But now Yang Xuan also understands that he has just entered the spirit fairy flower world, how could he leave here so soon, I am afraid he will have to stay longer this time.

Because through this time he has already entered the world, everything here is quite magical, and the things here are also quite strange, as long as he can get some abilities, Yang Xuan's level will continue to improve.

And it will slowly increase his ability, so Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry about it, he just feels that everything will develop naturally.

After all, Yang Xuan understood what Leng Qingyun said, it seemed that he was worried about his own situation, and wanted to know what he wanted to do.

Leng Qingyun saw Yang Xuan all the time, but felt that his side face was still so handsome, and his nose bridge was very straight, his eyebrows looked very thick, and his eye hair was also very long. I didn't expect Yang Xuan to be so handsome. .

Leng Qingyun only looked at Yang Xuan carefully at this moment. After all, he saw Yang Xuan at the very beginning, but he didn't look so carefully. They only saw Yang Xuan's real appearance now that they were sitting in this pavilion.

Leng Qingyun was also happy in his heart, after all, he was very happy to meet Yang Xuan, and he didn't belong to this fairy flower world or this world, but since he came here, Leng Qingyun wanted to treat him as a friend.

I just think where he should go, he must have a home, if not, he can get along with himself, anyway, Leng Qingyun is already ready.

Yang Xuan has already said that he may leave the fairy flower world at any time, because he will leave as soon as the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, but the elves living in this fairy flower world.

If their conditions permit, they can enter the True Reincarnation Tower and start reincarnation with Yang Xuan, but Leng Qingyun doesn't want to do this, even though he is old enough to meet the conditions, but he doesn't want to leave the fairy flower world.

He didn't even want to leave the home where he lived for so long. Leng Qingyun was a little bit reluctant, but he knew in his heart that no matter what.

If these things happen, how could he not know the situation behind it, if maybe all of this is relatively normal.

But it is also quite special to him, he will not think about other issues anymore, and will not worry about those boring things anymore, everything is indifferent to him.

So at this moment, he also understood in his heart that as long as he could deal with these problems no matter what, he would not have too many regrets in his heart, he said to Yang Xuan again.

"¨Do you want to live alone? I just think it's (Nuo Zhao's) a little strange, but I don't understand why. If you find it convenient, I've said it. It's the same when you go to my house. '.."

"I only live alone, but if you really want to find what you want here, I don't want to bother you. Just watch and dream. After all, I'm just giving you a suggestion for these things. How to deal with it is your own business, I don't want to interfere with all this.".

Chapter 1653 Freedom to Come and Go

Leng Qingyun has already spoken so directly, because he doesn't want to interfere with Yang Xuanzi. He can do whatever he wants in this regard, as long as he has the ability, as long as he doesn't hurt his elves.

Then there is no doubt, Leng Qingyun already understood what Yang Xuan said, but he didn't know where he came from.

But he can control the Reincarnation Tower and travel freely, which proves that he is not an ordinary person, and Leng Qingyun will not think too much in his heart, let alone make himself so entangled.

Because Leng Qingyun is careless, he will not let himself have too many problems, and let himself live so anxiously every day, this is not his personality.

So Leng Qingyun also understood in his heart, but 970 felt that if such a situation happened, of course he knew the situation behind it, and hoped that everything would be stable.

I really don't want to have too many disputes anymore. Leng Qingyun doesn't want them to encounter any setbacks in the fairy flower world, because they have always lived freely here.

There was never any danger, and he didn't want to change everything because of Yang Xuan's arrival. Although Leng Qingyun didn't say that, he had such thoughts in his heart, but he didn't want to hurt Yang Xuan.

After hearing what Leng Qingyun said, Yang Xuan also understood, it seems (ccab) that he wants to live with him home, Yang Xuan pondered in his heart whether to do so.

Because he wants to find some things and some abilities in this fairy flower world, and at the same time get a lot of props, so if he really goes, is it convenient for everyone?

