He won't touch the bottom line casually, he just hopes to slowly solve the red-tailed snow fox's problem, think of a way, and then annihilate the red-tailed snow fox in one fell swoop, and then the place will be safe.

There is no longer any worries, Yang Xuan has so many things on his mind, he knows that no matter what the situation is, as long as he can understand all this, he will feel at ease in his heart.

That's what Bai Changfeng said again, it's impossible for Yang Xuan to leave here, he has already come to Jiling Snow Mountain, how could he give up now.

The situation of this Jiling Snow Mountain is quite special, and all of these are relatively complicated. It's not that Bai Changfeng doesn't understand these problems.

I just feel that the situation has arisen, he knows what he should do, and how to deal with it all, if some things really changed so much.

He still hopes that all problems can be solved reasonably, and he doesn't think about too many things at all, as long as it can reach such a level.

How could he (ccad) not know the problems behind these things? I feel that if the matter can really be decided, there may be another way to solve it.

The more Bai Changfeng thought about it, the more anxious he felt, but the matter was not as simple as he thought, and it took a lot of effort to make such a progress.

And how could he not understand how serious this matter is? Bai Changfeng said this because he hoped that he would not be hurt. It's not that Yang Xuan didn't understand this truth, but he would not leave.

"Old man, can you stop saying that, okay? The more you say that, the more impossible it is for me to leave Jiling Snow Mountain. Since I have the ability to come to Jiling Snow Mountain, I don't feel afraid. If I really Feeling scared, I don’t want to look for any danger, I want to look for any birds and beasts.”

"Even if a red-tailed snow fox appears here at this moment, it doesn't matter to me. I don't feel scared at all. If you still want to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain to search for these dangers, then the two of us will go on the road together. , isn’t that good, don’t worry about my safety all the time.”

"If red-tailed snow foxes can really hurt people, I won't be afraid. If you really see red-tailed snow foxes, you must eradicate them, even their roots. What troubles will happen, under such circumstances, it is safe in this space, don't worry about it so much, okay?".

Chapter 2038 No future troubles

After Bai Changfeng sat here and heard Yang Xuan's words, he felt very curious, what is the identity of this Yang Xuan, and why didn't he feel afraid when he heard such danger?

He still has to go his own way, follow him to find the red-tailed snow fox, and even enter the Jiling Snow Mountain. It seems that he is really stubborn.

Moreover, his personality is relatively stubborn. Bai Changfeng already understood that Yang Xuan in front of him must be capable, but he didn't need to take this risk. Why did he tell him so much.

He still doesn't understand, when will he be able to understand all this? Yang Xuan was also a little anxious, maybe - that's why he said that.

Bai Changfeng also didn't want him to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain with himself, but all this didn't seem to be very easy to handle, but it was already - dark now.

Bai Changfeng will not enter Jiling Snow Mountain today, he will go back to rest soon, he built a house near here as a temporary rest place, in fact, it is his usual place.

Since he came to this extremely spirit snow mountain, he has been resting in this house until now, and he has never left. He doesn't want to go to other places, he just wants to live here.

Although the climate here is low, he likes this kind of environment, he likes this kind of ice and snow weather, and he doesn't want to live in a place where humans gather at all.

Yang Xuan also understood Bai Changfeng. He didn't answer at the moment, but he also didn't agree.

Yang Xuan didn't know what to do, but he wouldn't give up easily. If he wanted to do something in Jiling Snow Mountain, he couldn't stop it.

Yang Xuan just didn't want to be so stiff with Bai Changfeng. No matter what Bai Changfeng did, he was thinking of his own safety, otherwise he wouldn't have done it.

It's not that Yang Xuan doesn't understand, he can't be ungrateful, in the face of such a situation, since Yang Xuan appears, he also knows how to make a decision.

Facing such a situation, he already understood the matter in his heart, so how could he not understand the truth behind it.

But if there is a new change in some things, then the situation will be different, how could Yang Xuan not understand how serious the danger of this matter is, indeed there is.

····Ask for flowers 0···

But he can do what Bai Changfeng can do now, how could he let Bai Changfeng take this risk alone? Now that he has come to Jiling Snow Mountain.

