"I didn't find anything last night, and I didn't hear any sounds. If this is the case, then if this place really has no clues, no danger, and no red-tailed snow fox after the investigation, has this been ruled out?" This kind of result, but you have been explaining it here for so long, and you still haven’t found anything new.”

"I just think this matter may be much more difficult than imagined, but we don't need to think so much. Since it is such a situation, we must think of a way."

Yang Xuan and Bai Changfeng had already entered the Jiling Snow Mountain, and Bai Changfeng didn't refuse. After all, what Yang Xuan said was right, why did Bai Changfeng refuse? Faced with such a situation.

Yang Xuan is not afraid, can he still be afraid? Bai Changfeng, Yang Xuan and the others have been searching here for a long time, and it's already the afternoon, but they still haven't found anything.

Yang Xuan knew clearly in his heart, it seems that there may be no red-tailed snow fox in this extremely spirit snow mountain, it is the sound coming out in the middle of the night, what kind of sound is it...

Yang Xuan had never heard of it, Dabai Changfeng actually said that, maybe there are some wild beasts here, it is also possible, because these footprints have already been seen.

Yang Xuan was not so worried in his heart, because these were all false alarms, he just felt that some things had happened before, and if he figured things out, there wouldn't be much change.

If you can't figure it out, then all the problems can't be solved so quickly. After checking with Bai Changfeng and the others for a long time after get off work, they really didn't find that they had gone down the mountain now.

"Old man, we have already understood the situation here at 0.3. After all, after walking for so long, I already feel that there is no evil aura here."

"Some animal smells, there is no need to worry so much, and the red-tailed snow fox you saw at the beginning may not be as evil as you imagined, it is just a fox, you don't have to worry so much now, things I already understand, I'm leaving here too, take care of yourself."

Chapter 2055 Let's do whatever you want

After Yang Xuan said these words, he bid farewell to the old uncle, and he had already left here. Where is Yang Xuan going next time? He didn't even know that Yang Xuan was also thinking about all these things, so he continued to move forward. .

After leaving the snow mountain, he also left the space, Yang Xuan felt quite natural in his heart, after all, this place is not as evil as enjoying, and there is no such threat.

There was no need for Yang Xuan to worry so much. It was all over, and he was very happy. It turned out that all this was a false alarm.

Yang Xuan was walking forward slowly. Although he didn't have a decision at the moment, he knew it clearly.

No matter which world you go to, it's different, and this time 22 once the True Reincarnation Tower starts a new journey, Yang Xuan will start to enter another world again.

Then Yang Xuan actually thought it was quite interesting to take people to reincarnate into the world, but sometimes he also felt quite helpless, but since this status quo could not be changed.

Then he kept shuttling through the Tower of True Reincarnation and gained ruthless power. Yang Xuan had actually seen all of this in his heart. At this moment, he felt how he kept making non-choices in the Tower of Reincarnation.

And at this moment there is another person who is the person Yang Xuan met on the road just now, who just meets the conditions to enter the reincarnation world. Yang Xuan first takes him to the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and then decides what he will do.

Wu Xiaofeng was very surprised at the moment. He had been walking on the road just now.

He felt that he had lost his way without knowing it, and there was no direction ahead, and then he saw Yang Xuan appearing.

Wu Xiaofeng only knew that he was Yang Xuan, so he wasn't worried at the moment, but he didn't know what this thing in front of him was and why it could fly, and it was so fast, Wu Xiaofeng didn't know where he was now, but he didn't think too much about it .

Since it was Yang Xuan who saved him, there was nothing to worry about, and Wu Xiaofeng wasn't afraid so much. After all, he was lost alone, and it didn't feel good waiting to die.

It's better to be more comfortable flying with Yang Xuan in this thing, in fact, he doesn't know what the True Reincarnation Tower is, as long as he looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously and said.

"Brother Yang Xuan, thank you for saving me just now. I am very grateful. If you hadn't saved me, I might have really gone out in this wasteland. I don't know why. I have been walking to this place for a long time. Why? I'm not afraid to go out of this circle, and I've been lost here for two days."

"I also thought that I might never be able to get out. I was so happy when I saw you coming over 120 just now. It turns out that I shouldn't die. I can still live, but what is this now? ? What kind of weapon is this? Why does it look so powerful?"

