Anyway, Yang Xuan is very particular, and he was also a foodie before, but he just came here and started reincarnating through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, starting a new state of life.

Chapter 1767 A New Journey

But Yang Xuan should enjoy his food when it's time to eat, because every world he goes to is different, and Yang Xuan has to experience the Ultimate World, Advanced World and Attendance World.

However, he has not yet reached the advanced world, and Yang Xuan is still slowly changing. He just feels that the current situation is relatively stable.

Then this time, when he wants to enjoy some delicacies in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, and then bring the reincarnation into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate, Yang Xuan can't delay his eating these hobbies.

Because he himself loves to eat, but sometimes because of the reincarnation world, Yang Xuan has no time to eat at all. He also knows in his heart that once he enters another state.

He will not be the same as before, because he knows in his heart that once a new path is started, then every world is different.

After the shopkeeper heard what Yang Xuan said, he had already stopped his activities. He just felt that no matter where Yang Xuan came from, he had actually entered the fairy flower world. He is not a bad person, so how could the shopkeeper Worry about it.

He just thinks that the young man speaks very crisply, and looks elegant and polite. The shopkeeper likes such guests, because there are many such young people in their Fairy Flower Realm.

At the same time, there are many evil people. Anyway, it doesn't matter, and those evil people don't dare to make mistakes.

The shopkeeper just felt that what the young man said made him feel happy, but he didn't know where Yang Xuan came from.

But he also told himself in his heart that there is no need to think too much about some things, no matter where the other party is from, as long as he is a good person, why bother to ask so many questions, the shopkeeper knows it well.

He had almost finished cooking the wontons at the moment, and he was also happy to hear what Yang Xuan said. Young people can ask for anything, and his wontons are for everyone to eat deliciously and happily.

"Young man, don't worry, you can add any material you want, so you can add more materials here as long as you think of, then the fee will not be charged, as long as you like it, it is the first time to see you Came to our Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, so I specially cooked a few more for you'¨."

"Because I think my soul is very delicious, it will definitely make you addicted to it, you will definitely come here to eat wontons every day before you leave here, as long as you want to eat, you come to this street, This street not only has wontons, but also some pies, and some donkey meat on fire."

"¨Anyway, there are a lot of things, as long as you want to eat, here are all very fresh, you can eat it with confidence, because the people who do business here don't lie to others and speak honesty, because everyone is living The elves in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm have now turned into human beings."

After Yang Xuan heard what the shopkeeper (de) said, he also felt happy in his heart, because he really thought so, the people here all pay attention to honesty, and the seller of the weapon he looked at just now is like this.

Yang Xuan came to this spirit fairy flower world and met several people. They are really in this state, and each of them is very honest and kind.

Although I met a strange person, but the strange person hid in the cave, he did not come out to harm others.

Chapter 1768

He just wanted to protect his homeland, and he didn't have any conflicts with himself, so he knew in his heart that if he didn't break into someone else's territory, then that person wouldn't be able to come out.

Yang Xuan also knew clearly that he had offended that stranger, otherwise he would not have been able to launch an attack. Yang Xuan wanted to review himself at this moment, and he couldn't think everything was someone else's fault.

The shopkeeper was cooking wontons while looking at Yang Xuan. At this moment, Yang Xuan kept looking at him. The shopkeeper also understood at this moment. It was only the first day when Yang Xuan came to this Fairy Flower Realm.

Otherwise, he wouldn't look so strange, and he wouldn't be able to look at Wonton. If he had been here for a few days, he would have to pay 100 to go shopping here, because this street is the busiest. .

In Lingxian Flower Realm, when the elves are free, they will go shopping here to buy things. This street is really lively, and the shopkeeper also chatted speculatively with Yang Xuan. When I saw him just now, I also felt that He looks different.

Then talking to him also feels very good, and what the other person said makes me happy, so that the shopkeeper can get to know them, and there is really no extravagance.

