"Look at what's going on with the leader. We don't have to worry so much when we make a decision. I've said it before. I won't let you encounter any danger, and I won't let you encounter good ones. I will protect you." Yours, it seems that this Qixia Villa has become a place of right and wrong, I never expected to encounter such a rare tragedy when I came here."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart and felt a lot of helplessness, but he also told himself.

No matter what, he must figure it out before he can leave here, otherwise the people in Qixia Villa will be wronged too much. Yang Xuan also understands his ability, but what's the use of possessing ability?

With no clues or any clues, Yang Xuan had no way to start. Originally, he didn't know much about the affairs of (what?) Jianghu, and he didn't know anything about Qixia Villa.

Yang Xuan's mind was really empty, and he didn't know where to start. After all, when there was no clue, Yang Xuan felt that he was powerless, but he would not give up.

He had already seen such a tragic situation when he came to this Qixia Villa just now, and he still didn't make an effort to investigate. He and Chu Yunyin must go all out to get justice for these dead souls.

Chapter 1833 Seek justice

Yang Xuan had already sworn in his heart at this moment that he would definitely avenge the dead here, no matter what, the manipulator behind this was cruel and ruthless, and even killed all the people in Qixia Villa.

Yang Xuan was in a particularly bad mood when he saw this scene. He really felt that it was too cruel. The entire Qixia Villa no longer exists. It seems that Qixia Villa will be reorganized in the future.

It also took a while, the head here disappeared, and the other elders disappeared, and they didn't see the corpses either.

At this moment, he and Chu Yunyin have been searching in this palace for a long time, every corner and every place has been searched, and up to now they are all the corpses of these apprentices.

There are no corpses of these elders at all, and the heads have disappeared for 400 years. Why? Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt. Could it be that the corpse had already been transferred? Are their corpses useful?

Yang Xuan's eyes were full of anger, wishing to tear the murderer behind him into pieces, but at this moment they didn't have any clues, not even a suspect.

How should Yang Xuan do it, he is very anxious, Yang Xuan has never been unable to hold back like today, he has always been in a relatively calm mood, and he will calm down (ccac) when encountering such a situation.

But seeing such a scene at this moment, Yang Xuan couldn't calm himself down, and couldn't make himself feel so peaceful, because seeing these dead people's expressions were so painful.

Moreover, their faces were stained with blood, and their expressions were particularly frightened. What kind of situation did they face before they died? How cruel this murderer must be, Yang Xuan didn't dare to think about it anymore, otherwise he wished he could send the murderer into **** and never escape from life.

After Chu Yunyin heard what Yang Xuan said, he thought in his heart that he followed Yang Xuan to this Qixia Villa. Fortunately, they had a company, otherwise, if he came here by himself today.

Chu Yunyin's legs were so frightened that he was so frightened. He had never seen such a scene, nor had he seen such a person. He had died so badly, and he had never seen so many corpses. Why was he not worried?

"Brother Yang, what should we do now? We have been searching here for a long time, and we have never seen anything other than the corpses of these apprentices. So where are the corpses of the elders and the heads? What do you think?" Does it sound so weird? Could it be that they hurt these apprentices?"

"I don't think it's possible. If they want to do this, there's no need for it at all. It's impossible for them to kill all their apprentices. Besides, don't you want Qixia Villa? This situation seems unlikely. It might appear, but it feels a little weird."

"These things are always difficult to figure out. What is the situation and the reason, I want to reveal it as soon as possible, because if such things happen, people feel uneasy and always very anxious. If you are not here today, I don't know how to face it anymore, I'm afraid I've passed out here."

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he thought in his heart that all the problems were really suspicious, but Yang Xuan couldn't predict all this at all, he couldn't activate his own spells.

Chapter 1834 Powerless

He can't see what happened in the past, and he can't see the truth behind it, unless Yang Xuan has practiced a way of going back in time, which may make all this change again, or Yang Xuan can change it before returning to the incident. his fate.

But Yang Xuan has not yet reached such a level, how could he not be anxious, even though Yang Xuan can control many reincarnated worlds and has many abilities.

But in such a situation, Yang Xuan has no way to achieve it. It is impossible for him to bring the dead back to life, and it is impossible for him to turn back time and prevent this from happening in advance. .

