Unexpectedly, this young man figured it out and said that what happened tonight can no longer be carried out. If there is any matter, they will wait until tomorrow to discuss it before solving it.

It's all because it's more dangerous to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain at night. They should listen to where the sound is coming from tonight.

Bai Changfeng wanted to confirm with Yang Xuan whether the terrifying sound that came out in the middle of the night came from the Jiling Snow Mountain, and whether the location in this direction and the source of the sound were from the same place.

Only after being sure can he think of a way to deal with the danger here. Bai Changfeng also knew in his heart that Yang Xuan must be capable when he came here.

Otherwise, he would not have the guts to come here alone. Bai Changfeng believed in him.

It's not that since some things have happened, you always have to think of a surefire strategy to proceed, to solve the danger, and not to attack rashly.

As Bai Changfeng walked forward, he turned his head and saw that young man Yang Xuan had followed him back. Bai Changfeng finally felt at ease, at least the situation has stabilized for the time being.

Moreover, Yang Xuan would not be so stubborn to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain and go his own way. Bai Changfeng never thought that such a thing would happen. He has lived in this area alone for a long time.

He is always resisting these dangers alone, but until now he is still alive, he feels that there are dangers, but they are all capable and able to solve their own crises.

If they don't have the ability, they will understand once the danger comes, because they feel that since this matter has arisen, they know how to face it.

They also know how to deal with all this, but they think that if some things can really happen or be changed in another way, they are thinking about countermeasures.

Anyway, Bai Changfeng didn't want to be in such a hurry, even if Yang Xuan came to Jiling Snow Mountain, his purpose was clear, but he didn't have to enter Jiling Snow Mountain tonight, let's wait.

There is a house under the Jiling Snow Mountain, and Bai Changfeng lived there quite big, and then Yang Xuan came, and the two of them could discuss some things together and chat.

Bai Changfeng seemed to have been cut off from the world by himself, but when Yang Xuan came suddenly, Bai Changfeng felt that it was quite lively, and young people also had ideas.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Yang Xuan was also forced to do nothing at this moment, since he understood his thoughts, he should stop being so self-willed, and think about these issues after going back with Bai Changfeng.

First of all, you have to understand clearly before making a decision. Tonight, see if there is any abnormal situation, so that Yang Xuan can know the situation here.


"Now I can only listen to you. After all, you have lived in this Jiling Snow Mountain for so long. I can't go to Jiling Snow Mountain without listening to your advice. I'm not that stubborn. In fact, I don't care about the danger at all. , but since you said that, I don't want to make it difficult for you, if I enter the Jiling Snow Mountain alone, you will definitely follow me."

"You will feel uneasy. Another situation will arise at that time. It is already dark and you have already said that you will not enter the Jiling Snow Mountain when it is dark. Why should I let myself be so persistent? I I know in my heart that I am not as self-willed as I imagined, and I only think about what I do after I think about everything." Three.

Chapter 2044

Bai Changfeng didn't expect that Yang Xuan would suddenly come up with an idea. At the beginning, he was also so stubborn that he insisted on breaking into Jiling Snow Mountain alone to see it.

But now, he has figured it out, and when he figured it out, Bai Changfeng is very happy. As long as he figured it out, don't be too anxious now. They will go back to the place where they live first, and then discuss countermeasures later. There is a solution to this "097".

Bai Changfeng just didn't want everything in front of him to be destroyed like this, besides, Bai Changfeng didn't quite understand the situation of Jiling Snow Mountain now, even though he went into Jiling Snow Mountain to look for clues during the daytime.

But there is still nothing to discover where the voice appeared this night. Bai Changfeng still has no answer. How can he not be in a hurry now.

Yang Xuan didn't want him to be in such a hurry when he came here. After all, this kind of danger has not yet entered the place where human beings live, which proves that everything in front of him is peaceful.

It's too late to launch an attack after finding the clues behind it, so why rush it for a while? Bai Changfeng just hoped that Yang Xuan would face this matter calmly.

