Wu Zhuolin felt that what he was listening to was like a dream, did such a situation really happen? He felt a little unbelievable.

If this is the case, then what is the situation? Is it really like this? It's really unimaginable, who is this Yang Xuan?

He is so powerful, Wu Zhuolin originally thought that they were already very contented living in this fairy flower world, and they already had a lot of spells.

But they also know that demons and ghosts keep appearing in the outside world, they also feel scared and don't want to leave here, but Yang Xuan appears, what is he doing?

Is it really necessary to make changes for such a thing? Can he really bring the people here into the Tower of Reincarnation to the reincarnation world and start a new life? Wu Zhuolin felt that these things did not seem real.

"Brother Yang, I understood what you said just now, but you also saw my expression just now. I was really terrified. I felt that all this seemed to be a joke. How could it be true? What kind of thing is this Tower of Resurrection?"

"Since you can pass the Reincarnation Tower, can you go to another world? Have you started a new life of reincarnation? It feels unbelievable. It seems that what you said should be true, even if I don't Believe it, but everything is also true, I just ponder in my heart...."

"If these things are really like this, then I am quite surprised. I just thought in my heart that if some things happen, it depends on what I think. And you have already said that everyone I met here A person, you've told them, they've become your friend."

Yang Xuan knew what was going on in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. The people here were very kind, so they didn't have too much thought. They never thought about entering the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower one day to reincarnate.

0.2 Few of them may have such a desire, but after all, there are still some people who have some ideas and don't want to live here, and they want to see the outside world in the end.

As long as there is one person who wants to leave here with Yang Xuan, he will fulfill their wish, and Yang Xuan doesn't know why he appeared here in such a way.

Chapter 1791 Worried

But he doesn't think so much now, he just feels that such a situation is in front of him, how could he not know the situation behind it.

Then Yang Xuan was also pondering, once someone left the fairy flower world with him and went to another world, then Yang Xuan would not necessarily arrange them well, and would not let them suffer any harm.

So Yang Xuan had already thought it through. After all, he was experienced in such things, and he would not make any mistakes in the middle. As long as they believed in themselves, an agreement would be reached.

Moreover, Yang Xuan wants to gain a lot of abilities and improve a lot of levels. This is to slowly break through the one-click 22 upgrades, once he reaches the strongest point.

Yang Xuan is invincible. Although he is powerful now, he also hopes that he can continue to improve, and he doesn't want to stay in this position. He still needs to improve.

Wu Zhuolin looked at Yang Xuan, but felt that what he said was not a joke, and he was very capable at first glance, he said that I am really a person who has passed through the Reincarnation Tower and can bring these people into other worlds.

It's good to start a new journey. Although Wu Zhuolin doesn't want to do it, some people will do it.

They like to go to other worlds to have a look. They are not willing to live in this fairy flower world for the rest of their lives, and they also find it quite boring. Wu Zhuolin is born like this.

He never thought that one day he would leave Lingxianhuajie to live in other places. He felt that he was used to everything here, and he didn't want to wander around at all.

It is only safe for him to be at ease here. Looking at Yang Xuan, Wu Zhuolin just felt that his appearance might have brought unexpected changes to them, so everyone just needs to agree.

Yang Xuan didn't force them, and Wu Zhuolin understood this matter now, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"They have conveyed to their partners that as long as they meet the conditions, they can enter the Tower of True Reincarnation to reincarnate, right? I think this thing really surprised me, but you also know what I am like, I If you are so timid, even if these are true, it is impossible for me to go."

"I think living here is the best way, so there are indeed many people here who have such thoughts. They want to leave the fairy flower world and go to other worlds to have a look, go to the outside world To experience a different feeling, that's the ambition they have."

"So there will be a lot of people who are willing to follow you 120 to leave here and enter the Tower of Reincarnation, but I won't do that. My age probably doesn't match. I've heard what you said just now, so It's not that I don't believe you, I just think that I just want to live peacefully, and I just want to stay in the fairy flower world."