As long as they can settle down to a good life in this spirit fairy flower world, they will have no regrets. They are also very happy to be able to make some wontons here and start a small business, he looked at and said.

"We all have a place to stay, and we don't want to make this place a mess, so some things have to be sincere and condolences. We don't want to cheat. After all, we are neighbors, so we all know each other. Why? Want to lie? So we have to do better."

"In fact, sometimes you can eat wontons at home, even if some people don't want to move, they can't make them. Then many people in our street come here to do business, so get some snacks, as long as everyone likes it. Now, don't be polite, besides, the wontons will be cooked in a while."

"If you think the seasoning is not enough or the taste is not good (ccac), you can add seasoning. I have several kinds of seasoning here, as long as you like it."

After the shopkeeper said this, the wontons were about to be out of the pan, and the wontons he looked at had already floated up and seemed to be bulging.

Then it proves that it will be cooked soon. The shopkeeper will eat the wontons made by himself every day, and he also finds them very delicious, even though they are all vegetarian fillings.

But it tastes really delicious, because the stuffing he got from the shopkeeper uses some special seasonings, and their fairy flower world really has a lot of special things, and there are a lot of these seasonings.

They are from the flower world, so they can grow these spices, but there is no such problem. The shopkeeper usually grows some spices in his back garden.

When they are ripe, these dried spices will be picked and ground into powder to become these seasonings, and then put a little when making delicacies, it will be very delicious and delicious, which is what the shopkeeper usually does.

His wontons are very famous. No one in the fairy flower world knows his wontons, and as long as they come to this stall, they will eat a bowl of wontons. His business is very good, everyone likes it.

Chapter 1769 Helpless

Although he doesn't need to have his wealth, it's not interesting in this spirit fairy flower world, so wouldn't it be good to make some wontons with his own skills and start a small business?

The shopkeeper just hoped that he could live happily every day, so that no one would feel bored and helpless, so he knew in his heart that if it wasn't for his own time, he would spend more time.

To pass some boring time, it is impossible for him to make wontons and sell wontons. Originally, his craftsmanship is good, so he thinks that people here can taste his own craftsmanship~.

They can all eat these delicious wontons made by themselves, and the wish of the shopkeeper has been fulfilled. At this moment, he also feels that as long as the guests who come to the booth, they will be satisfied and happy to eat.

The shopkeeper had nothing else to ask for in his heart, he just wanted to live a fulfilling life every day and happily spend the rest of his life in this fairy flower world, so after coming to this place, this place with a sense of fairy spirit is in harmony with the world. - isolated.

These innocent elves are slowly cultivating here, have a human identity, and can walk freely. They are not floating in the air before.

I feel very happy, so there is not much change in all of this. They really think that they can live a good life without too many troubles.

Yang Xuan was very happy after hearing what the shopkeeper said. He had never been so happy as today, because he also felt that although he had not been here for a long time, he had come to the Fairy Flower Realm.

But he really hadn't eaten anything before, this was the first time he had eaten such wontons, and he felt happy that the wontons would be cooked soon.

The shopkeeper has already put these seasonings in the bowl, and it is very full. When you look at the round and fat wontons, you will be very appetizing.

Yang Xuan is also sure about all of this at this moment, but he just feels that these problems are in front of him. He has no problems when he comes to this fairy flower world, and he has no ideas.

He just wants to take some reincarnators out of here, go to another world to start their new life again, and once the game starts, everything will be stable.

But if some people don't want to go, Yang Xuan will not force it. He doesn't want to go so much now, he just wants to eat wontons.

····Ask for flowers 0··

"Hearing what you said, I feel very happy in my heart, and I haven't eaten wontons for several years. When I saw your wontons, I could smell the smell from a distance, and I saw that the wontons were so big. Youyuan has a particularly strong appetite, so I thought I must eat a bowl."

"And after hearing what you said, you don't have to think about this wonton. It must be very delicious. No wonder the guests here are full of praise. Everyone is talking about your wonton, so they praise you while eating. I heard After saying this, I feel very excited.”


