When I first entered Qixia Mountain Villa, the blood stains on the ground felt particularly terrifying. Up to now, there are still no clues, and the body still needs to be examined. Chu Yunyin has never done this before.

But he wanted to do this with Yang Xuan, but he didn't separate from Yang Xuan.

Chu Yunyin felt scared now, how could he be separated from Yang Xuan? He was also thinking in his heart, let's investigate this matter with Yang Xuan, don't separate, he was thinking about these things in his heart.

Chapter 1839 Timid as a Mouse

If there are really other changes, then I can deal with other issues by myself. Anyway, I don’t have the ability to feel timid and scared when I see everything.

Chu Yunyin has never seen such a scene before, the entire Qixia Villa has been massacred, and the head of the house and several elders have disappeared, how can this not be suspected?

If Chu Yunyin was really stupid, he would think about these things, and there is Yang Xuan here, he is so smart, he is so powerful, and his IQ is so high, what should he worry about?

Chu Yunyin just wanted to learn something from Yang Xuan here, but he didn't expect to see such a tragedy, who is so cruel and cruel.

How about killing all the people in Qixia Villa? But where did the master and other elders go? Are you going to track down the murderer?

Yang Xuan has never had such an idea, and he has never been surprised by such a situation, if it is some monsters or other situations.

Yang Xuan could find out some clues, but facing such a strange environment and some strange things, Yang Xuan wanted to check, but he would not give up.

He felt that the difficulty was also high, but he would persevere, since he had already come to Qixia Mountain Villa, maybe he was destined to come here to avenge the dead.

Yang Xuan thought about these things in his heart. If this is the case, then it seems that he doesn't have to go all out so that nothing will happen again.

Otherwise, he felt that he was not at ease, so how could he stop, but he felt that when some situations arise, he is also thinking about problems and things that he doesn't want to think about too much.

He just tried his best to solve all the problems and let the dead rest in peace, but now Yang Xuan was going to check himself, but there was no clue.

His mind went blank and his thoughts stopped at the moment when he entered Qixia Villa. He seemed to have no idea, but Yang Xuan would slowly find his way. After all, he has this ability, and he is not an ordinary person.

He has this power, and if he wants to find the clues here, there will be a breakthrough, so Yang Xuan can use magic to find it.

····Ask for flowers 0··

But how could magic possibly find evidence for him? It was really unbelievable, Yang Xuan just chatted with Chu Yunyin, let him understand in his heart, and didn't want to hide it.

"Anyway, you also know that I can spell, and I don't need to hide it from you. I really didn't expect that there are still some things I can't do. It's like this person is dead, and I can't bring me back to life. It's too late. Even if they take their last breath, I can revive them, but their things are rotten now, and their souls have been scattered."


"There is nothing we can do. We can only enter all this. We are not so many now. Both sides start searching. You are outside, and I am inside. Let's take a good look at this corpse and see if there is anything found. Such words are often found If there are any clues, hurry up and find the murderer, those who can’t see here just die like this.”

Yang Xuan was not reconciled, how could he have the heart to see the people here dying like this, after all, Yang Xuan knew these things in his heart, and there were many doubts 2.

Chapter 1840

Where did the master and the elders go? This is a key question and an important clue. If they find all this, they may reveal the answer.

What happened to these dead disciples? Yang Xuan had a definite train of thought, but everything in front of him was rather confused, Yang Xuan had no clues, and his mind was in chaos.

However, Yang Xuan first checked the corpse here with "Four Twenty" Chu Yunyin, carefully examined the wounds, and saw if there were any clues.

Did they leave any evidence or suspicious things around them, or some found that Yang Xuan didn't want to give up all of this, and just wanted to search with Chu Yunyin, there are so many corpses in Qixia Villa.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to see them die here in vain, and he will definitely give them justice in his own way, and will definitely find out the murderer behind them, so that their whole family can rest in peace.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan would not feel at ease, but now where the important clues are, Yang Xuan has no idea, he doesn't know anything in this Qixia Villa, everything starts from scratch, Yang Xuan has to investigate carefully.

