Anyway, one day was quite fulfilling, and the shopkeeper also felt that there were some things that didn't need to be pondered in his heart all the time, and the other party came here.

As long as he doesn't hurt them elves, why is the shopkeeper thinking so complicatedly.

"¨¨I don't think too much at all, I just want to do some small business, so I have something to do happily every day, otherwise it's so boring, and it's meaningless, people always have to do things when they live Something, anyway, we live freely in this fairy flower world, there is never any danger, no need to do business, and no need to make money'¨.

"But we are here to have a good time, to make this street so prosperous, so everyone knows that when you are free, it is still very happy to come to this street for a walk, this is our A bright spot in the fairy flower world.".

Chapter 1773 Brightly lit

"And this street also sells things here at night."

"And the bright lights here are also very beautiful. I feel happy that you are here. You can season this bowl of wonton yourself. Anyway, if it tastes good, you can eat more. If it's not good, if it doesn't suit you If you don’t like my taste, then I won’t accept the money, so don’t worry, I will treat you as my treat.”

The shopkeeper saw that Yang Xuan had already mixed the wontons, and he had already brought the wontons to the table at this moment. The shopkeeper followed him, and now there were not many people doing business here.

The wontons had already been cooked, and the shopkeeper sat beside him and began to wrap the wontons, seeing that Yang Xuan had already started eating.

The shopkeeper just wanted to see if Yang Xuanxi liked eating wontons, because when he took a bite, the shopkeeper knew whether he liked it or not by looking at his 107 expression.

So I don't have any worries at all, and there are not too many situations, so the shopkeeper knows it in his heart, so how could he not know about this problem, but the current matter seems to be more complicated.

But in fact, they are all relatively simple, and until now there are not too many worries, and there are not too many worries.

He just felt that if these situations were in front of him, he would of course know how to deal with them. How could the shopkeeper think wildly?

For him, everything is (ccac) indifferent, and he lives freely in this fairy flower world, and he will not be bullied by others. He is old, and he comes here every day to sell wontons, watching the customers eat so deliciously .

He was extremely happy in his heart, even happier than eating himself, because his wontons were very popular, and what he said to Yang Xuan was true.

I'm not lying to the other party, because these wontons of his are all filled by himself. They are all special and delicious seasonings, which are also prepared by himself. How could they not taste good? It is also famous in this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan had already started eating wontons, and when he ate the first wontons, his expression was very calm, because he felt that the shopkeeper was following him.

Sitting next to Bao wonton, I just wanted to see this expression. Anyway, Yang Xuan would not hide it. When he ate the second one, Yang Xuan's expression changed a little. He didn't expect it to be so delicious.

"Your ravioli is really good, but if you eat it for free, forget it. No matter whether it's good or not, it's impossible to eat it for free. We don't need to discuss this matter, and as long as you eat all the ravioli, Then the fee has to be paid.”

"However, your wontons are really good. I feel that the taste is very heavy, and there is a smell of water when I take a bite. The dumpling filling looks really good, and I just feel that the filling is like this It’s so delicious, it’s also very delicious when made into dumplings, the food in the world is really good.”

"So I have tasted a lot of delicacies in the world before, but this time I came to this fairy flower world. The food here is also very good. After eating a bowl of wontons, I feel very happy in my heart. I am indeed I find it unexpected that this bowl of wontons was made so delicious by you, you really have a trick."

After the shopkeeper heard what Yang Xuan said, he was very happy. After all, it was clear from the way Yang Xuan was eating wontons. How could he not like these wontons?

Chapter 1774 Overwhelmed

The shopkeeper also eats wontons every day, so of course he knows whether it is good or not, and if it is not good, he will change the recipe again.

The shopkeeper also thinks that this recipe is quite good, so I make this kind of stuffing every day, it is very delicious, so as long as the other party likes it.

The shopkeeper doesn't think so much about other things, he just thinks that he can live freely in this place, and he doesn't have any worries about other things.

Yang Xuan finished the bowl of wontons very quickly, so he knew in his heart that while chatting with the shopkeeper while eating wontons, he didn't expect his speed to be so fast, and he knew how many more.

