No matter what kind of problem happened, it must always be able to solve it. If Yang Xuan really has this ability, it would be really great. Qianxun Guyi never thought that one day they would come here, that is Yang Xuan. Mysterious.

He should be capable. Qian Xun Guyi didn't think too much. He and Yang Xuan were about to arrive at his mountain villa. This place is more complicated, but I also hope that Yang Xuan can rescue these people and let them escape the pain. , stop struggling.

"After more than a month of tossing, they have lost the strength to speak. They seldom speak at ordinary times. It is really pitiful. If you can really save them, I am really grateful."

"The people in our entire village will be clean and virtuous. After all, we really have nothing to do. The people we live here are relatively ordinary. How can we have the ability to treat diseases? We simply don't have these abilities here, so we have no choice but to watch them slowly consume their energy."

Yang Xuan already understood the situation. He and Qianxun Guyi had already arrived at Fengluan Villa. After seeing these people, Yang Xuan was sure that they were poisoned after drinking hot water.

For Yang Xuan, this is not a problem. It is very easy for Yang Xuan to solve the situation. To him, this is not a problem for 030.

After Yang Xuan's treatment, these people have gradually improved, at least they have strength in their bodies.

I can walk on the ground, no longer sluggish like some time ago, and the whole person is exhausted, Yang Xuan saw that the situation has stabilized.

He is also happy in his heart. He is Qianxun Guyi who has returned to his home. Yang Xuan decided to stay in Fengluan Villa for two more days in the past two days, and then check the water situation and solve the water source problem. Hyun will leave too.

Yang Xuan came to the water source alone, and he has already started to check the problems in the water.

Chapter 1956 The Situation Has Appeared

After all, these people became unwell after drinking the water. There are indeed many problems in the water, and it is highly toxic. I didn't expect people to persist until now. It is really not easy.

Yang Xuan has already used his ability to clean up everything in the water, and the poison has slowly dispersed in the air.

Then it left the water and evaporated in the air. At this moment, the water source is finally safe, and the common people can drink the water here. Seeing that the situation has stabilized, Yang Xuan has already left here.

Yang Xuan met a person on the road at the moment, this person looked very helpless, he shrank under a tree, Yang Xuan walked over.

"What's wrong with you, little brother? Are you feeling unwell? I've been watching you for a long time just now, and you've been curled up under this tree. I watched for a while and thought you might have something wrong with your body."

"Tell me what's going on, do you want to help me? Who are you? There doesn't seem to be any villages or houses around here. Why do you come here all by yourself?"

Yang Xuan saw this person carefully. He lowered his head, his hair was very long, and his face was disheveled.

It is also possible for Yang Xuan and Youfa Keyi to start the real soul reincarnation, but Yang Xuan doesn't know what the other party is like. Originally, Yang Xuan was going to enter the real soul reincarnation tower, but how could he go without a companion? I took a person there.

The person who appeared here was Xiao Jianfeng, and he didn't know why he got lost. After coming here, he felt unwell.

He felt uncomfortable all over, and he didn't know why this happened, so he leaned against the edge of a tree and slipped down a little bit, sitting next to the tree and became like this.

After hearing the voice, he felt so uncomfortable that he couldn't even raise his head, but he was still struggling. When he raised his head and saw Yang Xuan, he felt strange at this moment, why is this man's clothes so weird? .

After all, Xiao Jianfeng had never seen a person like Yang Xuan before, he was a little surprised and a little scared at the same time.

But he was also powerless to resist. He didn't know who Yang Xuan was, but since the other party asked about his situation, he shouldn't be a bad person.

"My name is Xiao Jianfeng. My home is far away from here. When I passed by here, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and groggy. If you haven’t slowed down, who are you? Why did you pass by here?”

"¨There is indeed no one around here, and the neighborhood is relatively desolate. Even if there is no danger in this place, it makes people feel a little scary. If you have nothing to do, leave me alone."

"I'll rest here for a while, and I'll go down the mountain when I feel better. This place is not very safe, and I don't want you to stay here. You should leave now and don't stay here."