"This weapon can actually control power to fly in the air, which really surprised me. I really never thought that such a scene would appear, and I never thought that I could fly in this kind of thing. , God is kind to me, I thought I was going to die, but I just thought that there would be no chance at all."

After Yang Xuan heard what Wu Xiaofeng said, he chuckled, Wu Xiaofeng is just an ordinary person, he doesn't know so much.

Chapter 2056 I don't know the inside story

How could he possibly see the power of the True Reincarnation Tower? How could he know such a thing, this Tower of Reincarnation is a passage to the world of reincarnation.

This kind of thing was something he didn't see. Yang Xuan also felt that it was normal for him to be so surprised, but Wu Xiaofeng could go home safely, all of this was really arranged by God.

Yang Xuan didn't know why it appeared in the wasteland over there, and when Yang Xuan was walking, he felt that his speed was quite slow, why did he walk so far?

It seems that his strength has improved a lot invisibly, and Yang Xuan is also aware of such things, so he doesn't worry so much at all, as long as Wu Xiaofeng can live well, and he meets the conditions, he will tell him.

What is it like to enter another world? If he wants to go, Yang Xuan will send him to enter the reincarnation world through me. If he doesn't want to go, Yang Xuan will not force him.

Faced with this situation voluntarily, Yang Xuan could tell that there was no need to worry for now, even if there was only one person, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower would open normally.

Wu Xiaofeng felt very comfortable sitting in the Reincarnation Tower. He felt that this thing was very stable, and seemed to be flying very fast, and he didn't know where he was flying.

Wu Xiaofeng didn't think about anything, even if there was real danger, he didn't care, it was much better than when he was alone in the wasteland just now, besides, Yang Xuan would not harm himself.

Wu Xiaofeng has nothing to worry about, his heart has become calmer now, he just feels that the appearance of Yang Xuantu has changed everything, he seems to feel that he is very powerful at the moment.

In this state, Yang Xuan can fly freely in such a weapon. What is this thing? Wu Xiaofeng also thought it was quite strange, but Yang Xuan could control this thing, so he didn't have to worry about flying freely, this thing should be his magic weapon.

Wu Xiaofeng also thought that it was really strange for him. He didn't expect that someone in this world would use this magic weapon to fly freely. This time he really gained experience.

"But now it seems that I have met you, and I will not face the choice of death. I am terrified here these two days. I can enter this wasteland when I come, but when I want to go out, There is no passage at all, and I don't know how, why does this place look like a bee'々."

"¨And there is nothing in this place, but it makes me feel very scared. Now that I am following you, I don't have to worry about it. No matter what the weapon you are using now, I can finally block the rain here, and I don't need to worry about it anymore. I was worried that I would die there, and today is really a very happy event for me.”

"With you appearing, I don't have to worry, otherwise (if I get it), I feel that I will not be able to live. I have never been so scared like today. I have never been so scared today. Facing a decision of death, there is no such thing. People who have experienced it simply cannot feel such a feeling of fear."

How could Wu Xiaofeng know what was going on? How is it possible to know what this thing is?

He just felt that this thing was like a weapon, but it shouldn't be.

Chapter 2057 A Miraculous Happened

How could a weapon accommodate a person? The more Wu Xiaofeng thought about it, the more strange he became, but he was not afraid of anything when he was with Yang Xuan, and he asked because he was curious.

At this moment, he quietly looked at Yang Xuan, although he had some thoughts in his heart, but he also knew how to make all these decisions. Facing such a situation, he knew what he should do.

He knows better how to deal with problems. Sometimes when things happen, Yang Xuan certainly understands the truth behind them. For the past two days, he has been thinking to see if someone can enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Then open a new world and enter the world of reincarnation, but when Wu Xiaofeng appeared, Yang Xuan felt that he was quite pitiful. If he didn't want to live in this world, he could be given a chance to change. 127

Don't rush to say it now, if Yang Xuan wants to wait until they land safely, he is now in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

However, if Wu Xiaofeng wants to go to the reincarnation world right now, it is also possible, just send him into another world and let him start a new life.

Yang Xuan still had some worries in his heart. He just felt that since these things had already happened, he knew how to face such a situation. Some things were not what he thought at all.

It's not as simple as I thought. Wu Xiaofeng's abilities are limited, and it doesn't matter if he enters another world. After his life in another world is over, he will return to this world.