However, in the situation Chu Yunyin mentioned, Yang Xuan felt that the possibility was not very high.

If the head of Qixia Villa really wanted to get rid of these apprentices with the elders, there was no need for them to do so with great fanfare, and they disappeared.

Is it possible to leave these corpses in this Qixia Villa for others to guess? After all, they are all old, and it is impossible for them to do something. Chu Yunyin has no understanding at all, and the head of the house will not do it.

There are indeed a lot of doubts behind these things, and they must be thoroughly investigated. Yang Xuan also swore to tell himself that if the murderer was not found, it would be impossible for him to leave Qixia Villa.

Chu Yunyin felt a little at a loss when he saw Yang Xuan the first time, the scene in front of him was too frightening and unnerving, Chu Yunyin thought in his heart that he was going to have a ~nightmare tonight.

But at this moment, he also wants to make himself stronger. The corpse here looks so scary, and the death is so miserable. Chu Yunyin just wants to go to the back mountain with Yang Xuan to dig a hole and start burying the corpse.

Chu Yunyin didn't want to delay too long, the body had been dead for a few days, and it was still so hot, if it took another two days, the body would be rotten with maggots.

This matter is urgent, Chu Yunyin also depends on Yang Xuan's opinion, although he is also particularly afraid, but he has to do this, he came to Qixia Villa and wanted to learn from a teacher.

I didn't expect to encounter such a tragedy, what should I do? Chu Yunyin only wanted to do his best, and hoped that these corpses could be buried in the ground for safety. He just felt that there was only so much he could do.

····Ask for flowers 0··

"I'm timid, and I didn't expect to encounter a catastrophe in Qixia Mountain Villa today. All the people have died, but I can't figure out where these masters are from. What do you think? What about it? If you have any ideas, let's discuss them together."


"Let's go out now and go to the courtyard for a while. The whole hall is full of these corpses. It looks terrible. What should we do with these corpses? Shall we find a place to bury them now? It's safe to bury them , but with so many corpses, even if we dig a hole to bury them, it will take a few days."

"Just tell me what you should do. I'm willing to listen to your exhaustion. After all, the Qixia Villa I came to also wanted to learn from a teacher, but I didn't expect that Qixia Villa no longer existed. Dead, I can only do my best to bury them, I really can't do other things." 2.

Chapter 1835

Yang Xuan looked at the corpses in this Qixia Villa, so many people died, it was too cruel, and he did not expect that all the apprentices here were killed.

But the master and several elders have disappeared. Is this rather strange or their bodies have been transferred.

Because there are a few puddles of blood on the ground that look special, but there are no corpses on them, how could the blood of "403" appear in a single place? This is what aroused Yang Xuan's suspicion.

At this moment, Yang Xuan was also listening to what Chu Yunyin said, but now that he buried himself, it would be more difficult to find evidence.

These corpses are about to rot, but they can't be buried yet, Yang Xuan has to make a proper inquiry before making any plans.

How could Chu Yunyin have any thoughts today? Besides, the Qixia Villa in front of me has now turned into a **** Qixia Villa, which is really terrifying.

Chu Yunyin didn't know what to do, he just felt that these corpses were rotten now, if he waited for another two days, the corpses would deteriorate, what should we do then?

Isn't this Qixia Villa even more out of control? Could it be that this Qixia Villa has become deserted? Is there no Qixia Villa at this time from now on?

Chu Yunyin was just thinking that the corpse should be disposed of first. Could he and Yang Xuan put in a little effort to bury the corpse?

Anyway, Chu Yunyin thought so. He just felt that these corpses were too pitiful. They were all apprentices from Qixia Villa, so they didn't know who they offended. Why did this happen.

Chu Yunyin was also guessing wildly, he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know the inside story of Qixia Villa, so how could he possibly know who the murderer was and who was the mastermind behind it? They had no clue at all and knew nothing, Chu Yunyin was extremely anxious.

"After all, it looks terrible to see these corpses lying in various places. They must have seen a lot of things before they were alive, and they also know the appearance of the murderer. The expressions on their faces are not only monitored, but also very strange. Maybe people are dead. Such a miserable look, we have to do something, we can't keep looking at it like this."