It is impossible for him to ignore it, and it is even more impossible for Yang Xuan to leave here. He has already explained the reason. At this moment, he just hopes that Bai Changfeng can understand his thoughts.


"When encountering such a problem, I also understand that the reason why you think so is because you are afraid that I will be hurt, but at the same time, I am also thinking that since I am here, how can I give up halfway, and I can't just be like this Those who leave here, no matter what dangers there are in this extremely spirit snow mountain, we will always search for them."

"And the terrifying voice you mentioned appeared. Is it the red-tailed snow fox, or there are other problems? Haven't you thought about it? As long as we can understand all this, as long as we can control the truth, this Everything doesn’t matter anymore, so don’t think about it so much.”

How could Bai Changfeng not think so much? 3.

Chapter 2039

This extremely spirit snow mountain is so dangerous, and these red-tailed snow foxes are very ferocious, is it true that Yang Xuan is not afraid? The more Bai Changfeng thought about it, the more bored he became.

In fact, he was a little worried. He didn't want Yang Xuan to be in such a dangerous situation, but what would he do now.

Bai Changfeng was a little helpless at the moment, he knew the principles of "083" in his heart, so how could he not know the truth behind it, but if something happened.

Of course he knows how he should decide to be together, and Bai Changfeng is also thinking that if some things cannot be changed, then he is also aware of this matter.

How could he not understand the problems behind these things, but Bai Changfeng was also thinking about talking so much to Yang Xuan, didn't he hope he could calm down a bit?

Go back quickly, or leave the space to do his business, don't come here to make trouble, Bai Changfeng doesn't need too much ability.

But it is enough to touch this danger by yourself, there is no need for one more person, one more person is not an extra help, it will be an even more dangerous one.

Bai Changfeng also thought that no matter how much ability Yang Xuan had, it would be better not to make this decision, and hoped that he could understand his thoughts, and he really felt very helpless when he got there.

Yang Xuan in front of him seemed to be full of light in his eyes, and he was extremely firm. It seemed that he could not be persuaded easily, and it was really difficult to get him to leave here.

Bai Changfeng also thought of this question. He thought in his heart that no matter what the situation was, as long as he could control everything, he would not have too many worries in his heart. How could he not understand the truth behind it?

Yang Xuan didn't even know what to say. He had already told Bai Changfeng so much in such a situation, why didn't he speak?

He hasn't agreed yet, Yang Xuan also felt that since he came to Jiling Snow Mountain, Yang Xuan didn't want to make decisions without authorization, and didn't want to break into Jiling Snow Mountain alone.

I want to do this with Bai Changfeng, and I want him to agree, but the other party is old and seems to be quite stubborn, and Yang Xuan feels helpless in his heart.

But he will also stick to his own ideas, this place is dangerous, how could Yang Xuan ignore it, he has already taken the initiative to eliminate the most dangerous...

He wouldn't feel scared anymore, Yang Xuan has his own abilities, how could he worry so much? face this situation.

He has already seen such a situation, so he doesn't need to think too much, he also knows in his heart what he should do, and he knows better how to deal with these problems.

"You don't always care about my safety. I really don't feel afraid. I said that I am really timid. How could I take the initiative to come to Jiling Snow Mountain to find these monsters? They get rid of them, this is what I want to do most, when will we move to 0.3, don't keep rejecting people thousands of miles away."

"Isn't it a change for you to have one more person helping you? Why do you always think so much? Even I don't feel scared, so why do you keep telling me to leave here? Red No matter how powerful the snow-tailed fox is, I won't feel afraid, but I want to see how capable this red-tailed snow fox is.".

Chapter 2040 Danger ahead

Yang Xuan had never been so helpless like today, facing Bai Changfeng, and such a scene, he felt that he didn't know what to say.

After all, everything he does is also for the sake of the people here. Now that he has arrived in this space, he has already discovered that the Jiling Snow Mountain is in danger.

Bai Changfeng has also expressed such a position to himself, there is a red-tailed snow fox here, how could Yang Xuan just leave here? He wants to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain to destroy the red-tailed snow fox.

I also followed Bai Changfeng to look for the red-tailed snow fox. Although it was dark again, they could act tomorrow, but today I can only stop, but Bai Changfeng never agreed.