"Because everyone's cooking skills are different. Some people can make pasta, and some people can make some stir-fried vegetables and make some tricks, but you are enough to support yourself with wontons. Besides, in Lingxianhua There is no need for such a thing in the world, and you elves have become human."

The shopkeeper was cooking the wontons at the moment, and heard what Yang Xuan said, and looked at him with a smile from now on. The other guests, they were indeed talking about it, praising the deliciousness of the wontons.

Chapter 1770

When Yang Xuan saw this small stall, it was quite prosperous. He didn't expect that there was everything in this fairy flower world. There were food and antiques on this street.

And there are also some weird things that are sold here, and Yang Xuan was so excited like today for the last time, because in this place he has to reincarnate non-stop through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

But the people here have changed with the new "One Zero Three", but now Yang Xuan also feels that coming to this place is the most beautiful world, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to leave here.

But he also knew what the mission was, so how could he not leave? How could it be possible to stay here, he clearly watched the shopkeeper cooking wontons for him, and Yang Xuan also felt particularly excited.

It is also very happy to be able to eat a bowl of wontons here. Yang Xuan has not eaten human food for a long time, so he is also quite surprised.

But when some situations arise, he also understands, how could he not understand the situation behind this, if there are really some changes.

He didn't want too many problems to arise, he just hoped that everything would be stable, and he didn't want to have too many thoughts.

They are all repeat customers here, and they come to this street to eat wontons every day. They are all elves in this fairy flower world. They have lived here for so long, and they have all turned into human beings and have successfully cultivated.

Seeing how delicious and happy they were eating, Yang Xuan felt happy too. Seeing that Chaos had an appetite, it was impossible for Yang Xuan to be attracted by the smell.

Moreover, there are a lot of snacks sold nearby, which is really interesting. Yang Xuan also understands that his heart is relatively peaceful at the moment, how could he have any worries because of this matter?

Yang Xuan is also sure that all of this is just thinking in his heart that if something happens sometimes, then the situation in the spirit fairy flower world is different.

Yang Xuan also felt that they were living a happier life, and this was the best way. Being able to live so happily in this place was not easy in itself.

"It's pretty good for you to live here. You don't have to worry about this problem at all if you are free, and you don't have to think too much. At the same time, you don't have any danger in this place. You have a lot of abilities in this fairy flower world. It's totally useless to do business..."

"But you first make this place like the world. It seems that some of you also miss the life in the world. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make this place into such a street, and there are so many vendors of all kinds, and you here There are so many snacks, it’s no different from a prosperous street in the world.”

After Yang Xuan said this, he kept looking at the shopkeeper, thinking that their bustling street was really different from those particularly good places he had been to before, they all looked like this.

Because each place is different by 0.2, but this fairy flower world also has its own unique concept, it seems that the creation here is quite magical.

Then Yang Xuan knew about these problems in his heart, but he came to this fairy flower world, if they want to reincarnate, Yang Xuan has no problem.

He just thought that this time he was reincarnated and came to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, and see if he can bring some reincarnated people out of here.

Chapter 1771 Changing Fate

If they meet the conditions, they can be reincarnated. Yang Xuan has already notified the people here, and they will tell each other. Yang Xuan will start counting the number of people in a few days.

If there are really enough people, then Yang Xuan can leave when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower comes here, although he has some thoughts in his heart at this moment.

But you have to eat something, even if you have powerful spells and don't need to eat, but you have to eat a bowl of wontons when you come here.

Even though it was a simple wonton, Yang Xuanxue still had to eat a bowl of it. It was warm and looked very appetizing, so Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart that there was no need to say too much.

22 The shopkeeper and the others are doing business on this street. They cannot meet the requirements. They are all older, and it is impossible for them to reincarnate, and there is no need for it.