Thinking of what Yang Xuan said, Chu Yunyin understood the situation. They can't bury the corpse for the time being, otherwise they wouldn't have any evidence.

Now that he thinks clearly about such a problem, it depends on Yang Xuan's decision that Chu Yunyin has no experience and ability, if he hadn't come to his Qixia Villa with Yang Xuan.

Chu Yunyin felt very terrified at this moment, and had already left here. It's not that he didn't want to manage the consultation, because he was too timid. If the entire Qixia Villa was full of corpses, and Chu Yunyin was alone, how could he have the courage Woolen cloth?

"Brother Yang, what do you want to do now? I'll listen to you. After all, I don't know much about these things, but what should I do with the corpse? Can this corpse be left for too long? Otherwise, it will rot. Do you want to start the inspection? Or wait a little longer?"

"If we want to get some clues about them, let's check them first, and leave the clues after the investigation. At the same time, these corpses should be carried to the back and buried on the mountain. Let these dead people rest in peace, really. It's too pitiful, I will listen to you on this matter..."

"I just hope that these people can go away with some peace of mind. Although they died so badly, I believe that someone will find out the truth. Now that we have come to this Qixia Villa, since you want to intervene in this matter, why not?" Don't you want to take care of it until the end? You have nothing to do."

Why didn't Yang Xuan think so in his heart? He was also thinking about this situation, no matter what happened or not, this matter always had to be resolved.

There is a tragedy happening right now. This is a very important matter. No matter if there is a purchasing agent problem, Yang Xuan will not ignore it here.

But I feel that these things will always be solved in a way, because this situation suddenly happened in Qixia 0.2 Villa, and everyone here has lost.

Only the master and the others disappeared, how could Yang Xuan have no idea in his mind, he just felt that such a situation is really special, what exactly is the situation.

Yang Xuan can't be sure that everything here is relatively unfamiliar and confused to Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1841 No Answer

How could he have an answer? In the face of such a thing, he has already seen it very clearly. He just feels that if this matter can be changed anyway, he will give these things a new solution.

If you can't change it, then you can think of other ways by yourself, and you will always get a reasonable solution, Yang Xuan also understands it in his heart.

Chu Yunyin also knew that since Yang Xuan was so powerful, he would definitely solve this problem, but this is a tragic case, where should we investigate it? It's really a headache.

Because everything here looks so confused, and I don't know where to start, Chu Yunyin also thinks that if Yang Xuan can solve it, they will continue to stay here, so what should we do?

Where are they going to check? Because the situation here is not clear at all, and it is not known who entered this Qixia Villa to harm these people.

After all, they are not from Qixia Villa, so they have no way to do it. If Chu Yunyin feels that this matter is difficult, they can beg.

Because other sects always wanted to know about this matter, Chu Yunyin also wanted to see what Yang Xuan had to say. He couldn't make his own decisions. He knew that no matter who Yang Xuan was.

He is a very powerful master, and he will definitely solve these things. If the same thing has a way to solve it, Chu Yunyin will not worry about it.

Because these dead people were all lying on the ground, how helpless they were before they were alive, and being killed like this, Chu Yunyin was terrified just thinking about it, there was no way to see them, a catastrophe really happened.

Chu Yunyin thinks this place is too scary, but they won't leave here now. Everything is unresolved. If Yang Xuan wants to investigate, Chu Yunyin can't leave here by himself. He wants to accompany Yang Xuan.

"Although I don't know where you are from, I don't think you will leave here. If you have something, we may not be able to deal with it. If it doesn't work, let's ask others for help. This matter is finally It was announced, and this Qixia Villa is also quite a big sect."

"Suddenly they were all slaughtered, and it was really scary, and the pandas disappeared, and the other elders disappeared. What should I do? I really can't imagine such a horrible thing. What happened, always makes people feel special and exciting.”

