After hearing these words, Yang Xuan saw Xiao Jianfeng's excited appearance, his eyes were already red from crying at the moment, Yang Xuan also thought about saving someone's life, the other party was very grateful, this is a chance to live.

Yang Xuan also understood why Xiao Jianfeng was so excited, otherwise he would have gone to see Lord Yan at this moment, what he said was not wrong, but Yang Xuan also thought that as long as he had his own ability, how could he refuse to save him?

Xiao Jianfeng is so innocent, and he is so young, why could Yang Xuan leave this world just watching him? Isn't it a little regretful?

As long as he has the ability to help him save his life, although it is very grateful, Yang Xuan will not care so much, he has already encountered this situation.

He has this ability, how could he not do anything, Yang Xuan just thought that this place is so remote, if no one finds out, Xiao Jianfeng is really doomed today, this matter is indeed a little scary.

No wonder Xiao Jianfeng has recovered now, and he is still so worried and terrified. Thinking about it, it's unbelievable.

But God's arrangement didn't let him die here, Yang Xuan's appearance changed his fate, but Yang Xuan didn't need any reward, and he didn't need him to be a cow or horse for himself, he just needed to live well.

"Okay, don't be like this, I don't need anything in return for saving you, and you don't need to say such things (ccad), it makes me feel very uncomfortable to hear, such things as bulls and horses are simply You don’t need to do it, you just need to cherish this opportunity and pay attention to it in the future, and don’t go to places that are dangerous.”

"I won't be so lucky next time. After all, I can't show up every time. If you really have other dangers, then you are really hopeless. I just hope you can protect yourself and don't always go to Those places that are dangerous, if they are frequented by people."

"You can go to gather herbs, or go hunting wild vegetables, but it's better to go to such remote places as little as possible. If a person is really in danger, no one will hear if he wants to ask for help."

Xiao Jianfeng's eyes were still red. After all, he had just finished crying. He didn't cry when he was afraid. He was moved by Yang Xuan because he saved his life.

How could Xiao Jianfeng not be excited? He had already said what he should say, but he was even happier when he heard Yang Xuan say that. It seemed that Yang Xuan didn't need anything in return.

He just hoped that he would be safe and sound. Xiao Jianfeng was also thinking about these situations. It seems that he should come less often to such places in the future.

Chapter 1968 Almost lost his life

Such a situation happened today, and there might be danger next time. Xiao Jianfeng also thought in his heart that he should really come to this kind of place less in the future.

This place was considered a particularly scary place by everyone, but he didn't believe that he was still so stubborn, and he still went here in his own way.

This time he was able to live well, it was all due to Yang Xuan, otherwise Xiao Jianfeng also understood that he might really have to leave this world.

But he was also thinking that fate hadn't been arranged like this, his life span hadn't expired, and Lord Yan wouldn't accept him at all, so he could still survive, but he cherished such an opportunity very much.

In the future, he must resist when danger approaches. After all, today he has discovered some white gas in the mountain, and he still wants to approach it. It seems that such a danger appears - he found it by himself.

If he saw danger here in the morning and he didn't get close, wouldn't such an accident happen? He almost lost his life here, how could he not be afraid?

It was Yang Xuan's help that he got his life back. He was still a little scared, but at the same time he was very excited. He remembered what Yang Xuan said.

He really has to be more careful in the future, he can't be willful anymore, he knows what he should do, and can't be so reckless all the time.

Looking at the situation in the villa, Yang Xuan found it safe to eat and drink, but this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, so he took Xiao Jianfeng out of here in a while.

He just knew in his heart that Xiao Jianfeng had consumed some of his physical strength just now, and it was okay to wait a few more minutes.

After all, Yang Xuan is no longer in any danger here, but he just hopes that Xiao Jianfeng can understand what he means, and he will not act without authorization in such a scary place in the future.

Not to mention breaking into such a dangerous place, Yang Xuan also felt quite horrified in his heart, if he hadn't appeared by himself, Xiao Jianfeng would have already explained here that he would not have survived until now, all of this is a fact.

