Here, the red-tailed snow fox has wiped them out, and this space will be peaceful forever. At this moment, these things are not as simple as imagined. All of this is very difficult.

Bai Changfeng will not be afraid of him, no matter what the difficulty is, he has been waiting in this Jiling Snow Mountain for so long, how could he feel afraid?

He just feels that now that such a situation has arisen, he knows what he should do and how he should face it.

"The reason why I didn't do this was because I was afraid that something might happen to you, and I was a little worried. But since you have changed these things, I don't have to think too much about it, otherwise I was really anxious just now, no I know if you can understand my situation, your ability is so powerful."

····Ask for flowers 0···

"If you really want to do this, I can't stop it at all. I have already made it clear in my heart. Since you have this ability, you can come to Jiling Snow Mountain alone, which proves that you are very powerful and you are not a person who can be taken lightly at all. I am old, but I also hope that everything will be stable, and there must not be too many accidents."


Of course, Bai Changfeng didn't want any accidents to happen, he knew what to do when faced with such a situation, but he felt that some things really surprised him.

Yang Xuan is young, since he has such ability, he can come to Jiling Snow Mountain alone, and he can come to find his own danger.

Even if he is really surprised, he just feels that now that such a situation has arisen, he knows what to do, but he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Faced with such a situation, how could he not know how to decide all of this? He just felt that something really happened, and of course he understood the truth behind it.

Chapter 2049 discusses the solution

He also hoped that everything could be resolved, so Bai Changfeng would not worry, and followed Yang Xuan home.

He won't enter Jiling Snow Mountain without authorization to look for danger tonight, so Bai Changfeng won't have any worries, and he can become open-minded in his heart.

Although Bai Changfeng didn't know Yang Xuan very well, he also knew that he was a "one one three" person full of justice. Since he was able to come to Jiling Snow Mountain, it proved that he didn't worry about anything.

He was capable of solving his own situation, but Bai Changfeng also wanted to discuss it with him, and then they would come up with a countermeasure.

This is the end of the matter for tonight, and I can't think about anything. Bai Changfeng also knows that these things happen today, and it depends on how he decides.

How could he not understand the situation behind this? He just felt that the more such a problem was, the more unimaginable it was for him.

But his mood is relatively calm. Bai Changfeng has seen many things and encountered many dangers here, but he also has abilities.

Otherwise, he would not be able to live alone. If he was just an ordinary citizen, he would not be able to stay in Jiling Snow Mountain, and it would be impossible for him to face such a desperate situation of death.

Bai Changfeng said that because he could resist the danger here and eliminate these red-tailed snow foxes, but he was not sure how many red-tailed snow foxes there were in Jiling Snow Mountain.

He had to look for it later to know that every time he entered the Jiling Snow Mountain to look for the red-tailed snow fox, he would bring a lot of weapons and things, ready to attack at any time.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that Bai Changfeng was already old, and he was doing it so cruelly now, he knew that such a situation would never happen.

It's just that now that something like this has happened, he knows what to do and how to deal with it, so he doesn't want to worry so much at all.

Moreover, Yang Xuan came to this extremely spirit snow mountain to look for things here, but since there was a red-tailed snow fox in this place, Yang Xuan was really surprised.

It seems that these red-tailed snow foxes have gained some abilities, and already have some skills, otherwise it would be impossible to live here...

But they still haven't entered the place where human beings live, but it's good to live in the space. At least Yang Xuan can understand the situation now and start attacking them with Bai Changfeng.

There wouldn't be too many surprises if we eradicated them. Yang Xuan also came here because of this matter.

"Don't worry, I have already agreed to do this, how can I go my own way again, I know in my heart that no matter what the situation is, as long as I can solve it all, as long as I can break through it all, then I won't worry about it." There are so many, I just feel that these situations have emerged.”

"I know how I should face such a situation, and I also know how to deal with such a crisis. I just feel that if the situation is really like what I said, then there is no need to worry about all this. My heart is still relatively peaceful. Yeah, I just feel like the whole situation could be reconsidered if at all."