But Yang Xuan also thought that this world was so dangerous to him, if he really had another life in the reincarnation world, he would come back once his life was over.

How could he face such a thing? But Yang Xuan can't change his fate, he can only let him enter the reincarnation world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to experience such a process.

But the last way is still for him to walk, and Yang Xuan can only help him complete these things, but at this moment Wu Xiaofeng doesn't know Yang Xuan's origin at all.

I don't know what this True Reincarnation Tower is, he (ccad) has always been very curious, and Yang Xuan always wants to explain it to him.

"Look at this and don't worry so much. It's all over and the danger will no longer exist, but this is the way it is. The place you entered just now is a barren grassland. If you don't know the road in that place It’s just impossible to find the passage, and it’s more difficult to get out of there.”

"But the next time you walk towards the road, you can just make a mark in advance, so that you can walk back the way you came, so you won't be bored there, but now all of this is gone Now, don't think too much about it."

"Don't worry, but what we are looking at right now is the Tower of True Reincarnation, which may be relatively unfamiliar to you. This Tower of True Reincarnation can also bring humans into the world of reincarnation through such a situation, maybe Everything I said is quite confusing to you, you don’t understand at all.”

Wu Xiaofeng was really confused at this moment, his eyes were full of doubts, he kept looking at Yang Xuan, he was more worried than before, he was not afraid that Yang Xuan would hurt himself.

Chapter 2058 I feel a little scared

He just felt that such a situation was really too unexpected. He really never thought that such a situation would appear. It seemed that he didn't understand so much at all, and at the moment they were in the Tower of True Reincarnation .

How could Wu Xiaofeng have heard of this name before, how could he have seen such a thing? All of this was relatively unfamiliar to him, and it was hard to imagine in his heart.

Who is this Yang Xuan, why is he so powerful? You can take people into the world of reincarnation in the Tower of True Soul Reincarnation, such a situation has never been heard before~.

After all, Wu Xiaofeng is just an ordinary person, how could he know so much? All this is quite curious to him, and he also understands in his heart that no matter what the situation is, as long as he can control all these things, as long as he can change these things, then there is no need to worry.

But Wu Xiaofeng was also thinking that what Yang Xuan said was credible, but he was also hesitating, listening carefully to what Yang Xuan said. It's a little too dramatic.

Yang Xuan chuckled, looked at Wu Xiaofeng, and felt that he might be a little worried at this moment, but Yang Xuan might explain something clearly, let him know what was going on, and I had already explained it to him.

The True Soul Reincarnation Tower is such a thing, he should know it after hearing it, and he should understand it, Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart, so Wu Xiaofeng has this opportunity to see how he chooses.

Yang Xuan would not force anyone. After all, even if he was alone in the True Reincarnation Tower, he didn't mind. His ability had already reached this level.

If he gets some abilities, at least he can get more of what he wants, but Yang Xuan will not insist on it.

How Wu Xiaofeng wants to decide is his own choice. Yang Xuan doesn't want to interfere so much at all. He just needs to explain the matter clearly and let him know what it is. Yang Xuan doesn't think about other issues at all. many.

At this moment, he knew in his heart that Yang Xuan wanted to tell him more thoroughly, so that he could understand the Tower of Reincarnation better.

····Ask for flowers 0···

"But you can be given another opportunity to enter the reincarnation world to change your destiny, to start your life again, that is, to stay away from this world, but you must meet the conditions. I have asked you just now, and you are eligible. , but when a new reincarnation world appears."

"Once your life is over, you will return to the current world. This is such a law. You should understand that this Tower of Reincarnation is a passage, which takes you to freely shuttle into the world of reincarnation. A channel for the company, and you will get a lot of capabilities here."


"But you can have a new way of life, but everything still has to return to its place. Sooner or later, there will be such a situation. You don't have to worry so much at all, and you don't have to worry so much. It will all be over. , but at least it’s much better than you are now.”

After Wu Xiaofeng heard this, he still felt rather strange, and he was a little confused, but he seemed to understand some truth in his heart, and he also understood the reason.

Chapter 2059 A Pokémon

But if this thing really happened, he knew in his heart that even he could feel such a situation, but Wu Xiaofeng was still a little confused, after all, he didn't know anything.

It was the first time I heard that the Tower of Reincarnation was such a magical treasure, and I was really surprised. Wu Xiaofeng was also a little terrified after that, because he was not "137" able to experience such a situation at all.

