"It turns out that this is the case. I also know your name. My name is Wu Zhuolin. I am an elf living in this fairy flower world. I have lived for a long time, so some of the elves here have turned into humans." Some of them are still practicing, but they all feel very happy anyway.”

"However, you came here, which also surprised me. When you appeared at the door just now, I felt that you were different. You are not an ordinary person anyway. Although your identity is human, you are stronger than human. A lot, I understand at the moment, but I won’t say so much.”

"What's the reason you came here? If it's not convenient to answer, you don't need to answer, but don't feel guilty, you didn't disturb my rest at all, even though it's so late and it's so dark , but it is impossible for me to rest so soon, I am not sleepy at all."

After Yang Xuan heard what Wu Zhuolin said, he followed him into the Zijin Palace, and when he came inside, he looked around.

Chapter 1779 Unique Ingenuity

The scenery here is also quite special, and the color here is the same as the outside, all of which are made of gold. Yang Xuan didn't think that Wu Zhuolin was young, and the style he liked was quite unique, which made him feel a little amazed. .

Yang Xuan also knew that he had seen many beautiful places and beautiful palaces, but the Zijin Palace that Wu Zhuolin built was truly unique.

Yang Xuan was also very happy in his heart, and after hearing what Wu Zhuolin said, he also knew that the person in front of him seemed to be very kind, why are all the people in this fairy flower world like this~.

Yang Xuan has not met an evil guy yet, but he believes that every place is the same, there are good and evil, this is normal, but he has not met, Yang Xuan don't worry, he will meet soon- .

But he doesn't care so much, with his ability, any danger he encounters will be saved and resolved. He is just waiting for the opportunity to understand the situation here.

Collect some things he wants, and then let the people here follow him to the Tower of Reincarnation to reincarnate, and see if they have this idea.

Yang Xuan would never be able to force it, because he felt that there was no need to give them a chance. If they didn't cherish it, they would have wasted the opportunity.

Yang Xuan has no regrets, and it is even more impossible for him to force everyone in this way, it is all voluntary.

Wu Zhuolin didn't know why he got so close to Yang Xuan when he saw him, and he couldn't finish talking with Yang Xuan, so he was very happy.

He just felt that if the current situation happened, he would have no troubles or worries in his heart, he just felt that everything was relatively peaceful.

How could Wu Zhuolin worry about other things anymore, he just felt that if some situations arise, he also knows the risks behind them.

At the same time, he also knew the problems behind this. If there were other things that really happened, he didn't want to have too many disputes.

Wu Zhuolin also thought in his heart that their Fairy Flower Realm is relatively stable, and he is very happy living in Zijin Palace at the moment, as long as there are no foreign invaders in their place.

····Ask for flowers 0··

They will never suffer any catastrophe, but Wu Zhuolin is also wondering, who is Yang Xuan? Why can he come to this fairy flower world? Their place is very mysterious.

"People here are relatively comfortable, and even if we stay up late tonight, we can get up later tomorrow, which is very easy. We don't have any rules, and no one gives us too much restraint. This is our most important thing. A way of life I want.”


"But looking at you like this, it's not easy to come to this fairy flower world. Our place is a world isolated from the rest of the world. Your ability to come here proves that you are very powerful. There is an invisible force in your body. You are a master anyway, I admire you very much."

Yang Xuan was very excited at the moment. They thought that the Zijin Palace appeared in this place, which surprised him. Yang Xuan had already come here, chatted with Wu Zhuolin, and knew the other party's name. He was still very frank. .

Chapter 1780 Unexpected

At this moment, Yang Xuan didn't want to hide his name, so he told him that they were familiar with each other. Yang Xuan was thinking in his heart, and would talk to him later.

Even if he had to tell him the purpose of his visit, Yang Xuan would not hide his point of view, because he is also everyone who wants to live in this aspect.

They have this opportunity to choose their own life, choose to enter the "One One Zero" reincarnation tower and enter other reincarnation worlds. If they agree to meet the standards, they have a chance.

