Could it be that he wanted to leave here, but Yang Xuan also thought that even if anyone left the Orchid Sea, he would be in real danger if he came here.

What should other people do if they were really hurt? Yang Xuan was also a little worried. After all, this place is quite special.

Then Yang Xuan also thought that it is impossible for Qu Zifu to have any hallucinations, all these are real, but he himself is not sure.

Otherwise, how could such a thing happen? Then he knew in his heart that no matter what the reason was, as long as all this could be resolved, he really didn't have to worry so much.

For him, his determination, how could he not understand the situation behind it, the more he was like this, the more powerless he felt.

But Yang Xuan won't worry so much, even if there is some difficulty, he has to solve it. These unknown creatures in the Orchid Sea must be understood clearly, after all, this place is quite special and rare

"This place is not a desolate desert. How could there be hallucinations? Don't think about anything, leave everything to me. Although you live here, you are safe until now, but it doesn't mean that you will be safe in the future. It’s better to be prepared in advance.”

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"All the dangers here have been removed. You don't have to worry about it any time you live here. If you do this, you won't encounter any problems."

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