Once they want to do something, they will definitely achieve their goals. If they are not wiped out, this black-winged bat beast will not let it go. Yazi just thinks that today he will definitely fight to the death.

He would rather sacrifice himself to protect the people around here than destroy these black-winged bats. After all, once the black-winged bats come out, they will not only hurt Yang Xuan, but also enter the village and **** the flesh and blood of the common people. Incredible.

If this matter is not dealt with, how can Wu Yazi rest assured? How could he get out of here? Toothless is a certain distance from this place, but maybe everything was arranged today, he found this situation when he came here to collect medicinal materials.

Wu Yazi just didn't say it so directly, he just hoped that Yang Xuan could leave here as soon as possible and stop standing there, that place is very conspicuous.

Otherwise, how could the black-winged bat beasts find this position directly after smelling the smell? It seems that the abilities of these black-winged bats have increased again. Wuyazi needed to step over a few black-winged bats before, but that was A long time ago.

I didn't expect that there were so many black-winged bat beasts living around here. It seems that I was a little careless. If I found them earlier and wiped them out earlier, such a thing would not have happened.

Toothless is also very worried in his heart. Facing this problem, how could he not know what to do now.

But he still had some thoughts in his heart, that is, if these problems arise, he knows how to deal with them, and he hopes to make a decision as soon as possible, so Yang Xuan should stop hesitating.

Yang Xuan was moved when he heard these words. After all, he also knew what Wu Yazi said, and he was afraid that he would be hurt. Could it be that he wouldn't be hurt?

Yang Xuan was also thinking about such a situation, it is not that simple at all, if these black-winged bat beasts really want to hurt people, he is not only here for himself, but also his goal is relatively big, besides so many black-winged bats Winged bat beast.

How could Yang Xuan alone satisfy their appetite, let them eat all of Yang Xuan's flesh and blood, then Yang Xuan has left the bones, and they can't eat enough, it seems that they are this time to attack humans.

····Ask for flowers 0···

"Brother, don't try to persuade me. If I felt scared, I would have already run away and hid already. How could I be here all the time? I made up my mind when I never showed up again." , Fight to the end with these guys? I want to see what is going on with these black-winged bat beasts."


"I won't choose this deserter lightly, so don't persuade me. My name is Yang Xuan. What's your name? It's fate that we met here. Let's resist these evil monsters together. If you are alone It is also dangerous to stay here, you clearly know that I have some abilities."

"Don't worry so much. Our first task is to eliminate these black-winged bat beasts and see if there is any other situation. After all, are there really only so many of these black-winged bat beasts? It seems that although the number is huge , but I think they still have old suppressors, and there are still many of them living near here or farther away.” 3.

Chapter 1974 Sucking People's Efforts

After Wu Yazi heard what Yang Xuan said, he also knew the name of the other party, but at the moment Wu Yazi was also suspicious of him, so it seems that he is not afraid at all, so don't force it.

Wu Yazi also felt that there were too many people helping the Black Winged Bat Beast today, and Wu Yazi also felt that he was powerless. If he wanted to resist these Black Winged Bat Beasts, Wu Yazi might have to pay the price of his life for "Zero Four Zero" , he was still thinking that he didn't want to die either, it was impossible for him to lose his life because of such a situation.

If he could choose to run away, he could hide, but at this moment, there is already danger here. Yang Xuan, he can never see anyone here, so he can't save him.

Can he kill some black-winged bat beasts to see if his abilities have improved? Wu Yazi has also been cultivating meticulously during this period to make himself stronger, and his internal strength is also profound. At this moment, his bow and arrow are ready, and he can launch an attack at any time.

Moreover, what Yang Xuan said moved him especially. Since the other party didn't want to be a coward, and wanted to resist the Black Winged Bat Beast with him, how could Toothless be unhappy when they were wiped out?

After all, one more helper is more strength. Toothless understands this truth. He watched Yang Xuan silently and watched the black-winged bat approaching them proudly.

How could Yang Xuan give up such a good opportunity? He was just thinking in his heart that seeing WeChat came this time, so he should fight hard. He didn't have any thoughts or pressure at all.

He just feels that if these situations arise, he also knows what he should do, so he doesn't have to worry so much at all. He has already seen these problems very clearly and thoroughly, and he will not have any more problems. so much.

He just feels that if these situations arise, he also knows what he should do, and he can also know how to deal with the problem. He likes his heart to be relatively calm, and he doesn't have to think too complicated at all. After all, he is facing this problem.