Yang Xuan was also thinking about what to do with this matter, but he didn't want to refuse directly, and he seemed a little impolite.

Yang Xuan feels that Leng Qingyun is quite enthusiastic, if it really makes him sad, this is not what Yang Xuan wants to see, but at the moment he wants to be alone in this spirit fairy flower world.

If it is really going to someone else's house, it is true that many actions are restricted, so it is not very comfortable to travel by yourself, Yang Xuan is also thinking in his heart, if it is not possible, he should politely refuse, he said when he saw Leng Qingyun.

"I understand what you said just now, but you don't have to think too much, no matter what, I have come to this fairy flower world, and I will never hurt you, and you don't have to worry about me coming here For what, don't care what I want to find, no matter what I do, I can't make you feel any threat."

"I won't let you encounter any accidents. I said that as long as it is what you want, or some treasures that you think are very precious, I will never take it away, because I don't think it is necessary. My ability It has reached a very high level."

"I don't hurt others in this way. I wouldn't do it before, and I still won't do it now, so don't worry so much, but I understand what you said just now, your kindness to me I appreciate it, because I also like to wander freely in this fairy flower world."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Leng Qingyun understood somewhat, but he had to think about it, didn't he want to disturb himself? So Leng Qingyun didn't quite understand this situation.

Chapter 1654

It's just that Leng Qingyun still understood what he said, because he didn't want to hurt others in this fairy flower world, and he wouldn't do it in other worlds.

Leng Qingyun doesn't have too many worries now, he just needs to understand these things in his heart, but if some problems arise, how could he not know the situation behind them.

Leng Qingyun will not worry about other situations anymore, but he just feels that if some things really happen, he doesn't want to have too many disputes, and he doesn't want him to have too many regrets.

How could Leng Qingyun not understand the reasons for these things? Once any situation arises, he doesn't know that he wants to see the result.

So he can do better and handle it perfectly, so he doesn't have to worry about these problems anymore, and Leng Qingyun doesn't have to be afraid anymore.

After all, it is impossible for him to leave here through this kind of reincarnation, and it is also impossible for him to enter other worlds through the Tower of True Reincarnation. Leng Qingyun also feels scared, because he doesn't have much ability.

He felt more comfortable staying here, this is the life he wanted, he felt that he was not so greedy, nor had such thoughts.

I don't even want to make myself so curious to go to other places to experience it. This kind of feeling is also dangerous, so it's better to stay here ~ it's pretty cool.

Yang Xuan continued to look at Leng Qingyun, his eyes were very calm, and he looked very kind without any eyes, Leng Qingyun was really different.

Yang Xuan also felt that these elves living in this spirit fairy flower world, are they all like this, everyone is very simple.

But there are evil people appearing in every place, this is a different kind of feeling, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he would not worry so much in his heart, nor would he worry so much.

He just thought it was all right to let it go, how could he be thinking wildly at this moment? Everything is safe in his mind.

Then Yang Xuan didn't think too much about the problem, but felt that if this matter really happened, it would be a little unimaginable for him.

How could he know the hardships and dangers behind this, but Yang Xuan also understood that once these things happened, he didn't want to have too many disputes.

····Ask for flowers 0·

I hope everything can go on peacefully, this is the question that Yang Xuan wants to see the most, he said looking at Leng Qingyun at this moment.

"I don't want to enter a place to live, but if I have nothing to do, I will go to your house as a guest. After all, I feel your enthusiasm. The reason why I say this is that I am afraid that you will be sad? Because You want to invite me to live with you at your home."


"But you also know that I don't belong here. I came here to enter the fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. I also came to a new world and started a new journey. Then I have I don't want to bother you about my own life, life is that simple, so don't worry so much about it."

"I don't dislike you at the moment, because I like to make friends, but I am also afraid of making friends. Once I leave, I will feel very sad, because I don't like the feeling of parting, and I don't like the feeling of being sad. Look, because I made friends." 1.

