But at this moment he really wanted to say goodbye and leave here to look for other things. Yang Xuan didn't want to waste time, after all he didn't know when the Tower of Reincarnation would come, if he got what he wanted earlier.

I was with my friends a little earlier, so it would be nice to catch up with them. After all, Yang Xuan also understood when he saw Leng Qingyun in 970. They already understood themselves, and the situation has stabilized, so there is no need to explain So many.

Leng Qingyun has already seen this situation very clearly. After all, he has gone through a lot of hardships and partings, and he is not used to it.

So he knew in his heart what Yang Xuan meant, but he knew in his heart that these things were nothing, how could a person live without facing these things, and how could everything go smoothly.

Leng Qingyun also understood that he was not worried about other things at all, he just thought that if Yang Xuan had a chance, he would return to his home as a guest, after all he admired Yang Xuan quite a lot.

And it was able to come to the spirit fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. Through such a situation, he began to reincarnate. He kept switching and changing his own destiny, which really surprised him.

Leng Qingyun still knew him very well, although he already understood what was going on with him through brief contact, he already knew what his purpose was, and he also knew that he came here for a short stay.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you know him, you will have no other regrets, that's what Leng Qingyun thinks, and he is very calm at the moment.

It's just that after thinking about these things (ccab), his heart is still relatively calm, how can he worry about other things, he looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Because I am faced with the fact that my family has left me, they have left this world, don't I still have to accept it? After all, no matter what your identity is, we can't be together forever, and there will always be such a parting scene one day Yes, so as long as you get used to it, you won’t worry about other things.”

"So don't worry, I know in my heart that I don't worry so much at all, how could I not know about these situations, I just think that since you know it in your heart, it's fine, and I won't worry about these issues anymore, I Thinking in my heart that as long as I am clear in my heart, then I don’t have too many worries.”

Hearing these words, Yang Xuan was quite relieved. Leng Qingyun had already had this experience, he had experienced many things, and he became very mature for him.

No wonder he is so young, he seems to have so much experience and so many thoughts, so Yang Xuan also understands in his heart that there is really no need to worry, but he just thinks that if the situation really happened, how could he not know What's the situation behind this?

Chapter 1659 Willingly

If there were really other things, he didn't want too many problems to arise, so he hoped that everything would end in a stable way, and he didn't want to have too many disturbances.

After all, every time Yang Xuan went to a world, he hoped that after completing all these things peacefully, so that no one would know that this was the best ending, but every time he failed to get his wish.

Every time he meets a lot of people, there is nothing he can do about it, so now Yang Xuan no longer worries about so many things in his heart like before, and he has already figured it out, so he doesn't have any worries anymore.

This time, what is going on in the spirit fairy flower world, Yang Xuan will slowly explore it, slowly search for it, and then deal with other things.

When the True Reincarnation Tower comes, he will leave here as soon as possible, and nothing will change, so it's all over.

Leng Qingyun didn't know why he talked so much to Yang Xuan, he just felt that Yang Xuan in front of him always gave him a lot of strength, and he looked different.

He was able to come to the Fairy Flower Realm through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and start a new journey. Isn't that great? Leng Qingyun also felt that it was impossible for him to leave so quickly.

He must stay for a while, but Leng Qingyun also told himself these things, so he doesn't have to think about it anymore, and he understands that sometimes such things happen.

He didn't have any worries at all, but he was sure of all of this, so how could he not know the reasons for these problems? Leng Qingyun had experienced too much.

Don't look at the quietness of the spirit fairy flower world and whether there is any danger, but his family has encountered many situations that have already made him very mature and brave.

He also knows in his heart that he likes this kind of thing, and he also likes being in the spirit fairy flower world. He doesn't want to go anywhere, but the elves living here, maybe others will have such thoughts, and he will definitely express Yang Xuan's heart .