He already packed a lot here, so it would be fast if he walked for another night, anyway, he is not in a hurry, Yang Xuan just sit here and rest his feet, it will be dark soon.

Moreover, it is impossible to look for anything in this fairy flower world. Yang Xuan doesn't know what is in this place. Anyway, he can decide at any time. When the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower comes, he will naturally leave here. .

"It seems that everyone here likes the wrapped wontons, and it is really a sense of accomplishment, because I think that's the case for you, that is, you like others to eat your wontons. It doesn't matter if it is profitable or not. The important thing is that you have something to do. Do it, because the elves in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm don't have to do anything themselves, they just need to stay here."

"Why do you want to do business? It's because you shouldn't be so ordinary and feel boring, so you have to contact here every day. Business can only be a unique way of life. In fact, it's pretty good. I'm so busy, I let myself There is something to do, so that you don’t have to be bored every day, besides cultivation, it’s cultivation.~”

"Actually, I also understand in my heart that the reason why this place is different is because the elves here are special and kind. I have met a few people, and they are really kind."

"It also makes me happy and I have a few friends. I won't think about other problems when I come here at this moment, but give me another bowl of wontons. This bowl is definitely not enough. "

····Ask for flowers 0··

After Yang Xuan said this, the shopkeeper started to cook wontons again. He also felt that Yang Xuan ate them very quickly. Young people have a good appetite. Some people here can eat two bowls, but they are a minority after all.

Most people are already very full with just one bowl. The shopkeeper's bowl of wontons is quite big, and there are quite a lot of them. He has already started cooking wontons for Yang Xuan.


Talking to Yang Xuan at this moment, the shopkeeper also felt very happy, the young man was polite, and he seemed to be cultivated.

It is a great honor to be able to come to this fairy flower world to see such an alien. After all, elves like them rarely see people from other places come here.

Yang Xuan saw that the shopkeeper had already cooked this bowl of wontons. After bringing them back, Yang Xuan ate them very quickly. He finished these two bowls of wontons in a while. He felt that he was too full today, and he should not eat them in the evening. Fly in the air for a while.

It should consume energy, otherwise, if I eat so late, do I need to find a place to rest? Yang Xuan bid farewell to the shopkeeper again, and he went forward. There are still many things in front of this street. 2.

Chapter 1775 Wishful thinking

Yang Xuan looked at the crowd in front of him as he walked, some people seemed to be selling this kind of thing, but Yang Xuan didn't know him at all, so he continued to walk forward.

This street also feels very long and goes to the end, but Yang Xuan thought in his heart, since he came here, he ate and looked, and always found something.

So don't worry about "107" these two days, the True Reincarnation Tower can't come so soon, and you also need to know how many elves will follow him to reincarnate, Yang Xuan needs to make sure.

When Yang Xuan was walking forward, he found that the street not far ahead was already far, far away, and Yang Xuan also saw that the weather was getting dark.

He must find a place to live, and there seems to be a house in front of him, which looks good.

But Yang Xuan didn't know if there was anyone there, so let's talk about it after walking forward, after all, he has never been worried when he came here.

And he wants to take the people here to reincarnate to change everything about him, hoping that they can have this opportunity to rewrite their fate.

If they have this opportunity, they should cherish it, and they will come back after they go to other worlds to experience such different worlds. What a great opportunity this is.

Yang Xuan has already expressed his intentions, and those who know, they have already spread the news for him in this fairy flower world.

But Yang Xuan is still looking for something in this fairy flower world, he doesn't want to give up easily, he has come near this house now.

Yang Xuan saw that these words were actually written. The Zijin Palace is quite interesting. I didn't expect this place to have a name, because the words written on the house look good.

There are a few particularly tall buildings in the back, Yang Xuan also wondered in his heart, why is this spirit fairy flower world different, anyway, he didn't think so much, and when he walked to the door, a person came out.

"Who are you looking for, little brother? Have you gone the wrong way? My place is relatively remote, and it's already so dark. Although there's no danger here, you have to be careful. If you get lost, you may lose your way." You can't find your way home, you came here to find someone."