But fate didn't arrange it like this. Xiao Jianfeng's life is quite big. Although he doesn't have to worry about it, he must learn a lesson from such things in the future, so that similar situations will not happen again.

····Ask for flowers 0···

"Because this place is so remote, even if you shout out loud, no one will hear your voice, nor will you hear the signal for help. Besides, you are feeling unwell, and you don't even have the strength to shout. , What should we do then? Just wait here to die.”

"Think about whether this matter is scary, but don't think so much, this time the matter has been resolved, the danger has been resolved, and this situation will not happen again, but next time if you really If you accidentally went to another place and encountered danger, you would not be so lucky."


"I just hope to understand, be careful, after all, I can't stay by your side forever, I'm done, I'm leaving here."

How could Yang Xuan not think of these things, he knew in his heart how he should decide to give Xiao Jianfeng some advice, hoping that he could understand his painstaking efforts.

Don't be so self-willed in the future, clearly aware of the danger, clearly aware that this white gas is a bit weird three.

Chapter 1969 Don't Listen to Others' Advice

He was still so stubborn that he insisted on coming to these three mountains, so he developed such symptoms. Fortunately, Yang Xuan was able to pass by here today.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Jianfeng live as well as he is now? He has already gone to see Lord Yan, and he has no chance to stay in this world.

And danger always appears inadvertently. Yang Xuan just hoped that "037" could understand this kind of problem, and stop acting indifferent. The young man might walk around here often, and he is used to it.

I wouldn't think that there is danger here, but danger often appears in this place sometimes, isn't there still some situations like today, isn't danger here?

Thinking about it makes people feel scared, but Yang Xuan is also thinking not to say so much, he will go down the mountain with Xiao Jianfeng in a while, and he will leave here, Yang Xuan still has a lot of things to do.

After Xiao Jianfeng heard what Yang Xuan said, he was really excited. He didn't expect to hear such words. He knew in his heart that Yang Xuan said this because he hoped that he could understand that danger was everywhere, so he should be more careful in the future.

Don't encounter such a situation again, next time we may have such good luck to meet Yang Xuan, Xiao Jianfeng also thinks that Yang Xuan is not an ordinary person, otherwise how could he clean up the poison in his body?

"Thank you, brother, you saved my life, but I just feel that there is something I can't understand. Since you can cure my illness, my body has absorbed poisonous gas. I’m so happy that you’ve been cured, which proves that you must be a master.”

"You must have internal strength. Are you a god? I can't even imagine it. Anyway, I've seen all of this. I trust it. Without you here, I'm really going to die."

"However, God still cares for me. As long as I am alive, I will cherish every day. I know how I should decide all these things, and I will not be so playful next time."

"Don't worry, let's go down now, I don't have to worry about my physical strength, but what are your plans? Do you want to go to our village..."

After Xiao Jianfeng finished speaking, he saw Yang Xuan curiously. He didn't know what was going on, but he followed Yang Xuan and started to walk down, and he heard Yang Xuan say a lot, so it turned out that he had such a purpose.

He could actually bring himself to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Xiao Jianfeng had been thinking that he should not do this. He had many friends here and he didn't want to leave.

Once you go to another world, even if you end your life one day and come back here, but they are all different at that time, maybe what this place will look like.

Xiao Jianfeng also expressed his heart to Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan did not go to his village, it seems that they will be separated in the future, Xiao Jianfeng and the others came to a crossroads. 0.3

When he saw Yang Xuan, he also knew that Yang Xuan was about to leave here. It seems that he is really a god. Anyway, he is so powerful that he can save himself, so he has no chance to enter another reincarnation world with him. He is also sure. .

Yang Xuan is about to say goodbye to him, they are looking at each other now Xiao Jianfeng has tears in his eyes, he is not willing to part with Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1970 Exchange a lot of abilities

But he knows that since Yang Xuan has such an identity, he can open the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and he can bring some qualified people into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate into another world, which proves that he is very powerful Yes, a new world opens up.

Everyone has a chance to reincarnate, Xiao Jianfeng also thought that he didn't have this chance, he looked at Yang Xuan's back, and slowly left the intersection, Xiao Jianfeng turned back to the village.