Yang Xuan didn't know what to do, he didn't want to break into the Jiling Snow Mountain by himself without knowing anything, Bai Changfeng would hear some voices in the middle of the night when he talked today, so let's listen carefully tonight.

Yang Xuan will not leave here easily. Although the Jiling Snow Mountain is dark, humid, extremely cold and covered with ice and snow, it is not difficult for Yang Xuan. He can resist such a pressure.

This kind of environment is nothing to him to fear, and Yang Xuan doesn't feel cold, he has such ability to protect himself well, why doesn't Bai Changfeng believe it?

In fact, Yang Xuan understood everything Bai Changfeng said in his heart, and rejected his own kindness because he was completely afraid that he would be in danger, and also because he was afraid that the red-tailed snow fox would hurt him.

These guys really have some skills, since they can bite people and kill them with poison, it's in their hands.

This kind of situation is really scary, no wonder Bai Changfeng is so worried, but Yang Xuan has already told him that he is not afraid of these things at all, why doesn't he believe it? Yang Xuan looked at him quietly, waiting for his answer.

Bai Changfeng didn't expect Yang Xuan to say that, and he was also very worried. Is he going to enter Jiling Snow Mountain alone to find the red-tailed snow fox?

He thinks this matter is too dangerous. Bai Changfeng either disagrees, or thinks that the risk is too great. Otherwise, let's go together. After all, Bai Changfeng is familiar with the terrain here, so he can't let Yang Xuan alone Take the risk.

Bai Changfeng felt very sorry. If young people were in danger, what would they do then? Bai Changfeng thought that he was getting old, so it didn't matter if he was in the hands of the red-tailed snow fox. It was worth it anyway. .

"Young people, don't be so impulsive. I know what you think in my heart, and I know how you are doing in such a situation. You really surprised me, but when this situation happened, I just I hope you can understand and stop thinking about 087 so much."

"Don't think things are so simple. Some things are not as you think. The red-tailed snow fox is very powerful. I am also afraid that you will appear in danger. Even if you can resist everything, you can eliminate them. Guy, but right now you don't understand everything here."

How could Yang Xuan not understand the situation of the red-tailed snow fox? As long as Bai Changfeng described it to himself, he would already know what the red-tailed snow fox looked like.

And how to deal with these red-tailed snow foxes, Yang Xuan didn't think so much at all, nor was he so worried, why didn't Bai Changfeng believe it? .

Chapter 2041 Can't die in vain

Yang Xuan just felt that his thoughts were really too much, and he could resist this matter with his own ability.

If he didn't have this ability, it would be impossible to come to Jiling Snow Mountain to find the danger here, so how could he have this ability.

Yang Xuan is not a fool, if he really can't reach the current level, it is impossible for him to let himself die in vain. Facing such a situation, he knows what he should do.

But Bai Changfeng still seemed to be suspicious, and Yang Xuan was also thinking about this problem in his heart. If he couldn't solve it, he would have to enter Jiling Snow Mountain alone by then, so he couldn't resist his steps.

He knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, as long as he could complete it, there would be no pressure in his heart, but if he could not solve this danger, he would not be able to leave Jiling Snow Mountain.

Bai Changfeng looked at Yang Xuan and didn't know what he was thinking, did he really want to enter Jiling Snow Mountain alone? Bai Changfeng would never allow him to do this, he just felt that he should wait in this situation.

And how dangerous is this? Bai Changfeng can't be sure. Why is Yang Xuan in such a hurry? He just came to Jiling Snow Mountain and doesn't know much about it. It's better to make a decision after some things are confirmed. .

Bai Changfeng also thought that since some things happened, it would depend on what he did, how could he not understand the problems behind them.

Bai Changfeng also thought about Yang Xuan, who was sometimes impulsive at a young age, and his blood boiled, so he wanted to enter Jiling Snow Mountain as soon as possible to find the red-tailed snow fox.

But now there are no clues or traces at all. Whether the red-tailed snow fox is in Jiling Snow Mountain or not, the missile cannot be sure, but a red-tailed snow fox has been found here.

But now there are still red-tailed snow foxes, and Bai Changfeng can't give Yang Xuan a clear answer, although he heard some voices in the middle of the night.