"Just tell me, I'll find a shovel, and I'll go to the hillside behind to find a good place to dig some holes, and then carry the bodies over there, let's bury them all..."

"If in a few days these corpses are really decomposed, the smell will spread throughout the Qixia Villa. By then, Qixia Villa will no longer be inhabited. Should this place be refurbished in the future? Is this Did the sect die just like that? I'm just guessing, I don't dare to imagine what the consequences will be like."

Such a massacre is unimaginable. It is too terrifying and evil. Why is the person behind it so cruel? How could he have the heart to do it? Killing so many people is like that disappeared, just disappeared 0.2?

How should Chu Yunyin think about this matter? They are already in this Qixia Villa, what should they do? Everything was arranged by Yang Xuan, Chu Yunyin didn't want to think about it.

Let's see if Yang Xuan has any other decisions. If Yang Xuan has a good decision, then I don't have to worry so much. If they make any decisions, it's a good thing.

Chapter 1836 Extreme Horror

Chu Yunyin also wanted to use this ability to bury all these corpses, which could be regarded as his own contribution. Chu Yunyin wanted to come to this Qixia Villa and become a beginner disciple.

But before seeing the master here, he was already dying. I really can't imagine, what a cruel reality, he saw the **** scene with his own eyes, and the opponent was really too cruel up

Chu Yunyin has no ability, but he wants to stay with Yang Xuan in this Qixia Villa to inquire about some situations. He doesn't know what Yang Xuan is thinking, anyway, he wants to plan this way, but he is also studying it in his heart.

If Yang Xuan leaves here, there is nothing he can do. 22 He must also leave here. After all, he has no ability and is not strong enough. How could he do this?

He completely relied on Yang Xuan's power, but he was powerless, what could he do with such a weak ability? Chu Yunyin was just inferring and guessing.

After all, the two of them knew nothing about this Qixia Villa, and they didn't even know how to do it.

Why didn't Yang Xuan want to say that in his heart, but the situation in front of him didn't allow it at all. If these corpses were covered up, they might be buried in the ground.

Waiting until I searched for clues, I couldn't find any clues, because Yang Xuan has seen these situations now, if he infers according to this, let's see if he can find some situations as soon as possible.

Even if you find a weapon, you can know where it came from. Yang Xuan thinks that these evil guys are from the devil world? Otherwise, how could such a tragedy happen?

Facing the situation in front of him was too cruel, Yang Xuan couldn't accept it, but he had to accept it. This is the fact that these corpses in front of him were already dead, and the corpses were already festered, and they could no longer be treated.

Yang Xuan also came too late, how could he have thought that such a situation would happen in this place, when Yang Xuan passed by here, this had already turned into such an ending, and he could not change it.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about this matter. Since I have spells, I will definitely deal with this matter. Don't think too much about the corpse. If we hide it now, we won't be in a hurry if we want to find clues again. Let's check it out first."

"See if there are any clues on these corpses. After checking, look at the knife edge, knife wound and other scars, check more, and then make sure. If there are no clues or traces, let's bury this matter again." It’s all within reach.”

"Even if 407 is a little rotten now, we can't be too anxious. We have to endure these things in order to find clues. We can't be too sad. After all, we don't know anything about the situation in Qixia Villa, and our minds are foggy. Shui doesn’t know what’s going on, why did so many people die all of a sudden, and this place has become like this?”

It was only then that Chu Yunyin realized that it was no wonder Yang Xuan didn't make any moves. It turned out that he wanted to inspect the condition of the corpse, check the wound and the things left behind, whether there was any evidence or find some clues.

Chu Yunyin looked at Yang Xuan, if that's the case, then they should search hard, Chu Yunyin also listened to Yang Xuan's arrangement.

Chapter 1837 Query Clues

After all, although he has some abilities, he is too weak, not as strong as Yang Xuan. Chu Yunyin is thinking about many things now and Chu Yunyin understands.

Yang Xuan is a master, he is very powerful, don't worry, there will be no danger if he is here, that's what Chu Yunyin thinks.

He didn't know why Yang Xuan came here, all of this was really unimaginable, after coming here Chu Yunyin originally wanted to learn from a teacher.

But I didn't expect to see what happened here. It happened so bizarrely, which made people feel a little scary and unimaginable.

