But today's situation is different, so the whole sky is full of dissatisfied black-winged bat beasts, it looks really scary.

Wu Yazi also thought that even if he died here today, he would be able to eliminate some of those who resisted these black-winged bats, but he thought that if these black-winged bats wanted to attack the nearby villagers, he would not Probably wait until now.

Maybe they really came here for Yang Xuan. The more Yazi thought about it, the more he felt a little unbelievable. Who are these things? Why does he have such an ability.

Would there be such an ability to summon all the black-winged bat beasts here? But the Black Winged Bat Beast came here not to obey his arrangement, but to make him pay the price.

Yang Xuan felt a little helpless at the moment, this toothless man had been living there all this time, he was completely indifferent, and he didn't say anything, with such a confident expression on his face, could it be that he really had other ways?

Yang Xuan was extremely anxious, how could this toothless child be the opposite of himself, Yang Xuan had never been like this before, after all he was worried that the common people would be hurt.

Once these black-winged bat beasts really enter the village, I am afraid that the common people will really suffer. At that time, there will be bloodshed, and everything here will be destroyed.

All living beings will die at the hands of the Black Winged Bat Beast. How could Yang Xuan see such a thing happen? Faced with such a situation, he felt a little anxious...

But at this moment, if these situations arise, he also knows how to face them. If not, he will rush out to destroy the black-winged bat beast.

But he also felt strange, why didn't the black-winged bat beast appear in the air after entering the sand dunes? Where did these black-winged bat beasts go? The sound is gone too.

"I can't make these black-winged bat beasts change their flying direction. If they turn around and walk back, there will be many villages not far away, and the entire village with a radius of hundreds of miles will be attacked. , Then think about it, human beings will become a pile of bones, at that time, if you want to go to 0.3 to save some, it will be too late."

"I don't know what you think, what countermeasures do you have? Can you tell me directly that the two of us will study together. If there is a better way, I will listen to your arrangement. This situation is relatively critical."

"We can't be so stubborn anymore, I know that what you said just now is for my sake.".

Chapter 1980 The air is suffocating

Yang Xuan listened carefully to the sounds in the sky, and there was no such buzzing sound at all. Could it be that these black-winged bat beasts have disappeared?

How could such a situation be possible? Yang Xuan and the others just hid in the sand dunes, so how could such a situation occur, Yang Xuan was also a little anxious.

What the **** is this toothless guy trying to do? Why haven't you answered yet? At this moment, his heart was extremely anxious, Yang Xuan was only thinking about these black-winged bat beasts.

If they really flew to their father's village, these people would really die at the hands of these black-winged bat beasts.

Thinking about such a situation, Yang Xuan felt horrible, when the time came, the neighborhood would be turned into ruins, and these people would be buried in a sea of ​​blood.

"You are really strange. Just tell me what you want to do. Why haven't you answered what I said? What's the matter? If the Black Winged Bat Beast really disappeared here Gone, did you think it would be too late to attack the nearby villages?"

"Why do you insist on letting me hide? Besides, I don't feel afraid of this situation, so don't think too much. Although the situation in front of you seems special, we always have to face such problems. Yes, these people are even more incompetent, if we are avoiding this issue at the moment, the situation will be really sad."

How could Wu Yazi not worry in his heart, he just found a place to hide to see if the black-winged bat beast and the others stopped in the air.

At this moment, Wu Yazi has already listened to the sound with his ears. It seems that Yang Xuan's ears are not sensitive enough, and Wu Yazi can hear sounds far away.

These black-winged bat beasts didn't change at all when they were parked in the air, they just hung in the air, and they didn't follow Yang Xuan and the others to the side of the sand dunes, nor did they go to the side of the village.

Wu Yazi's movements just now were relatively fast, and these black-winged bat beasts couldn't figure out the direction they were fleeing at the moment.

This was the chance for them to turn around. Wu Yazi thought that he and Yang Xuan were hiding in the sand dunes now, which would be safer, and since they couldn't find Yang Xuan's figure of the Black Winged Bat Beast.

