Although he has lived here for so long, he has never encountered any situation or accident in this place, so he also knows in his heart that no matter what, he won't let himself be so worried if this happens, guys.

I just feel that some problems have really arisen, and Dongfang Shuofeng will naturally solve them. He already has some spells and some abilities.

He didn't care so much at all, he just felt that since everything in front of him had become so ordinary, he would stop thinking about it.

After Yang Xuan heard this passage, he also felt that Dongfang Shuofeng was very interesting, and after saying this, he felt baffled, and he was still laughing.

Yang Xuan suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, so he was speechless when asked. After all, Yang Xuan didn't know why he appeared here. Pass.

But after all, Yang Xuan has never been to many places. This time the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was closed, and Yang Xuan just wandered around. He didn't expect to appear here, so he was also a little surprised. He looked at the young man in front of him. Said.

"Little brother, my name is Yang Xuan, so this place is by the Bega Suo River. Is there anything different about this place? Why is it a forbidden place? But since it is like that place, how could you appear here? , so I don’t know who I am, I’m just an ordinary human being, so you don’t have to be so afraid, I don’t think you seem to be worried about any problems.”

"You are not afraid when you see me, you feel a force approaching, but you are not too miserable at 123, I think you have some abilities, so how many people live in this place? Is there really only one person? ? I don’t think it’s possible, it looks like there are quite a lot of these palaces in this place.”

"Why is there only one person? This is something that I can't understand, but I'm also thinking in my heart, since you said this, it shouldn't be fake, and you don't have to lie to me? I just came here At that time, I saw a figure appearing in the distance."

Dongfang Shuofeng also knew Yang Xuan's name after hearing what he said, and he also knew that he was a human being, but he is a human being, why does he look so powerful? .

Chapter 1797

Dongfang Shuofeng also felt that the power on his body was really endless. When he didn't appear by his side, Dongfang Shuofeng had already felt a force rushing towards him.

Otherwise, how could he turn around suddenly just now? Dongfang Shuofeng had already felt it when Yang Xuan was not approaching, but Dongfang Shuofeng really didn't expect to be in this Bega Suo River for so many years.

There is also such a master who appeared, this Yang Xuan is just a human being, why does he look so powerful, where did he come from, and why does he have such abilities?

Moreover, his ability has reached a very high limit. The power in his body makes people feel shuddering. It is impossible to say what kind of feeling it is. Dongfang Shuofeng already has such an idea.

So he thought in his heart that no matter what, if the matter is like this, then he will not come back to talk about it, because he thinks that the person in front of him is Yang Xuan.

No matter how powerful he is, he will not hurt himself, and Dongfang Shuofeng feels that there is nothing to worry about.

Although Yang Xuan had some thoughts in his heart, he didn't have too many worries. He just felt that this Bega Suo Riverside was really different, so why did everything here suddenly change?

This is supposed to be a beautiful place, why does it look so remote? As a result, Yang Xuan didn't come here, but he had heard that this place was full of immortality.

And it's a beautiful place in the world. Although it belongs to the world, it's impossible for these ordinary people to appear here.

Moreover, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that Dongfang Shuofeng had a little ability, and he was not an ordinary person. He had some cultivation, otherwise he would not be able to live here at all.

This place is originally a relatively special environment, so ordinary people cannot live here normally, and although Yang Xuan has some worries in his heart, Dongfang Shuofeng has such a good life and can still fish here. Let yourself be amazed.

"I took a closer look, and it turned out that there was really a person fishing here, and it was you, but I didn't see anyone else. I believed it now. It seems that you are living here alone, aren't you afraid? , is there anything abnormal in this place?"

"¨But seeing that you are safe and sound now, nothing will happen, right? Does this place belong to the world or is it under the jurisdiction of other places? How can there be such a good place in the world? And the lake here doesn't look so good. Blue, a little cloudy, but since you said that the fish here is particularly delicious."

"Can this kind of water grow delicious fish? The taste can't be delicious, but I heard you say that, it doesn't seem to be lying or teasing me, so I believe it , but just now your hook has not taken the bait, I have been watching for a long time, I am afraid that this fish is not easy to catch."

