But Xiao Jianfeng was poisoned by the white gas he absorbed, and his body had problems. He didn't know how to make a decision, but Yang Xuan's arrival gave him hope.

Although Xiao Jianfeng was very uncomfortable, he saw hope, so how could he not give up.

Originally, I thought that there was no chance for everything, but it seemed that my life span was up, so I had to accept all of this, but I didn't expect things to turn around.

"I thought that I was really going to die here today. I originally planned to do so. Before you appeared, I always thought so. Seeing you appear, I also saw hope in my heart, but I also I don't want to drag you down, I don't know if you can save me, I know it in my heart."

"After all, I don't know you very well, but I don't want you to be implicated by this. If the air in this place is dangerous or poisonous, you will also have the same symptoms here. At that time, you will not only be unable to save I, too, will be like me, both of us are going to die here, why bother you."

"It's not that I don't believe you, I just think that you don't need to waste any more energy for me. After all, I know this situation myself. It feels like my internal organs are about to be broken. It hurts so much. I don't want you Waste too much ability for me, I know you are not an ordinary person, but it is not worth doing for me."

How could Xiao Jianfeng not know about his situation? He now feels like he is dying.

His body really couldn't hold it anymore, and his whole body seemed to be groggy and about to close his eyes and enter another world. He didn't know why he felt like this.

Xiao Jianfeng didn't expect to come to this forest today, wanting to pick some wild vegetables and sell some medicinal materials, and this happened. He hasn't entered the mountain yet.

There was already a problem on the side of the road, and he didn't know what it was. Xiao Jianfeng was also thinking that maybe he was dying soon, and there was no point in thinking too much.

He knows in his heart that people are always facing death in life. Now that he has figured it out in the face of such a situation, he will not be afraid if he understands it. After all, there is another person in front of him.

Chapter 1962 Strange Forest

At least Xiao Jianfeng was not so lonely. Before he died, someone appeared here, and the other party said he wanted to save him. He was very happy, but he just felt that his condition was not very good.

I'm afraid there is no way to save it, but I don't want Yang Xuan to waste any ability for himself, and Xiao Jianfeng also feels that he has no value at all.

There is no need to go for treatment anymore. He just feels that he will fall asleep and become unconscious if he closes his eyes. Is there any hope? No illusions at all.

Yang Xuan didn't expect him to say that, when is this, doesn't he believe in himself? Does he not want to try? Or did he simply not want to live?

Even if he is in danger at the moment, or there is a poisonous gas in his body that is absorbed into his lungs, but since it can be cured, how could Yang Xuan watch him die here?

When Yang Xuan encountered such a situation, he would stand up, and the manager said that Xiao Jianfeng was just an ordinary person, he had no ability to encounter such a situation, and there was nothing he could do.

Yang Xuan looked at everything in front of him, the forest had returned to calm, but he didn't know where the poisonous gas came from, why did Xiao Jianfeng have such a situation.

After all, no one else appeared in this place, maybe he (ccad) was already poisoned as he passed by alone, and if he was not treated in time, he would die from the poison.

This situation is more dangerous, Yang Xuan doesn't want him to die here, after all, he can be saved, doesn't he want to try it himself? Don't want to hold on to the last hope.

Yang Xuan didn't expect a person to encounter such a situation, and he didn't want to live by himself, since he gave up the hope of survival.

"You really have no backbone. I've said it all. I can heal you. Don't you want to try? Since you said you won't learn, why do you still say these things? It really makes me I feel so sad, a person is not afraid of death, since I am afraid that I will waste my ability."

"Even if I can't cure your illness, I will always try. Only after trying can I know if there is any hope. Since you are going to die here anyway, maybe you will have some hope if you accept my help." , Isn’t this a good thing for you, I don’t know why you give up on yourself.”

"Even if God gave you such a cruel fate, as long as you have the opportunity to struggle, don't give up any opportunity. I say this because I hope to understand that these things are not as serious as you think. Maybe these things Things are turning around.”

Xiao Jianfeng didn't know how to make his own decision. At this moment, what Yang Xuan said was so sincere, it seemed that he would also accept his kindness, Xiao Jianfeng knew it too.