They would stop in the air, and Wu Yazi already knew in his heart that these black-winged bat beasts came for Yang Xuan. It seemed that the young man in front of him was indeed not a coward, his ability was too strong.

Otherwise, it is impossible for these black-winged bat beasts to feel the presence of this kind of power nearby, and it is impossible for all of them to fly over.

Although these black-winged bat beasts can survive by absorbing human blood and eating human flesh, after all, the nearby villages have not encountered any accidents and have always been relatively safe.

Yang Xuan really has a lot of thoughts in his mind at the moment 043, but looking at Wu Yazi, he thinks why he is so calm. Isn't he worried that this black-winged bat beast will harm human beings?

Why did Yang Xuan feel like he was hiding in this sand dune? He was very anxious.

He just thinks that Toothless, why does he look weird today, even though they just met, but if he is capable.

He should be worried and anxious now, the black-winged bat beast has stopped flying in the air, but although Yang Xuan didn't hear the sound, the black-winged bat beast should not retreat.

Chapter 1981 The picture is still

After all, the sky was still dark, and these black-winged bat beasts had already covered the entire sky, but he was still a little worried.

You can't let me transfer half of it to the village. At that time, it's too late to stop it. Yang Xuan doesn't know what Wu Yazi wants to do, why didn't he just say it?

"Is it true that these black-winged bat beasts are doing evil? They are so proud and evil. They can only survive by absorbing human blood and eating human flesh. But where are they living during this time? Is it near here? Didn't that happen?"

"But don't think too much, don't feel that I have no ability at all, although I look thinner, but I don't want to be a coward, so cowardly, hiding behind your back, this is not my idea at all. "

Yang Xuan listened carefully to the sounds in the air, and there was really no sound at the moment. Could it be that these black-winged bats are not in the air?

Yang Xuan and the others hid in the sand dunes, but why didn't the black-winged bat beast fly over? Didn't follow them, could it be that they have turned around and are really planning to attack the nearby villages.

Yang Xuan was worried, why did Wu Yazi look so calm? He looked indifferent, Yang Xuan was also thinking that although his ability was there, it was far behind his own.

Why did he look so calm? Yang Xuan was thinking of the black-winged bat beasts, which swept over just now. The densely packed black-winged bats were attacking them non-stop in the air, but they were so quiet at the moment.

Although Yang Xuan didn't hear the sound, the sky was still dark after all, which meant that these black-winged bat beasts still hadn't left here. What should they do?

Yang Xuan is sitting on the sand pile at the moment and looking at the situation in the sky. Their history is really relatively low, and they can't see the position just now at all.

These black-winged bat beasts should have stayed in the air, neither approached nor left, nor entered the village.

Yang Xuan was also thinking about what these guys wanted to do, didn't he see that they had shifted to a low point? Why didn't the Black Winged Bat Beast follow?

Wu Yazi looked at Yang Xuan, there was no change at all, he just felt that Yang Xuan was just guessing in such a situation.

Although he knew a little about the black-winged bats, he was still not sure that the black-winged bats were not so simple, and they were powerful.

But they have weaknesses. Before Wu Yazi could speak, he heard Yang Xuan chattering a lot, and felt that his state was really interesting.

Wu Yazi also knew that Yang Xuan was capable, he was very powerful, but where he came from, it didn't matter, since he had the opportunity to meet Wu Yazi here today.

Also thinking that it seems that there is no (is it good) any problem in resisting these black-winged bat beasts, otherwise he might be so anxious? But Wu Yazi didn't dare to make a move easily now, and still had to wait.

Let's see what is the plan of this black-winged bat beast, is it really here for Yang Xuan? They wanted to absorb the strength of Yang Xuan's body, otherwise it would be impossible to dispatch all of them.

The entire sky was still dark, covered by these black-winged bat beasts. Toothless already knew what to do in this situation.

Chapter 1982 Suffered from the Disaster

See what Yang Xuan wants to do, they can ambush these black-winged bat beasts here in a while, and they can all be wiped out. Yang Xuan is so anxious, isn't Toothless in his heart anxious?

After all, Wu Yazi has lived here for a long time, how could he watch these nearby villages all suffer from disaster.