Yang Xuan was walking alone on the road, with many thoughts in his mind. It seemed that he hadn't gained much this time, but he didn't need to worry. For him, his true spirit value had already reached a very high level.

There are a lot of things that can be exchanged, Yang Xuan 22 is not worried about so much at all.

However, Yang Xuan felt a little regretful in his heart. I don't know why these two harvests were relatively small. Why do people have this opportunity to enter the True Reincarnation Tower and turn around to go to other worlds?

How about changing your own destiny? Why are some of them so afraid of not accepting it? Yang Xuan was also thinking, maybe some people are naturally timid, or some people still miss this world.

There are a lot of memories, or a lot of unbearable, Yang Xuan also told himself to think about nothing and move on.

Yang Xuan didn't know what was going on at all, he just thought why no one believed him this time, or they felt very frightened.

Yang Xuan also thought that the people living here might be relatively timid. He didn't believe this kind of situation at all, and he didn't know what the Black Winged Bat Beast was.

He thinks how is it possible to enter here and enter reincarnation? They might be suspecting that they didn't agree at all. With such a condition, Yang Xuan could only leave. He was thinking about these things while walking.

Yang Xuan raised his head and saw a mass of darkness in the air, as if something was flying towards him.

"Why does this thing look so menacing? It seems that there is an ambush again? How can there be such monsters in this place? What are these unknown objects flying in the air? They are far away from me. Is this direction coming towards me now? Could it be that these guys have discovered me."

"Are you attacking me collectively? I want to see who is so powerful. It seems that this matter has changed. Why did such a danger appear just after leaving here? It proves that there is a danger nearby. "

"Otherwise, how could such a strange phenomenon appear in the air, but what are these dark monsters? Let's talk about it later, let's see how many 040 abilities they have."

While talking, Yang Xuan was already standing on the spot and ready to attack, he had already started to protect himself, after all, he didn't know what the situation in front of him was.

Yang Xuan always had to make preparations in advance, otherwise when such dark things approached, wouldn't Yang Xuan suffer a disadvantage, he just felt that this matter had never happened before.

Why did such a strange phenomenon suddenly appear in the sky? Where did it come from? But even though Yang Xuan was not worried, he knew what he should do. Just as he was about to resist, suddenly someone came from behind him.

Chapter 1971 Strange Phenomena

When Yang Xuan saw this person, he didn't know who would come here.

The person who walked towards Yang Xuan had some spells, but he just noticed something and felt something was wrong.

There were some unknown objects flying towards this side in the air, and he walked over. This person is Toothless, he is practicing magic in a mountain, and he passed by here today.

He saw Yang Xuan walking here from a distance, but when this person saw something happening in the air, he moved slightly all over his body and stood on the ground without any reaction. Isn't he worried? Why don't you run away now?

When he was close to Yang Xuan, he felt that this person was so young, but he looked so calm.

He wasn't afraid at all, and he was about to attack. Toothless also understood through this kind of observation. It seems that this young man is also capable, and his mana is not low at such a young age.

"Little brother, what are you doing? There is already danger here, why don't you run away? The flying object in front of you has already been seen. This is a black-winged bat beast. These guys are very powerful. Once they collectively find out Once the goal is achieved, the human body will be eaten up to the stomach, the meat will be eaten first, and then the blood will be drunk."

"This person has turned into a dry body. Aren't you afraid? Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and find a place to hide. There is a thatched hut not far away. Go up and hide first. Leave it to me here, I have some ability to see you like this."

"But be careful. These things are very hateful, and they are particularly cruel. If they don't achieve their goals, they won't give up."

Yang Xuan looked back and saw Wu Yazi, but he didn't expect him to say that. Isn't he not afraid? He said he had some abilities, but Yang Xuan was also worried.

It turns out that these guys are black-winged bat beasts, and they are so powerful. Yang Xuanke has heard of such a monster. Once they meet people, they will eat them into their stomachs.

They will eat the whole body. It seems that Yang Xuan has really gained insight this time. He just thinks that this situation has happened. He also knows how to decide what to fear. After all, Yang Xuan is capable.