He didn't want to refuse at first, but when he thought about his state, he felt that he was about to close his eyes and leave this world. There was no need to hesitate, and he felt that he had no hope, and he didn't need to accept any help. .

But hearing what Yang Xuan said, he was a little shaken. How could he wish to leave this world, and how could he just leave with his eyes closed? He is still so young, he still has a lot of things to do.

Chapter 1963 Nearly unconscious

Although he no longer has a family member, he is more comfortable living alone. He wants to live a better life for himself, and he doesn't want to die like this. After all, it's too sad.

He was still so young, he didn't expect to absorb this poisonous gas like this, and he was already in a daze, or else, he would face such a choice.

He knew that he had nothing else to ask for, but what Yang Xuan said was hopeful, it seemed that this matter should be carefully thought about and pondered over.

Xiao Jianfeng kept his eyes closed all the time, he couldn't open them at all, his whole head leaned against the tree and couldn't move, but he could only hear what Yang Xuan said.

Yang Xuan looked at Xiao Jianfeng carefully, his condition is really not very good, if he doesn't accept his help, he will really leave this world.

Is he really going to choose a dead end at such a young age? Even if he was poisoned and absorbed the poisonous gas, Xiao Jianfeng still has a chance to live. How could Yang Xuan just look at him and leave this world?

But Xiao Jianfeng disagreed, and Yang Xuan didn't want to act rashly, he just felt that if the other party didn't cooperate with this kind of thing, it would be difficult to change, and Yang Xuan didn't want to waste too much time.

I just hope that Xiao Jianfeng can understand and persuade him well, as long as he accepts his help to him, he will have a chance to live, and there is no need to face a kind of thinking.

Didn't he think about this kind of question himself? Now that there is such an opportunity, how could Yang Xuan miss it? Yang Xuan was happy to save someone's life.

He didn't want to just miss this chance, Xiao Jianfeng could give himself a chance to come back to life.

"I have already appeared, and I said that I can help you clean up this poisonous gas in your body. I will definitely do this. Besides, I haven't tried it yet. Are you going to sentence yourself to death? Young people, don't be so depressed, There is still a lot of hope in the future, if you haven’t tried it, how can you know that it’s not successful.”

"Okay, just close your eyes and say, do you want to accept my help for you? If you accept it, you just nod your head. You don't need to talk anymore. I will definitely cure you."

····Ask for flowers 0···

"You look like this. It doesn't look very good. I don't want you to die here. Since everything has happened, I understand it in my heart. Don't think too complicated. The problem will always be solved."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, looking at Xiao Jianfeng leaning against the tree, his whole body was really going to collapse, he was dying, but he could hear what he said, Yang Xuan was really worried.


Let's see what Xiao Jianfeng does. Yang Xuan is also thinking that if he disagrees, he will start treating him directly. He can't wait any longer, just wait for a few more minutes.

Xiao Jianfeng was about to leave this world with his eyes closed, and Yang Xuan didn't want to just watch him go. He was so young, and he still had a lot of hope.

There is still a long way to go in the future, he can enter the reincarnation world to start a new journey in other worlds, besides, Yang Xuan can take him into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to find a lifeline.

There is no need to face a dead end at such a young age, Yang Xuan was waiting for the opportunity, Xiao Jianfeng did not answer in a few minutes, he did not want to wait for three.

Chapter 1964 Start to dispel the poison

Yang Xuan is about to start working **** him, and he doesn't want to see him leave this world.

When Yang Xuan saw Xiao Jianfeng, he couldn't touch him anymore, but how should he decide in this state? Yang Xuan couldn't wait any longer, if it was delayed any longer, Xiao Jianfeng would really be powerless.

No matter what, Yang Xuan was also thinking that if Xiao Jianfeng missed the best treatment time of "zero three seven", Xiao Jianfeng would really be powerless, how could Yang Xuan bear to watch this happen.

Since this matter can be resolved by himself, how could he have the heart to watch him die here? Yang Xuan was also thinking about the situation.

As long as these things can be resolved, he will not let these things become too bad. Yang Xuan just thinks that there is always a way to solve them.