Yang Xuan also decided to come here, the purpose is to clarify Wu Zhuolin's appearance at this moment, Yang Xuan also concluded that his age meets the requirements, it depends on whether he has this idea.

Wu Zhuolin looked at Yang Xuan and felt that he was a bit different, so what is his origin? Wu Zhuolin didn't ask yet, but he also told himself not to worry, the Yang Xuan in front of him looked different.

Since he was able to come to Lingxianhuajie, it proved that he is a powerful person, otherwise, how could he appear here, Wu Zhuolin also understood in his heart.

If they were ordinary people, how could they enter this kind of world? There are relatively few people in their place, so everyone is used to it, as long as a stranger comes.

They were a little scared, a little worried, and they were also afraid that some masters would appear here, their fairy flower world would be destroyed, and they would have no home.

What should they do at that time, let him worry, they have a psychological effect, but Wu Zhuolin also understands Yang Xuan, he looks so simple and so kind.

If he was a bad person, he would have already started making trouble here, so how could it be possible now? There is no need to worry about this issue, and there must be something about what he came here for.

It is impossible for him to do nothing, he must do something, anyway, Wu Zhuolin is also thinking in his heart, but he still feels very happy to meet such a master.

"I also feel honored to meet you. Don't talk about troublesome things. I also welcome you to my house as a guest. I am very happy. After all, I also have a company, because some of the elves here have homes. Some belong to one person, after all, elves..."

"How can it be possible to have a home? Anyway, everyone here is familiar with each other. We take care of each other. Although my place is relatively remote, I have a lot of partners. We are happy together every day without any worries. , which is also the best choice.”

After Wu Zhuolin finished speaking, he poured a glass of water for Yang Xuan. He didn't know Yang Xuan's background, but he just felt that he was very close to him, and it was refreshing to see him like this.

Where did this character in front of me come from? And he looks really weird, so must he be a human? If human beings have such an ability, I feel a little amazed.

After all, none of Wu Zhuolin and the others have been to 0.2, nor have humans been to the world. How could they know so much? They just think that some things seem to be unbelievable.

Wu Zhuolin also felt that Yang Xuan's arrival made everything here seem relatively small, but Yang Xuan looked so powerful, and his ability was very powerful at first glance, which should not be underestimated.

Chapter 1781 Not to be underestimated

Although Wu Zhuolin didn't fight him, he already felt that he was powerful, and his ability was very strong, no matter what, at least he was not a bad person.

Wu Zhuolin didn't worry so much anymore, but he always wanted to ask some questions, otherwise he would feel uneasy and surprised, but since the situation happened, how could he not know the problem behind it.

If something else really happened, he didn't want to have too many disputes, but hoped that their spirit fairy flower world could become calmer.

Because they knew that the fairy flower world did not exist many years ago, and later their masters built this fairy flower world to take in these elves.

They are slowly transforming here, becoming such an identity, and having a human appearance, they all feel very happy.

They don't want their homes to be destroyed like this at all, so for them, they are all sure of all this, but they just feel that if the situation really happens, how could they not know the problems behind it?

If something else really happens, they don't want to have too many disputes. Everything is relatively special for these elves, and they just want to live a normal life.

They really don't want to suffer any more, they have encountered accidents, and they have already seen that in the face of those **** scenes, it will never be the same as before, everything has changed.

Yang Xuan took the glass of water and drank it. After all, he felt that the water in this spirit fairy flower world was very sweet, and he didn't know why, this might be the world of flowers.

So this water tastes sweet and delicious, it is really delicious, and the water here is all natural, from a natural spring, Yang Xuan put down the water glass, looked up at Wu Zhuolin and felt happy.

It is also quite good to be in this Zijin Palace. Wu Zhuolin was able to build such a Zijin Palace in this place, which really made me feel quite admirable.