At this moment, he also understands these principles, so if any of his companions want to reincarnate and leave here with Yang Xuan, he will definitely become Yang Xuan, and will definitely tell him about it, so there is no need to worry.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Leng Qingyun looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"I really feel quite comfortable, so I will also consider the problem you mentioned. When I go back, I will tell them this matter with my partners. If they really meet the conditions, and they want to If you want to enter the Tower of True Reincarnation and start reincarnating, then I will kill you."

"Don't worry, I also hope that you will come to my house to have a look before you leave. In this way, even if we say goodbye, we won't leave without saying goodbye. I know these things in my heart."


"I just think that if you think about it like this, you will leave any regrets at that time. After all, even if it is parting, I will watch you leave here, so I feel at ease, and you don't have to worry too much. We have long been used to this process. , don’t think too much about it.”

Leng Qingyun lived with Yang Xuan in the pavilion, and he kept looking at Yang Xuan, wondering what his plans were going to be next.

Does he really want to go straight ahead and look for it? Don't want to go home with yourself? Leng Qingyun also understood Yang Xuan's inner thoughts, it seems that he should stop being so stubborn.

Chapter 1660 Extraordinary

Since Yang Xuan has come to this spirit fairy flower world and wants to find what he wants, let him find it freely, so don't waste his time.

Besides, Leng Qingyun was also aware of Yang Xuan's process, once the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, he had to leave the Immortal Flower Realm.

But Leng Qingyun's task this time is also relatively arduous. When he wants to go home and look at his little "Nine Seven Three" partners, he will discuss this countermeasure with them and tell them about this problem.

I also want to tell them about Yang Xuan, and hope that they can understand the origin of Yang Xuan, if there are really elves who want to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Then let Yang Xuan take them out of here. Leng Qingyun also understands that he will go home after saying these words in a while, and Yang Xuan will take care of himself, so don't bother him. After all, he has his own mission .

How could it be possible for Yang Xuan to stay in this Immortal Flower Realm? Besides, since he passed the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and came here, he had many thoughts in his mind.

It's just that there is no need to worry about these things, and he also knows that he just wants to solve these problems.

If it really happened, it would also make him feel a little surprised. He also understood in his heart, but he felt that if these things could be reconsidered, it would also make him feel a little unimaginable.

"Don't think about it so much, our affairs have been stabilized, so the two of us have already agreed that you should go home when you go home, and you don't have to worry about my affairs. After all, my affairs sometimes seem serious. It's more complicated, so since you've come to the Fairy Flower Realm, don't worry."

"It will definitely not hurt you, and you don't have to worry so much, and you don't have to think too much. All of these are things that make me feel happy, but I have a special liking for the environment here, and I like every scenery here, too. It makes me feel lingering, but I know in my heart that I don't belong to myself."

"And I will leave after all. I didn't want to tell you so much, but I thought I was a stranger, and I didn't talk so much to you. I was afraid that you would be scared and anxious, so I could only be honest. Faced with such a problem, I can understand your feelings..."

After Leng Qingyun said these words, how could he not know the worries in Yang Xuan's heart, if he didn't say anything at this moment, they must be suspicious, they must be worried.

After all, they knew in their hearts how much ability Yang Xuan had. If he really didn't explain these things truthfully, Leng Qingyun and the others would all be thinking wildly.

They felt particularly afraid because they didn't know Yang Xuan's identity.

How could they not think about these things in their hearts, Leng Qingyun was also thinking about such things in his heart, if it was really possible to reconsider, then they understood at this moment.

Since Yang Xuan is so frank at 0.1 and has explained so clearly, he knows he is a good person, so he doesn't have to worry so much, and he doesn't have to be as nervous as he was at the beginning.

Because seeing Yang Xuan appeared here, how could there be nothing fixed in my heart, and I was also worried that it was really because of his arrival that the fairy flower world would encounter an accident, otherwise they would not be like this.