If it is really possible to change, Yang Xuan is willing to bear such pain for him, but Yang Xuan is so powerful, how could he absorb these poisonous gases?

No matter what the situation is, it doesn't matter to him, Yang Xuan will never be poisoned, but Xiao Jianfeng's situation is really too delicate, and he will die soon.

Even his breathing has become so weak at this moment, what should he do? Yang Xuan should come up with a decision as soon as possible, and can no longer wait for Xiao Jianfeng's answer.

Yang Xuan didn't want to wait for an answer, he directly started to use his kung fu to force out the poisonous gas in Xiao Jianfeng's body, directly Xiao Jianfeng closed his eyes, his whole body was really gentle breathing and panting rapidly, and he would die soon.

But when Yang Xuan cleaned up the gas in his body, Xiao Jianfeng's body trembled violently, but Yang Xuan knew that this situation was the best sign, which proved that the poisonous gas was about to be discharged from the body.

"How do you feel? Is it much better? As I said, you can be saved. Since you don't answer, I have already started to clean up the poison in your body. Don't worry, the poison in your body is poisonous." The gas has been eliminated from my body, and it will recover immediately, and you will slowly recover within half an hour."

"The body will no longer tremble like this, and there will be no more symptoms like just now. You have come back to life, so I said that I can save you. Since you are afraid of getting hurt, I don't want to try it. I can only I did this, but I believe you will not leave this world, you are already facing a new beginning...."

"After this catastrophe, you can live well. I am happy in my heart, but I don't think so much. As long as you can live, I will be happy in my heart. Otherwise, I will see you like this. I feel bad, I passed by first.”

"I met you, we are destined, and you will become a normal person in no time, look at how wonderful this is, otherwise the situation just now is really difficult."

After Yang Xuan said these words at this moment, Xiao 0.3 Jianfeng's condition is much better than before, his eyes can be opened, and although he is leaning against the tree, he looks weak.

But in half an hour, he will be fully recovered. Yang Xuan is so powerful, how could he watch Xiao Jianfeng die here.

Besides, the other party didn't accept it, but Yang Xuan had already cleaned up the poisonous gas in his body.

Chapter 1965 The Choice of Death

Calm has been restored here, Xiao Jianfeng no longer has to face a death choice, Yang Xuan is also more excited, after all Xiao Jianfeng's life was saved, he is also happy in his heart.

Yang Xuan also did not expect to see Xiao Jianfeng when passing through this forest. This person's condition is not very good, and his symptoms appeared only after he absorbed the poisonous gas.

But all of this is over, Xiao Jianfeng will be alive and kicking immediately, he won't be dying like before, and Yang Xuan's heart is finally at peace.

But he has a lot of things to do, and when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower opens, Yang Xuan will bring some reincarnations into the new reincarnation world.

But Yang Xuan didn't leave 22 right away, Xiao Jianfeng hasn't fully recovered yet, Yang Xuan wants to wait for him to fully recover, see what his plans are, and explain his background to him.

Does he have this interest? If he meets the requirements, he can't enter the Tower of Reincarnation and go to the Reincarnation World to start a few new journeys.

Xiao Jianfeng really returned to normal, he didn't expect it to be so fast, he was a little skeptical at first, either he didn't believe in Yang Xuan, or he felt that his own situation was really going to die.

He felt that he was about to leave this world, how could he possibly survive? But he didn't expect that the person in front of him really saved himself.

Xiao Jianfeng was so honored, he was no longer what he was just now, his whole life was full of vigor and joy, he stood up from the ground, he hugged Yang Xuan, weeping with joy.

"You are really my savior, thank you for saving me, I thought I was going to die here, I thought I was so young, how could I just turn my back like this, how could I meet such a As for the situation, just think about it and don’t struggle anymore, let’s end it all, fate arranges.”

"Yan Wang asked me to leave this world at this moment. I can only accept that I can only face this reality, but I didn't expect that you really appeared and saved me. I don't know how to promise you. , but I don't know how to thank you."

"There are prey in this basket and some medicinal materials. If you don't mind me, I can give it to you. Just take it as a little bit of my heart. After all, we don't have anything good to live here, so I can express my gratitude." , I only have these things, don't mind, I'm really happy."

