How could he not know the problems behind these things? He just felt that if some things changed, he didn't want to have too many worries in the middle, but how should these things be decided?

What did Yang Xuan think? Did something happen here? Chu Yunyin thought and felt a little creepy. He didn't want his guess to come true.

"Brother, what's the matter now? Why is there no one in this Qixia Villa? What's the situation with the blood on the ground? Is it human? Or something happened here? Why is it so quiet? I really don't dare Imagine what happened to this Qixia Villa? And if the gate of this place is open."

"Let people from all over come here to prepare for the martial arts competition in advance, so why no one shows blood on the ground? What's wrong with you? Your expression makes me feel particularly terrified. Have you noticed something? Tell me quickly, I know in my heart that you have internal strength, and you can also use spells."

"What exactly do you feel? Is there any danger in coming to this Qixia Villa? I feel that the quiet here makes people feel a little scary. This place should be quite lively. How can there be no one guarding the gate at this time? 393? Even if the door is open, there must be someone there, where have all the disciples from Qixia Villa gone?"

Chu Yunyin didn't know why he felt this way, it seemed that the atmosphere had suddenly become particularly depressing.

Chu Yunyin actually didn't want to think about these problems, and he didn't want to guess anymore, let alone think things so badly.

After all, this Qixia Villa is the place he dreamed of. After coming here, he only wants to become a beginner disciple. How could he hope that something will happen here.

But now this place looks very quiet, and there are still bloodstains in front, it seems that there is really something wrong.

Chapter 1827 Discovery of the corpse

Anyway, Yang Xuan seemed to have discovered something, Chu Yunyin was also thinking, this is really unimaginable, it's too scary, what happened?

Why didn't Yang Xuan speak? Chu Yunyin and the others continued to walk forward, so they walked behind a bush in front, and there were several corpses in this place.

This outfit seems to be the apprentices of Qixia Villa, they are all wearing the same clothes, Chu Yunyin stepped back a few steps at this moment, terribly frightened, he is not afraid of death.

He just felt that he couldn't imagine what happened to Qixia Villa, why there were so many corpses? Why did this apprentice die here? Could it be that someone attacked here?

After Chu Yunyin took several steps back, Yang Xuan had already left the thatched hut. What happened? Chu Yunyin didn't know at all, it was up to Yang Xuan.

Because he knew that people here wore the same clothes, they were all from Qixia Villa anyway, but why did they all die? Moreover, this place looks gloomy, and it is no longer what I imagined.

The more Chu Yunyin thought about it, the more sad she felt, but how should these problems be resolved now if they arise? Was this place really attacked?

Have all the people here been killed? But what about the head of Qixia Villa? Where did you go?

Yang Xuan was checking the situation, because he felt that these people died strangely, and their eyes looked particularly frightened, so they all had stab wounds on their bodies.

The death was quite miserable, so it seems that the people who killed them all knew each other, otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a surprised and fearful look in their eyes.

So after Yang Xuan's inquiry just now, Yang Xuan naturally knew it in his heart. They have entered the reception hall now, let's see what's going on and see if there is anyone here.

If someone really insisted on destroying everything here, then the people in Qixia Villa would be hard to defend against, so now Yang Xuan is also worried, fearing that more things will happen.

"Don't worry, something must have happened to this place, otherwise so many people would not have died here, these people are all wearing the same clothes, they are all from Qixia Villa, it must be like this, Although they have never been here before, they were very frightened when they saw it." "

"¨¨And at the same time, there was a look of fear in their eyes. They would be terrified before they died, and the knife wounds on their bodies seemed to kill them all. They all died at the hands of the same person, don't worry so much, I will protect you."

"However, according to my observations, the Qixia Mountain Villa is really in a bad situation. I'm afraid it was really attacked. This thing should have happened (good promise, good), so now the people here are dead, but there are some situations If it appears, we can't think too much now, let's wait until we see what's going on inside."

After Chu Yunyin heard what Yang Xuan said, he knew in his heart that it seemed that Qixia Villa was really attacked.

Did all the people here die here? It was really miserable, so when they walked past the hut just now, there was too much blood in that place.