This Yang Xuan has never doubted that as long as he can use the True Reincarnation Tower to start a new journey, then these people are willing to go with him.

Yang Xuan wouldn't worry so much, he thought in his heart, since some things happened, how could he not know the situation behind them, once there were new changes, he also felt that some things would have new decisions .

Chapter 1792 Wish Fulfillment

He really doesn't want to change these status quo anymore, so Yang Xuan also knows that he doesn't want to doubt those things anymore, as long as they have this wish, Yang Xuan will definitely grant them their wish.

It's just that Yang Xuan felt surprised when he came here this time, after all, he came to the fairy flower world again through another world.

Yang Xuan also felt that this speed was too fast, no matter whether this fairy flower world was the beginning world or the ultimate world, Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter, the important thing was that he could get what he wanted here.

And it is enough to achieve such an ability, Yang Xuan just thinks that only if they can keep reincarnating, Yang Xuan can get the true spirit value, otherwise, how could his ability improve.

Of course Yang Xuan understood all this in his heart, but he didn't worry so much now, he just felt that all this was relatively clear, and he didn't have too many thoughts at all.

I just feel that some things are in front of me, and it depends on how I face them. Of course, Yang Xuan knows this.

Although Wu Zhuolin didn't know much about these things, he felt at ease when he looked at Yang Xuan. After all, he just felt that the big brother in front of him was not a bad person, and whatever he did was right.

If he can really lead some people to change, it will also fulfill their wish, because some of the elves here really have such an idea.

They don't want to live here willingly for the rest of their lives, but also want to go to other worlds to experience such a process, and Wu Zhuolin also understands that they will come back after going to other worlds, and it is very good to have such a process.

Wu Zhuolin is timid, so he will not choose this way, he just wants to let himself live a peaceful life, but some people don't think so.

On the contrary, he is the opposite of himself. They want to experience the feelings of other places, want to live in other places, and see how beautiful the world is, so they will agree with Yang Xuan's approach.

"At this moment, I am quite at ease in this Zijin Palace alone, and I don't have any worries or troubles. If I go to another world, it will be a new place, which is particularly magical, but I'm afraid I don't feel as free as I am here. Better because I'm used to it'¨ here."

"Every place is familiar, and I know everyone. I don't want to face such a strange environment again, so for me, I am such a person, timid, and There is no desire or ambition, this is just one of my thoughts, so don't be angry."

"¨I say this, not to doubt you at all, you look so kind, and you are so powerful, if you are really a bad person, how can I live until now? I am afraid that when you appeared, I would It's dead, so I'm sure in my heart (got it) that I don't need to worry so much at all."

After Wu Zhuolin said this at the moment, he looked at Yang Xuan and didn't worry so much at all. He just felt that if the situation in front of him happened unexpectedly, how could he not know the risk behind it?

As long as Yang Xuan can achieve his wish, he will naturally have some ability to appear, so don't worry, he is so powerful and powerful, how could there be any problems? .

Chapter 1793 Calm and calm

Wu Zhuolin didn't have such an idea at all, he had already said it so directly, and he never cared so much.

He just thought that once the situation is stable now, how could he not know how many problems there are behind it? But he didn't want to think about those boring things anymore, and everything was relatively peaceful.

Wu Zhuolin will not worry about these things anymore, but feels that if these problems really arise, it depends on how Yang Xuan handles them.

As long as someone follows him and leaves here through the True Reincarnation Tower, they will go to other worlds and start a new journey. Wu Zhuolin also understands that he is not so curious at all when he looks at Yang Xuan.

Because he doesn't have any ambitions, and he doesn't want to experience the scenery of other worlds at 120. He just hopes that he can live well here and has nothing else to ask for. This is his best wish.

Wu Zhuolin is like this, he never thinks about other things, he just feels that if the current situation arises, of course he knows where he should go and how he should choose.