How could Yang Xuan be so anxious? In fact, he didn't have to go to Jiling Snow Mountain immediately to find clues here, he just came here.

He has to do some things if he wants to do them. Although he is like this, he will think clearly after hearing what he said, and he will listen to other people's advice.

He didn't have to be so stubborn to go into Jiling Snow Mountain to inquire about those shadowless things, but since Bai Changfeng had already said that this kind of situation happened in this place, Yang Xuan still thought about it.

He never thought that Bai Changfeng would appear here. This place is so remote and cold, how could there be people there?

But Bai Changfeng will live here, and he is so chic and at ease, even at his age.

It is not easy for him to let himself live so free and easy, Yang Xuan was also thinking about this issue in his heart, he didn't have to make things into a stalemate at all.

"This time, I also heard from people here that there is danger in the Jiling Snow Mountain, so I want to come here to have a look. After all, if there is danger in the space, the space will be destroyed in an instant. At that time The situation is even more critical, do you live here and hope this happens?"

"If you don't want it, I'll come here to solve the crisis for you, but I really never thought that someone would show up here, because the people here told me when I came here that there are only some dangers in Jiling Snow Mountain. , there are some monsters, but they didn't tell me that there are people in this place, which really surprised me..."

Of course, Bai Changfeng knew that this matter was true, and no one knew about his reproduction and life here, and no one would have thought that such a person would appear in this extremely spirit snow mountain.

The existence of Bai Changfeng is illusory, 0.3 Yang Xuan only knew of his existence when he came here, and besides, no one came here in this extremely spiritual snow mountain, and they all felt afraid that something terrible would happen in this place.

Everyone doesn't have the guts to approach this place, and even if this place is not dangerous, but it is extremely cold covered with ice and snow all year round, why do people come here? .

Chapter 2045 Finding New Clues

Jiling Snow Mountain has become an isolated place, Bai Changfeng can appear here, he is silently protecting all human beings, everyone living in this space.

Bai Changfeng didn't want them to be in danger, so Yang Xuancai didn't see his own Bai Changfeng was thinking about this problem.

Since it appeared, and Yang Xuan wants to solve the crisis here, he has the same idea as himself, it seems that the 22-year-old is quite ambitious, and he also has this plan, so he is capable.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't know such a thought, he just felt that now that such a situation had arisen, it seemed that he should really go back.

Anyway, I don't want to get entangled with this kind of thing for the time being, and I will decide after I go back. Yang Xuan also understands this kind of situation at the moment.

Bai Changfeng has lived in this Jiling Snow Mountain for so long, and it is really not easy for him. He can guard here, and he is also guarding the safety of this place.

I hope that the people here can live freely and not be hurt by these red-tailed snow foxes, and he is really too great to be able to make such sacrifices, and he is not afraid of anything when he is old.

Even if he faced a choice of death, he would not be afraid. Yang Xuan also admired him in his heart. Not everyone has such perseverance.

He knows and understands such a situation in his heart. Sometimes when things happen, it also makes him feel quite surprised. He didn't expect such a situation.

It's still quite special, Yang Xuan also knows this truth, it seems that Bai Changfeng is really very powerful, he can stick to it until now and never left.

"At this moment, I listen to your arrangement, and I don't want you to be so embarrassing. After all, you have lived in this place for a long time, and you know everything better than me. I just came here and I am not very familiar with it. I can't grow old. If you don’t listen to other people’s dissuasion, you must enter the Jiling Snow Mountain to find those dangers.”

"I did think about it in my heart just now. Since you have made such a decision, let's talk about it after the two of us have finished our research. I have already told you that I wanted to go to Jiling Snow Mountain alone to find clues, but Don't worry, you don't want me to go alone."

Bai Changfeng didn't worry anymore, as long as Yang Xuan could figure it out, otherwise, if he really insisted on entering Jiling Snow Mountain alone.

