Yang Xuan really didn't think that this thing would really happen, how could it be possible for him not to know about this situation.

It just feels that if some things can really develop, he doesn't want to have a suitable situation. Then Yang Xuan came to this riverside of Beijiasuo by mistake.

Since Dongfang Shuofeng can live here, it seems that he has left this world, he has already left the world, otherwise he would not have appeared here at all.

It's just that Dongfang Shuofeng is not very clear in his heart, Yang Xuan is thinking about these things, he just feels that once there is a new chance of reincarnation, then Yang Xuan will give Dongfang Shuofeng a chance, let's see what he thinks.

After all, the True Reincarnation Tower has disappeared. Could it be that Yang Xuan's purpose this time is the riverside of Bega Suo? What world does this Bega Suo Riverside belong to? Whether it's the elementary world or the intermediate world, Yang Xuan couldn't decide.

"It turns out that this is the situation. After I heard you describe it like this, I realized that you came here, which made your character more flat or quieter, but why did you come here? Don't you know it yourself?"

"¨The Bega Suo Riverside is not a place in the human world at all, it is a space isolated from the world, it is another world, and this world only has these lakes, these forests, these beaches, and some other places It’s only this big, but it seems that no one else appears in this place, except you.”

"So I'm not scaring you now, you should have left this (good Zhao) world by now, you should have died, otherwise you wouldn't have appeared here, but it doesn't matter, although you will eventually die if you live to the end If you left this world, then at least you are still living on the banks of the Bega Suo River."

After Dongfang Shuofeng heard what Yang Xuan said, he also felt that he might be dead, otherwise, how could he come to the bank of the Beijiasuo River? Dongfang Shuofeng didn't even know why he appeared on the bank of the Beijiasuo River .

Chapter 1803 Inexplicable

When he woke up, he appeared here, lying on the beach and looking at the river in front of him, and it was filthy, although there was no danger here.

But Dongfang Shuofeng is also very scared by himself, but now that it has been a long time, he also feels that there is no use in being most afraid. It is impossible for him to leave here.

He just accepted these facts. Anyway, when he saw everything here, he was not as frightened as he was at the beginning. Everything was so natural.

Dongfang Shuofeng also told himself that some things are here, there is really no need to worry so much, how could he not know about this situation.

Therefore, his mood is relatively stable, and he will not worry about those useless things at all. Dongfang Shuofeng has already wanted to open 337. Whether it is life or death, let it be fate. He does not want to entangle these boring troubles anymore, because fate sometimes It's not in your own hands.

Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart at the moment, what he said was from the heart, because what he said to Dongfang Shuofeng, he hoped that he could understand, and Yang Xuan didn't want to bring him any hope.

I just hope that he can recognize this fact, judging from his own experience, it is impossible for him to live again.

And he has left the human world now, but Yang Xuan also knows that sometimes these reincarnated people (ccac) can enter other worlds alive.

Dongfang Shuofeng, he came to this Begasuo Riverside, he might not be in this world anymore, and this Bekasuo Riverside was originally a special space.

But Yang Xuan couldn't conclude that he was just guessing, maybe he was dead, maybe he could still be alive, but it was impossible for him to return to his own world.

Yang Xuan also knew in his heart, how could he not know about these situations, but he felt that some problems were in front of him, so he wouldn't worry so much anymore.

He knew in his heart that he would not worry about those things anymore. He felt that there were some problems. If he could really reconsider, he would take everything very naturally, and he didn't want to worry about other things at all.

For him, it can be reconsidered, so it depends on how he decides. Yang Xuan also thinks that he will talk to him later to see if he has other choices, whether he wants to follow him into another reincarnation world .

Yang Xuan said to him again.

"It proves that God cares for you, and it is here to give you the same special treatment. Otherwise, you would not be able to appear here. It proves that all of this is relatively strange, but if some things happen, it is not at all. As simple as you think, everything is very complicated."

"But don't worry, since you have met me, I will definitely get you out of here in various ways, then the world of reincarnation, I don't know if you have heard of it, once the true spirit is reincarnated, you can enter Another world, start a new life."

