There is no need for Zhu Xiaotian to go with him at all, as long as he tells where the Lingyun birds and beasts are, Yang Xuan can go looking for them alone, and one more person is useless.

Yang Xuan didn't need it at all. For him, he knew in his heart that no matter what the situation was, as long as he could accomplish such a thing.

Chapter 2026 Yang Xuan's patience is limited

As long as Yang Xuan can solve the crisis here, he will have no other regrets in his heart, and he is also aware of all this.

Yang Xuan just felt that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible, and he didn't want to waste time here at all. Yang Xuan didn't know what happened today.

With such patience today, if it was normal, Yang Xuan would have already solved the problem, but Zhu Xiaotian also praised him for growing up, otherwise he would always be suspicious.

Yang Xuan just felt that he should be clear about this matter, his own background.

Yang Xuan looked at Zhu Xiaotian quietly and took another sip of water. Zhu Xiaotian's house was very clean and tidy, but Yang Xuan was not in the mood right now. He came here today and told Zhu Xiaotian about his ins and outs. Confession.

Let him know that he can change his own destiny through this ability, let's see if the people here can meet this standard.

After all, Yang Xuan also knew about this kind of thing, what Zhu Xiaotian had planned was his business, but he had already decided what he wanted to do, and he would not change his mind.

Faced with this kind of thing, he felt that Zhu Xiaotian felt helpless because he didn't feel that Yang Xuan was in his heart, so he made a decision immediately on this kind of thing.

Don't you want to destroy Lingyun Birds and Beasts? There's always been some hesitation, Yang Xuan has already revealed his abilities, doesn't he believe it?

Yang Xuan felt that such a thing was really boring, what happened to the people here? Are they all so cowardly?

Zhu Xiaotian was a little surprised at this moment, he didn't expect Yang Xuan to have such an identity, could he lead everyone into a new world with such an ability? Zhu Xiaotian just didn't dare to imagine.

"My God, is what you said true? I didn't expect you to have such an identity. I'm not doubting, or I feel a little surprised. It's like a dream, but you can do whatever you want at this moment. , I believe in you, if you need me to follow you, let's set off to the snow mountain now'々."

"It's very remote there, but you have to be careful. It's easy to fall into the cliff if you don't pay attention, but I believe you have this ability. It's impossible for such a thing to happen. I'm not worried. I just think everything will change. You have to be calm, and there is no danger."

"After all, we're going to deal with dangerous things. If it really happened because of this problem, and other situations are really not worth it, you can just talk about it. Let's wait until we come back to talk about your affairs. Temporarily fight against these spirits. Yunniaoshou can't wait, I finally hope that a strong man will come here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he was finally angry. It seems that he really agreed, otherwise Yang Xuan felt that everything he did was meaningless after waiting for so long.

He just thought that since the situation was like this (Good Wang), he didn't need to think so much, and he knew these reasons in his heart, so he didn't expect Zhu Xiaotian to really agree.

But Yang Xuan has already made up his mind that he will go to find the Lingyun Bird and Beast by himself later and already knows the location, so Yang Xuan can go by himself, he doesn't want Zhu Xiaotian to accompany him at all.

Instead, to protect him, it would be better to go by himself, Yang Xuan has already made an effective decision, and he knows in his heart that this time the situation is like this.

Chapter 2027 Fate always makes fun of people

Once he decides that things will not change, there is something special about coming to the hopeless space this time. If he is not thinking about the people here, he will have the opportunity to reincarnate.

It was impossible for Yang Xuan to come here, this time the situation was quite special, Yang Xuan didn't need to worry at all, he just felt that since these things happened, he knew what he should do.

He knows better how to deal with problems, so he doesn't have to worry so much. For him, he has already seen these things clearly.

And he is also thinking, since some things are here, Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry so much, he just hopes that people in the hopeless space can live a normal life.

If they meet the conditions, they can transfer, and if the world doesn't meet the requirements, it should be safe to stay here.