"I think your appearance is relatively unfamiliar, and you are not from our place. What are you doing? You don't look like a bad person, so when you come to my door, just tell me what's going on, and don't do that Look at me, I'm not a bad person, I just heard footsteps and came out to take a look..."

"Because it's so late, my place is relatively quiet, and no one has ever appeared, so I heard this small footstep just now is different, which makes people feel that there is a different message in it, I just want to see who it is, it turns out It's you, what's your name? Can you tell me?"

The person who spoke was Wu Zhuolin. He just felt that he heard a voice just now, so there is no such voice as 0.2 here.

Later, when he heard the sound of footsteps carefully, Wu Zhuolin came out to see who came here so late, so he was quite surprised when he saw Yang Xuan.

This person's attire is not from the fairy flower world at all, Wu Zhuolin also thinks it's a little strange, Wu Zhuolin is not very old, but he doesn't know why the other party came here, it's a little strange.

Chapter 1776 Incredible

They seldom come to strangers in Lingxianhuajie, so if Yang Xuan can appear, it means that he has been allowed, otherwise he would not be able to appear here.

Wu Zhuolin also told himself, don't think about it anymore, it depends on what kind of thinking the other party has, and in this fairy flower world, it is such a state, different, so every place is special .

Wu Zhuolin just thought it was strange, but he thought in his heart that no matter what, the other party appeared, which seemed rather special.

So what is the name of this person in front of you? Where did he come from? Wu Zhuolin also felt a little anxious to know the answer to answer 22, because he was not like this at ordinary times, and he was not very curious.

But the person in front of him, he appeared here in the middle of the night, it is not very unusual, and what is he doing here.

There are many questions in Wu Zhuolin's mind that keep appearing in his mind, and he keeps wandering and wanting to know these things, but he also knows the person in front of him.

He is not an evil guy, so he feels at ease, otherwise, it would be impossible to fight against this person with his ability.

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he looked at this person and confided, he must be the owner of the Zijin Palace, otherwise, he would not have heard what Wu Zhuolin said, and Yang Xuan also understood it.

I just think this person is very interesting, he is about the same age as this, and he should meet the criteria for entering the Tower of Reincarnation.

You can go to other worlds to experience a situation of reincarnation, but Yang Xuan just said in no hurry that he came here to reincarnate.

So I hope to bring them this opportunity to experience a different way of life and see if they have this idea. As long as they have an idea that meets the conditions, there is a chance.

"Brother, my name is Yang Xuan, and I was really offended when I came here. Just now, I saw that the street was very bustling, so it was very lively. After eating a bowl of Chaos, I went here. , I didn’t expect to go further and it was getting darker and darker, and I saw a house appearing here.”

"Looking at these words, I realized that it is the Zijin Palace. It seems that this place belongs to your home. Please forgive me if I disturb you. I came here not looking for someone or just passing by here. I'm amazed, I've been admiring the scenery all day today."

"So I didn't wander around at night, and the situation here is good, so I walked to this Zijin Palace unintentionally. You can hear my footsteps at 110. It seems that your ability is quite strong. It’s not easy to have such ability at such a young age.”

Wu Zhuolin knew Yang Xuan's name after hearing what he said, and he also felt that his voice was so pleasing to the ear, and also felt refreshing.

Wu Zhuolin didn't know why he had such an idea. It was the first time he felt such a feeling when listening to other people's voices. He still felt a little unbelievable, but he told himself in his heart that some situations were in front of him.

The person in front of him is definitely not a bad person, and his name sounds relatively simple and can be remembered.

Chapter 1777 Come alive

Wu Zhuolin is also clear that he should be a human being, and the smell on his body comes from the world. Wu Zhuolin and the others are elves, and they have lived in the fairy flower world for so many years.

Then they can also distinguish their smell, just feel that they are free in this purple gold palace, and these elves seldom come here.

Wu Zhuolin lives in a relatively remote place, so he usually goes to the street that Yang Xuan said to go shopping, eat something, look at the small handicrafts, see what they sell, and see if there is anything unusual .