It was impossible for Yang Xuan to inform them. After all, if they wanted to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, they did not meet the requirements when they were reincarnated, and they would not be able to meet this standard after they passed the age. It was absolutely not allowed.

So Yang Xuan also knew how it was possible for him not to know such a situation. He just felt that these situations were in front of him, so he would explain it to them.

The other people were eating wontons. After hearing what Yang Xuan said, they also felt that his voice was not pleasant, and they didn't know where the accent came from.

They live in this spirit fairy flower world, and their tone is like this, and the speed of speech is relatively fast. At the same time, since Yang Xuan, who speaks with a lover's accent, can understand it.

So these people could understand what Yang Xuan said, but they just found it strange that since this person entered the fairy flower world with a strange face, he also wanted to eat wontons.

So everyone was very curious. Some people did not leave the booth after eating the wontons, but were still sitting.

The shopkeeper had finished cooking the wontons. He watched Yang Xuan walk over, so he could add as much ingredients as Yang Xuan wanted to add to the wontons, and there was a row of seasonings on the table, all of which were made by the shopkeeper. Secretly made by myself.

And it’s especially delicious in wontons. There’s also a kind of sauce, so some wontons don’t put sauce, but he made a sauce for the wontons here, which is also a built-in sauce.

Then if you want to put some, the taste is also okay, but some people don’t like the shopkeeper, it’s just random, he won’t put it for everyone, let them put it by themselves, so that some people don’t want to eat it, and when the time comes, it’s useless to make wontons up.

"Little brother, your event is ready, come over and see what you want to put in these ingredients, and the fishing time here is 103 to put you in chaos, I didn't add any seasoning for you, and you put salt in it yourself These seasonings, and these coriander, but I have put away the dried shrimps and seaweed for you, and it will be more delicious if you cook it for a while."

"I just think you're really interesting. I understand what you said just now. Our street is very lively. Our street is very prosperous. It's not like those big villages. Our place is also one of the most What a beautiful world, anyway we live a particularly happy life."

"We never have too many thoughts, and we don't have any worries. We just want to live in peace, and we don't think too much about other things.".

Chapter 1772 Limited ability

"I just think that you have come in here, and you seem to be capable, otherwise you would not be able to appear here at all, and I understand it in my heart."

After Yang Xuan heard what the shopkeeper said, he now understood what the shopkeeper said, and made himself feel very happy. After all, after coming to this fairy flower world, everyone seemed so kind.

Although there are some villains, they won't do anything too outrageous. There are rules in their spirit fairy flower world.

If it was an evil person, it would be impossible for them to stay in the spirit fairy flower world. After all, these elves are so cute, and they don't have too bad intentions, but there is no guarantee.

Anyway, Yang Xuan came here and didn't encounter too many situations. He just felt that this place was really an unexpected space isolated from the world.

Yang Xuan came here with the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower this time, and he was in a good mood, at least he didn't have too many worries, and his heart was relatively peaceful.

As long as he can walk here once, he will naturally leave here when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened. Yang Xuan also understands in his heart, how could he not know about this situation.

But he also knew that if something happened, he would naturally change everything. It was impossible for him to keep worrying about these troubles.

Wherever he came, the Tower of Reincarnation brought him here, and his abilities were also improved, and he was also upgraded.

Only in this way can such a level be achieved, otherwise, if it is not achieved, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to appear in such an event.

The shopkeeper felt happy when he saw that Yang Xuan had started to add seasonings. Anyway, he could put as much as he wanted, and seeing Yang Xuan's condition, he should come here as a guest.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to show up and go shopping in the mood. If he was really sent here to have some mission, how could he come here to go shopping and eat wontons.

The shopkeeper also felt quite surprised at the moment, but he didn't think about these things so much. After all, the shopkeeper had lived in this area for so long, and he was already old.

He has become so powerful, he is already very happy, a little magic is enough, and no one bullies him in this fairy flower world, so he sells wontons on this street every day, and then goes back to practice.

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