"Then how can I be thinking about these things, I just feel that once there is a new development in the matter.".

Chapter 2050 Can't act rashly

"I also know in my heart that these things will happen according to what we think, and there will never be any accidents again. It just feels like this is how things are."

After Bai Changfeng sat on the chair and heard what Yang Xuan said, he didn't worry anymore. After all, he and he had already gone home, and now he didn't have to go to Jiling Snow Mountain to find the red-tailed snow fox.

Bai Changfeng didn't have any worries in his heart. After all, these things were quite confusing to them. Although Bai Changfeng had seen a red-tailed snow fox wiped out, is there any red-tailed snow fox in Jiling Snow Mountain now? .

He also couldn't tell what sound was coming out at night, and he didn't have an answer either. Bai Changfeng always had to figure it out before he could give Yang Xuan a correct answer, and now he couldn't answer his question.

Yang Xuan knew what he should do. Faced with the current situation, he would no longer be as anxious as before. After all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that it was okay to be anxious when he came to Jiling Snow Mountain.

What is the situation in this place? Now that he and Bai Changfeng have gone home, let's talk about it tomorrow. Let's see if there are any sounds coming out tonight, and if there are any suspicious things happening.

Although Yang Xuan was a little anxious in his heart, he also understood that facing such a situation, if he was always in the current mood, he might not be able to do anything. I hope he is strong.

He can be alone, but since the incident happened, he knows what he should do, and he also knows how to make a decision. All of this makes him more aware of how to deal with such a situation. Yang Xuan is still in a good mood.

After all, he didn't worry too much when he came back. He just felt that if all this had a good ending, then it would be perfect. He didn't want the humans around here to be harmed.

If something really happens in this dimension, it will hurt everyone.

"Once a new discovery is made, then things will come to a happy ending. At that time, the situation will be easy. Don't worry so much. Don't worry, I won't act rashly. Since you So familiar, I always want to arrange for you, about the red-tailed snow fox."

"Let's study the situation of the Jiling Snow Mountain slowly. I already understand what's going on. The danger of the Jiling Snow Mountain is not very clear to us. Although you are more familiar with this place, there are There is no red-tailed snow fox, you just see a red-tailed snow fox, we are not sure."

"But let's listen carefully to tonight's situation. Didn't you say that there were 113 voices during the night? If this voice is really so terrifying, maybe we will find it when we enter the Jiling Snow Mountain overnight. "

After Yang Xuan said this, he saw that Bai Changfeng had already started cooking for himself, but he didn't expect that Bai Changfeng was sitting at the foot of this extremely spiritual snow mountain, and he seemed to be living quite comfortably every day.

Yang Xuan was quite surprised. Faced with such a situation, Bai Changfeng lived a good life every day. It seems that although this Jiling Snow Mountain is dangerous, he still has abilities.

He wasn't afraid of these dangers at all. For such a situation, Bai Changfeng really lived quite comfortably, and Yang Xuan was quite happy in his heart.

Chapter 2051

After all, he has lived here for so long and has never encountered any danger. After all, he is still alive, which proves that although there are dangers nearby, he can resist these pressures.

He can also deal with these problems. Faced with this situation, he knows in his heart that no matter what is going on, as long as he can complete such thoughts, it will be fine.

Yang Xuan just wanted to find dangers in this extremely spirit snow mountain, and eliminate all these dangers, and he would leave here. It is impossible for Yang Xuan to stay in the space for too long.

After all, he still wants to take human beings into the reincarnation world to start a new journey, but some things have happened, Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to do so, the things in front of him have not been resolved, and there is no reality yet.

Bai Changfeng moved very quickly, he had already prepared a meal for Yang Xuan, he and Yang Xuan had already started eating, chatting while eating, it was already dark, they said they would rest later.

If there is no rest, they should discuss the countermeasures carefully. Besides, whether there will be any business tonight or if there is any other situation, Bai Changfeng is not sure.

After all, such things are not always ups and downs, intermittent, sometimes you can hear the sound at night, sometimes you can't hear anything.