So for Yang Xuan, he was sure in his heart that he didn't want to worry so much at all, and he could return here even if he went to another world.

Well, Yang Xuan has already done it perfectly, and Wu Zhuolin (ccac) is also aware of all this, but he will not have other ideas, and he does not want to leave here, he has never had such a plan.

Yang Xuan stood up, he just felt that after talking to Wu Zhuolin for so long, he might have to leave here in a while, even if it was dark.

He didn't want to stay here for too long, so he still had to stay here for one night, Yang Xuan was also weighing in his heart, after all, he had already told Wu Zhuolin just now.

So if he changed his mind at this moment, is it because he didn't follow him into the True Reincarnation Tower to go to another world, so Yang Xuan was angry.

He felt that such words were not very good, so let's proceed according to the original plan. Yang Xuan should not talk about leaving here. Once he leaves Zijin Palace, Wu Zhuolin will feel disappointed.

After all, Yang Xuan and him were considered friends, so he didn't have any worries, and Yang Xuan understood his thoughts at this moment.

"Okay, don't worry, don't think so much, besides, I'm just telling you my origin, I'm telling you the purpose of my coming to this Fairy Flower Realm this time, I hope it can be clear, because you know my friend Now, I don't want to hide something from you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you, so don't be so nervous."

"You don't have to worry so much, so it's up to you to choose what you can do. I won't force it. What you said is right, and many of your partners here want to go to other worlds. They don't want to stay here forever, so it's good to have this opportunity."

"Because they will come back after they leave here, so you don't have to worry about it, so if you don't want to go or don't want to go, no one will think of you, so you don't have too many problems, and don't always think about it. Today I just stayed, I was thinking about whether to leave here just now."

Wu Zhuolin didn't expect Yang Xuan to say that, he was very happy in his heart.

Chapter 1794 Incomparable

Hearing Yang Xuan say this, he really felt at ease in his heart, and he let go a lot, otherwise he would always be thinking about these issues in his heart.

I always felt that if I really left here, would it be dangerous to go to another world, but Wu Zhuolin understood what Yang Xuan said.

But he won't leave here. He knows in his heart that no matter what, he doesn't have the guts or the ability, and he doesn't want to leave here at all, although he can still return to their world.

But Wu Zhuolin didn't want to try it either, because no matter how he tried a new turn around, wouldn't the world still return to the original world? Why do you need to do this?

Anyway, some people want to experience such a feeling, so it is normal, Wu Zhuolin will not let himself have too many changes.

Yang Xuan had already told Wu Zhuolin all the thoughts in his heart, so he didn't have any worries, because Yang Xuan just felt that since he came to the Fairy Flower Realm, he had to be honest and negotiate with them.

Because the people here are kind-hearted, Yang Xuan didn't want to lie, so he had already spoken his mind at this moment.

Then if there is any situation, make another decision, he said to Wu Zhuolin again~.

"Since I have promised you, I will not leave tonight in this Zijin Palace. You have doubts about me, why this spirit fairy flower world has never been here, there are so few strangers-."

"As long as the people who come here have something to do, or have some tasks, my task is like this. I can take these people through the Tower of Reincarnation, and then leave here to go to another world, so I will not stop Cycle, constantly changing yourself, then this matter will appear naturally."

"So don't think so much. There is nothing to worry about if you look like this. You are too young and think too much. Some things don't need to be so complicated."

"There is no need to worry so much all the time, everything is going according to the normal way of thinking, besides, once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, those who are willing to leave will naturally leave, and if they don't want to leave, no one will force it. "

····Ask for flowers 0··

Yang Xuan had already spoken so directly, he and Wu Zhuolin had already rested.

A few days later, Yang Xuan brought these people into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and left the Fairy Flower Realm. Yang Xuan also felt at ease, he did not expect this time to be so smooth.


Moreover, there were quite a lot of people who followed him into the Tower of Reincarnation, reaching dozens of people. There were quite a lot of reincarnated people this time, and Yang Xuan was also happy.