Chapter 1828

Moreover, the way those people died was particularly miserable. Yang Xuan's analysis was correct, and the eyes of the few of them also looked particularly frightened.

At the same time, I also feel that there are some complicated emotions in it. It seems that before I die, I must have recognized who the killer is, so who is offended by this place? Why did it become like this here?

Did the head of Qixia Villa offend anyone? Or is there something in their place that makes this happen? Could it be for the Nine Suns Divine Art?

Otherwise, how could there be an accident here? It was scary for him to think about it. He didn't tell Yang Xuan about it, because he felt that he couldn't be sure whether there was Nine Suns Divine Art in Qixia Villa.

He is not that greedy, he just thinks that if those who come to this Qixia Villa have a 393 chance, they will naturally see the true face of Jiuyang Shengong, and they can also read what is written in it, but he will not think that he wants to get Jiuyang miraculous.

Yang Xuan stood on the steps and looked at the situation inside. The door was closed tightly, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but the blood stains on the door could still be seen very clearly, so the blood stains had already dried up.

But Yang Xuan can also see that the situation here is rather bad. This incident happened two days ago, so it is impossible for there to be any murderer here. He has already escaped, how could he still be here?

? At this moment, Yang Xuan also felt that the situation was already like this. No matter how to investigate, these people must be hard to escape now.

For Yang Xuan, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen. If he was in Qixia Villa, he would feel that there is Nine Suns in Qixia Villa.

So I came here to see that he belongs to a master in a reincarnated world. Yang Xuan can get many things through many ways, but he thinks it is quite amazing.

I just wanted to come here for a walk, but I didn't expect to encounter such a big event, Yang Xuan also felt a little strange who did it.

"After all, these things are all guesses now. If the guesses are really successful, it will prove that Qixia Villa is empty and no one is alive (ccac), and the murderer has left here. It seems that this incident has happened for two days. It's time, the corpse has already stiffened just now, and there is already a smell coming out."

"No wonder we felt a strange smell when we entered the door just now. It made people feel very sick. I wanted to vomit. It turned out to be the smell of a corpse, but the situation is really special now. You also Don't worry, I will never let you encounter any danger with me here."

"Let's go inside now and see if the head of Qixia Villa is still there, because it's impossible for there to be only those few people here, and there are at least dozens of apprentices here, how could there be only so few people?"

Although Yang Xuan said so, he now understands that no matter what, these things are already in front of him.

Sometimes Yang Xuan doesn't want to admit this fact.

But through his observation and understanding of this Qixia Villa, it seems that none of them were spared, maybe all of them died here.

And there are dozens of people here, were they killed just like that? Yang Xuan also found it strange, he really couldn't imagine it.

Chapter 1829

After saying this, he opened the door and walked in. After walking in, my God, this smell is stronger than in the yard just now. It seems that there are more corpses here, and more dead people.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the smell of corpses to come over. Yang Xuan felt strange when he thought about it, but the hall looked very clean. Yang Xuan continued to walk in, and there were many corpses lying on both sides, scattered on the ground, and they were slowly The rotten.

The door was closed so tightly within two days, I am afraid that the entity has really deteriorated, and the weather is still relatively hot. Seeing this scene, Yang Xuan felt extremely unbearable.

He is not afraid, he thinks it is really hard to imagine who it is, and why would he do this? Why is the murderer going to kill him next time?

What is the relationship between the murderer and the head of Qixia Villa? Is it also a person here? Or the spies lurking here, so they took the opportunity to kill these people, could it be to get something out? Yang Xuan suddenly thought that it was Jiuyang-Shengong who caused the trouble.

If this Qixia Villa really has the Nine Suns Divine Art, I am afraid that many people will stare at the things here, then this will lead to a disaster of death.

After Chu Yunyin heard what Yang Xuan said, they already understood that basically these people would not be alive, otherwise it would have been two days.

If there are living people here, I am afraid they will deal with this place too. How could it look like a mess now? They have seen the corpses on both sides lying on the ground, and they have already given off an unpleasant smell. People think it smells terrible.

They have already used their abilities and internal strength to block these smells, otherwise they would not be able to continue to check the situation at this moment. This smell is slowly drifting over, it is really disgusting.