He didn't want to see this matter, and Wu Yazi was actually more anxious. He was sitting opposite Yang Xuan at the moment, and they were relatively low in this sand dune.

And they couldn't see the outside situation if they wanted to. Toothless could only listen with his ears. After all, his ears have special functions.

He was originally practicing spells, and his internal strength was relatively deep, so there was no problem with 043 when he heard the sound of hundreds of miles away, not to mention that the Black Winged Bat Beast and the others were not so far away, and they were already nearby.

"Why are you in a hurry, I naturally have countermeasures in my heart. Besides, how could these black-winged bat beasts leave the sky? The sky in front of you is black, and it's not like you didn't see it, even though they didn't Fly over here, but they won't leave here, and they won't be in the village."

"These black-winged bat beasts have lived here for so long, these black-winged bat beasts have been staying in a particularly remote mountain forest, and continue to be there (ccad), even though they can only survive by eating human flesh and drinking , but they also have spells and abilities, otherwise how could they be so powerful."

"Ordinary people may not want to eat, and they don't want to waste this energy. Their purpose for coming out today is relatively clear. Your ability is too strong. The power in you is far away from them. I can already feel a force appearing around here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he knew in his heart that Wu Yazi seemed to have his own ideas, but he really couldn't wait for the matter in front of him.

What will happen if we wait any longer? Yang Xuan doesn't know much about the situation here, and he doesn't know much about the Black Winged Bat Beast either.

But he felt that what Wu Yazi said was also reasonable. It seemed that this was the case, so no matter what the situation was, they had reached this point now, and Wu Yazi still had his abilities.

Being able to hear the sound from such a distance, it seems that there is no need to worry. Although Yang Xuan felt a little anxious in his heart, the Black Winged Bat Beast did not leave here after all.

It's all in the air, even if he didn't launch an attack, and didn't enter the village, he understands this truth. He just feels that the situation has already happened, so he has to think of a way to solve it.

Can't waste too much time anymore, Yang Xuan is still quite anxious in his heart, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

He didn't expect that the black-winged bat beast would appear here. He had heard that the black-winged bat beast lived in some dark places before, so how could it come here suddenly.

Is it really because of his powerful ability that he brought these black-winged bats here? It seems that if the black-winged bats hurt the people in this village, it is his own fault. Yang Xuan is also a little worried in his heart.

Yazi listened quietly to the voices in the sky. At this moment, these black-winged bat beasts are still not approaching, so there is no need to worry so much.

Chapter 1983 Discuss big plans together

His heart is also relatively calm, and he will discuss a countermeasure with Yang Xuan later, and these guys will be wiped out, and he doesn't want to keep Toothless, he thinks today is a good opportunity.

Yang Xuan's arrival made all these black-winged bat beasts sacrifice their lives. If they can be wiped out in one go, there will be no danger in the vicinity.

In fact, Wu Yazi is also looking for the Black-winged Bat Beast. Although he is not very powerful, he also wants to destroy the Black-winged Bat Beast's location and eradicate them all.

It is true that Wu Yazi's ability cannot reach this limit, but he also wants to try it. Even if he loses his life, he is willing to face these problems. What about the situation?

Wu Yazi has been looking for the black-winged bat beasts all the time. It is Yang Xuan's appearance today that made these black-winged bats sacrifice their lives. This is also a good thing, and he doesn't need to be so anxious.

"These guys are very cunning, don't look at them not moving at the moment, they have a weakness, they can only see things at a certain distance, once the distance is far away, they can't see at all, they just look for Only with your strength can you fly to this place."

"But when we get close to them, they will see us. At this moment, they don't see where we are going. They are just waiting in the air, but I also find it strange that they came just after your breath. Yes, but now, how can they not feel it when you hide here?"

"What premeditation may these guys have? They are also discussing countermeasures, and the two of us are also waiting, and we will launch an attack soon after getting ready. How can I do nothing? Let's wait a while It is necessary to activate our super power, and then wipe them all out."