Chapter 1661 Discuss Countermeasures

Leng Qingyun and the others have lived here for so long, only one stranger has come to this place, and he has already lived here, so he doesn't get along well with everyone.

But the other party was not a villain, so they felt at ease, but if Yang Xuan really didn't say that at this moment, they would feel particularly terrified.

A stranger has entered the spirit fairy flower world again, will it bring another disaster? They don't want such a thing as 22.

So Leng Qingyun also understands, but feels that if something happens, it depends on how he thinks about it, and he really doesn't have any worries.

So Leng Qingyun knew in his heart that Yang Xuan was very honest, otherwise he would not have said so many things.

The reason why Yang Xuan spoke so directly was that he had already explained clearly to Leng Qingyun, so he also hoped that he would go back and inform his companions.

See if they meet the conditions and want to enter the True Reincarnation Tower, and those who want to enter another world can tell Yang Xuan.

In this way, he will improve one ability again, Yang Xuan just feels that they are willing, everything depends on their own choice.

Moreover, Yang Xuan knew at this moment that what he had said to Leng Qingyun had already been so clear, so he hoped that he could understand his thoughts.

Yang Xuan has never been so happy as in the past two days. He just thought about using the Fairy Flower Realm. It is really possible here, and there are so many beautiful scenery.

The situation here is so complicated, Yang Xuan always needs to understand something, after all, he has never been to such a place, he has been to many places.

But there is nothing as beautiful as Lingxian Flower Realm, Yang Xuan really felt like lingering, even though he was reluctant to leave here.

But just entering here, he has already thought clearly about some things, then he will leave here after all, and he has already explained to Leng Qingyun and the others.

Yang Xuan also understood that the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower would open after his mission was completed, to see if anyone here wanted to leave here to reincarnate.

Yang Xuan will help them, this situation has already been shown, so there is no need to repeat, Yang Xuan looked at Leng Qingyun and said.

"So at this moment, I won't think about other things anymore. I feel that if these problems really arise, it will make me feel a little happy, but this time I entered the fairy flower world, which also made me feel a little unexpected. After all Some problems always look weird, and some things seem more complicated."

"As long as I can handle things well, my task this time is as simple as that. Those who come to the fairy flower world are looking for something, and everything is just going with the flow. I won't force it, because Some things can’t be changed by force at all, and I understand it in my heart, so I feel very happy to see you.”

"After all, I have already met two people here and have become friends. I don't have any regrets. If one day I really leave here through the Reincarnation Tower, then everything can only be accepted. After all, everyone understands in their hearts. I've already told you about these things, so there's nothing to worry about."

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart that since he had explained these things clearly, he didn't have to worry anymore.

Chapter 1662 Stubbornness

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Chapter 1663

As long as everything can be resolved normally, Leng Qingyun will not be so stubborn. If Yang Xuan insists on following him and doesn't want to take him with him, then no one can change all this.

Moreover, Yang Xuan only wanted to find his own things by himself. He didn't want too many situations to arise, but he just hoped that all of this could be resolved peacefully. It seemed relatively stable.

But he also understood in his heart that everything seemed relatively simple, and everything seemed relatively passive, otherwise, how could these turmoil be possible at this moment.

Moreover, Yang Xuan heard what Leng Qingyun said, that he wanted to follow him, but Yang Xuan would not let him do this, since some things have already been placed here.

Then it depends on Leng Qingyun's own choice, and 977 also understands what he said, and he said it back, he understands that it is impossible to follow Yang Xuan and it is impossible to bring him by his side.

In this case, it is really more verbose, how could Yang Xuan choose such a path.

Leng Qingyun shook her head helplessly, she just felt that what she said was just a joke, how could she really follow behind Yang Xuan? Isn't this becoming a follower? In such a situation, Leng Qingyun would not do this.

He just thinks that he has a home and wants to go home. Although living alone is quite comfortable, and he wants Yang Xuan to go home, but since he has a mission now, let him go and find it.