After Xiao Jianfeng said these words, he slowly lowered his head again. His body was quite uncomfortable, he could no longer support himself, and his neck had no strength, so he couldn't raise his head to look at Yang Xuan at all.

He has gradually relied on the sound of the tree to be able to sit here, otherwise the whole person would be lying on the ground, Xiao Jianfeng did not expect that such a situation would happen when he came here today.

Chapter 1957 The air is suffocating

Because this place is quite safe, but Xiao Jianfeng is also worried about the danger, and hopes that Yang Xuan can leave here as soon as possible. He doesn't know the identity of the other party, but the other party is not a bad person, so don't worry, Xiao Jianfeng doesn't want him here either. .

Xiao Jianfeng usually comes to this place often, but there has never been something like today, the air here is suddenly suffocating.

It made people smell drowsy, and Xiao Jianfeng couldn't be sure why, but when he appeared, this place had already become such a scene.

But at this moment, the white gas had disappeared, but Xiao Jianfeng had this feeling, it was really uncomfortable, and he also thought that it would be fine when he leaned against the tree and slept.

But up to now, he still hasn't fallen asleep, and his body is so uncomfortable that he is dying. Xiao Jianfeng just hopes that Yang Xuan will not be implicated. No matter who this person is, he has passed by here, and he just hopes that he can retreat as soon as possible.

Stay away from such a place of right and wrong. After all, Xiao Jianfeng doesn't know what's going on. He often comes near this forest. Now it's at the foot of the mountain. It's never been too dangerous, and nothing happened.

Today is also quite special, Xiao Jianfeng can't determine what happened, but he is also thinking, after all, this situation has lasted for more than an hour, he is still alive, it seems that the danger should not be approaching.

When Yang Xuan entered here, he didn't smell anything at all. Why did Xiao Jianfeng suddenly become like this? It seems that he comes here often.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be so familiar with himself. Yang Xuan looked at the relatively flat road under his feet, and Xiao Jianfeng leaned against the tree beside the road.

He looked uncomfortable like this, how could Yang Xuan leave? After they understood the situation, they decided to see what the situation was. Yang Xuan didn't care so much at all. If something happened to Xiao Jianfeng and he fell ill, Yang Xuan would help him.

"It turned out to be like this, but you don't have to worry so much, and you don't (ccad) think about my affairs. I'm not in a hurry to leave here at all, and I'm not afraid. You just need to trust me. Now you Sit here and don't move, I'll treat you, don't think about anything else."

"Your symptom should be the absorption of the air here, which makes it difficult for you to breathe. The air here is quite fresh now, but if you came in just now, there should be some gas here at that time. It is the air in this forest. Some smells make you feel that way."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't be as uncomfortable as you are now, but you don't have to worry about being on me. Since I met you, it's fate. I will definitely help you recover. It's not a difficult thing. You shut up Close your eyes and feel it, you will get better in a while, what's wrong?"

Xiao Jianfeng was a little surprised, he felt very uncomfortable at the moment, he didn't know whether to believe it or not, but the person in front of him looked so ordinary, could he be a fairy?

Otherwise, how could you say that? Xiao Jianfeng couldn't believe it. After all, he had never encountered such a situation, so how could he believe it himself? But he has no other choice at the moment.

Chapter 1958

Do you want to believe what Yang Xuan said? Xiao Jianfeng was a little confused, his overall condition was indeed not very good, his body was getting weaker and weaker, and he could no longer support himself.

It seems that if this situation insists that no one will take him away, Xiao Jianfeng may die here. How could he not be worried? Faced with such a situation, he also knew what to do.

However, if some situations arise, he also knows how to make his own decision. It is too unexpected that Yang Xuan appeared in front of him.

Xiao Jianfeng was a little scared, but at the same time he really had no other choice, how should he decide? He was also thinking, maybe there is only this one chance - right?

Yang Xuan didn't know what was going on, Xiao Jianfeng had nothing to worry about, he was now facing a choice of death, if he didn't believe in himself, he could only wait here - died.

If he believed that there was another chance, wouldn't he want to do it? Yang Xuan also kept looking at Xiao Jianfeng, and he was also sitting next to the tree looking at this person.