Faced with such a situation, how could Wu Zhuolin not see it? And he was also thinking in his heart, no matter what, the other party has already come here, should he come in and sit for a while?

He was just chatting with Yang Xuan at the door. Anyway, the night is so beautiful tonight, and it is also a particularly beautiful night in this fairy flower world, and I am in a lot of mood today.

Don't look at their place as a paradise, but you can see the stars and the moon in the sky every night, which is really extraordinarily beautiful and magical.

Wu Zhuolin has never been so excited like today, because he feels that Yang Xuan has a unique temperament, which makes him feel particularly fascinated, and he doesn't know what Yang Xuan's identity is. He is actually a human being, why does he look so special? ?

Yang Xuan studied in his mind, when he appeared near the Zijin Palace just now, Yang Xuan didn't use spells while walking, so under normal circumstances.

Wu Zhuolin didn't have any problem hearing his own voice, Yang Xuan didn't think so much, he just felt that everyone in this fairy flower world was kind.

And Yang Xuan didn't want to cause any trouble here, if there were some evil monsters in this place, then Yang Xuan would naturally not let them go. So far Yang Xuan has not found anything, everything is relatively normal , he felt at ease.

After all, he has a mission. When I go to open it, he will leave here with the reincarnated person and enter another reincarnated world. But at this moment, Wu Zhuolin doesn't want to say so much. He just met him, so he doesn't worry about some things. explain.

"After all, my steps are very light when I walk. It may be because I stepped on the steps just now. But you don't have to worry about it. Since you already know that I am not a bad person at all, you don't have to be afraid. I I also feel a little embarrassed at the moment, so let's interrupt your rest."

"¨In this fairy flower world, I think every place is more magical, so I thought of visiting this place, and this place also makes me feel very dreamy. It seems that you are living here very well, at least you are free. Freedom will not be restrained, and life is happier every day."

"You (Dede) people here, I saw that they are all living a happy life, and everyone can live a good life here, it is really the best choice, just walked over that street It's a long time ago, but I didn't expect to go so far before I knew it."

Yang Xuan was really surprised, he didn't expect such a situation to happen in this place, so every place is quite magical, and the Zijin Palace in front of him is quite interesting.

Chapter 1778 Resplendent

There are so many stars in the sky in this place. When Yang Xuan was walking just now, he raised his head to look at the stars in the sky. He did not expect that this fairy flower world is an isolated world, and the starry sky is particularly wonderful.

Yang Xuan was also instantly attracted, so he walked to Zijin Palace without knowing it, and came here to meet Wu Zhuolin.

Yang Xuan is also very happy, no matter what, all this in front of him always makes him feel like a world away, and he doesn't know why he has become such an identity.

Moreover, he kept reincarnating through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. After this mission, he felt that his ability had improved a lot.

It also makes him feel very happy to get a lot of spells, and getting those 110 cheats, and some other things are quite magical.

But Yang Xuan felt a little sorry, Wu Zhuolin wanted to live here, so Yang Xuan came to someone else's house unintentionally, but Yang Xuan also knew that every place in this spirit fairy flower world was special.

He wanted to take a good look at every place he passed by, and he didn't want to leave any regrets for himself. One day, after he left here, he might never have the chance to come back.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that as long as the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, it would be impossible for him to come back after leaving a certain world, and there was only this chance.

So Yang Xuan especially cherished it, and he also knew in his heart that he was used to facing such a situation. Although the parting was a bit sentimental, he had to face it.

After Wu Zhuolin heard what Yang Xuan said, he understood in his heart, so there was nothing to worry about. He followed Yang Xuan into the courtyard, and they have entered the house now.

Anyway, this Zijin Palace is so big, Wu Zhuolin wants to invite Yang Xuan, no matter what his identity is, he doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

Wu Zhuolin is also sure that after hearing what he said, it seems that he is attracted by the scenery here, the night sky is also extraordinarily beautiful, and the Zijin Palace in front of him is extraordinarily radiant.

Because when Wu Zhuolin built it, the purple gold palace was all made of (ccac) gold material, so in a bowl, as long as there is extra brilliance embellished by the new crown, the purple gold palace will shine.

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