He also knows how he should decide all these things, Yang Xuan is also thinking about Toothless, he doesn't have to worry so much, after all, Yang Xuan's ability is really super strong...

How could Wu Yazi know that Yang Xuan had these powers? At this moment, he stood here and kept looking at Wu Yazi. The black-winged bat beast was approaching, and Yang Xuan had no fear at all.

"We need to find their traces and wipe them all out. Otherwise, the people around here will be scared to live. This time the black-winged bat beast appeared. It is not such a simple matter. It seems that they have obtained some super powers. Strong ability, otherwise it is impossible to have the courage to come here."

"Their attack on me this time is just the beginning. If they really have the ability to eat my flesh and drink my blood, then I think they have the ability."

"If they don't have this ability at 0.3, then they will definitely die today. How can I let them go so easily? When is this time, let's not shirk it anymore."

Wu Yazi was a little surprised at the moment. He looked at Yang Xuan quietly and understood. It seems that Yang Xuan also understood these things. Could it be that he has also heard of the Black Winged Bat Beast? The situation finally happened.

Chapter 1975 The danger is approaching

These black-winged bats have been around here for a long time, and there should be no black-winged bats in other places. How did Yang Xuan, who was in front of him, know these things?

Why does he know so much? The more Wu Yazi thought about it, the more surprised he became, but it was actually a good thing at the moment, at least the other party was capable.

He is more courageous, and he also has this ability. He speaks so boldly, it seems that he is sure, he is not afraid of these black-winged bat beasts at all.

Wu Yazi is quite happy when he thinks about it. If he is really a strong man, he will not have to worry about it. Instead, he will help the people here to tide over the difficulties. Once these black-winged bat beasts enter the village, people will be doomed.

How could there be no worries in Toothless Heart 22? Seeing that the Black-winged Bat Beast is approaching menacingly, it came prepared this time, and a decision must be made on this matter.

Yang Xuan looked at everything in front of him, how could he not be in a hurry, after all, he also knew that these black-winged bats were very powerful, and the methods of these black-winged bats were also relatively cruel, they had a poisonous needle on them.

Once it flies onto a human body, it will be poisoned immediately. However, he is also thinking that if such a crisis cannot be resolved in time, human beings will be doomed forever, and these black-winged bat beasts will even eat human flesh. , drank human blood, and finally only dry bones remained.

"In the face of this problem, we can only work together. Don't always let me hide in the thatched hut. That place is not safe. Once we enter the thatched hut, unless it is made of a special material Otherwise, a thatched cottage like this would be destroyed by them."

"Aren't we waiting to die at that time? Don't you want such a thing to happen? Since we have already encountered such a danger, we should stop running away."

"Hurry up and resist these black-winged bat beasts. They are already approaching. Why are you persuading me? I will not leave here. How could I leave you here alone? It is impossible to resist all these black-winged bat beasts, it seems that you also encountered a problem today."

How could Yang Xuan have the heart to let him handle things here alone? These black-winged bat beasts are really menacing, and this situation cannot be delayed at all.

Yang Xuan stood on the spot and was ready to attack. After all, he knew in his heart that even though Toothless had some spells, it was impossible for him to resist these black-winged bat beasts.

If you let him stay here alone, I am afraid that he will lose his life today. Yang Xuan is also worried. How can he just hide in the face of this matter? 040 Yang Xuan is so powerful, let alone These black-winged bat beasts are gone.

Even if the whole sky is full of black-winged bat beasts, Yang Xuan is fearless, he just hopes that Wu Yazi can understand this moment and stop evading it.

Yang Xuan also did not expect that such an unknown object would appear when passing by here today. After a careful look, he found out that it was a black-winged bat beast. Yang Xuan also did not expect that this thing really happened.

In his opinion, this matter should not have been carried out in this way, but such a situation happened again. How could he not know the problems behind these things?

Chapter 1976 Beginning to enter the dunes

But if some things happen, Yang Xuan also knows how to make a decision, and he has already seen these situations very thoroughly. If he can't deal with the problem as soon as possible, the situation will be bad.

Humans here are about to suffer catastrophe, how could Yang Xuan have the heart to see this happen, besides, it doesn't matter whether the dungeon world can be found or not.

This time Yang Xuan didn't worry so much at all, the first thing to do was to save people.

But he didn't know why these black-winged bat beasts appeared, did they really come for himself? Do they want to absorb their own blood to improve their abilities? It's also possible.