Yang Xuan watched Xiao Jianfeng finally stand up, he was really lively, seeing him like this, Yang Xuan was also very happy.

After all, as long as he can live, Yang Xuan doesn't think about other problems at all. He just thinks that since the situation has arisen, he can save people, so how could he be patient?

Yang Xuan was also thinking, how could Xiao Jianfeng have the heart to let him leave this world at such a young age, Yang Xuan also thought that he wanted to repay himself and didn't need it.

And Yang Xuan also thought about it, tell him about his own situation, if he has this plan and meets the conditions, he can enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and proceed to the next world.

It depends on whether he has this idea. After all, it is not easy to have such an opportunity, but after everything is over, he will come back here. Yang Xuan must make this matter clear, and he must not confuse them or make them misunderstand .

Chapter 1966

Yang Xuan also understands this situation now, it seems that there is no need to worry so much for the time being, Xiao Jianfeng's question is quite thorough.

He is just a simple young man, without any scheming or ideas, it seems that he is really qualified.

Xiao Jianfeng had already let go of Yang Xuan, his eyes were full of tears, he was really happy, after all he came back from the dead, how could he not be excited?

To be alive is really the happiest thing for him. If Yang Xuan hadn't appeared, how could Xiao Jianfeng be alive? In his heart, he had already left this world to meet Lord Hades because of himself.

I never thought that one day facing a feeling of death would be so frightening, and I would be so excited to be alive again. It is really how life is arranged.

Xiao Jianfeng will cherish it very much, he just wants to express his friendship and do something for Yang Xuan so that he can feel at ease in his heart. Regardless of his young age, Xiao Jianfeng is more particular about how he behaves and does things.

He knows what he is doing at the moment, and he also understands how he should decide all of this, but he feels that things may not be as simple as he thinks, but some things are quite complicated, he will not let himself make too many choices, he just wants to be simple alive.

When he went to other billiards, he knew in his heart that only living the simplest life well was what he wanted to do, otherwise, it would be meaningless to be so greedy, and their abilities were not much after all.

They are just ordinary people who encounter some dangers and difficulties, and sometimes feel that they cannot overcome this difficulty.

"I didn't expect that I could still be alive. It seems that my lifespan has not expired, and I can continue to stay in the world. I really did it. I thought I was really going to die here. In this situation, this feeling is really real. The thing is that life is worse than death, it makes me feel too horrible'々."

"But I don't think so much now. My life was saved by you. I am really willing to be an ox and a horse for you. What I said is true. Don't look at me like this, as if I Just kidding."

Xiao Jianfeng wiped away the tears on his face. He was really excited. He didn't expect to survive. What he said came from the heart, showing his sincere thoughts.

He just felt speechless to repay his gratitude to Yang Xuan, after all his life was saved by Yang Xuan, he just hoped that Yang Xuan had something to ask, or could do something for him, Xiao Jianfeng felt satisfied.

He was also thinking about other things at this moment, so he didn't think so much. After all, he also knew how he should choose to face these things. How could he not know where he should go.

Xiao Jianfeng also thought that he had recovered, so let's see if Yang Xuan has any plans? Who is he (good Zhao)? How is he so good? He can eliminate all these toxic gases in his body.

Seeing that he is really a master, is he a god? Xiao Jianfeng thinks it is unbelievable, it is amazing, if this thing is true, Xiao Jianfeng is too lucky.

Even if he died at this moment, he felt content and could meet a **** before he died, but this matter didn't feel real to him.

Chapter 1967 A Miracle Happened

Maybe it was because he couldn't believe it himself, he kept hesitating in his heart, this matter was really unimaginable, Xiao Jianfeng was also thinking about how there could be gods in this world.

I have never seen it or experienced it myself, but neither have I seen other people, but some people will say that there are gods and some powerful characters in this world.

Then Yang Xuan is a master and a strong man, who is he? Xiao Jianfeng is still a little skeptical, does he know internal strength?

Otherwise, how could he force out these poisonous gases in his body? How can I restore myself to health?

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