"And if these problems can really be dealt with, I feel very anxious in my heart. My ability is limited. I don't have much ability at all, but I won't be so afraid when you are here."

Yang Xuan saw all this in front of him, there were many suspicious places, and many situations appeared, Yang Xuan slowly investigated him and would not let him leave here.

After all, in the face of such a danger and a situation, how could Yang Xuan not know the reasons for these problems? As long as such a situation can arise, he will definitely deal with these problems.

There is no need to worry about other things at all. If other things really happen, then these things can finally be stabilized, and then Yang Xuan can deal with the problem.

What Chu Yunyin said made sense, and Yang Xuan also knew that he was relatively timid. If it was him today, he would not have stayed here at all.

Chapter 1842 Terrible

Yang Xuan thinks so because he doesn't look down on Chu Yunyin. How can an incompetent person not be afraid when he sees such a scene? I'm afraid he will turn around and leave here. Yang Xuan is also thinking about who did this.

Because Yang Xuan doesn't know much about Jianghu, he doesn't belong to this world, but he will investigate slowly, facing such a situation.

Yang Xuan is also clear, it seems that the reincarnated world will have a wronged soul with him again, so there may be a new change in the reincarnated world.

But they died too badly before they were alive, and they must be given a fair one. Yang Xuan will definitely do this, but he also understands that if such a situation occurs, how could he not know the risks behind it.

Once any situation arises, Yang Xuan doesn't want to see such a result, and those who hope to have a happy ending are already dead, just hope that he can change everything.

Chu Yunyin didn't know why he had such an idea, but felt that the situation in front of him really surprised him.

He had never been like this before, but he also felt very scared. If Yang Xuan wasn't by his side, he wouldn't know what he would do.

It's not that I didn't have any bloodshed or that I didn't have the guts to face such a **** case, so many people all died in Qixia Villa.

Thinking about it, Chu Yunyin felt that it was particularly terrifying. I am afraid that he would have nightmares tonight, and he also knew these people in his heart, who died so badly, who did it, and was always thinking about this issue.

Moreover, the appearance and eyes of each corpse, Chu Yunyin didn't know what was wrong with him, he kept thinking about it in his mind, just felt too scared.

Only then did he have such an idea. He looked at Yang Xuan, knowing in his heart how to decide all of this, and to see if Yang Xuan had any better plans.

"Otherwise, if I entered Qixia Mountain Villa alone today and saw such a scene, I really didn't dare to turn my head and ran away. I also feel very scared, but now that you are here, I don't care about anything'¨."

"I feel like my mind has become calmer, and I no longer feel like I was in a daze when I came in. I was really scared to see such a scene, because the people here died so badly. "

"¨Their expressions are quite serious, and they look extraordinarily fearful. It is really unacceptable, but the facts have already happened, and you have to accept it if you don't accept it. So what should we do? If it doesn't work, let's ask others Please ask me to let them investigate, there are many people and strength, this matter cannot be left alone like this."

Chu Yunyin has never been like this before, and he has never been so worried like (Zhao) today, after all, he has no ability and no disputes.

At the same time, he doesn't want to face too many situations. He just thinks that if these problems arise, he also hopes to solve them.

He didn't want to have any other problems at all, and Chu Yunyin felt that it was too scary to face such a problem. This kind of scene made him unforgettable for life. He never thought that he would come to Qixia Villa to learn some kung fu.

Chapter 1843 A Ruins

He hoped to stay in this Qixia Villa, but he saw that it was turned into ruins, a hell, and everyone had died.

But where is the master? They didn't find any corpses at all, because this Qixia Villa has been inspected for a long time, only the corpses of these people, and the head of the village has disappeared.

They knew in their hearts that the head of the sect was no longer young, and the people who died before them were all young apprentices, and everything in this name was rather weird.

If the master disappeared, I'm afraid the situation is not good, but after all, they didn't see the body, so they couldn't conclude that the master was dead.