Chu Yunyin was particularly terrified. He looked at Yang Xuan and didn't know what to do. After all, they came here and the situation was already in front of them. What should they do?

There are no people here alive yet, Chu Yunyin has been thinking in his heart that he has been following Yang Xuan at this moment, there are so many corpses in front of him, and there are several more over there, basically this place has really turned into a **** now .

····Ask for flowers 0··

"Brother, what should we do now? According to what you said, it seems that none of these people were spared, and they seem to have died here. If this situation has really happened for two days, it is impossible for this place to look The gate is still open, if there are still alive, they will also bury the body and clean up the place."


"It seems that the murderer left here directly after killing people. It has been two days since the day trip, and there are no clues anymore, but I don't know who made such a murderous hand. The palm of Qixia Villa Who did the door offend? I have heard that the head of Qixia Villa stays here every day, and he is so kind."

"They are very kind to everyone, and although they are more strict when accepting apprentices, they are also for the sake of everyone, so every apprentice knows that they admire the head of the sect, but if the current situation occurs, Then it looks like it's aimed at the master." 2.

Chapter 1830 Killing

While checking the situation, Yang Xuan heard what Chu Yunyin said. Afterwards, he understood in his heart that the head of the sect must have offended someone. Otherwise, how could these corpses appear, Yang Xuan pondered in his heart.

It must have something to do with the Jiuyang Divine Art, he came to this Qixia Villa to compete for the Jiuyang Divine Art, how could he kill people to silence him, besides, Yang Xuan is also studying these things in his heart, he can't be sure now, But before the body of the master was found.

Yang Xuan doesn't want to judge prematurely now, maybe the head is still alive, if he is alive, then everything will know the answer, Yang Xuan doesn't want to think things so pessimisticly now.

After there was no query result, no matter how easy Yang Xuan thought about this question now, he felt that there were a lot of things that Yang Xuan saw, so he killed countless people.

But the ones he killed were some demons. If what happened in front of him, Yang Xuan felt a little unbearable and felt that it was really too cruel.

If the entire Qixia Villa suffered from the disaster of extermination, it seems that it was caused by the Nine Suns Divine Art, otherwise, how could it be possible to suffer such a massacre?

Looking at all this, Chu Yunyin felt that it was too terrifying. What's going on? How could such a thing happen?

Is this Qixia Villa simply a hell? It looks really messy and bloody, but where is the boss?

Doesn't seeing his body prove that the head is still alive? Chu Yunyin really didn't dare to imagine it anymore, and he didn't dare to report this. I hope he can see Yang Xuan's helplessness.

He knew in his heart that Yang Xuan was a master, but now that such a situation was in front of him, what should he do? They can only analyze to see if there are any clues.

"But the master's martial arts are so high, how could he be easily killed by others? I feel a little unimaginable. Could it be a sneak attack from behind? If it is a direct confrontation, the master's ability is powerful and his inner strength is profound. Could it be easily hurt by others?"

"I think this matter is really strange. What's going on? I'm really sad. I feel really uncomfortable at the moment. After all, I want to enter here and become a part of it. But I didn't expect that just after arriving here, this place has become a ruin, and it has become such a terrifying hell..."

"These people are already dead. I thought in my heart that if I had come here earlier, would I have been murdered at this moment? I also died here like them. I don't know if I am lucky or Otherwise, anyway, I don’t want to see this place become like this.”

"But all of this has already appeared. The master must be dead. Let's look inside again. Where is the master's body? Why didn't it appear?"

Chu Yunyin didn't have to say that at 0.2, but all the signs showed that Chu Yunyin's guess was right, how could the master be alive?

This place has become like this, Chu Yunyin is too sad, but also afraid.

If Yang Xuan hadn't entered Qixia Villa together with him, he would have come here alone, and if there were other killers here, Chu Yunyin wouldn't have survived at all.

Chapter 1831 No clue

Who is the mastermind behind this? It must have been premeditated, otherwise how could the identity of the leader Jiang be easily killed?

Although I didn't see the corpse, it seems that the leader's chest has been drafted in the current situation. I really can't imagine these problems. What should I do?