He knew how to face all this. He just felt that since the situation had arisen, he could not solve the problem by evading it. If he could evade it, Yang Xuan would have already gone into hiding.

How could he come to the present? Taobao is not able to solve the problem in such a situation. Besides, Wu Yazi has some ability tonight.

But who is Yang Xuan? He is so powerful, how could he be afraid of these monsters? Besides, Yang Xuan has always thought that the black-winged bat beast is very evil, how could they give up until they achieve their goals.

And Yang Xuan had already heard about this kind of situation (yes?). Today, he only knew that it appeared in the air when he heard about Toothless. Since these guys are black-winged bat beasts, they look rather weird.

Even though the distance is relatively far, Yang Xuan can see the shape to some extent. It looks a bit like a bat, but it's not quite like it. Yang Xuan just feels that it's not safe for them to hide in the thatched hut at the moment.

The thatched cottage will also be destroyed by these black-winged bat beasts, and they will still have to resist at that time, so it is better to wait here than to do this.

Chapter 1972 Mutations in the sky

Looking at the abilities of these black-winged bat beasts, Yang Xuan has learned a lot today.

Wu Yazi thought it was too strange, the young man in front of him stood there indifferently, he just kept looking at himself, after all these black-winged bat beasts were getting closer and closer.

In a few minutes it would be near them, and by then Toothless would start casting his spells.

He just thinks that these black-winged bat beasts are coming fiercely this time, and there are a lot of them. If they want to resist or completely eliminate them, they really need some ability and some planning.

He just thought that it might be the best way to lure them to a remote place so that they can be wiped out. Besides, at this moment, Wu Yazi is still worried that Yang Xuan in front of him will have an accident, and hopes that 040 will hide for the time being. .

After he wiped out these black-winged bat beasts himself, it won't be too late for him to come out. Toothless is also thinking about this young man. He is really stubborn, and he must be capable.

But Wu Yazi didn't know how much ability he had, but he was more energetic. Seeing that these black-winged bat beasts were approaching, Wu Yazi was very anxious.

He knew in his heart that this situation happened today, these black-winged bat beasts came rushing towards Yang Xuan, it seems that this black-winged bat beast has some brains, if it can smell such a smell, it (ccad) directly from them The old nest flew here.

"These black-winged bat beasts found you in the air. They flew over to eat you up. By then, you will only have a pile of bones. Aren't you afraid? Why do you look so young? Why are you so stubborn? I told you so, why are you still standing there?"

"Hurry up, go forward, you saw that thatched hut, it's not far away, you have time to run there now, these black-winged bats haven't flown here yet."

"Don't look at the dense crowd in the air, but it will take a few minutes to fly to this distance. Let's retreat quickly, don't wait here, it's safe to hide if you can't get into the thatched hut."

Wu Yazi was either complaining about Yang Xuan, or felt that this situation was initiated by him, so he still listened to his own advice and went to the thatched cottage to hide.

Wu Yazi also thought that once Yang Xuan entered the thatched cottage, it would be safe, and he didn't want him to stay outside. The black-winged bat beast was getting closer, and Wu Yazi had already prepared his workpiece to resist the black wings. Bat beast.

Wu Yazi's bow and arrow shot without fail, as long as he sends out some signals in the space, countless sharp swords will fly out of his hands to attack the black-winged bat beast.

But Wu Yazi was also worried that there were too many people and he would not be able to take care of them. He was worried that Yang Xuan would be hurt. He just said that. He just hoped that Yang Xuan would stop caring. He should hide at this time and stop staying outside.

Wu Yazi was ready to attack at any time, and the Black Winged Bat Beast would arrive at their side in a few minutes, so it was safe for Yang Xuan to leave here at this moment.

Toothless just hoped that he would not stay any longer, knowing when, this young man would stop being so stubborn.

It would be safe to leave here as soon as possible. After all, the Black Winged Bat Beast is very cruel, and Toothless is terribly worried. He just hopes that Yang Xuan can be safe and sound.

Chapter 1973

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