Dressed in white clothes, white beard, white hair, the whole is really symmetrical with the snow mountain, Yang Xuan doesn't know how it will feel.

He just felt that such a situation seemed really special, but he knew in his heart that no matter what the problem was, as long as he could complete such a situation, it would be fine. Besides, he came here just to find a description, but this The place seems to be really dangerous.

Otherwise, how could the person in front of him say that? Yang Xuan didn't care at all, but he didn't continue to move forward, he always stood here to see what the other party meant.

Is it also worried about danger? But he is not afraid of living here, is he still afraid?

"Old man, you are already very old, you are not afraid of appearing here, am I afraid? Don't worry, I just think this place is the Jiling Snow Mountain, so you feel that this place is so scary and dangerous appear, but are there birds and beasts haunting this place?"

"¨But you, why are you here? Don't you worry? You don't care so much when you are old, you let me leave here first, but you, why didn't you leave here? This place is so A horrible environment, why do you have to live here."

"Is there no other place in this space? People live far away, so they will stay away from this place and keep a certain distance. I really never thought that this place is so dangerous (Wang Zhao) , and you are here, but you ask me what I want to do, then what are you going to do."

"Don't you worry that you will be in danger when you live in this place? I just think that when such a thing happens, it depends on how you decide. There is no need to worry so much. I know these things in my heart , It’s not as simple as imagined.”

After Bai Changfeng heard Yang Xuan's words, he thought about these things carefully,

Chapter 2032 Red Tailed Snow Fox Appears

But when he looked at Yang Xuan in front of him, he also felt that he really didn't have any worries when he said that? Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this, but Bai Changfeng has lived here for so long.

How could he leave Jiling Snow Mountain? To the person in front of him, he didn't know what was going on, but Bai Changfeng would explain it to him.

This place is really dangerous. I hope he can leave here and don't stay any longer. This place is very dangerous in the extremely spiritual snow mountain. It may appear at any time. I remember what should I do if I attack him at that time?

Once the red-tailed snow fox bites someone, the blood of the whole person will be slowly invaded by the venom. At that time, it will be dangerous. Bai Changfeng is a little worried. He just doesn't want anyone to come here and get hurt. .

This is not the result he wants to see, he just hopes that all this can be carried out smoothly, and there will be no more situations.

He just felt that sometimes once these things happened, he would of course know what was going on, he knew himself very well, and he still hoped that Yang Xuan could think clearly and stop being so stubborn.

How could Yang Xuan care so much? He didn't know what Bai Changfeng was thinking. The old man in front of him seemed to be very kind.

But his eyes were full of worry (ccad) looking at himself, Yang Xuan didn't think too complicated, he just felt that this matter happened in between.

He knows how he should face it and understands these principles, but things are not as he imagined, and all of this is progressing, so why think so much?

Yang Xuan didn't have too many worries at all, he just felt that once these things happened, it would make him think about everything clearly.

Bai Changfeng is taking care of everything, Yang Xuan just feels that if there are really birds and beasts appearing in this place, Bai Changfeng won't be like this now, doesn't it mean that he doesn't care about these dangers at all when he lives here Well, but why remind yourself?

Yang Xuan also had some other discoveries in his heart that he didn't have any answers to, but he also hoped that all of these could be resolved as soon as possible, and he didn't think about these problems at all.

"But this place isn't that evil, right? But aren't you good? If there are really dangerous birds and beasts in this place, they will attack you, but you seem to be safe and sound, even though you are old, you are still so energetic and capable. Yes, otherwise you wouldn’t dare to live here.”

"This place looks rather weird. Why didn't you leave when you asked me to leave? Could this be your home? This Jiling Snow Mountain is originally a place with a special environment, but since these things have already appeared So what's the danger here?"

After Bai Changfeng heard these words, he was also surprised. The person in front of him, did he also know that there were birds and beasts in this extremely spirit snow mountain, but he had already wiped them out.

Now that other species have appeared here, it is unsolvable. The common people are a little anxious, but although he hasn't found anything in the past two days.