But whether it was sent by the red-tailed snow fox, Bai Changfeng was just guessing, he just hoped that Yang Xuan could think it over clearly and not be so stubborn all the time.

"You just listen to what I said. The red-tailed snow fox has never seen you, so don't always be like this. If it dies, can you? We came to Jiling Snow Mountain today. Let's discuss something carefully. It's already dark today. , then I'll go back and rest for one night, and we can discuss anything tomorrow'々."

"¨After all, it is impossible to say that such a thing is to be done. When some things happen, it depends on what we think. If we can't change everything, the situation will be a little dangerous. I don't want you to come. And let you never go back to this place."

Of course, Yang Xuan understood Bai Changfeng's thoughts. He also felt that Bai Changfeng was serious and responsible for all this, and he was also afraid that (Qian Zhao) would be in danger. Here, this kind of thing can no longer be separated.

How could it be possible that Yang Xuan didn't know his psychological concerns, but Yang Xuan also had some thoughts, but what Bai Changfeng said made sense, it was already dark, and it was indeed not easy to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain to find it.

Yang Xuan didn't have to take action today, so he just talked about this issue with Bai Changfeng, let's talk about it after entering Jiling Snow Mountain in the past two days.

Chapter 2042 Facing a Dangerous Situation

Anyway, Yang Xuan has already thought about it, it is impossible to leave like this when he comes here today. He is always looking for the answer, if there is really no clue.

He will not let all this pass like this. Since the danger is coming, he always has to look for it. In the situation Bai Changfeng said, where did the sound of fear in the middle of the night come from?

Is it not the red-tailed snow fox? Or if there are other situations, Yang Xuan knows nothing about it. How can he not be in a hurry? Facing such a situation, the more he thinks about it, the more confused he is. What is worrying is that he feels that something has happened, and of course he knows what he wants to do.

The idea in Yang Xuan's heart has already been explained to Bai Changfeng, and now he is waiting for what Bai Changfeng has to say, and Yang Xuan already knew what 087 meant when he said these words.

Faced with such a situation, such a thing happened in this extremely spirit snow mountain, no one wanted to see the danger increase little by little, and become so terrifying little by little.

If it can be resolved as soon as possible, everyone wants to solve it (ccad), how could it be possible not to know that such a thing will become more and more dangerous as it is procrastinated, but Yang Xuan also thought that to him, all of this is meaningless.

He didn't know what the situation was, and he didn't know where the danger came from, whether it was a red-tailed snow fox, and he couldn't have an accurate answer to all of this.

Yang Xuan was also thinking, Bai Changfeng seemed to be quite confused about all this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say that.

Bai Changfeng saw that Yang Xuan didn't have any reaction now, and he was relatively calm. Yang Xuan should be able to hear what he said to stabilize his mood.

After all, if such a thing really happens, it is impossible to solve it all at once. Some things need to be carefully considered before making a decision.

Therefore, Bai Changfeng hopes that Yang Xuan can understand such things, don't worry so much all the time, since some things have happened, if he can't really face them.

Maybe there will be a new development in the matter. At that time, everything will be unknown. Try not to change the things that cannot be changed.

How could he not know the risks behind these things, but if some things could really be solved in another way, Bai Changfeng wouldn't be so worried.

"This matter is not what I want to see. I know in my heart that no matter what the situation is, as long as it can be safe and sound, besides, the red-tailed snow fox is just staying in the Jiling Snow Mountain and has not come out to make trouble everywhere for the time being. , now it is too late to think of a way, otherwise, if something unexpected happens."

"At that time, not only did you fail to achieve this, but you also suffered an unexpected blow. Do you think this kind of thing is worth it? I tell you this, I hope you can understand, don't think too simply, Things are always changing, and I have only seen one red-tailed snow fox, but I am not sure how many red-tailed snow foxes there are."

Bai Changfeng had finished what he needed to say, he finally calmed down at this moment, Yang Xuan was not as impatient as before, and they had already walked back slowly.

And when Bai Changfeng finished speaking, he had already turned around and walked back. When Bai Changfeng turned his head and saw Yang Xuan, he followed him.

Chapter 2043 All in the long run

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