Yang Xuan just felt that Dongfang Shuofeng said that he had been fishing for a long time, and the fish didn't bite the hook, so where was he fishing? How could there be fish on such a large water surface? And the depth is bottomless, it seems that the water is still so turbid that no living things can be seen at all.

Chapter 1798 Inexplicable

Yang Xuan just said what he should say, he is more straightforward, because he has this kind of thinking, he feels that he is really special, but he just feels that if the situation is in front of him.

How could he not know the problems behind these? Then Yang Xuan was sure in his heart, but he just felt that if these things really happened now, then Yang Xuan didn't want to think too complicated.

Dongfang Shuofeng looked like a simple person, and he was not very old, he should have just come of age, Yang Xuan just told himself that since some things can be operated normally.

Then don't worry so much all the time, how could Yang Xuan not know the problem behind this, just pondering in his heart, if some things can really be changed, he doesn't want to have too many 123 concerns .

Because he felt that there was no need for this anymore, Yang Xuan just felt that there are people living in every place, and every place has a different situation, and it is impossible to always use the same idea to measure other people's standards.

Because they all have their own way of life, Yang Xuan wandered around, entered other worlds through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, and brought some people into the world of reincarnation, all of which had a new beginning.

Now Yang Xuan doesn't want to dominate others, and at the same time, he doesn't want to interfere so much. He just thinks that Dongfang Shuofeng's fishing here looks special. How can this matter be successful?

There was no fish in his small bucket at all.

Dongfang Shuofeng is no longer fishing at this moment, he has been seeing Yang Xuan now and already knows his name, and at the same time he knows that what he said is also reasonable.

But Dongfang Shuofeng couldn't explain so much, and it was even more impossible to give Yang Xuan any answer, because when he appeared here, he didn't know why he came to this riverside of Beijiasuo.

Later, he slowly found out about this situation, but he didn't have an answer. He couldn't be sure what his situation was, and why did he appear here?

So for him, everything is quite special, and Dongfang Shuofeng didn't think of these things, so how could he (ccac) know these problems, he said at the moment when he saw Yang Xuan.

"So your name is Yang Xuan. I'll call you Brother Yang. My name is Dongfang Shuofeng. I have lived here for a long time, but at the beginning I didn't know why I appeared here. Later I It was only then that I slowly realized whether this place is the place by the Bega Suo River that people said."

"Anyway, I don't know if it's this place. I'm the only one here, so I'll take him as the bank of the Bega Suo River. important things, so I also knew in my heart how I could not understand these issues."

"I just feel that if these situations happen today, I am clear in my heart. I don't want to think about it anymore. I just need to live well. As for whether I can leave here one day, I don't care so much, because this is not what I want. As long as you want, I think everything will be fine as it happens.”

Yang Xuan saw Dongfang Shuofeng and understood these things after hearing these words. He also understood what his name was. He turned out to be in such a situation.

Chapter 1799 Unpredictable

It seems that he never thought of leaving this riverside of Baikasuo at all. Since Dongfang Shuofeng said so, it seems that he has lived on this riverside of Baikasuo for a long time.

When Yang Xuan came here just now, he didn't know why he was able to appear by the Bejasuo River through the True Reincarnation Tower, but he knew in his heart that there was no passage by the Bekasuo River for the time being.

Unless Dongfang Shuofeng has his own ability or is stronger than himself, otherwise it is impossible for him to leave here, and Yang Xuan heard what he said clearly~.

It seemed that he had already accepted all of this, so he would not have any other thoughts, nor did he think about leaving here. Now this Bega Suo Riverside is really not-wrong.

Yang Xuan also understands these truths. As long as Dongfang Shuofeng understands it, then he doesn’t have to worry so much. After all, every place has a way of life, and it’s the same everywhere. In the world, it may be more lively with more people.

But on the banks of the Bega Suo River, it seemed lonely, there was only one person, he didn't complain, and he didn't have any thoughts, since he couldn't leave here.