"But you seem to be dead now. Once you enter another reincarnation world and leave, I don't know if you can return to your own world. This is unknown, but it depends on what you think."

Dongfang Shuofeng didn't know why, so what did Yang Xuan mean by this? What does the reincarnated world look like? .

Chapter 1804 Unpredictable

He felt that everything was too confusing for him, he didn't know clearly at all, and he was also very scared to him, how could it be as natural as Yang Xuan said.

And even if he enters the world of reincarnation and then returns to his own world, Dongfang Shuofeng has no place for him.

His current location is on the banks of the Bega Suo River, and he has no chance to choose at all, so Dongfang Shuofeng doesn't know what to do.

So how could he have any thoughts about what Yang Xuan said? Because he didn't know much about it, he had a strange feeling in his heart that what he said to Yang Xuan was ambiguous.

He couldn't decide where he should go at all, but he just felt that he was living on the banks of the Bega Suo River, even though he couldn't get out of this place.

Even after he died and entered another dimension, he felt that although he could live, it was good to truly experience this place.

If he really left here, he didn't know what he should do, so his mood was quite special, and he didn't know how he should choose.

Yang Xuan just felt that some words should be explained to Dongfang Shuofeng so that he would know how to choose, how to determine his own path and how to go.

Because although he is not in danger on the banks of the Bega Suo River, he is only living here alone. When will such a day come out?

This kind of day makes people feel very boring at all, so a person's life is relatively boring, but Dongfang Shuofeng doesn't even have a companion.

Is he so young to stay here all his life? If he agrees to his own conditions to enter with himself, to another reincarnation world, he can start a new journey and have a new life, and when his life is over, maybe he will come to the bank of the Bekasuo River.

But where Dongfang Shuofeng came from, Yang Xuan is not sure now, because he can't tell where he came from, whether he is still alive, but Yang Xuan already guessed that he should be dead.

"So my ability is to help you enter and go to other reincarnation worlds. I don't know what you think, so this also needs to respect your wishes. If you don't want to, I can't force it at all, because This is how I am, and I will not force others to do things they don’t like.”

····Ask for flowers 0··

"Because there are too many people who want to turn to the world, they may not have this opportunity, because they can only have this opportunity after they reach adulthood, then enter another world, and once their lives end, they will return to the original world , is such a situation.”


"So once you get that kind of power, you will be different and become very powerful. At the same time, you will also gain a lot of abilities and improve your own level."

At this moment, Yang Xuan looked at what Dongfang Shuofeng should say. It was up to him to decide. His fate was in his own hands.

Yang Xuan also felt that when he said that, he proved that he really had no way out in the Bega Suo River, and it was impossible for him to change his original intention.

So Yang Xuan just felt that if he followed him out of here and entered the world of reincarnation, maybe he could start a new journey, then even if his life ended, this process would be perfect.

Chapter 1805 Ins and Outs

He will make life more colorful, and it can't be as meaningless as living in this Bekasuo Riverside. Although this Bekasuo Riverside is quite beautiful.

But what's the use of him when he's alone? So Yang Xuan explained this truth to him, hoping that he can understand these things and understand the ins and outs.

"Three four zeros" After all, Yang Xuan still can't understand the final answer to all this, why Dongfang Shuofeng came here, and whether he is alive now.

Yang Xuan was not too clear about it, so he just thought that if Dongfang Shuofeng really had this wish, he could fulfill it for him, but it depends on what he thinks.

Yang Xuan looked at his expression, Dongfang Shuofeng seemed to be very puzzled after hearing these words, maybe he didn't understand what he said at all, and he didn't understand what reincarnation world is.

So Yang Xuan explained clearly to him and slowly understood. After all, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he had come to the bank of the Bega Suo River, and it was impossible for him to leave here so soon. There was always a process.

Dongfang Shuofeng didn't know so many things at all, how could he know what kind of place this Bega Suo River is like, but he has lived here for so long, he just thinks that as long as there is no danger.

He was already used to living like this, after all, he had no ability to leave here, nor could he escape such a fate, so he didn't want to struggle or get entangled anymore.