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan didn't worry anymore, and Wu Yazi seemed to have some ideas, if they really can wipe out these black-winged bat beasts in one go, then there is no need to worry.

Wu Yazi's thinking also made him feel pretty good, but Yang Xuan didn't know how to face this matter. He knew in his heart that no matter what it was, these problems could always decide everything.

····Ask for flowers 0···

Just don't worry anymore, how could he not know the situation of this step in the face of these things, Yang Xuan didn't expect such a situation to happen when passing by here these two days.

These black-winged bats came out without staying where they were, did they really come for themselves? Yang Xuan didn't think so much, as long as they had the courage to come out, Yang Xuan would wipe them out, and he wouldn't worry anymore.


Keeping these guys is also a disaster, Yang Xuan is not clear, he is also thinking about the problem in his heart at the moment, just as it is now, everything is relatively simple.

Moreover, the thought in Yang Xuan's heart is that he has such a concern, he is also afraid that Wu Yazi will not be able to do it, what should he do if he encounters any danger?

Yang Xuan just thought that if there was a good way, he could resist all the black-winged bat beasts by himself, and then started to attack.

If it wasn't for Toothless to stop him, Yang Xuan would have already started attacking, how could he have waited until now, I don't know what he is worried about three.

Chapter 1984 The sky is dark

And Yang Xuan was also thinking about his thoughts. Although he was more thoughtful, he couldn't hide in the sand dunes all the time. The black-winged bat beast had been hovering in the air, and the entire sky was dark.

If the villagers around here see such a situation, don't they feel very scary? He was also very worried about these issues, and Yang Xuan had thought about him.

Although the "Zero Four Three" in his heart seemed to be calmer than before, he was still very worried. The black-winged bat beast was always there in the air.

If you don't leave this situation, you are in danger. If you can't deal with it as soon as possible, the situation will become more and more dangerous.

When Wu Yazi saw Yang Xuan, he was clear in his heart. If he couldn't solve this problem as soon as possible, he would be very anxious. Wu Yazi was even more anxious than Yang Xuan.

He has been living here for a long time, and he has found traces of black-winged bat beasts, but he has not found their location. Today, these black-winged bat beasts have all come out, no matter what the reason is.

After all, the Black Winged Bat Beast came out and could wipe out all these guys. From now on, this place will be safe and peaceful, but Toothless' ability is limited after all.

He clearly knew that it was impossible for him to resist so many black-winged bat beasts. The entire sky was dark, filled with all the black-winged bat beasts.

With Yang Xuan's ability, he didn't worry at all. Toothless had already confirmed that he could dominate all of this, so there was nothing to worry about. He was about to launch an attack soon.

Let's see for a while that they still have to leave the sand dunes, lure these black-winged bat beasts, and then wipe them out in this remote place, so we can't waste too much time.

In fact, Wu Yazi has already thought about these problems. His ears have been listening to the voice in the sky. The black-winged bat beast has not moved until now.

How could Wu Yazi not have thought of Yang Xuan's concerns? Besides, he is also very anxious to face this situation in his heart, and he also knows how to choose and how to deal with it.

"If it doesn't work, lead them here. The sand dunes are relatively low. Once they all fall into the sand dunes and we fight back directly, they won't be able to operate. No matter how capable they are, your ability is also relatively strong. I have already I feel it, even though I don't know who you are..."

"But I'm already aware of the situation in front of me, so I don't have to worry about it at all. After my ability is relatively low, it may be impossible to destroy the black-winged bat beast with my ability, and I will be eaten by them, but I also I won't be afraid, if I feel scared, I won't be able to come out at all."

"But I didn't expect that when the Black Winged Bat Beast appeared, you were already around here, so I knew that the 0.3 Black Winged Bat Beast came after you. It seems that your ability is too powerful. They wanted to To obtain your abilities and make them very powerful, these guys are too cunning, you don’t have to worry so much about these things now, there are naturally countermeasures.”

After Wu Yazi said this, he felt more at ease in his heart, otherwise Yang Xuan was always in such a hurry, Wu Yazi naturally had his decision in his heart.

Chapter 1985 Hiding in a Dark Corner

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