He just accepted it all. This kind of attitude is not bad, and his mentality is relatively flat.

Dongfang Shuofeng didn't know why he thought of Yang Xuan differently, and he seemed not only capable, but also had no other concerns.

Dongfang Shuofeng can live here, he doesn't want to be hurt by others, Yang Xuan appeared here, he won't hurt himself, so don't worry so much, otherwise, he will inevitably feel a little scared.

Because every place is different, don't be angry in every place, and he doesn't want to encounter any danger, so he pondered in his heart.

Since there are new changes in some things, he doesn't want too many problems to arise, so this is what he wants to see the most, so Dongfang Shuofeng doesn't know why Yang Xuan came here.

He didn't say anything himself, so Dongfang Shuofeng shouldn't doubt it anymore, as long as he doesn't pose any danger to himself, Dongfang Shuofeng doesn't have to worry so much.

He knew all this in his heart, so how could he not understand the situation here, as long as he could carry out these things normally, then he would not have any worries in his heart, and Dongfang Shuofeng would no longer think about it.

····Ask for flowers 0··

"Some things are simply beyond my control, so let it be as long as it comes, I have already entered the bank of the Baikasuo River, I have no other choice, I can only accept all this, otherwise I will have nothing to do." Opportunity to choose, why would I let myself think about it? It's not what I wanted at all."


"Later I grew up slowly, and now I am an adult, and this year I am fully adult, I just realized that if some things have happened, then accept it all, live a good life and give yourself more opportunities, then This place has more aura.”

"Moreover, there can be a lot of abilities, and it can make me stronger. Why not do it? Anyway, I think the Bega Suo Riverside is pretty good. Later, I slowly realized that since this place is legendary Although it is a forbidden place by the Bega Suo River, I am already here."

The Bega Suo Riverside is really an isolated place, so basically no one comes here 2.

Chapter 1800 Self-cultivation

Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart, since Dongfang Shuofeng can appear here, it proves that he has good luck, and he has such an opportunity to appear here, it proves that he can open a new world.

It is really good that you can slowly improve your ability and get some changes here, so you can also slowly exercise your ability. Yang Xuan also feels that all things "one, two, seven" have a special structure.

There is also a special change, which is not static, so he also understands in his heart, how could he not know the risks behind it.

But if some things really happen, he also understands these principles, and there will be no problems. After all, he has already figured it out, but there is no need for it, so why should he care so much.

I just feel that if these situations can really change, then there may be a standard for reevaluating everything, Yang Xuan told himself not to think so much.

This Begasuo Riverside is a forbidden place, and it is indeed like this. If it is confirmed that this place is really the Bekasuo Riverside, then it must be as he said.

Dongfang Shuofeng looked at Yang Xuan and found it quite strange. After all, this place is really remote, so the river here looks filthy.

But this place is really strange. Dongfang Shuofeng has lived here for a long time, and no one has ever appeared in this place.

Suddenly a person came, it was Yang Xuan in front of him, Dongfang Shuofeng was even more surprised, after all, how could someone come here in this place, the more he thought about it, the more he felt unbelievable, but he saw Yang Xuan's situation .

And he is neither a villain nor a monster. It seems that he came here for something? Dongfang Shuofeng is a problem in the head, which keeps appearing.

"I was surprised when I saw you appear just now, and I want to ask you a lot of questions. You want to know how you got here, because I think if you can get here, you can also leave here , I wondered if there was a passage I hadn’t found, because I’ve lived here for so long.”

"I have been looking for a passage to try to leave here, but I have never found it. Then I gave up slowly. I don't want to find any answers or find any passages. Since life is everywhere, I am here Live here and accept it all..."

"Although this Bega Suo River seems to be particularly scary, boring and boring, and there is only one person, but I feel that it has made me quieter, my personality has become more docile, and I am no longer as irritable as before. gone."

Only after hearing this did Yang Xuan realize that this was the case. The water on the banks of the Bega Suo River seemed to be quite muddy, and since this place can be used for fishing.

It's a miracle that Dongfang Shuofeng can live here. Yang Xuan also heard of this Bega Suo Riverside, but he didn't expect to appear here.