He is just a teenager, but Yang Xuan looks at his situation and should be an adult. If it can be changed, Yang Xuan wants to change his fate. Let's see how he lives in this life.

Although he is not very old, his clothes are relatively tattered, and he looks weather-beaten.

Yang Xuan naturally has his own ideas. Once Xiao Jianfeng's condition improves, he can be treated and see if he has a chance to go to the reincarnation world.

Then a new world will be opened. Once reincarnation starts, everything will be different, but Yang Xuan is not in a hurry for the time being. Having said so much, Xiao Jianfeng doesn't understand himself, and his condition is not very good at the moment.

If Yang Xuan directly told his background, Xiao Jianfeng would feel scared if he had this ability. Yang Xuan didn't want him to be so panicked, but just hoped that he could be quieter. It would be meaningless to think about those things any more.

"Why do you have such an expression? Don't you believe me? You still think I will hurt you. If you really don't believe me, then forget it. I won't force it. I also feel very helpless when you look like this , I just want to help you and I have no other malice, do you really think that I am scary to you?"

····Ask for flowers 0···

"Do I really look like a villain, or do I look like a monster? Don't think about it too much. I don't think you will get better today in your current state. After all, this place is relatively remote. Maybe after dark Danger will appear, there should be wild beasts in this forest."


"Don't you want to live? Don't you want to give yourself a chance? Since I said I can save you, I will definitely help you out of trouble, and your situation will also be changed."

Yang Xuan said these words very sincerely. He just hoped that Xiao Jianfeng could believe what he said and stop hesitating. His situation is really not good.

If no one treats him, he really can't last tonight, and I'm afraid he will lose his life here.

Since Yang Xuan encountered such a situation, how could he refuse to save him? Yang Xuan spoke so directly, Xiao Jianfeng should understand, unless he wants to give up on himself.

Otherwise, if he wants to survive, he must trust Yang Xuansan.

Chapter 1959 A New World

Xiao Jianfeng is not a fool, he looks quite clever, but he looks sluggish only when his body is in a bad condition, Yang Xuan has already seen this situation.

Xiao Jianfeng has a problem in this mountain. Since Yang Xuan can change his fate, he will give him another chance. Once he agrees, he can change "Zero Three Three" in an orderly manner after entering the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But I want to start a new journey to see what kind of roles they can become. After all, entering a new world and reincarnating them will change their situation.

As for how they will choose their own destiny at that time, it is unknown, but there is no need to worry about it. Let's see what Xiao Jianfeng thinks. He is not in a very good condition at the moment, and his body has not recovered. How about reincarnation in the Tower of Rebirth?

Xiao Jianfeng felt extremely uncomfortable. He really saw hope when he heard these words, but did he still have a chance to choose? If he doesn't believe in Yang Xuan at this moment, he really has no chance.

Xiao Jianfeng looked at the sky and it was already afternoon. If it will be dark in a few hours, his condition will not improve and he will not recover.

Moreover, Xiao Jianfeng was really in danger when Yang Xuan left here. He had already seen the situation. At this moment, he didn't know who Yang Xuan was, but since the other party was so sincere.

He stayed here just to save himself, what else could Xiao Jianfeng doubt? This kind of opportunity is not easy, and should be cherished, Xiao Jianfeng originally thought that he might die here today in such a situation.

But the appearance of Yang Xuan gave him hope, so what right did he have to refuse? Xiao Jianfeng had already seen this form clearly, he slowly raised his head again, opened his mouth slightly and said.

"Brother, I am really touched when I hear these words from you, but do you feel that I can be saved? I feel that my body is getting more and more uncomfortable, and I feel that my internal organs are churning. In this situation Never before, it's really the air here that made me like this."

"But I often come to this place. Although it is far away from where I live, this place is rich in products. There are many precious medicinal materials, wild vegetables, and some prey. I rely on these for a living every day. Yes, and after picking these wild vegetables and some medicinal materials, they will be sold in the market..."