Chapter 1655

After hearing these words, Leng Qingyun understood that what Yang Xuan said was to reject him directly, he didn't want to go to his home, he didn't want to disturb others, and he didn't want to be restrained at the same time.

Leng Qingyun understood his intentions. He kept looking at Yang Xuan at this moment, but felt that since he had made such a decision, he didn't want to force it. Leng Qingyun was a relatively casual person. different.

He has entered the spirit fairy flower world through reincarnation and opened a new world, but Leng Qingyun also understands that if the people here really have such an idea.

He will definitely tell Yang Xuan, but he just feels that Yang Xuan wants to find something in this fairy flower world, that is his own freedom.

Although their place seems to be isolated from the world, but Yang Xuan can come to this fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, which proves that he is destined to be here.

Leng Qingyun won't worry so much anymore, everything will develop according to Yang Xuan's ideas, and she doesn't have any worries, as long as they can live in peace, it's fine as before.

The reason why Yang Xuan entered another world through such a situation, he didn't want to make friends, was because he felt that such a situation always faced a kind of reluctance to part.

Yang Xuan really felt quite helpless in his heart, but he knew in his heart that whenever a world enters another world, how could it not accept people, and how could it be possible that nothing would happen?

Yang Xuan sometimes feels quite disturbing, but there is no way to go through the True Reincarnation Tower. He always has new changes. He can shuttle freely, which is actually a particularly good state for him.

Don't you feel satisfied? So Yang Xuan also saw through all of this, and felt that he was used to it, so every time he separated from a good friend, he knew in his heart that it was obviously a kind of eternal parting.

It is impossible to see each other again, but you have to get used to this situation, there is no way, he is such a status, Yang Xuan looked at Leng Qingyun and said.

"Once I leave these worlds, I will never see my friends again. It's a farewell scene. Tell me, isn't it cruel, so sometimes I feel free by myself It is also very good to come to another world, through reincarnation and through such a way to improve ability..."

"Don't leave too many regrets. This is what I want to do. After all, I know in my heart that once I enter another world, it will be a different scene."

"Because I often go to different worlds, every place is different and every place is full of evil and power, but it all depends on how I decide."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Leng Qingyun understood his worries now, so he didn't want to make any friends, nor did he want to have too deep friendship with anyone.

It is because 0.1 will not belong to this world in the end, he belongs to many worlds, and he may return to the world that belongs to him in the end.

So when he goes through this kind of reincarnation, he is just going through a temporary process.

You really can't think too much about other things, Leng Qingyun also understands, but as long as he has experienced it, he doesn't have any regrets in his heart.

Chapter 1656 Figured everything out

Because Leng Qingyun understands that everyone has regrets, everyone has ideas, so how can nothing change, but he just thinks that if such a situation happens, he knows in his heart that there is no need to worry so much.

Leng Qingyun never thinks too complicatedly. He feels that since he has known each other, he is like a good friend of his. One day he wants to leave this fairy flower world and go to other worlds to find another feeling. This is all possible. of.

Do you want to live together all the time? There is no never-ending banquet in the world, so why worry about it? As long as the process is beautiful and worth remembering, that's fine.

What will the final outcome look like 22? This is a problem that no one can encounter. Why do you think of these things in advance? Why do you make yourself look so sad.

So Leng Qingyun also knew in his heart that he really wouldn't think so, he just felt that if some situations arise, of course he understands these truths, so how could he worry about other things.

I just feel that if some problems really change, he doesn't want anything else to happen, and hopes that everything will go smoothly. Then Leng Qingyun is really like this, regardless of his young age .

But he knows a lot of things. He has already faced the current situation. His parents have left him, and his brothers and sisters are no longer there, so he lives alone in this fairy flower world.

I never make myself feel miserable because of such things. After all, even if the dead have left this world, there are still many living people alive. This is an unchangeable fact.

Although Yang Xuan felt a little emotional at the moment, he felt that Leng Qingyun's expression was very natural. He didn't seem to have any worries or worries, but Yang Xuan also understood that all this had already been figured out in his heart.