"Why are you hesitating? In this situation, do you think your ability alone can resist these black-winged bat beasts? It's like hitting a stone with a pebble. Do you think you can resist such a creature with a little magic? These monsters But it’s very cruel, and you will be eaten up by them even with your ability.” 々

"I'm afraid you just wiped out a few black-winged bat beasts. At that time, you will die here too. Do you think this is worth the price? Not only will you not be able to save the nearby villagers, but you will also have to sacrifice yourself. If you catch up, you lose your life, it doesn’t make any sense at all, why don’t you make a choice now?”

"You don't have to think too much now. It is impossible to persuade me to leave here. I have abilities. Don't think that I am nothing. After all, you don't know me well. We just met here. , you have to be more cautious and don't waste any more time."

After Yang Xuan said this, he didn't want to hesitate at all. After all, this situation was special and urgent, and he couldn't waste any more time.

When Wu Yazi was really hesitant, Yang Xuan didn't want to think about it with him at all. Anyway, it was impossible for him to hide at this moment. He knew in his heart that if Wu Yazi was afraid.

Or if he feels that he is incapable, that's his business. Yang Xuan doesn't think too much about the situation at all. At this time, he can only make a decision as soon as possible.

If it is delayed any longer, the black-winged bat beast will be approaching for a few minutes, and the time will be here soon. The black-winged bat beast seems to be getting closer and closer, and its appearance is getting more and more terrifying, and it can be seen more clearly.

It was no longer as vague as it was at the beginning. This was the first time Yang Xuan saw the true appearance of the Black-winged Bat Beast. He had heard of such a monster before.

But I have never seen it this time and really understood where this place is. Yang Xuan has not yet understood it, and such a situation has already occurred.

It made him feel a little unbelievable, but Yang Xuan would not be afraid, and it would be no problem at all to destroy this group of black-winged bat beasts with his ability.

When Yang Xuan was about to launch an attack, Wu Yazi chased him to the side. They are now retreating. This place is a lower dune, and the black-winged bats are still chasing them in the air. .

Yang Xuan didn't know what happened, but he was chased by Wu Yazi to this very low sand dune. They were all in the sand dune. Could this place be a better place to ambush the black-winged bat beast? Toothless what does he mean? Yang Xuan was a little confused, so he

I feel that the situation in front of me has appeared and I can no longer dodge.

Chapter 1977 Can no longer dodge

If they leave here by magic at this moment, these black-winged bat beasts will enter the nearby villages and attack the people, and the people will all become their dishes. This matter is too scary to think about.

Yang Xuan was extremely anxious. He was sitting in the sand dunes with Wu Yazi at the moment. Seeing the situation in the sky, he didn't know what to do. Yang Xuan was also a little anxious. What on earth did Yazi want to do? Doesn't he want to destroy the Black Winged Bat Beast?

Wu Yazi didn't want to hesitate any longer, he brought Yang Xuan into the sandy area to temporarily avoid the attack of the black-winged bat beast, and they had to make preparations before launching an attack.

After all, the area of ​​the black-winged bat beast is too large, the entire sky is already covered with black-winged bat beasts, it is so dark that it looks very scary. 040

Wu Yazi also didn't expect that the black-winged bat beast just appeared in part, but now, the whole sky is interpreted, and there is no light at all.

It looked like dark clouds in front of him, like it was dark, but he didn't expect such a situation to suddenly become so scary, Yazi was a little worried that he heard what Yang Xuan said, and knew that since the other party didn't want to hide.

Then the two of them should resist this danger together. Now that these terrifying monsters have appeared, they can no longer leave here. Toothless is either afraid of him or hopes to be ready to attack later.

If they can't think of a way, the killing is so big, should they lure all these black-winged bat beasts to this dune, and then wipe them out in one go.

Yang Xuan was too anxious, what on earth is this toothless guy going to do? Did he actually make such a choice at this time, to become a deserter? What are they trying to do hiding in this sand dune now? There are still many situations ahead.

If these black-winged bat beasts hadn't chased them, they might have turned around if they hadn't come here.

It will enter the nearby villages. At that time, a large area of ​​black-winged bats will be floating in the air. No matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to resist, and it will be too late.

"What are you going to do this time? Why did you bring me (ccad) to this place? Aren't you going to deal with the black-winged bat beast? What is your ability to hide now? Are you going to be a turtle? Now let I'll find a place to hide, but I don't listen to your arrangement, and now you have brought me into this sand dune, let's hide here, do we have to wait to die?"