How could Yang Xuan have no idea about such a situation? This is not what he wants to see 440 when such a problem arises.

Although Yang Xuan didn't understand some things here, and he never asked about these sects.

He just thought that the reincarnation world was his favorite thing to do. Yang Xuan really knew nothing about this kind of situation, and he felt his mind went blank.

But since Yang Xuan has encountered this situation and it has already appeared before his eyes, he will definitely not let such a thing be left alone.

He knows in his heart that no matter what, as long as he has a little ability, he will do so, and he will definitely change (ccac) this status quo.

He can deal with many problems at the same time, and Yang Xuan is thinking in his heart that if something happens, he will use his ability to search for some clues, and he can also make all this change again.

Then Yang Xuan was also thinking that if he could turn back the time, would he be able to bring everything back to the past, and the people here would not have to die so miserablely, but Yang Xuan just thought about it, this level cannot be reached .

"In such a situation, we can only do this. We can't wait, so now let's go inside to investigate the situation. Are there any clues? How about we meet up in the yard later? If possible, let's go now Do it, these corpses really can't be kept for too long."

"I checked all the corpses in a while, and checked to see if there was anything around me, any physical evidence or suspicious things, collected them all, and then buried these corpses, which can be regarded as letting them rest in peace. After all, the people here With such a miserable death, the whole Qixia Villa is really like a hell, no wonder you feel scared."

Chu Yunyin finally felt at ease. Yang Xuan's words proved that he had this ability so he didn't have to worry about it. It seemed that this matter would be carried out as soon as possible.

Chu Yunyin wouldn't be so scared anymore, since Yang Xuan appeared in Qixia Villa, he didn't have to worry so much, and he and Yang Xuan would investigate the situation separately later.

Check these corpses, and take heart to prove that Chu Yunyin can do it, he is not as cowardly as he imagined, all these things have already happened.

Yang Xuan is already here, Qixia Villa has become such a situation, how could he not know? Chu Yunyin was also thinking that no matter what, if these things can really be dealt with.

Then it depends on Yang Xuan's ability, Chu Yunyin does not have this ability, just listen to Yang Xuan's arrangement and see what to do, otherwise, I feel uneasy.

Chapter 1844 Useless

He also felt particularly disturbed. Sometimes such problems really occurred, and he was also afraid of having other ideas or other situations, so it was really helpless for him.

After all, Chu Yunyin's ability is too insignificant, so he can only help Yang Xuan to see if there is anything suspicious about these corpses?

After all, it is really not easy to obtain these evidences. This person is already dead, and there are no clues. After all, the two of them don't know anything about this place, so how could they know such a situation?

Although Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his heart, he had already decided to stay in Qixia Villa to investigate the situation carefully, and when the situation here stabilized, he would have clues.

Yang Xuan will search for the real murderer, and will not let the other party go unpunished. Yang Xuan also understands all this at this moment. He is facing such a situation.

Yang Xuan was also very angry in his heart, the murderer behind this must want to get something, otherwise it would be impossible to kill overnight.

For Yang Xuan, he already understood this truth, and guessed almost, but guessing is useless, the main thing is to find out who did it, otherwise all this is just random thinking.

Yang Xuan won't be able to leave this Qixia Villa these two days, because he wants to see if there is something important in Qixia Villa that caused all these troubles, so how could Yang Xuan not~ know,

"But I won't laugh at you for what you said just now. How could I not know what you think? I also understand the problems that no one thinks. It is also a very cruel thing for you, and your ability is not much. How can you not be scared when you see such a scene?"

"Even I feel a little terrified when I see such a thing, but don't worry, no matter where I come from or what identity I am, since I have encountered such a situation, I must come forward to solve it. People here just die in vain.”

After Yang Xuan said this, Chu Yunyin and the others had already started to inspect the situation. Yang Xuan, Chu Yunyin and the others were looking around in this Qixia Villa.

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