But he will not give up easily, he has been searching in the Jiling Snow Mountain for the past two days, and he will leave here as soon as possible after dark, it has been several days in a row.

Chapter 2033 Searching for a few days with no results

Although nothing has happened up to now, and the red-tailed snow fox has not been found, but he will not leave just like this.

Bai Changfeng was used to living around here, how could he just leave like this, besides, the Jiling Snow Mountain is such a place.

If something really happened, it would be too late to solve it. He knew in his heart that he should not be so anxious for the time being, but if something happened.

He knows what to do and how to make decisions. Things are like this. Once there are some changes, he is also aware of these principles and the same. How could he not understand?

Bai Changfeng didn't know why Yang Xuan knew so much. Could it be that he had seen people here? It seems that he made some new discoveries after coming to the northern snow mountain this time, or he came here just to describe.

He has said so clearly, it seems that this matter is really not simple, but if some things really happen, he knows what to do and how to make a decision, for the sake of the peace here.

Bai Changfeng must also wait here, and I don't know what's wrong with this place. There will always be some evil things. After the birds and beasts are wiped out, why does the red-tailed snow fox appear again? It really makes people feel can not imagine.

No matter what the reason is, Bai Changfeng doesn't think so much, he knows what to do about these things, he just feels that if these things happen.

He also knew how to deal with it, but he didn't know how to deal with Yang Xuan in front of him. After the other party said these words, he would never leave here. It seemed that he had already decided to do so.

But Bai Changfeng was still worried, what was he doing here? This place is dangerous. Could it be that he also wants to solve the crisis?

Besides, birds and beasts have been wiped out here, and now there are still red-tailed snow foxes here, Bai Changfeng has only seen it before, and after one is wiped out, there must still be red-tailed snow foxes in this place, it can't just be like this disappeared.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he felt, but he couldn't leave Bai Changfeng to go to other places. He was used to the cold weather here.

Seeing Bai Changfeng's expression, Yang Xuan also found it funny. Could it be that he was so worried? Yang Xuan didn't even worry about Bai Changfeng himself, so why should he be so afraid.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that no matter what the reasoning was, as long as he believed in all of this, there was no need to worry so much. That's why Bai Changfeng was so nervous when facing this situation.

But Yang Xuan never had so many of them. Now that he has come to Jiling Snow Mountain, he must be looking for this kind of danger, but he has never seen what kind of Lingyun birds and beasts look like.


"Are birds and beasts really so cruel? I find it strange. For me, I also want to make a good decision on these things, and see if I can change everything. I just feel that since things have happened, as long as I can understand That’s all for now, so don’t worry about it.”

"Since I can come here alone, I'm not afraid of this situation. You don't have to think about my affairs. Tell me what's the problem here. I won't leave easily. I People who come to this place are also looking for danger. People say that there are birds and beasts in this place, so I will check to see if there is such a situation.” 3.

Chapter 2034 There are many disturbances behind

Yang Xuan was just guessing about these things, after all he couldn't possibly understand the reason, this is because he went to the snow mountain in the north and wanted to find these traces.

But now that he didn't find anything, he wouldn't let himself be so anxious. If these things happened, he knew what to do, and he knew how to deal with the problem, but if some things really could be solved "zero to seven zero".

But how could it be possible not to understand the risks behind this, but since Yang Xuan came here, he would not be afraid so much, he clearly understood these principles in his heart.

He just felt that if this matter could not be changed, then he would think of other countermeasures, so how could he not be clear about these reasons, but if the problem really happened, then he should resist it by himself at that time.

Is Bai Changfeng in front of him really worried? He didn't need it at all, and Yang Xuan wouldn't be entangled with this matter at all. This time, the danger of the northern snow mountain must exist.

If it is really left alone, it will become more and more dangerous at that time, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to see the people around here suffer, he came here just to settle this matter, otherwise how could he appear here.

Facing this matter, he knew what he should do, and he also knew how to make a decision, but if some things couldn't develop, he might change it when he thought about it again.