063 Zhu Xiaotian quietly saw that Yang Xuan had already expressed his feelings at this moment, and hoped that Yang Xuan would stop worrying. Zhu Xiaotian already knew that he couldn't wait, but this new CEO must have just announced.

Zhu Xiaotian has already decided to go to the snow mountain with Yang Xuan to look for Lingyun birds and beasts. Zhu Xiaotian hasn't seen them for a long time. These guys are relatively evil.

If it can't be eradicated, it will be dangerous to stay there, how can Zhu Xiaotian not be in a hurry now, he knows what he is facing, no matter what the situation is.

He is aware of this problem, but if some things really happened, and he also understands the truth behind them, how could there be no change?

For him, he has seen it very clearly, and Zhu Xiaotian doesn't want to have any more problems, but if some things can't be solved, then he can think of other countermeasures by himself.

Zhu Xiaotian just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand the situation, and also hoped that he could control everything.

If it is true that the danger here is gone, they can live normally in the hopeless space, and they don't have to live in fear like before.

"Our hopeless space can be freed, and we don't have to endure such torture anymore, otherwise you don't know how to make decisions when you think about these things, but you know in your heart that once such a thing (ccad) happens, everyone will understand How should I face all this, and I know how to make all these decisions.”

"If these things really happen at this moment, then I believe in you, and you don't need to be so anxious, you can start right away, I believe you can get rid of the predicament here."

"It can also allow us to live a normal life. I am really grateful. I never thought that such a thing would be resolved one day. The problem of Lingyun birds and beasts can really be solved."

Zhu Xiaotian has already said what he should say, what is Yang Xuan thinking, or when will he wait, Zhu Xiaotian also understands.

The sooner this matter is resolved, they will be able to restore peace here, just like before. Ever since Lingyun Birds and Beasts came here, Zhu Xiaotian felt that the days they lived every day were more thrilling.

They are always afraid of some problems. How could they not be afraid every day? Faced with such a situation, they really endured such suffering.

But the appearance of Yang Xuan changed everything, Zhu Xiaotian was very happy, how could he refuse? .

Chapter 2028 Endure These Sufferings

He knew in his heart how he should decide to face these problems, he already understood, it seemed that this matter really should be well prepared, Zhu Xiaotian also knew these reasons.

After talking to Yang Xuan for so long, I also hope that he can understand these things and stop thinking too much, Zhu Xiaotian finally became calmer in his heart.

Facing this problem, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a little helpless, but something had already happened, and he understood that there would always be a new decision.

Zhu Xiaotian hoped that Yang Xuan would agree to go with him, after all his ability is so powerful, Zhu Xiaotian was also worried.

If he doesn't agree, he wants to destroy the Lingyun birds and beasts alone, and he is also worried, is he also afraid of danger?

How could such a situation not worry? But if some things really change, then the situation will not be like this, there will be other changes.

Zhu Xiaotian naturally had thoughts in his heart, he was clear about this issue, and these things were something he could decide, not himself.

Zhu Xiaotian looked at Yang Xuan again, he might be thinking about something at the moment, Zhu Xiaotian didn't know what he was planning.

After all, since he has the ability to destroy Lingyun birds and beasts, they set off immediately, Zhu Xiaotian actually didn't want to wait, and finally such a strong man came here.

Zhu Xiaotian also longed for someone to solve his crisis, he was very willing, how could he refuse?

Facing this problem, he has already seen it. Since this is the case, there is no need to think about it, and there is no need to think about it.

When Yang Xuan thought about this matter, he felt that since Zhu Xiaotian had already asked this question, and he was about to set off in a while, it was impossible to take him there. Yang Xuan just wanted to know what he was thinking.

They agreed with Yang Xuan to do this, otherwise they didn't want to make this decision lightly, after all, this hopeless space is where they live.

Yang Xuan came here just to give them a chance to go to the reincarnation world, and Yang Xuan will not participate in other things, but he can't ignore the danger here.