Because he knew in his heart that he was no longer arbitrary, so how could he not know about such a situation, he just felt that these problems were in front of him, and he understood him, so he didn't want to think about these things at all.

If he thinks about these boring troubles again, Dongfang Shuofeng feels that he can't live anymore. He just thinks what Yang Xuanshu's real soul reincarnation tower looks like, and what world he will reincarnate to, he feels a little inexplicable.

"Brother Yang, I find it strange to hear what you said. After all, I have never heard of it. Besides, since I came to this bank of the Bega Suo River, I am the only one here. I don't even know What do you think this reality looks like, and is the Tower of Resurrection really so magical?"

"Is it possible to bring people into other worlds? So is the world of reincarnation different? I'm curious about what kind of world it is. If it is really possible to achieve this condition, then leave here Go to another world, but what should I do?"

"Once I know the moment when my life ends in another world, where should I go? Do I have to go back to the bank of the Bega Suo River? So I have a lot of questions in my heart that I just can't imagine. After all, I am here alone. Yes, I also thought it was scary at first..."

After Yang Xuan heard this, how could he not know the worries in his heart, but in the current situation, the only 0.2 chance to choose is to follow him into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Leaving this Bega Suo River and entering another world, it depends on whether he has such an idea, Yang Xuan just thinks that he doesn't necessarily want to leave.

But Yang Xuan must respect his intentions, if he feels that it is completely okay to not want to leave here after getting used to life, how can Yang Xuan force it.

Chapter 1806 Unstoppable

Dongfang Shuofeng naturally has the right to choose, and Yang Xuan also has a lot of thoughts at the moment, because every place is different.

This time, after Yang Xuan entered the Bega Suo River, although this place looks like a river, deep and wide, there are quite a lot of scenery in this place, which makes people feel a strange feeling.

Yang Xuan didn't know why he had such a feeling, but he couldn't express it, but he thought in his heart that if some things happened, he also understood that Yang Xuan didn't have to worry about so many things at all.

His heart has always been relatively flat, Yang Xuan is just thinking about the problem in his heart, and he will solve it. If Dongfang Shuofeng really has a wish, Yang Xuan will help him complete it.

Yang Xuan also thought about it, even if he didn't want to leave here, then it's up to him to decide. Yang Xuan didn't want to interfere in other people's lives at all, but felt that he had to explain his purpose clearly to him and let him make his own choice.

If he has such an idea, he will leave here. If he doesn't want to, he will stay here. Dongfang Shuofeng is completely free.

Yang Xuan had a lot of things on his mind, and this time it was in a different state. The Bejasuo Riverside was also a special place, and it was the first time for Yang Xuan to come here.

But he wouldn't make himself so hard, how could Yang Xuan be afraid of such a place? Dongfang Shuofeng is an ordinary person and he is not afraid, so how could Yang Xuan be afraid?

Dongfang Shuofeng didn't know why he had such an idea, he just thought in his heart, if he could really leave here with Yang Xuan, he didn't know where the other place was, he thought it was rather special.

So he lived by the Bega Suo River. Although this place seemed strange, he was used to it, and he didn't want to go to other places at all.

So he may be afraid, because although he is alone here, no one will hurt him, and there will be no danger. Dongfang Shuofeng thinks this place is quite good.

If he can't change all of this, then he is also thinking about things in his heart. If the evolution is really worse, maybe he will choose it himself.

He has lived by the Bega Suo River for a long time now, and has never encountered any situation at all, so he also told himself not to think about it.

Don't leave here, this is his homeland, once he leaves here, he doesn't know where he is going, the world that Yang Xuan said is 340 Fang Shuofeng is also afraid, and he dare not experience it.

"But now that I have lived for a long time, there is no danger on the banks of the Bega Suo River. I feel a little more ordinary, and I am no longer as worried as before. But these things always make me feel unimaginable. Anyway, things are always so strange. , I suddenly felt that all of this was a bit unbelievable.”