Bai Changfeng is getting used to it, but he doesn't know why, if there is really qi in this extremely spirit snow mountain, why don't they come to hurt him? Sometimes I can't figure it out.

Faced with such a situation, he can only take one step at a time. After all, Bai Changfeng has a special ability that can protect him. These red-tailed snow foxes may not be able to hurt him at all.

At this moment, Bai Changfeng has already told Yang Xuan what he thinks in his heart. Young people will not use it all the time, and they will not continue to use it. Just enter Jiling Snow Mountain. Don't worry too much, and study everything slowly.

"Hurry up and eat, try the meals I made for you, there is nothing here, but at least it can fill your stomach, but I think you are capable, maybe you don't even need to eat, I feel like a powerful Like a god, anyway, although young people have the ability, they also have the courage."

"But the situation here is quite special. You are no longer as stubborn as you were just now, so we can rest assured. Otherwise, such a situation will really happen, and I know it in my heart. Don't worry so much at all. Now that things are done."

"¨It's not something that we can do whatever we want. These red-tailed snow foxes are not as simple as imagined. These red-tailed snow foxes all look very powerful. After all, what are the red-tailed snow foxes? I don't know how much is in this extremely spirit snow mountain, but the current situation has appeared, and I don't want any danger to appear again."

After Yang Xuan heard what Bai Changfeng said while eating, he already understood what was going on in his heart, and he wouldn't be so worried at all. Facing such a situation, he knew what to do, so how could he grow old? Is he going his own way? This Bai Changfeng said so clearly today, does he have to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain?

There is really no need for this. The Jiling Snow Mountain supports it today. If he wants to go, he can handle everything, so why make people so worried.

Chapter 2052 A heart is finally stable

He knew in his heart that Bai Changfeng was already old, and the safety of people was really too great in these waiting places in the extremely spirit snow mountain. Yang Xuan knew this in his heart.

It just feels that if some problems really arise, he knows what he should do, and he doesn't know how to make a decision. His mood has really improved after all this.

He was no longer in such a hurry as when he came here, and he was relatively calm and happy when he heard what Bai Changfeng said while eating.

I just feel that since such a thing has happened, then how can such a thing be done is all right, and if the crisis is resolved, there will be no more danger.

Bai Changfeng was very happy to see Yang Xuan eating so deliciously. After all, he was a young man. He had the guts to enter Jiling Snow Mountain and wanted to destroy the red-tailed snow fox with him.

He is really young and energetic, Bai Changfeng is quite natural in his heart, he just thinks that when such a situation arises, it depends on what he does.

Anyway, what Bai Changfeng should say has already been said so clearly, I hope Yang Xuan can understand this truth, after all there is danger, but it is relatively normal for the time being.

If something really happened, it’s okay to think about other things at that time, there’s no need to keep saying things like this, (ccad) Bai Changfeng also knows that the situation here is facing such a crisis, He has thought of many ways.

But during this period of time, after entering the Jiling Snow Mountain to search, there was no whereabouts of the red-tailed snow fox. Bai Changfeng just thought that it was already dark today.

He can no longer insist on going his own way, discuss things slowly, and he is not in such a hurry. He knows in his heart that even if Yang Xuan came to Jiling Snow Mountain, it is impossible for him to leave here so soon.

"I still hope that all of this can go smoothly. Since you have already made such a decision, let's observe what happened tonight. Let's make a decision after the observation. Some things simply cannot be done all at once. Make a judgment, and I'm thinking about it during this time."

"If it is really possible to find the location of the red-tailed snow fox, although they are in the Jiling Snow Mountain, but the Jiling Snow Mountain is also very big, it is not so easy to find them. After all, such Now that things happen, all problems will be solved."

"Moreover, the problems in Jiling Snow Mountain always make people feel a little unbelievable. At this moment, I am also thinking if the problems here can really be solved."

Yang Xuan already knew what was on his mind, so there was no need to think so much. Facing such a situation, Yang Xuan already knew what he should do. What Bai Changfeng said was so sincere.

And he was telling himself that this matter is not so simple. It seems that Yang Xuan also thought these things too simply, but Yang Xuan has already felt the danger here, so it doesn't matter at all.