"I feel sorry for you saying that, but since I came to your house, I'm not afraid of disturbing you, anyway, you are alone, if you have a family, I feel that I am troublesome, and I will leave here , it was already dark, so I found this Zijin Palace before I knew it."

"I didn't expect every place to be so magical to me. After I came here, I felt like I couldn't see it. There are too many scenery here, so I want to enjoy the scenery here. But just now You are so kind to me, in fact, I know it in my heart."

"I must have 113 things when I came here, otherwise I would not be able to appear here. I was thinking about it just now. If some things really change, then it depends on how I face it. Sometimes if There are really too many changes, and I hope I can make a good decision on all of this.”

After Wu Zhuolin heard what Yang Xuan said, he was also studying what this person meant. Although what he said is more or less understandable in his heart.

But he seems to have something in his words. Could it be that he is expressing something? Does he really like it so much here? If he likes this spirit fairy flower world, there is absolutely no problem in surviving here with his ability.

Chapter 1782 The memory is still fresh

But why does he look so sad? Wu Zhuolin also looked at Yang Xuan's expression changed, and he seemed to be frowning at the moment.

It seems that there are a lot of things on his mind. Although Wu Zhuolin doesn't know him well, after all, he just met him and didn't understand some words, and he doesn't know his origin.

I don't even know why he appeared in this fairy flower world. There must be something wrong. Wu Zhuolin also understands it in his heart, but if this happens, he doesn't know how to ask the other party.

Let's see what Yang Xuan said, Wu Zhuolin just thinks that he is not dangerous at all, as long as he doesn't hurt the elves here, then other things are nothing.

Wu Zhuolin also saw that Yang Xuan had many abilities. If he really wanted to hurt the elves here, he would not be as calm as he is now, and would have already attacked.

It is also impossible to come to this remote place of his own. As a result, Wu Zhuolin built the Zijin Palace in this place, but he lived a relatively free life, never having any pressure or trouble.

Once some problems arise, how could he not know the risks of this wave? Everyone in their Spirit Fairy Flower Realm is praying that they will be safe and sound here, and that it will be fine if they don't encounter any accidents, and they will be satisfied.

Yang Xuan really had a lot of thoughts in his heart. After all, he came to the spirit fairy flower world. He didn't want to deceive every elf, and hoped that they would know his origin.

Only in this way can he choose to follow him into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and leave here, and enter other reincarnation worlds, so Yang Xuan also knows in his heart that each world is different, so it depends on their fortune.

And Yang Xuan also understands that everyone has a chance, so he doesn't want these people to miss such a good opportunity, although he didn't fully express his purpose at the moment.

But since he came to the Zijin Palace and chatted with Wu Zhuolin for so long, he must have told him about it, and Wu Zhuolin also has the right to choose.

"If there is any accident, I am afraid that some troubles will arise from it, and things will be difficult to handle at that time, so there are often troubles, but I don't need to be so entangled all the time. When I came to Lingxian From then on, Huajie felt that he didn't have any worries'¨."

"¨Here can make people forget everything and calm people's minds. This is the only way to achieve this goal. So at this moment, I also understand all this. How could I not understand the situation here? I feel that if some things are really There's been a change and there's hope for everything."

"I can get a reasonable solution, and I have something to do when I come here, otherwise, I would not be able to appear in this fairy flower world. Do you think my origin is very curious? Although there is no (Well done) Ask, but I know in my heart that you will definitely have a lot of questions."

After Yang Xuan said this, he hesitated in his heart whether to tell Wu Zhuolin now, or wait until tomorrow to confess to him? Anyway, Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He just felt that since he had some concerns, he would wait until he had just met Wu Zhuolin and came to this Zijin Palace, and if he said something all at once, he might not be able to accept it.

Chapter 1783

Anyway, Yang Xuan also said that he came here for a purpose, and he also asked Wu Zhuolin about the situation. Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that it was impossible for Wu Zhuolin not to be curious about him.

The more curious he is.