Although Zhu Xiaotian has the ability, but Yang Xuan can resist these dangers by himself, so there is no need to take this person with him, he has already figured out this matter.

····Ask for flowers 0···

No matter what Zhu Xiaotian thought, Yang Xuan had already made a decision, and he would not change it. After all, if this matter could not be resolved as soon as possible, Yang Xuan would be very worried in his heart.

"Don't think too much about these things. Even if I fought for your consent just now, how could I not understand this situation? I just feel that since these things have happened, I understand your worries, and I also understand your thoughts. What is it, leave it all to me."


"But there's no need for you to follow me. I can solve this problem alone, so you don't need to go. I understand this situation in my heart. There is no need to worry at all, and you can rest assured."

"Leave these things to me. I'm going to set off soon. You've already told me these things, so you don't have to think about it too complicated, and you don't have to worry about what kind of cliff I will fall into an abyss. It’s not a problem for me, as long as I can solve things, I will not be in danger again.” Three.

Chapter 2029 Disappeared Forever

Yang Xuan has finished what he should have said, and now he just wants to solve the situation here as soon as possible, and he doesn't want to repeat at all.

Zhu Xiaotian already understood his intentions, but he still looked so terrified at the moment, maybe he was a little worried.

Yang Xuan didn't need them to think too much at all, as long as they told themselves the location of the snow-capped mountain, Yang Xuan could go straight to "063".

After all, he knew this situation well in his heart. Once he arrived at the northern snow mountain, he would deal with the situation there, and he didn't have to worry about the Lingyun birds and beasts at all.

Although Yang Xuan hadn't seen it before, no matter what danger it was, he didn't feel afraid. How could he think about such a thing with this ability.

Zhu Xiaotian and the others don't have to live in fear anymore. Once the danger in this hopeless space still exists, each of them is more anxious and particularly afraid, and they still can't leave here. It's really sad for them of.

But Yang Xuan also thought that with his own appearance this time, not only would they have the opportunity to leave this place and enter another world, but at the same time, the spirit clouds, birds and beasts would disappear forever.

They don't have to worry about danger approaching them. There are so many problems in Yang Xuan's mind. He just thinks that if things are like this, he doesn't want such a situation to happen again.

I just hope that everything will go smoothly. If too many things really happen, which are not what he wants to see, Yang Xuan can still solve the problem.

Zhu Xiaotian's eyes were also wide open, and he found it hard to imagine, does Yang Xuan want to go by himself? This northern snow mountain is so terrifying and evil, is he really not afraid?

It made him very worried, and he also felt that it would be better for Yang Xuan not to move, but to be more cautious. Could it be that he has this ability, so he doesn't need to be accompanied, Zhu Xiaotian thinks it would be better for him to go with him.

After all, he was relatively familiar with the terrain, Yang Xuan didn't know anything about it at all, and he couldn't control the matter, so some things happened invisibly.

It's not that Zhu Xiaotian doesn't understand these problems. For him, he always feels that some situation has arisen, which makes him feel a little strange. How could Zhu Xiaotian not know the situation behind it... .

"I don't worry about what you do. Can't I go with you? You still think that my ability is not strong enough. Can you resist these dangers alone? Besides, you are not familiar with the situation there. Without knowing anything, you rashly entered the northern snow-capped mountains."

"I'm a little worried, and I'm still a little scared. I think we can deal with this situation together. After all, I'm the manager here. I'm very familiar with everything here. It's not difficult for me. I may not be able to resist the cloud bird beast, but I can be by your side and tell you what to do."

0.3 "I think all this is better. If I really let you go alone, I feel sorry for me. I don't want you to be in danger alone. What should I do? I'm sorry Do you? You'd better think about this matter carefully and don't do it. "

After Yang Xuan heard these words now, he didn't want Zhu Xiaotian to follow at all.