It really made him feel a little unbelievable, and his mood was more complicated, but Yang Xuan would not be so entangled because of this matter.

He also knew in his heart that these things had already happened anyway, how could he think about those boring things anymore? .

Chapter 1801

He has nothing to do with Yang Xuan, he just passed by here, and flew down directly to see what's going on, since there are people living in this place.

Yang Xuan would not interfere so much, Dongfang Shuofeng is not easy for a human being to have the ability he has today.

Dongfang Shuofeng also found it quite strange.

After all, the Yang Xuan in front of him now appeared on the bank of the Bega Suo River, so there is no need to worry about anything, Dongfang Shuofeng is also thinking about these things in his heart, if it really happened normally.

He really won't have so many more, after all, he also knows this place well, although it is a forbidden place, capable people will naturally come here.

He just thought of the past, Dongfang Shuofeng also felt quite helpless, why did he appear here? He never had any answers, after all, he didn't know what kind of environment this place was like.

After coming here, he realized that since he couldn't get out here, anyway, Dongfang Shuofeng searched for a long time and there was no entrance or exit, so he would not waste any more time.

Then he won't search any more. At this moment, he looked at Yang Xuan, although he was a little puzzled, but he didn't let himself be so entangled in these problems. He just chatted with Yang Xuan about the past, and his mood became calmer.

What Dongfang Shuofeng said was from the heart, he never had anyone to chat with him, he came here to live alone.

"At the very beginning, I was not yet an adult, so my temper was more irritable. Now I don't know how to do it anymore. I have gradually cultivated myself in this place, and I have really changed a lot. Then I gradually got used to this kind of life. After that, it will become the life I want.”

"Now let me leave here suddenly, I don't know how to face the outside world, because this Bega Suo Riverside must also be a place in the world, but this place looks like a maze, it is impossible to leave here , because I don’t have any ability and may not find the channel, so I simply gave up later.”

"I don't want to look for it anymore. Since I can live a good life, the Bega Suo Riverside is also the best choice. Why should I leave here? After I figured it out, I really don't have any worries."

Dongfang Shuofeng was in a particularly comfortable mood, but he felt that there was no pressure in his heart after he had finished talking to Yang Xuan. After all, Dongfang Shuofeng had just grown up.

He didn't have any thoughts at all, and he didn't have much thought. He just felt that since he couldn't live without this place, he couldn't find any exit.

He would not struggle anymore, so he chose to stay on the banks of the Bega Suo River, live his little life every day and build a house, and fishing here at 127 every day is really fishy.

He sometimes lurks to the bottom of the Bega Suo River to swim, and there are quite a lot of creatures here, and nothing has ever happened.

There is no ghost like the one in the legend living here, Dongfang Shuofeng is not worried, otherwise he would feel scared, and he has no ability, how could he not know these situations.

He just felt that if some situation happened before, he knew it in his heart, and it's not that he didn't understand it, but in his mind, he would also think about many things that had passed, and those bits and pieces kept appearing in his mind.

Chapter 1802 Everything is smooth

But he really can't go back, why did he appear here? Did he die? Anyway, Dongfang Shuofeng has no answer at all.

Dongfang Shuofeng only remembered the past, but he really didn't have any memory of why he appeared on the bank of the Bega Suo River.

He didn't know if he was dead or what happened, he didn't have an answer at all, so at this moment his mood became more stable when he said to Yang Xuan, and he would no longer be as worried as usual.

So for him, how could he not know the situation behind it? Once something happened, he really hoped that everything would become calmer.

Really don't want any more danger, Dongfang Shuofeng doesn't want to really die, but he doesn't know if he is still alive.

This Bega Suo Riverside is a place isolated from the world. He doesn't know where it is, but he won't think about these questions anymore. After all, there is no answer to what he thinks, so why bother himself.

Seeing Yang Xuan's appearance, he wanted to seek the answer. After talking to Yang Xuan, he also knew that Yang Xuan seemed to be very mysterious, and he should be very capable and powerful.

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