He just felt that if this matter happened, it would be up to him to decide, and he was still thinking that no matter what the reason was, as long as he could change all of this, as long as he could get rid of the current status quo.

But is it good? But Wu Xiaofeng still didn't understand very well after all, he could only choose after Yang Xuan finished speaking, and he knew in his heart that it would become this or that situation.

Then Wu Xiaofeng was in a daze about all of this, he just felt that he was about to die there just now, and he wanted Yang Xuan to save him, but he believed that the other party had no malicious intentions.

In the situation he said, the Tower of Reincarnation is a thing that can have infinite power. It is really strange to think about opening a channel to bring oneself to the reincarnation world.

Wu Xiaofeng was a little worried. After all, he was just alone and he felt quite scared invisibly, but he didn't tell Yang Xuan that, because he felt that this opportunity was not easy.

If he said these things at this moment, he would feel a little pity. This opportunity is not easy. Not everyone can meet this opportunity. Wu Xiaofeng understands it. After all, he is flying in the air like a fairy now. is particularly powerful.

Yang Xuan looked at Wu Xiaofeng quietly, they were sitting in the Reincarnation Tower at the moment, Yang Xuan didn't think about anything, and didn't worry so much, after all, such a situation happened.

Yang Xuan will explain to him clearly that what he is talking about makes him understand how to choose his own path, and how he wants to go and how he wants to do it is his own business.

Yang Xuan just stated his position to him, and told him the reason. Besides, the True Reincarnation Tower is such a way of changing, which can change their fate.

It can give them a chance to enter the world of reincarnation and another chance to choose, but Wu Xiaofeng doesn't quite understand such a thing, Yang Xuan needs to explain it to him thoroughly, otherwise he will always be in a daze...

After all, Yang Xuan could understand Wu Xiaofeng's difficulty. He suffered alone, and after living in this world for so long, it was inevitable that he would have some thoughts and feel afraid of everything he encountered.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in this state, and Yang Xuan could understand Wu Xiaofeng's difficulty in his heart, Yang Xuan could understand it, but this kind of opportunity at this moment is very good, doesn't it mean that Wu Xiaofeng doesn't want it?

Yang Xuan told him so much, but he didn't reply, he looked at himself quietly, 0.3 looked terrified, maybe he was still a little worried, Yang Xuan could understand his thoughts.

"You may not be what you want in this world now, but you still came back here after all, but now there is such an opportunity, you can have a stage, enter the reincarnation world, change your destiny, and reincarnate Experience another life, what do you think?".

Chapter 2060 Possess Infinite Power

Yang Xuan and Wu Xiaofeng are in the True Reincarnation Tower, they are now facing such a situation, Yang Xuan should explain clearly to let him know how to choose.

He has been humiliated in this world. If he really meets the requirements and passed the Tower of Reincarnation, it would be the best choice for him to enter the world of reincarnation.

And Yang Xuan felt that Wu Xiaofeng seemed to be hesitating all the time, he might not quite understand what was going on, and he didn't want to force Yang Xuan to say it, it was not a forced thing.

If Wu Xiaofeng wants to go, he can take him to a new reincarnation world, if he doesn't want to go, just leave him here, and then Yang Xuan will leave.

"Now the Tower of Reincarnation has been opened again, we are free to walk 22 now, but I will not send you to the reincarnation world so soon, it is up to you to decide, if you don't agree or you don't agree at all , I will not force it, all of this is voluntary."

Wu Xiaofeng was sitting in the Reincarnation Tower, and after hearing what Yang Xuan said, he finally understood what it was, and what kind of person Yang Xuan was, he possessed such infinite power.

You can take people into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower. The reincarnation world is really incredible. Wu Xiaofeng feels like he is dreaming. Is all this real?

He also felt that it was too unbelievable, but Yang Xuan's appearance should be real, and Wu Xiaofeng is already flying at this moment, is this still fake? Not dreaming at all.

Yang Xuan didn't know if Wu Xiaofeng could understand these words. After all, facing this situation, if he couldn't choose, Yang Xuan didn't want to force it anymore. After all, such a thing is very simple, and there is only one chance.

If he doesn't seize it, then once he misses this opportunity, he has no right to choose, and it is impossible to have him again in the reincarnated world.

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