Yang Xuan thought it was quite interesting, but in such a situation it would depend on the other party's will, if they didn't like Yang Xuan would not force it.

Because it is conditional to enter the Tower of True Reincarnation and start reincarnation, and it is impossible to do it if you do not reach this level.

Yang Xuan also felt that everything was relatively easy, and if he explained something to them clearly, Yang Xuan had no worries in his heart.

"But I will leave here eventually. Originally, I wanted to enter that fairy flower world. I didn't want to make friends in this beautiful world. I wanted to find something quickly. Once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, I will leave here. It’s okay, I can’t bear to let you have no choice but to meet you when I can save time.”

"Then I cherish this opportunity very much. If one day I leave here, don't feel sad, even though we just met."

"But you don't have to worry about the special fate. I will never hurt you. I can't do such a thing. As long as I get my things, I will leave here. You don't have to look at me like that. If these things are very important to you, I will not take them away."

Yang Xuan has said so directly at this moment, after all, he also understands that if he really finds what he wants in this fairy flower world, it may be a precious treasure, or some secret books of cultivation.

Then Yang Xuan also feels that if someone else's is very important to their fairy flower world, then Yang Xuan can't take it away so cruelly, because he doesn't want to take away people's love.

Chapter 1647 Growth Ability

He just wanted to use his own abilities to find these things, and once he found them, he would change everything, but he also knew it in his heart.

Some props are some particularly important tools, but Yang Xuan has obtained a lot of things right now, and he is still improving and growing.

Because if you want to achieve a certain ability, you need to collect more true spirit points to make your level stronger. One-click to start upgrading, this is what you want.

Yang Xuan also understands that he doesn't want to think about it so much for the time being, and let's talk about it later once he has a new discovery. He just told Leng Qingyun about his situation and let him understand his origin.

Taking care of other things slowly, he won't worry so much anymore, he just feels that since the situation has arisen, he is already in this fairy flower world.

He wouldn't let himself be so troubled, because Yang Xuan felt that it would be the same in any world he went to through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and he didn't have too many worries in his heart.

It's just that all this is relatively easy, how can it be possible to think about those boring things, for him, every world is the same.

Just to complete the task, to get some abilities and props, let's see how much I have gained this time.

Because after coming here, he didn't get anything now, it's just that the time was too short, and he wasn't in a hurry.

Seeing Yang Xuan, Leng Qingyun was also suddenly surprised. It turns out that all this is really so miraculous.

It seems that he came to this spirit fairy flower world to find something, and he really came here to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Otherwise, how could he appear in Lingxianhuajie? Leng Qingyun also knew that his deduction just now was true.

Because I have heard many such stories before, I always feel that I am listening to stories, not real, and now I see Yang Xuan and hear his words.

Only then did he realize that since all of this is real and not fabricated, it is really unbelievable, he said when he saw Yang Xuan.

"My God, I really can't imagine hearing you say that. It turns out that all this really happened before such a situation. In fact, the older generation here will say such things. They are It is said that there is a kind of world that is particularly magical'."

"So as long as you can reincarnate, you can go to another world as if you have lived again, and you can leave the place where you are now. At that time, it was like listening to a story. But we know in our hearts that they made up all this and they lied to us."

"¨Just tell us some very interesting stories, we just need to listen to it, but now after hearing what you said, I feel that all this is true and not just rumors at all. At that time, they When I talked about it, I also said that these things are true, but children like me (Nuo Wang Zhao) don’t believe it at all.”

Yang Xuan laughed out loud after hearing these words, he just thought how could they believe such a thing? Such a statement.

Ordinary people think it's a joke, or it's a legend, and they don't really believe in a particularly funny thing.

So Yang Xuan also understands, no wonder Leng Qingyun thinks so, it is even more impossible for the people living here to have such thoughts.

Chapter 1648 Unbelievable

Because some people don't even know that there is such a situation, there is such an artifact that can shuttle through various worlds non-stop.

The non-stop reincarnation led them to reach the level they wanted, so Yang Xuan felt that it was normal for them to have such thoughts.

I just think Leng Qingyun's performance is too interesting, what he said at the moment is like a storytelling, Yang Xuan feels quite happy instead.

At least he didn't have any worries in his heart. How could he not know the problems behind this situation? It's just that he doesn't think it's a big deal, as long as everyone believes in it.

If you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do about it, Yang Xuan will not force it, after all they have the right to choose whether they want to reincarnate or not.

Leng Qing 967 Yun saw Yang Xuan smiling so happily, he also laughed with him at the moment, after all, when he thought of hearing these things before, it was like listening to a story, like listening to a particularly funny joke.

But they listened very seriously at that time, but when they grew up, they realized that all of this was false and not true at all, and only then did they understand this problem and understand this truth.

So Leng Qingyun also knew what Yang Xuan was laughing at at the moment, laughing at how ignorant they are, how could they know that there are many wonderful things in this world.