Bai Changfeng was also a little at a loss, the other party had already finished speaking, and he already knew what he should do, but if these things really happened.

Well, things are always changing, which also makes me feel a little weird, but if some problems cannot be changed.

He also knew how he should deal with it, and he would also understand these principles. Looking at Yang Xuan, Bai Changfeng also understood these thoughts in his heart. It seemed that he would not leave Jiling Snow Mountain easily.

Does he have to enter the Jiling Snow Mountain to look for the red-tailed snow fox? Bai Changfeng has something to tell him clearly, so that he can know what's the problem here, and whether there is such a situation as he said.

Bai Changfeng also has some concerns, and the young man in front of him has abilities, but can he face such a crisis and resist...

Is the situation simply as simple as talking about it? Now that things have come, how can it be so simple.

"I understand what you're saying now, but this time you came here for the purpose of looking for birds and beasts? There are no birds and beasts here, and I have wiped them all out within a few months. The Lingyun Birds and Beasts used to rely on and control them, but later I thought of a way to eradicate them directly."

"Now here, there is no such kind of sound in this place, but there are still other things in this place, which are also very dangerous. I have been thinking about it for a long time, and you said it now So many 0.3 are here to solve the crisis."

"But although there is no description for this place, the red-tailed snow fox appearing in this place is also very scary. These guys are also very cruel. I have seen one that has been wiped out by me, but this place should still exist, because every time Some voices were also heard in the middle of the night.".

Chapter 2035 Hearing a Horrible Voice in the Middle of the Night

Yang Xuan already understood Bai Changfeng's words, and it seems that this is the case, so another kind of monster appeared in this extremely spirit snow mountain.

This monster turned out to be a red-tailed snow fox. Yang Xuan had never heard of it. It was really strange to come to this kind of space this time, and Yang Xuan had also learned a lot.

But he knew in his heart that no matter what the danger was, he would go all out. He couldn't make a trip in vain. Bai Changfeng's 22 worries in his heart, Yang Xuan could understand, he alone up.

Being able to wait in this extremely spiritual snow mountain is to resist the pressure here. It is really great to solve this kind of problem, but Yang Xuan looked at him intact.

He has the ability to fight against these evil monsters. It is really not easy for a person to have such perseverance. Yang Xuan has already come here, and he will not leave easily.

Bai Changfeng really did not expect that someone like Yang Xuan would come here, but what is his identity, and why does he look so confident at such a young age? Bai Changfeng is also worried, what if he enters the Jiling Snow Mountain and is in danger?

Still hoping that he could leave here, Bai Changfeng thought that he had nothing to gain, even though it was confirmed that there was a red-tailed snow fox here.

But at this moment, he has no clues or new discoveries, just hearing some voices.

But Bai Changfeng won't give up easily, but he doesn't want others to come here, and he doesn't want others to be involved in such a dangerous situation.

When Bai Changfeng thought of these things, he actually felt quite helpless in his heart. Although he heard some voices, nothing happened until now.

He did not see the red-tailed snow fox, but he will not change his decision easily. He has lived in this extremely spirit snow mountain for a long time, and he has a good control over his situation. He will definitely find out the final of clues.

"This sound is so soul-stirring in this extremely spiritual snow mountain that it sounds like a roar of howling ghosts and wolves. It is particularly terrifying. Although I can't hear it in other places, I can hear it very clearly near here. Looking for red-tailed snow foxes in the northern snow-capped mountains, I found nothing at all, so I found it strange."

"However, there are also voices at night. This matter cannot be explained. I am preventing you from entering the Jiling Snow Mountain for your own sake. This kind of thing is more dangerous."

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he realized that there were no more birds and beasts in this place, since the red-tailed snow fox appeared.

This red-tailed snow fox might be even stronger. Yang Xuan 077 was also thinking that Bai Changfeng was already old, but he still looked so calm and capable.

He is not afraid, is he afraid? Yang Xuan would never shrink back, he just quietly listened to Bai Changfeng's words.