Yang Xuan's harvest this time has achieved the effect he expected, so his ability has improved again, and his true spirit value has also increased a lot. The upgrade of full health is also something that makes him feel happy.

Yang Xuan's goal has been achieved, he still has to continue to work hard, after all this time he can't figure it out clearly, once they are sent to a safe place, Yang Xuan will be relieved.

At this moment, Yang Xuan is controlling everything in the game. The Tower of Reincarnation has come to a strange world. Put these people here, and I will leave after I follow Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1795 Believe it

Yang Xuan was flying fast in the True Reincarnation Tower at the moment, he didn't know where he should go, but he just felt strange sometimes.

So where will the Tower of Resurrection take me this time? Will it return to a familiar world or to an unfamiliar environment?

Anyway, through the last incident, Yang Xuan has already got what he wanted, and at the same time, he has reached a new level by fully upgrading to "one, two, three" levels, so every place he goes now is the primary world.

Yang Xuan landed on the ground and walked slowly, because the scenery of this place is picturesque, Yang Xuan doesn't know what happened recently, he always likes the beautiful scenery here.

He saw a person squatting there not far in front, and Yang Xuan also knew that this place was the human world, and he came to the human world again through the True Reincarnation Tower.

So this world is still good, then the human world is what I like, and Yang Xuan doesn't think so much anymore, after all, it's the same wherever he goes.

He won't worry as much as before, as long as I go to every place he goes, Yang Xuan will enter every place normally.

He won't let himself be entangled in those boring things like before, because Yang Xuan has taken all these things lightly, so he won't be so troubled like before, and he also understands all this in his heart.

While walking, Yang Xuan looked at the person in front, squatting there, and there was a lake in front of him, he didn't know what that person was doing, Yang Xuan wanted to walk in and have a look.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here? This place is a forbidden place. How did you come here? This is a very remote place by the Bega Suo River, and the lake is quite special. I Fishing here, the fish here is very delicious, although the water looks muddy, but the fish is indeed very delicious."

"But my question is not that I hate you, I just think it's quite surprising that you suddenly appeared here, because few people come here in this place, I only live here alone, but I'm used to it , because there is nowhere to go."

"I just felt a force approaching slowly just now. I saw you as soon as I turned around. What's your name? Why did you appear here? I just feel very strange, because I have lived here for a long time For a long time, I have never seen anyone appear here...."

"Because this place feels gloomy and scary, but this place is sunny, and there are some birds passing by on the lake, which is actually quite good."

The person who spoke, his name is Dongfang Shuofeng, he has lived on the banks of the Bega Suo River for a long time, this place is relatively remote, and it is also a place relatively north, so once autumn passes, this place will be very cold, But summer passed in a flash.

Dongfang Shuofeng is already used to living here, and he doesn't want to go anywhere, so he just feels that someone is approaching suddenly, which is very strange.

So at this moment, he put down his fishing rod and stood up. He looked at Yang Xuan carefully. He didn't know who he was, but he just felt that his appearance was quite normal.

It doesn't look like a bad guy, Dongfang Shuofeng just felt the power approaching, but he didn't see what the other person looked like.

Chapter 1796 Incomparable

Now that he looked carefully, it was clear that Yang Xuan looked very handsome. The clothes were not so gorgeous, but they looked very elegant. Dongfang Shuofeng liked this kind of clothes.

However, he has lived by the Bega Suo River for so long, and he doesn't know what life in the outside world is like, so he won't think about it anymore.

Because it looks scary and very cold in this place, but there is no danger, and it is already the best choice for him, so he never thinks about other things, he just thinks that if the current situation arises.

How could he not know the problem behind this, Dongfang Shuofeng never worried about things that didn't happen 22, he didn't think it was necessary, living is important, things that didn't happen, why think so much?

Why bother yourself? He just looked at Yang Xuan stupidly, and smiled, Dongfang Shuofeng is not very old, he should be a few years younger than Yang Xuan, he has just grown up.

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