Just like Yang Xuan, who came to the fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Leng Qingyun believed all of this was true, otherwise how could he believe what Yang Xuan said.

Because it is not easy for them to come to the fairy flower world, and Yang Xuan has such ability and strength, so there is no need for him to come here.

The reason why he actually appeared was because he came here through the True Reincarnation Tower, and Leng Qingyun understood that the stories he had heard before were all true.

At this moment, he would no longer have too many worries in his heart, he saw Yang Xuan said again.

"Now I know that all this is credible, then you came to our place through reincarnation, and I know that you may leave at any time, but didn't you say that (ccab) can only leave after your life is over This world, return to your own world?"

"But sometimes people still say that they can't go back to their own world. Once they turn to the world, they might go somewhere after their lives are over. So we don't want this kind of situation to happen, whether it's true or lies to us. Either way, we don’t want to go to another world.”

Hearing these words, Yang Xuan understood that such a situation might happen. After all, if he could return to his own world through reincarnation, that would be fine, maybe he would enter another world.

Yang Xuan can't guarantee this situation, because the True Reincarnation Tower is different every time it appears, every time.

But I haven't returned to the world I belong to, isn't I still spinning in this reincarnated world?

Faced with such a situation, Yang Xuan could only accept the fact. He used to think that he only needs to turn around and enter another world through the True Reincarnation Tower, and once he goes back again.

He would go back to his own world, but he never went back, Yang Xuan was always reincarnated in reincarnation, he felt that there was really no way.

Chapter 1649 Unbelievable

Now that such a situation arises, Yang Xuan doesn't want to think about these things any more, he doesn't think it's necessary, all of this is what he wants, he thinks it's quite fun.

Because some people want to reach such a level and still can't reach it. Yang Xuan's ability to reach this level is also a kind of change for him, so how can he go on doing these struggles again.

There was really no need for this, and he knew in his heart that he would not worry about other things anymore, he just felt that if something happened.

It always makes him feel a little unimaginable, but he will handle everything perfectly, so how can he worry about those boring things?

Leng Qingyun didn't know why, he believed what Yang Xuan said, but it was impossible for them to leave here easily.

They just think that the fairy flower world is the safest. If they follow Yang Xuan and enter the world of reincarnation, what should they do if they really go to a scary place?

If he chooses himself, he still thinks that the fairy flower world is the best. Leng Qingyun knows in his heart that he doesn't want to change at all now.

But he also understood that Yang Xuan didn't want to do this either, he just told him about his background, so there was no need to worry about such a situation, Leng Qingyun also looked at Yang Xuan like this, he was very frank.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to say so much, since his ability is particularly powerful, then he can completely change everything.

But why he treats each other so frankly is because he is a very kind person, and Leng Qingyun is also clear in his heart, but he wants to tell him what he thinks.

Although what he said was very miraculous and seemed to be very favorable, they didn't want to do this, let alone enter into other worlds through such a situation. It was safer for them to live in the spirit fairy flower world.

Leng Qingyun also understood that he would not easily change his decision in this situation, and he didn't care so much about how these things happened.

He just wants to live in this fairy flower world for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want to go anywhere, but some of the elves here are more ambitious.

I also want to leave this world and go to other places to have a look. The world is so big and they don't want to be trapped here, but they can't get out and can only stay here.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Leng Qingyun just thinks that they are too greedy, isn't it good to be in this fairy flower world? No threats, no strife, it's all good.

"We all think it's good to stay in this fairy flower world, and we don't want to change everything, so this is the best place for us elves. How can we hope for other changes? I just think If all of this happens, it really makes us feel a little incredible."


"But we also understand that, no matter what, the occurrence of these things is something that makes us feel a little surprised. Why bother with these problems? Everything is subject to new changes. No matter how every world is impossible to live to the end, Once there is a special situation, it is dangerous."

After Leng Qingyun said this, how could he not have any worries in his heart.

I just feel that if such a situation arises, it is impossible to change his decision. The reincarnation world that Yang Xuan said is so good, he doesn't want to go to one.

Chapter 1650 Ins and Outs

Leng Qingyun felt that they could still live freely in Lingxianhuajie, without any disputes or worries, this was the life they wanted.

But Yang Xuan said so sincerely, he just told himself his ins and outs, hoping to know why he came here, Yang Xuan was still very frank, so Leng Qingyun didn't have to worry.

After all, the other party has already appeared in "Nine Six Seven", and his origin is already clear. It seems that he appeared in the fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. Leng Qingyun also thought it was really amazing. When he was young, he Listening to those legends turned out to be true.

After Yang Xuan heard these words at this moment, he also understood that Leng Qingyun said so, which proved that he did not want to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he had no such idea.

Then Yang Xuan wouldn't force it, he just told the other party why he came here, so that he could understand what was going on in his heart, how could Yang Xuan think of them?