These things also feel that if something happens, he knows what to do in his heart, how could he not understand the situation behind it, but sometimes things are not as simple as before.

Yang Xuan just thinks that everything is according to the arrangement of fate, and he won't think too much about other things. After all, once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, he will leave quickly and go to other places in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. The world, maybe returning to his own world is unknown, Yang Xuan said to Leng Qingyun again.

"I just think everything will go with the flow, so if you people in the fairy flower world are really interested, you can follow me to reincarnate through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, as long as you meet the conditions. I’ve already told you 970, it’s up to you to decide.”

"Then if you go back and see your elves here, you can tell them about this and let them choose by themselves, so contact me again then."

"I will visit you before I leave, because your home is not far away. I already know the place you pointed to just now. I will go to you when the time comes. I know your name and I will contact you. Yours, it all depends on what you people who live in the fairy flower world think."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he just told Leng Qingyun that if these elves live in this fairy flower world and understand this matter,

Chapter 1657

If the elves living here really want to follow him to leave here through the True Reincarnation Tower, then Yang Xuan will naturally help them, but the conditions have already been agreed with him.

He understands, so let him handle this matter. After all, every time Yang Xuan goes to a world, he goes through such a situation. With these people, he can have a chance to start reincarnating. Only in this way, Yang Xuan's ability can be improved. .

Only his level can reach the strongest level, Yang Xuan is also clear, but first of all, they have to be willing, they just want to reincarnate with him.

Then there is no need to worry so much about other things, Yang Xuan can understand these principles, and there is no need to worry so much at all, but if he feels that some situations arise, of course he understands the situation behind them.

Seeing Yang Xuan, Leng Qingyun just felt that what he said was so direct and clear, it seemed that he had already decided to do this, and he would not go to his home.

It seems that Leng Qingyun should not force this matter, after all, he now knows Yang Xuan in front of him, he looks majestic, and he can come here through the True Reincarnation Tower, which proves that he is a strong man.

It's fine that he won't have any problems, and he won't encounter any problems, so why worry so much, Leng Qingyun is clear about all this, but he just feels that as long as Yang Xuan can understand these principles in his heart, it will be fine.

And he likes to do this, so don't force it, Leng Qingyun just wants to find him, but this situation also understands that Yang Xuan has his own ideas, since he came to this fairy flower world, he must have his own task.

Then let him search freely, Leng Qingyun also understands that Yang Xuan will not hurt them, there is nothing to worry about so there is no need to worry so much.

After all, Leng Qingyun can't force Yang Xuan to do something he doesn't like, it's not something Leng Qingyun wants to see at all, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Don't worry, I'll remember what you said. If you don't want to go to my house now, then I don't want to force it. After all, I know in my heart that you may have something to do. I also know in my heart. Besides, you can't hurt me." Me? If there is anything else to worry about, you can figure it out for yourself.”

"Then you also know where my home is. If you really feel tired from walking, or if you have found what you need or want to learn, you can go to my home. That's okay. My home is only It's more convenient to be alone, so don't refuse any more."

"¨¨I'm just telling you that. Besides, if you don't want to go now, then you can go to your business. I know in my heart that I won't pester you anymore. After all, I think we are friends now that we know each other. Yes, one day you will leave here through the True Reincarnation Tower, I have already (Nuo Zhao’s) figured out these things, and I won’t have any regrets.”

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he didn't have any worries in his heart. He just felt that what Leng Qingyun said was reasonable. If so, then it seems that when he was about to leave, he really had to explain something to his face. up.

Besides, Yang Xuan has something to do now, it is impossible for him to stay in one place, and it is impossible for him to stay in Leng Qingyun's house forever.

Chapter 1658 Let It Be

Yang Xuan is not tired and doesn't want to do this now, besides, after he has this ability to enter the spirit fairy flower world, he naturally has plans, how could he be wasting time like this right now.

In his mind, he also understood this truth in his heart, but he felt that since some things appeared in front of him, he always had to deal with them. concern.

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