"I've already said that I have the ability to resist these monsters with you, what else is there to worry about? Don't you believe it? Or you have other plans, but at this moment these black-winged bat beasts don't seem to be chasing them, Just now we were faster and jumped directly into the sand dunes."

"The black-winged bat beast seems to have changed direction. Are they still in the air? What exactly do you want to do? Can you tell me directly, otherwise I am very anxious. I have already said that my ability to resist these black-winged bats Beast, there is no problem, so don't worry about it all the time."

When Wu Yazi saw Yang Xuan's appearance, he chuckled. After all, how could he know the properties of these black-winged bat beasts.

The eyes of these black-winged bat beasts can only see some objects at a certain distance. If they are farther away, they will not be able to see them at all. They are safe for the time being.

Chapter 1978 Change of Flight Direction

At this moment, Wu Yazi led Yang Xuan to hide in the sand dunes, just to avoid the attack of the Black-winged Bat Beast, and then find a way to wipe them all out, besides, the Black-winged Bat Beast and the others will not easily turn around this matter.

Don't worry about these black-winged bat beasts. If they wanted to attack the nearby villages, they would have already started attacking. It is impossible to wait until now. Wu Yazi has already concluded that their target is Yang Xuan.

At this moment, he was thinking about the identity of the person in front of him, why did he have such an ability to attract these monsters to come here? Does he really have the ability to laugh?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these black-winged bat beasts to feel the existence of such a force. In this case, Wu Yazi really hadn't thought about it. After a simple understanding just now, I felt that this situation might be like this of.

But Wu Yazi was just inferring whether it was the power of Yang Xuan that attracted these black-winged bat beasts and caused the fatal disaster. Wu Yazi is also unknown, he just thinks the situation is not good and it is quite strange .

He looked at Yang Xuan's appearance, he was very anxious, Toothless didn't speak, he listened to the sound quietly, his ears were very sensitive, he could hear the sound hundreds of miles away.

At this moment, these black-winged bat beasts just hovered in the sky, did not change direction, did not move, and did not chase after them.

The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more confused he felt, what was going on with this toothless boy? Why did he keep silent? He looked like he was smiling, Yang Xuan was a little confused, isn't this toothless kid in a hurry?

The immediate danger is around, if Yang Xuan doesn't show up today, how could Wu Yazi escape this catastrophe, with his ability, he can't eliminate these black-winged bat beasts, and he can't get away.

Could it be that these black-winged bat beasts were really brought by him? Yang Xuan had an idea that it might be because of his appearance that these black-winged bats appeared.

But why is Toothless always smiling? Did he have another way or did he think of something? Yang Xuan was particularly anxious in his heart. After all, he was not worried about his own safety, but he was worried that the black-winged bat beast would change their direction.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Then he entered the nearby villages and started attacking the people. At that time, the whole village would turn into a sea of ​​Wang Yang's blood. Thinking about it, he felt particularly frightened. Yang Xuan couldn't watch this happen.

"If I felt scared, I wouldn't be as calm as I am now. These black-winged bat beasts just want to eat human flesh and drink human blood. The reason why they came after me may be because of my ability. Let them be surprised, they want to get my ability, absorb my blood, and think that they can improve their ability."


"Maybe these guys have such an idea. They are all thoughtful. They are not a bunch of idiots, nor are they trash. What do you want to do? Can you show your cards directly? I am really special at this moment Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I'm going out."

How could Wu Yazi not understand these principles? He had already seen this situation. If it wasn't for this matter, he wouldn't be in such a hurry, but Wu Yazi also wanted to hide in the sand dunes with Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1979 Becoming a Monster's Dish

Then think of a way to deal with these black-winged bat beasts. They are hovering in the air at this moment, and they haven't left at all. Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry so much. Toothless is also thinking, no matter where this person Yang Xuan comes from.

He seems to be capable, and his anxious appearance at this moment is also for the sake of the nearby villagers. He is full of justice, and Yazi doesn't have to worry so much about Zero Four Three. He is fighting side by side with him. .

All of this can be done safely, Wu Yazi also thought about this matter, it seems that it is not as simple as he thought, these black-winged bat beasts came prepared, he is not so simple at all.

Of course, Wu Yazi has his own plans. After all, he knows about this black-winged bat beast. He had seen the black-winged bat beast a few times in the mountains before. At that time, the black-winged bat beast was not that powerful. Toothless can be consumed.

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