When Leng Qingyun saw Yang Xuan, he didn't know why he looked so mysterious, so what was his identity? Why can he keep reincarnating through this kind of true soul reincarnation tower?

And he hasn't lost anything yet, and at the same time, it seems that he still needs to gain a lot of abilities. The more Leng Qingyun thinks about it, the more amazing he feels. The Yang Xuan in front of him really amazes him.

What kind of character is he? Maybe he is a master, otherwise, why the True Reincarnation Tower can be controlled by him, or there are other situations, wouldn't he think about it so much.

He just felt that everything looked a little abnormal, but he still couldn't find the answers, no matter what the situation was, he knew it in his heart.

Yang Xuan has already come to this fairy flower world, he always has a mission, he turned around and came here, what does he want to do? Leng Qingyun was quite confused, but don't ask too much about some things, Leng Qingyun looked up and said to Yang Xuan.

"Since you say that, I understand it in my heart. Through this kind of reincarnation, you can enter other worlds. Before we knew about these things, it seems that what the old people said is true. It is not a joke or a legend. , it turns out that there really is this kind of True Reincarnation Tower that allows others to enter other worlds and start reincarnating..."

"But we don't seem to believe it. Maybe we are a little scared. We are also worried that once we leave the fairy flower world, we may never come back. We still think it is better to be in the fairy flower world, but I don't think so. What you said is all false, and it's not that you don't think you have any ability against the True Reincarnation Tower, so how could it be possible."

"This Tower of Reincarnation is a passage through each world. Only through this Tower of Reincarnation can you travel non-stop and enter other worlds that turn around. Suddenly, I understand some truths in my heart, but Thinking about it, I still find it a bit unbelievable 0.1, but if these things happen, I don’t think about it so much.”

After Yang Xuan heard what Leng Qingyun said, he was thinking in his heart that this was really the case.

Because everyone has their own ideas, everyone has their own idea, they can't be forced, and Yang Xuan can't do that either.

Chapter 1651 Willingly

Because as long as the world of reincarnation is opened, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower will open a channel. If everyone meets the conditions, they can enter the invisible and start reincarnation willingly.

But Yang Xuan also understood this matter, so how could it be so simple? Although their thinking is relatively simple, once it is done, it is more complicated.

Moreover, entering another world may bring many dangers, and it may change one's life, because every time you enter another world, you will start everything again, so everything has changed.

Now the things he developed no longer exist, so Yang Xuan also understands, otherwise, why some people would not try if they knew that they could reincarnate to change their destiny.

Because they also felt that there were a lot of risks, and everyone didn't want to do that. Yang Xuan also understood these reasons at the moment, but felt that there were some things that he didn't want to force at all.

Because there is no need to do this, even though Yang Xuan wants to gain some abilities, to get some improvements, and to upgrade his powerful system with one click, he will not change these easily, he wants to use his own efforts to improve change all that.

Leng Qingyun looked at Yang Xuan with a lot of emotion in his heart. They still live here, and they don't know what Yang Xuan's plan is. Does he want to wander here alone, or does he want to plan.

Leng Qingyun didn't know what he wanted to do, maybe he wanted to find something, but there was something in the fairy flower world that Leng Qingyun didn't understand.

If Yang Xuan wants to find him, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he won't hurt his own people, it's quite certain for him.

After all, Yang Xuan looks so kind and simple, he won't hurt anyone, and even if he finds it one day, he won't take some things that he shouldn't take away, as Yang Xuan said just now.

Leng Qingyun didn't have any worries in his heart, and he was very relieved in his heart, but he just felt that if the situation happened, he also hoped that everything would be stable, and he didn't want to worry about too many problems.

How could he not know the situation behind these things? Once something new happened, it was something he didn't want to do anymore.

Then Yang Xuan didn't want to make too many changes anymore, he turned his head and looked at the scenery here is really good, after all, this is the spirit fairy flower world or a different world.

Leng Qingyun kept looking at Yang Xuan, thinking that he was really special, but she didn't think too much about it, she just chose Yang Xuan since he had already entered their world.

What do you want to do? Although Leng Qingyun didn't know much about it, but he had to ask clearly, Leng Qingyun said to Yang Xuan again.

967 "As long as you come to our world, we are friends. You have also said that you may leave here at any time, and we have already understood. After all, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. This is also very normal. So how is it possible to live together forever?"

"Even if it is a parent or relative, there is a possibility of parting. This is something we understand in our hearts. I just feel some problems. If it really happens, there is really no need to think too much. Just like you, you Now that you have come to this fairy flower world and come to our world, you should stay with us.".

Chapter 1652 Can't Wait

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan was very moved. After all, he also understood that as long as these things can be handled well, he won't worry about other problems anymore.

How could Yang Xuan care so much? Since the True Reincarnation Tower is opened at any time, it is possible to leave here.

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