Leng Qingyun wouldn't bother Yang Xuan with his thoughts, after all, he had already said so clearly that he would search for his own things by himself, so if he wanted to find them, he could figure it out.

He didn't even know if there was anything here, but he just thought that Yang Xuan came here just for the things here.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to do this. He thought in his heart, since things have already happened, then no matter what the situation is, they must be changed, and no matter what the situation is, they will not be able to explain these things.

If it's just a problem, it makes me feel very happy. Why might Leng Qingyun be thinking about those other problems? Seeing Yang Xuan's excitement, he said to him again.

"Everyone chooses whether they want to enter the Tower of Reincarnation, or whether they want to go to another world, so everyone has their own ideas, and you can't decide everyone's ideas with other ideas, because you come to this spiritual world. The fairy flower world is over, we have the right to choose to enter the five elements."

"So we also understand these things. I will tell them about this when I go back. Many people will know about this situation. Then they will take the initiative to find you. You don't have to worry. After two days You will come to my house, because tomorrow I will announce this matter, and now I don't want to do it."

Yang Xuanxin understood, he didn't think too much about such a situation, and Leng Qingyun only needed to finish what he had explained.

It doesn't matter if Yang Xuan came to the spirit fairy flower world this time, he came here not only to find something.

At the same time, I still hope to lead them to have such a breakthrough and get such a kind of reincarnation. It depends on whether they have this interest. Yang Xuan also understands that he explained so clearly to Leng Qingyun.

Chapter 1664 Tell the truth

He has already remembered what he said, and he will definitely convey it truthfully. Yang Xuan will no longer worry about so many things.

I just feel that if these problems can really arise, how could he not know the reasons for these things, and how could he not know the situation behind them?

Yang Xuan's heart is relatively calm, there will not be too many disputes at all, and there will not be too many worries that make him feel very happy in his heart, and he will not think too many problems in his heart.

Leng Qingyun understood his thoughts, Yang Xuan, he not only wanted to make friends, but also wanted to live with him for two days, but Yang Xuan waited until he had the chance.

In the past two days, he still has to look for everything about himself. After all, he just came here, and everything is unfamiliar, and he feels very strange.

Yang Xuan also felt that these things were more important. When the True Reincarnation Tower came, he said he had to leave here, otherwise how could he go back?

Is he going to stay in this spirit fairy flower world for the rest of his life? So Yang Xuan felt that it was unlikely. After all, he knew in his heart that if he could bring some people to reincarnate through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower this time.

Yang Xuan felt that there was such a gain, but whether everyone can think about this matter and whether they can do it is unknown, Yang Xuan also told himself~ I don’t want to think about this matter.

Leng Qingyun didn't know why he said that, he obviously didn't think so, but he also made such a decision at the very beginning, but it all depends on Yang Xuan, how could he bring himself in this fairy flower- What about world appreciation?

Leng Qingyun originally thought that she could help him find things here. This place is a place that he has brought for a long time, so he understands all of this clearly.

But if some situation happened today, then he knew it in his heart, and he also knew this kind of situation. If the other party didn't like it, how could he follow Yang Xuan around in this fairy flower world with a shameless face?

Leng Qingyun has seen this beautiful place all over, and just wants to be a guide for Yang Xuan. Since he doesn't need it, Leng Qingyun thinks it's fine, don't force it, after all, he understands force in his heart It's really meaningless, he looked at Yang Xuan and said to him again.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Everyone is basically busy at home at this time, so I don't need to bother them anymore. By tomorrow, I can basically spread this news to our entire Lingxianhua world, and I can tell them your origin , and what exactly they want to do, and what this Tower of Resurrection is for them to understand."


"They won't be so scared anymore, because people here have told this story before, but everyone always thinks it's a story, and no one thinks it's a real one, but now listening to you say it, it turns out to be real in the future Yes, all of this is right in front of my eyes, I can’t help but not believe it.”

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