"I will make some profits. This is my way of survival. I also find it weird that I look like this. After all, the air here is relatively fresh. I don't know what happened today. Why did it happen?" With such symptoms, I feel that the whole person is really not very well."

Yang Xuan was quite helpless when he heard these words, Xiao Jianfeng, it seems that he didn't believe in his 0.3, but he was afraid of hurting himself, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say that.

But the air in front of him is no longer dangerous. I don't know why the air here is suddenly dangerous when Xiao Jianfeng appeared?

Xiao Jianfeng's symptoms came about after absorbing a poisonous gas, Yang Xuan has already seen it now, but how did such a problem appear.

Chapter 1960 Poisonous Gas Appears

If the air here is really polluted, why does it look so peaceful and the air so fresh? This situation cannot be judged. After all, Yang Xuan also understands that everything is subject to change.

If it can't be explained normally, some situation may occur. Yang Xuan understands this kind of problem. Xiao Jianfeng has absorbed the poisonous gas at this moment, and it has become such a symptom in front of him, groggy.

Moreover, his internal organs are still churning. His condition is not very good. If no one shows up to treat him, he is really going to die here. His condition is getting worse and worse.

How could Yang Xuan refuse to save him? Besides, if Xiao Jianfeng lived in such a miserable world, Yang Xuan could change his fate for him.

You can take him into the reincarnation world to start a new journey, as long as he meets the conditions, you can follow him into the real soul reincarnation tower.

Starting a new way of life depends on whether he has this opportunity, Xiao Jianfeng's situation is not very good, Yang Xuan can't leave him here to die.

Xiao Jianfeng's overall condition is indeed not very good. It is difficult for him to breathe while leaning on the tree at this moment. He didn't expect the air here to feel suffocating. This is something he didn't expect. It's never been the case here.

He's used to it, and he just started hunting wild vegetables. This is what he wants to do most, and he will do the same thing every day when he comes here.

He has always come here to make a living, but the situation here has really changed today, and he didn't expect the air to suddenly become so dangerous.

Xiao Jianfeng couldn't imagine it, but he understood what Yang Xuan said. The other party wanted to save him, how could Xiao Jianfeng refuse, and he didn't have the ability to resist. This was his only chance to survive.

"But if you can save me, how could I refuse? I was afraid that I would hurt you, so I asked you to leave here as soon as possible. I have no other intentions. I will not doubt you. I’m not qualified to doubt you, I’m just waiting to die here.”

"At first, I thought about this place. No one would show up at ordinary times. This place is relatively remote and dangerous. The people we live there dare not approach here. Only I am more courageous. I have already told them Come on, there's no danger here."

"But I also encountered such a situation today. Is it really a change in the air? Why didn't it happen before? I thought it was impossible for someone to appear here."

Only after hearing these words did Yang Xuan know that this place is inherently dangerous, but the dangers are all things people imagined, and there is actually nothing abnormal about this place.

But the air here has indeed changed today, and Yang Xuan has already felt it. Although the air has become fresh now, when Xiao Jianfeng appeared, there were indeed some problems here.

It is very easy for Yang Xuan to save Xiao Jianfeng, since the other party will not refuse, Yang Xuan will check the situation for him in a while, and tell him everything after he recovers.

Since Yang Xuan passed by here, Xiao Jianfeng looked so miserable, how did he choose his fate?

Chapter 1961 will die here

Yang Xuan listened to his arrangement and let him decide by himself, he would not force him at all, but Yang Xuan would tell him the ins and outs of himself and let him know that he could enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Giving everyone a chance to reincarnate, start a new journey, and enter a new world of reincarnation is what they most want to do.

But some people may refuse, but these things are not surprising, this is their right.

Xiao Jianfeng didn't have any hope. When he felt unwell, he already knew that he would die here today.

After all, he knew that there was no one around here at all, and they had lived here for a long time, but no one would approach here. This forest was inherently dangerous.

Xiao Jianfeng doesn't feel dangerous, but others always feel that this place is so scary, Xiao Jianfeng never felt this way when he came here.

But today I don't know what evil it is. Why did such a problem suddenly appear here? Although the white gas disappeared.

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