Chapter 2030 To the North Snow Mountain

Yang Xuan left here now, and went directly to the snowy mountains in the north. Yang Xuan walked fast all the way, and after leaving this difficult road, he began to control spells. He was flying, and his speed was very fast.

Faced with this problem, he never worried so much. Yang Xuan knew in his heart that since he had the ability to come here, any situation would be resolved after entering the northern snow mountain.

Yang Xuan was looking for clues while walking. He hadn't arrived at the northern snow mountain yet, but this place looked very cold. When he didn't come near here, Yang Xuan felt the bone-chilling wind.

This place is really well-deserved of its reputation. It is covered with ice and snow all year round, and the north wind is blowing. It feels like it will freeze people into icemen.

This place is really strange, which made Yang Xuan feel a little amazed. He has already used his ability to resist the danger here. After all, he knows in his heart that it is no problem to use his ability to resist the cold here.

However, he also felt that this northern snow mountain was really special. He had already felt such a feeling of fear before entering this place.

No wonder everyone doesn't want to come here, but Yang Xuan also knows that since he wants to talk about haunting here, Yang Xuan wants to see if it is such a powerful description that people say.

As he walked, he moved closer, but the air in this place was good, at least there was no dust, it was covered with snow, shining white light, crystal clear.

"What are you doing? What are you doing here? Don't get close to me. Are you looking for death? This young man really doesn't know how to live or die. I've been watching you for a long time. I thought you were just passing by and just approaching, right? Are you still unable to see the northern snow-capped mountains? This place is very dangerous."

"This is the legendary Jiling Snow Mountain. Don't you really want to live? Get out of here quickly. I thought you wanted to enjoy the scenery nearby, but this place is so remote, how could you come here? What? This space is also isolated from the world, how could someone like you appear here?"

"What exactly do you want to do? Tell me quickly. If you can't do it, retreat far away, otherwise you really can't survive. The closer you get, the more dangerous you are. Why don't you listen? "

The person who spoke was Bai Changfeng. He had lived in this northern snow mountain for a long time, but no one came here anymore.

Bai Changfeng was just looking at these monsters here, there were no birds and beasts here long ago, they had already been wiped out by Bai Changfeng.


However, something has happened here in the past two days, so there are some white foxes here, which keep appearing and howling in embarrassment every day, even though this place is far away from where humans live.

But they would also hear such voices. Although they couldn't hear them, Bai Changfeng had come to this extremely spirit snow mountain to look for traces in the past two days.

He felt offensive when he heard the sound, but every time he entered this extremely spirit snow mountain, he didn't gain anything, instead he ran for nothing.

There was nothing to do today, so he thought about entering the Jiling Snow Mountain to search again. Since there was a red-tailed snow fox here, why didn't he see it? .

Chapter 2031 A white dress is very elegant

Bai Changfeng will not give up easily. Facing such a situation, he just hopes that the people here can live in peace, even if nothing happens here.

It is also impossible for him to let these red-tailed snow foxes multiply more and more, and the situation is more complicated. This red-tailed snow fox is very evil, and once it enters into human beings, it will be a little dangerous.

Bai Changfeng just saw Yang Xuan appearing, he was a little surprised that he couldn't stay in this place for too long, this place was a bit dangerous, why did he get close to Jiling Snow Mountain?

And here is such a situation, Bai Changfeng has already seen Yang Xuan in front of him slowly turn around, but the other party looks so young, but he is quite courageous.

Knowing that this place is cold and dangerous, he still wants to get closer. Bai Changfeng also finds it strange. He has already walked towards Yang Xuan. He looks at Yang Xuan carefully. He doesn't know the identity of the other party at all. .

But Bai Changfeng was worried that Bai Changfeng was old, and he didn't want any danger to happen, let alone anyone who came to this extremely spirit snow mountain and got hurt.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, it was really interesting for him to look at the old man in front of him, like the white snow mountain, since the old man in front of him had such clothes.

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