"After all, I don't even know why I came here. Anyway, now I don't want to worry about it anymore, because I have lived in this Bega lock for so long, and I feel that this place looks dangerous, but in fact It's not dangerous at all, and it's pretty safe, at least no one was hurt.".

Chapter 1807 Let It Be

Since Dongfang Shuofeng said these things, Yang Xuan now understands that he just has his own ideas, and he thinks that the riverside of Beijiasuo is safe.

And he never encountered any danger, and no one hurt him, so he didn't want to enter the Tower of Reincarnation and leave here to go to other worlds.

So Yang Xuan can also hear these things, Dongfang Shuofeng has the right to choose his life, if he wants to do it, he can do it, and he can change everything.

So how could Yang Xuan not know the main reasons for these problems, but he just felt that there were some things that he knew in his heart, in his mind.

He is aware of all this, and for others, he just thinks that if things can really happen, he will not think about other problems.

Dongfang Shuofeng saw Yang Xuan all the time, he didn't know why such a thing happened, but he was still fishing at the moment, chatting with Yang Xuan didn't affect his fishing.

He fishes on the banks of the Bega Suo River every day, and he feels that his life is more fulfilling. Sometimes a big fish will fall, so what troubles does he have to live a free life for a day.

It’s just that what Yang Xuan said to him, he didn’t know what kind of place the Bega Suo River was like, he already understood it.

But Dongfang Shuofeng couldn't tell what Yang Xuan said about the reincarnation world, so he knew it in his heart, but he just felt a little scared.

Once this matter is in front of him, how can Dongfang Shuofeng not know the cause of these problems? If it is really possible to deal with it, he does not want other problems to arise.

I hope that all this can become more ordinary, how could I not know about these problems, Dongfang Shuofeng just told himself not to run around anymore, even though he believed in Yang Xuan, he also felt scared in his heart.

Because he doesn't have any concept of what the other world looks like, his mind is blank, he just knows what the monitoring of the Beijiasuo Riverside looks like, and the Beijiasuo Riverside looks like a lonely person .

Well, this place seems to be quite evil, but at least he has not encountered any danger until now, and he has not suffered any harm. How could Dongfang Shuofeng want to leave here.

"¨This place has never been visited by any evil creatures, so I don't feel so worried, otherwise I always feel a little strange. Once something happens, I also understand that it is impossible to change everything. I can only After I die, now that this place is not dangerous and not as evil as I imagined, my heart will be at ease'¨."

"After all, it's a lucky thing for me to be alive now, because I don't have the ability to enter (okay, okay) this Bega Suo riverside, did I come here after I died, and I don't want to come here again I am entangled, as long as I am alive, I still remember the past, and I still remember the present.”

When Dongfang Shuofeng saw Yang Xuan, he just explained to Yang Xuan that I had these reasons, and he would not change his goal easily, he just felt that since he entered the bank of the Bega Suo River, he would not change easily My initial thought.

Chapter 1808 Change the status quo

He has already come here, no matter whether he is alive or dead, he will not listen to anyone's arrangement, he believes in Yang Xuan, but he doesn't know what other worlds are like, because it is impossible for Yang Xuan to accompany him.

Dongfang Shuofeng heard from Yang Xuan just now that he would send himself to another reincarnation world, then Yang Xuan left, isn’t Dongfang Shuofeng still alone, facing a strange environment, he slowly familiar.

Dongfang Shuofeng felt that it was better not to have such a thing, so how could he not know about these problems, but he just felt that since things happened, he also understood the truth.

He just hoped that everything would calm down, and he didn't have to worry about other situations at all, and he didn't want to suffer any accidents again, so he knew it in his heart. 347

Yang Xuan already knew that Dongfang Shuofeng would have such an idea. After all, he was so young and had just come of age, so how could he know what was going on outside.

No wonder he was so scared and worried, then Yang Xuan knew that other reincarnated worlds would be dangerous and not smooth sailing, because just like a person starting a new life, entering a state of birth, old age, sickness and death is such a stage .

How could it be possible for Yang Xuan to have other things happen, so he felt that everything was going with the flow, if something else really happened.

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