Yang Xuanyue wanted to tell him his purpose, but Yang Xuan was not sure whether it could be said tonight, he just felt that he was not in a hurry anyway.

Everything has a chance, and he thought in his heart that if there were any changes in the situation, he didn't want to have too many problems.

Moreover, Yang Xuan, who was still relatively calm in his heart, could not know the risks behind this. Once something happened, then Yang Xuan didn't want too many problems to happen.

Everyone in this spirit fairy flower world, they 113 are the kinder Yang Xuan, and they don't want to hurt them because of their arrival, but it is impossible for Yang Xuan to do so.

He came here to bring the people here into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate, to see if they have this idea, so Yang Xuan will not force everything to go with the flow.

If they didn't like it, then Yang Xuan wouldn't think about it so much, and he wouldn't make other choices. If they liked it, maybe everything would change.

Wu Zhuolin felt that Yang Xuan was quite strange, did he want to tell himself (ccac) what he was doing here? Is it because he wants to have a showdown with himself?

Talking about these things to himself, Wu Zhuolin suddenly felt a special feeling in his heart, wanting to know what this Yang Xuan in front of him does, and how much ability he has.

Where did he come from, and why did he appear in this fairy flower world? It's really unbelievable, they have really lived in the fairy flower world for so many years.

Only one person came here and was taken in by them. Since then, no one has entered this place again. Why did such a person suddenly come here?

How could Wu Zhuolin not have any thoughts in his heart? If the other party wanted to say something, he certainly wanted to listen to him. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at Yang Xuan curiously and said.

"Brother Yang, I am also happy to hear you say that, and you have come to this fairy flower world, this is our hometown, we feel very honored to come here, it seems that many friends already know Come here, the elves we live here, we all know each other."

"Unless we don't know strange faces, just like you, if you go anywhere, we will know that you are from another world, anyway, not from our fairy flower world, but what you said just now made me feel happy It’s very good, and I feel very happy in my heart.”

"Since you trust me so much, you also want to tell me your background. Of course I want to hear your purpose, but I won't ask, because I don't think you are a bad person. Why do I ask so much?"

Yang Xuan looked at Wu Zhuolin, he was really different, and he didn't seem to be dissociated. After all, he was young, and he just became an adult and met the conditions for entering the Tower of Reincarnation.

But Yang Xuan was also thinking that at such a young age, he could clean the Zijin Palace so clean, and make this home so beautiful, it is really extraordinary.

Chapter 1784 Carefree

He is also happy to live here. Looking at his expression, you can tell that he is carefree and very happy.

If you can really live so happily, there is really nothing to worry about in this situation, so Yang Xuan is also clear, since he can think so thoughtfully.

It seems that his mind is still relatively active, every place in this spirit fairy flower world is different, Yang Xuan also felt that this Zijin Palace surprised him.

Wu Zhuolin appeared here, so he has created such a magical and beautiful home, so that he can live a more carefree life.

Because there is never any danger in this flower world, and there will be no accidents in this place, because there are no magical treasures in this place, so how could it cause some disputes?

These elves in the flower world only need to live here, and they can't think so much about other things, so he knows in his heart, and it's not that he doesn't understand these issues.

He just hoped that all of this would go smoothly, how could he be hoping that too many problems would arise, and Yang Xuan also felt that Wu Zhuolin's heart was relatively pure, and he looked very innocent.

As long as he can live well here, Yang Xuan doesn't care so much about other things, and everyone who appears here~.

As long as Yang Xuan got to know each other and became friends with them, he felt very excited and very excited, after all, he also knew-.

Since some things happened, how could he not know the storm behind it? He also knew it in his heart, and he also felt that these problems were in front of him.

Then Yang Xuan will always deal with it. The purpose of coming here is very clear, it is to enter another world, so Yang Xuan doesn't know if he can gain something this time.

Taking them out of here and into the True Reincarnation Tower, although Yang Xuan couldn't make a conclusion in his heart, he felt that what Wu Zhuolin said was quite reasonable.

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