Not only did they not have any clues, but it would disturb the life of the red-tailed snow foxes. At that time, these red-tailed snow foxes ran around everywhere, and once they ran into human settlements.

At that time, it was really out of control, and Bai Changfeng was worried about this, otherwise he wouldn't be like this, he knew it in his heart.

No matter what the situation is, as long as he knows 100% what the situation is, he really doesn't have much choice for other things. He just thinks that the problem is like this now, once there are some new changes.

Then everything will have a new development, how could he not understand the truth behind this, and Yang Xuan and Bai Changfeng also understand the current appearance.

He is not as stubborn as he imagined, and he is going back now, so there is no need to worry.

Bai Changfeng's heart is finally relaxed at this moment, otherwise he would feel uneasy and anxious if he always hangs on his heart.

Chapter 2046 Can't solve the problem

He just didn't want Yang Xuan to be hurt, and at the same time, he didn't want to cause chaos in the whole place because of his arrival.

Bai Changfeng followed Yang Xuan and the others had already walked back slowly, and they were not very far away from where they lived, Bai Changfeng was very happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, all this finally calmed down. What's the matter, they will make a decision tomorrow. Bai Changfeng also thought that it was a good thing for Yang Xuan to come to this Jiling Snow Mountain. One more person was looking for the red-tailed snow fox with him.

This is good news, but Bai Changfeng also thought of these dangers at the same time, worried that Yang Xuan would be hurt, Bai Changfeng was not that selfish.

He didn't want any accidents to happen, but he just hoped that everything would happen as he expected, or that everything would be peaceful.

If it is really an unsolvable problem, then we can find a solution. Anyway, Bai Changfeng also understands this truth. Now he is walking with Yang Xuan while chatting, and his mood has become much better.

I am no longer as nervous as I was just now. After all, just now I thought that if things were really getting worse, I didn't know how to deal with them. Fortunately, these things didn't happen.

Yang Xuan wouldn't think like he did at the beginning. He knew in his heart that no matter what the reason was, he knew what he should do, facing such a situation.

He knew how he should choose, and his mood was relatively stable, so how could Yang Xuan not know the situation in this life.

Besides, there were more than two days ago, and it became very fast. Yang Xuan didn't expect to find out after entering the space that there was a danger in the extremely spiritual snow mountain.

It was impossible for him to ignore it, but Bai Changfeng actually stopped his actions, so Yang Xuan wanted to discuss it with him later, they had already gone back.

Yang Xuan would not be so stubborn. He knew in his heart that no matter what the problem was, he could solve it after he could figure it out, so why insist on going his own way.

Yang Xuan didn't want to keep telling himself such stories, he had changed his mind now, and he already knew that what he said was reasonable.

He won't let himself keep making things very bad, and Yang Xuan doesn't want any accidents. Faced with such a situation, he knows how to choose.

"Let's go back to the place where you live and study it later. It's already dark, so we don't need to be so persistent. In fact, I know in my heart that facing the situation in front of me, there is a red tail in this extremely spirit snow mountain." Xuehu, it's really frightening, these people'."

"¨They don't know that such a thing has happened yet. If they would have heard that a red-tailed snow fox appeared, they would have trouble sleeping and eating, and would not be able to live here, but they don't have the ability to leave the space."

"Things like this are really tricky. When I came here, I wanted to solve the situation here as soon as possible so that people can live here peacefully."

Yang Xuan and Bai Changfeng have already arrived home, he did not expect that Bai Changfeng's house is so close, and the place is clean and tidy, although it is a little rough, but it doesn't matter.

Besides, it would be very good to have a place like that where people can live near the Jiling Snow Mountain. Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that this is not a difficult task.

He knew in his heart that as for such a problem, he never worried so much.

Chapter 2047 Guarding the Extreme Spirit Snow Mountain

He wouldn't bother so much, he just felt that some things had already been done.

Yang Xuan knew how he should choose, which made everyone very warm. He didn't expect him to be quite comfortable living here alone, waiting for this extremely spiritual snow mountain.