If it can be changed, maybe if they come earlier, it will change all this? Chu Yunyin was also thinking about Yang Xuan's ability, he was very powerful.

If he had come to Qixia Villa earlier, perhaps the head and the others would not have been harmed, but this has already happened.

People have turned into corpses and are slowly decomposing. It seems that this incident has happened for a few days, and there is no way to recover. What should I do? Chu Yunyin was extremely helpless, with a frightened expression on his face, and kept looking at Yang Xuan.

Seeing all this, Yang Xuan continued to search in the house to see if there was anything wrong. There are still many corpses in this house, all of them are apprentices here.

But the person in charge didn't show up, why did such a thing happen? Why is there such a situation? It is really unimaginable.

Yang Xuan was in a bad mood, and he didn't expect to enter the Qixia Mountain Villa to see what the Nine Suns Divine Art looked like, and whether it was the same as the mental methods he had learned.

Unexpectedly, he was accidentally involved in such a turmoil. Yang Xuan also felt that if this happened to him, how could he not care about it.

Moreover, the people in Qixia Villa have already been hurt. The murderer behind this came here so rampantly and caused a disaster. Yang Xuan was very angry, how could he let the murderer behind him go? The murderer must be found.

"Don't be so worried, and don't be so anxious. Things have already happened, and we can't change them. We can only calm down now, think about these things carefully, and ponder these reasons. There is something in what you said It makes sense, the head of the sect is powerful and profound, how could he be hurt by others now?"

"Besides, there is no corpse of the head here now, and these people seem to be apprentices, and there are other corpses, but apart from the corpses of the people here, no one else has appeared here, even There are no corpses, and it seems they have moved other corpses, because there are bloodstains in some places."

"But the absence of corpses proves that they have taken away all the corpses of their own people who died here, so as not to leave any traces. Looking at the scene now, there is no clue at all, it is just a mess, everywhere There are 400 corpses, bloodstained, and it will be very laborious to investigate."

Chu Yunyin followed Yang Xuan all the time. They searched for clues in various houses. They didn't want to miss any clues. As long as there was any chance, they would continue.

So at this moment, Chu Yunyin also depends on Yang Xuan for these matters. What he said is correct, and his analysis is reasonable. Chu Yunyin just feels that he can't make a judgment without finding the head of the house. Where did you go?

If the leader was really injured, he should mainly see the corpse. Why does this place look so peaceful now? And they are all the corpses of these disciples.

Chapter 1832 A Mess

Where did the leader's body go? What about the other elders, are they gone? Chu Yunyin was also pondering in his heart, although he didn't come here.

But he had heard about this place, not only the master, but also several elders, the Qixia Mountain Villa they managed for the master was a very big sect, how could it all be turned into ruins overnight, became Had a hell?

How could Chu Yunyin not be in a hurry? What should we do in such a situation? It depends on Yang Xuan, he knows in his heart, is there no one in this world to uphold justice? Is it really going to be slaughtered here and no one will come forward to solve it?

How could Yang Xuan not know about this situation, but he just felt that if such a problem arises now, he also understands that he doesn't want to make other judgments at all.

I just hope that all of this can have a way of thinking, Yang Xuan calmed himself down, and couldn't be so chaotic, because looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Xuan's mind was blank.

He didn't know about this Qixia Villa, he came here just passing by, he just wanted to see what this Qixia Villa looked like and also wanted to communicate with the head of the place.

At the same time, I just wanted to see the Nine Suns Divine Art. Yang Xuan didn't want to get the Nine Suns Divine Art, because he had already learned the Nine Suns Divine Art, so he didn't need it at all, but there must be a reason for the turmoil here, and it can't be for no reason Then there was the killing.

"The people here are all dead. It really surprised me, but you don't have to be so anxious. After all, we don't know much about the things here. It always takes some time to check the situation here, so don't worry too much. Anxiety, things have already happened, we can't change it now'¨."

"After all, the people here are already dead, and there is no one alive. Only now can we make a judgment by looking for the body of the master. At this moment, the master must be here, and it is impossible to disappear. The corpse cannot be destroyed by others." Take it away, this matter will not be resolved for a long time, and we will know the situation when we find the master."

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