Yang Xuan didn't answer at the moment, he just felt that this matter had happened unexpectedly, he knew what he should do, and Yang Xuan also understood the situation behind it, but felt that some things could be changed if they really were.

At that time, things will develop in another way. How could he not understand the truth behind it? Yang Xuan was also thinking, no matter what the problem is, as long as he can control it better, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Chapter 2036 Understand the real inside story of Snow Mountain

He also knew how to make decisions behind the situation, and the purpose of Yang Xuan coming to Jiling Snow Mountain was to find the danger here and solve it.

He won't give up halfway, no matter what the situation is, he doesn't feel afraid. He has already understood the situation very thoroughly. For him, how could he not know the truth behind it.

Yang Xuan thought that these dangers were in front of him, and he was in a bad mood. He could understand what Bai Changfeng said, and he also understood what kind of ending it was.

But he won't feel afraid, after all, he has the ability to face such a situation and it hasn't happened yet. Will he shrink back after hearing these words, and leave here?

Yang Xuan couldn't do this. He felt that since the Jiling Snow Mountain was in danger, he also wanted to use his ability to change this situation.

Let the people living here get a peaceful life, don't be so scared like now, although the red-tailed snow fox is not close to the place where humans live.

But if they become stronger, they will come out sooner or later. Besides, such a monster is really scary.

How could Yang Xuan give up easily in his heart, since Bai Changfeng said so, Yang Xuan listened, and then figured out a way to see if this terrifying voice came from the red-tailed snow fox.

Since there are cases, why didn't Bai Changfeng find it when he entered Jiling Snow Mountain? What is the reason?

How could he know, he can only know if he controls everything personally, otherwise he will always just hear about it.

Bai Changfeng looked at Yang Xuan quietly, they were sitting on a snowy **** at the moment, they looked at the situation in front of them, Bai Changfeng didn't know why he said so much, why Yang Xuan still seemed so firm.

And there was no expression on his face that looked like he wasn't scared at all. Bai Changfeng was also a little worried. If he wasn't afraid that he might appear in danger, how could he have advised him like this.

I just hope that he can understand that the danger is everywhere, and I hope that he will be more cautious. If some accidents really happen, it will be more difficult to save him at that time. After all, Bai Changfeng also understands.

If it really was the red-tailed snow fox that appeared and couldn't control the situation, Yang Xuan would feel quite guilty for Bai Changfeng in danger.

I still hope it would be better to remind him, to let him understand that such a scene is not easy to get close to.

"¨Once the red-tailed snow fox appears to attack you, you will enter the point of no return. Once the red-tailed snow fox hurts you, I am afraid that the blood on your body will be poisoned. At that time, don't you Know what to do? If there is no danger and no agreement here, how could I prevent you from entering the Jiling Snow Mountain'々?"

"Besides, you have seen it around here. (The money) has no footprints at all, which proves that this place has never come. Although you came here for the birds and beasts, this place no longer exists. Only the red tail The snow fox has appeared, you should leave, I don't want you to be in danger."

What Bai Changfeng should say has already been said so directly, doesn't it mean that Yang Xuan still doesn't understand? Moreover, the red-tailed snow fox is so powerful, once it hurts someone, I am afraid that the person will die soon, this situation is really more critical.

Chapter 2037 The situation is very urgent

Bai Changfeng just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand this situation, as long as he knew the truth behind it, and he was not very old, he should be able to control the situation.

To leave Jiling Snow Mountain as soon as possible, Bai Changfeng also thought that he was getting old, so it doesn't matter if he is here, as long as he can bring peace to his people.

Let them make full use of it. In fact, at the very beginning, he came to Jiling Snow Mountain just to watch the birds and beasts. Later, he found a way to eliminate the birds and beasts, so he directly started the 083 attack.

He didn't give these evil guys any chance at all, but he didn't expect the red-tailed snow fox to appear again, which made him feel a little unimaginable.

This matter is very serious, and the situation behind it is also very dangerous. The red-tailed snow fox is not as easy to deal with as birds and beasts. If Bai Changfeng doesn't have a good way.

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