But these situations are really quite special. It is estimated that I just saw one and I don’t know whether he appeared or not. Everything is unknown.

It can be seen that he can't fully confirm such a thing, and whether the sound that appeared in the middle of the night came from the red-tailed snow fox, he can't conclude all of this at all.

Chapter 2053 Nothing Results

Yang Xuan also thought in his heart that since this is the case, since some things are already in the current situation, let's wait a little longer. What Bai Changfeng said is very reasonable.

He has a better understanding of the situation here, so up to now, he has not been in any danger. Yang Xuan is like this, no matter whether there is danger or not, things always have to be resolved.

If there is really no solution, then the situation will be much more difficult than imagined, but since the problem he is thinking about has already happened.

He hoped that everything could be resolved in a way, he didn't want to have too many worries at all, and Yang Xuan also hoped that the situation here could be resolved as soon as possible.

Then he left the space. Yang Xuan couldn't stay for too long, but at the moment he didn't have too many thoughts in his mind. After all, these things were all inferences. The reason is still uncertain, although he was a little anxious.

But don't think too much if there is no certainty, Yang Xuan's mood has become much better, the meal has already been eaten, he never thought that Bai Changfeng can still cook and live well every day when he lives here.

Yang Xuan saw that Bai Changfeng was already old, he was really great, it was really not easy to be able to guard the safety of the people here and resist these dangers at any time here.

Yang Xuan also had special admiration for him in his heart, this time Yang Xuan had already told himself that he must figure out the situation here, and then no matter what danger, how fearful, or how powerful, Yang Xuan would give everything to him. Only after it is dealt with can everything here return to calm~.

Bai Changfeng had already taken these things down, they had already finished their meal, and they were just chatting with Yang Xuan, although it was so late, they packed up after eating, and they didn't want to rest in bed .

Bai Changfeng just thought, Yang Xuan is an interesting young man, young but powerful, and he looks very powerful, since he is not afraid of these things, nor is he worried about some dangers.

Then Bai Changfeng was also thinking about some things. Since this is the case, then there is no need to worry so much. In this situation, since both of them are capable, there is nothing to worry about.

····Ask for flowers 0···

It's not that he doesn't understand this matter in his heart, but he just feels that since the matter has arisen, as long as all the problems are dealt with, he doesn't have to worry too much, and everything will be solved in a good way.

"Maybe I don't need to stay in this Jiling Snow Mountain any more. Even in such a situation, I am also thinking that some things should be carefully considered. If you are really capable when you come here, If the red-tailed snow fox can be dealt with, then this place will have a safe space and there will be no more danger."


"All of these can be solved. I just thought of this problem. If it can really happen, then it is not what we want to solve. Moreover, there are some problems that cannot be completed so quickly. , don't be so anxious, some things will be resolved tomorrow."

Bai Changfeng was thinking about these things, since he had talked to Yang Xuan for so long, shouldn't they rest? three.

Chapter 2054 There is a solution

Now that such a decision has been made for some things, then everything can be resolved normally, and there is really no need to worry so much.

Bai Changfeng chatted with Yang Xuan, they were more comfortable lying on the bed, Bai Changfeng just thought that no matter what the reason was, as long as he could get rid of all these things, as long as he could change these things.

Then he didn't have too many thoughts of "120" in his mind, but for him, he already knew how to do these things, if some things really happened.

There are always some new developments. At this moment, they fell asleep without knowing it. When they woke up in the morning, Bai Changfeng and Yang Xuan were ready to set off.

After all, they slept very soundly last night, heard nothing, and nothing happened. It seems that these things are not as they imagined, maybe there is no danger at all.

But Yang Xuan is clear, regardless of whether there is danger or not, he has already arrived at Jiling Snow Mountain, and he has to figure it out before leaving here.

"Old man, let's go directly to Jiling Snow Mountain now. We have been walking for a while on the road. Are we still watching from below? Let's go inside and check first before we can know what's going on. Let's talk about these dangers. Now that we've come, we don't think about it so much now."

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