It is really not easy to wait for these people, to prevent them from being in danger or let the danger here leave Jiling Snow Mountain, Yang Xuan suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

In the end, he also understood his painstaking efforts. If these things really happened, he knew what to do, and 107 also knew how to make a decision, so the pressure in his heart was relieved.

I just feel that some things really happened. Of course, I don’t need to worry so much, as long as these problems can be solved reasonably.

He didn't want to make too many changes at all, so Yang Xuan's mood became much better, not as irritable as when he came here.

Yang Xuan sat on a chair, there are two beds here, it seems that he can rest tonight.

Yang Xuan didn't feel tired at all, he just felt that sometimes he felt a little strenuous because he thought too much about things. During this period of time, some situations always happened and made him feel haggard.

But he also hopes that all the things he said can be resolved. He really doesn't want any other changes. That's what he wants to see the most. He also knows in his heart that if some things really happen.

He knew what to do, and he knew how to deal with all of this. He just felt that if some things could really be changed, he said that at that time.

There will also be new developments, that is, the problem of feeling. If such a change is really possible, then of course he hopes that everything can happen as he wants.

I don't want to have too many accidents, besides, there must be so many red-tailed snow foxes in this extremely dangerous snow mountain, even if Bai Changfeng has no evidence yet.

But after all, he once eliminated a red-tailed snow (ccad) fox, how could it be possible to calm down here like this? Yang Xuan is also aware of this kind of thing.

It just felt that since some problems had arisen, he knew what to do and how to make decisions, all of which made him feel much better, and Yang Xuan was no longer as troubled as he was when he came here.

Bai Changfeng watched Yang Xuan pour him a glass of water, all this could finally become calm, Bai Changfeng didn't have to worry so much.

Otherwise, what should I do if I am always afraid that Yang Xuan will go his own way and enter the Jiling Snow Mountain and encounter danger? But none of that exists anymore.

"Drink some water, don't be so irritable all the time, you really made me feel very scary when you came today, I think if you really insist on entering the Jiling Snow Mountain, what should you do if something happens? What to do? I was just thinking about how to solve this matter."

"But I didn't expect you to really listen to my advice and not enter the Jiling Snow Mountain again. We have already agreed that we will look for it tomorrow, and we will not continue to act at night. If It is true that the red-tailed snow fox appeared in Jiling Snow Mountain, no matter what time it is, it is impossible for them to leave Jiling Snow Mountain."

"Searching during the day is the same. This way, you can see the situation more clearly. At night, you can't find the location of the red-tailed snow fox. At that time, danger will exist."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he took a sip of water and saw Bai Changfeng.

Chapter 2048 I don't want to waste time

He was indeed a little anxious. When he first came to Jiling Snow Mountain, he just wanted to find these dangers, and he didn't want to waste time at all.

Later, after hearing that Bai Changfeng depended on eating, Yang Xuan realized that this was the case, so just wait, and he and I didn't need to be so anxious at all, he knew it in his heart.

No matter what the situation is, he doesn't have to do anything. Faced with such a situation, he also knows how to solve it~.

At this moment, these things have actually happened, so Yang Xuan also hopes that the Jiling Snow Mountain will go smoothly, and there will not be too many problems in the space.

His heart will be open, and he won't be thinking about it. Faced with such a situation, he also knows what he should do.

But if some things really can't be solved, then we can think of a way. Anyway, Yang Xuan has the ability, he can definitely solve his own danger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come here alone. The appearance of Bai Changfeng made him feel amazing because there was someone there. Yang Xuan really felt a little unimaginable. Bai Changfeng's ability is quite strong, otherwise he would not be alone. People live here.

Bai Changfeng finally faced such a situation calmly in his heart, he knew what he should do and how he should face it, and there must be danger in the Jiling Snow Mountain.

But as long as Yang Xuan can solve his own danger, Bai Changfeng will become calmer in his heart as long as he can solve his own danger. He just hopes that everything can be explained in a way to solve it.

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