So Chu Yunyin thought about this matter in his heart, it depends on how Yang Xuan decides, he is really too weak, how could he have any discovery?

Even if some circumstances were discovered, Chu Yunyin was not a coroner after all because of the knife wound. How could he see these things?

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that no matter what, when something happened, he had to calm down and not be too anxious, and he couldn't let himself become particularly hasty.

On the contrary, his mind became very cloudy, he couldn't think of anything, he understood everything, Chu Yunyin didn't understand these things.

Yang Xuan always has to keep a calm heart, so that he can check things in this Qixia Villa, besides, first of all, the matter of the master has not been resolved yet.

Where are they? They don't know whether they are alive or dead. Yang Xuan also doesn't know anything. How could he not be in a hurry now? Faced with such a situation, they don't want to have too many problems.

But some things are not as simple as they think, after all, Yang Xuan doesn't understand the situation behind it, he has never been to Qixia Villa and has never contacted the head of the place.

How could it be possible to know what was going on between them? Is there an internal conflict? Otherwise, why are these masters gone?

"Suddenly this place has become too scary. This place is really a death castle. How come people are already dead all of a sudden? Anyway, there must be someone cooking cats for dinner behind the scenes, otherwise the Qixia Villa It is impossible to be killed overnight, but where is the master?"¨

"We can't make a conclusion yet. After all, we have searched all the places, but we haven't found the head's body. Where did the head go? We need to find the head first before we can know what happened to Qixia Villa. There is no news about other elders, it seems that they are all alive, or they have been killed."

"¨We can't know these things, so now that this problem has arisen, I understand it. How can it be as simple as we think? Some problems are more complicated. If you don't think too much, you will only make yourself change. I feel even more helpless, if we can think too much, it will also make us feel a little sad."

How could it be possible that Chu Yunyin wouldn't think about these things, but he also told himself that thinking about it was useless, and it would only make him more bored.

It will only make myself more helpless, and make myself a little sad and angry, feeling like a waste.

You can’t solve any problems you encounter, you can’t explore any situations you encounter, you can only be like this.

Chapter 1838 Extremely Cruel

He watched things here become so bad, but he believed that Yang Xuan had this power, Chu Yunyin really wanted to have a master like Yang Xuan, and learn art from him in the future.

But Chu Yunyin also understood what kind of person Yang Xuan was. He looked so powerful, how could he take him in? Chu Yunyin told herself not to keep wishful thinking.

After coming to this Qixia Mountain Villa, I originally wanted to learn art, but I didn’t expect that it would turn into a hell, everyone was dead, so what else did I have to learn? The more Chu Yunyin thought about it, the more sad she became. With such an arrangement, the people here died so badly.

Yang Xuan had already made a decision in his heart. Although he didn't know much about all this, he also believed that if he investigated slowly, he would always find some clues and suspicious clues.

As long as Yang Xuan has that clue, he will follow the clues, and then he will find out little by little that there is a real inside story. Yang Xuan also knows that all of this has been checked here first. There is no head and the corpses of these elders.

Then it can be proved that they might be alive, there are two possibilities, Yang Xuan has a little hope in his heart, and then he will see what the situation is.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan felt uneasy in his heart. If these corpses were buried now, they would leave here without caring about anything, without asking anything, and pretend it never happened. Yang Xuan couldn't do it.

It was even more impossible for him to let himself face such a tragedy so cruelly, as if he hadn't seen anything, wouldn't Yang Xuan become an evil person? He is full of justice, how could he let such a thing happen?

So in his mind, he already knew all of this, but he just felt that if these questions really came up, Yang Xuan would definitely find the final answer, and would definitely avenge the dead.

"Anyway, I feel confused after thinking about it. I just don't have any answers. The more anxious I am, the more I can't do anything. Just don't get irritable. In fact, I am more anxious than you. I have the ability to be my partner. I just watched everything in this (ccac)."

"Since I'm helpless, how much I want to come here earlier, so that a disaster can be avoided here, but what's the point of me saying that now, after all, I can't avoid it, I It's too much to say and doesn't have any value."

"It's just making myself more sentimental. I really didn't expect to encounter such a situation when I came to this world this time. In fact, my identity is quite special."

Why didn't he think so, his mind was blank, and he seemed to be unable to figure out anything, he felt like a fool.

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