Xuanji Zixuan also felt a little baffled, because the elves living here have been safe for so many years.

They have never encountered any situation, and no strange faces have ever entered their world, but Yang Xuan's appearance has changed everything here.

Xuanji Zixuan doesn't want their place to be disturbed, nor their lives destroyed, and they don't want to face too many dangers.

At this moment, he also knows that although the person in front of him has no malicious intentions, he has already entered the fairy flower world, and I am afraid it will change everything. Besides, Xuanji Zixuan has lived in the Zitan Palace for so many years, and he does not want to The appearance of Yang Xuan brought disaster to them.

Yang Xuan looked at Xuanji Zixuan, but felt that his eyes were full of fear. Although he didn't say anything, his heart was also afraid. Yang Xuan was not a monster.

It's a last resort to come to this fairy flower world, do you think Yang Xuan is willing to come? In fact, he didn't want to come at all, he wanted to go back to the so-called own world.

But there is no way that everything has already appeared, so Yang Xuan can only wander around with the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, how could he have the opportunity to choose?

And as long as he understands in his heart through this reincarnation world, then it is impossible to change again, and he doesn't want any situation to happen again.

The appearance of Xuanji Zixuan made me feel quite sad in my heart, and Yang Xuan also felt that he was not that scary, and they didn't need to be so afraid.

"My name is Yang Xuan. Although I am not a person, I just feel that all of this is what I want to do. I just feel that I have said what I should say, so my identity is like this. I have passed the true reincarnation. After the tower came here, I also felt quite amazing..."

"So maybe the Tower of Reincarnation is relatively unfamiliar to you, but the Tower of Reincarnation is also a very powerful thing for me. It can take me to travel non-stop and reincarnate in various worlds. This time I Now that I have come to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, I also feel that this is the most beautiful world I have ever seen, and there is nothing I can do to disturb it.”

After Xuanji Zixuan heard Yang Xuan's words, she also knew his name, but seeing that although he was so kind and ordinary, since he was able to come here, it proved that he was powerful.

He is not an ordinary person at all, Xuanji Zixuan has to think about his 0.1 honesty in his heart, it seems that he has no malicious intentions, as long as he doesn't hurt himself, and doesn't damage everything here.

If he didn't do this, there would be no problem, and Xuanji Zixuan would not be worried. Otherwise, if they really left the fairy flower world, they would feel that they would have nowhere to go. They were already used to living here, so what Maybe there is another place to go? .

Chapter 1611 Frightened

Although these elves have some abilities, they are not strong enough, and they don't want to leave here, although sometimes they feel boring and boring, and staying here is not interesting.

But it was much better than the outside world. They didn't want to face such a situation, so Xuanji Zixuan also thought to see what Yang Xuan wanted.

He really came here through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, but Xuanji Zixuan didn't know why he came here. Don't worry about anything else at all.

Yang Xuan didn't know why he had such a feeling. He suddenly came to this fairy flower world, and felt that although the 22 elves here hadn't seen too many.

But looking at Xuanji Zixuan like this, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that they were relatively timid and quite scared, and they were also in this state.

Living in this fairy flower world feels like a safe haven. They can't accept the outside world, and they can't accept outsiders coming here. Otherwise, it is impossible for Xuanji Zixuan to show such a fear at this moment Feel.

Yang Xuan was sure in his heart, but he had no choice but to come to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm because he was not willing. Of course, Yang Xuan knew that they were together, if it wasn't for the opening of the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to appear here. He is talking to Xuanji Zixuan in the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest now, but he just thinks that Xuanji Zixuan doesn't need to be so worried.

Moreover, everything here is so beautiful, and the purple bamboo peach blossom forest also looks full of magical colors. It turns out that what people say is true, and every place in this fairy flower world will make people feel relaxed and happy.

Yang Xuan would feel this way when he came here, this time Yang Xuan didn't know what his purpose was, but he also told himself not to worry, let's break through slowly.

"Your red sandalwood palace also looks full of magical dreams, and every corner here is so beautiful, colorful at first glance, it is really extraordinarily fresh, I didn't expect that there is such a magical The world has appeared, and it seems that my trip was worthwhile this time."

"What's the matter, don't you understand when I say this? You haven't heard of the Tower of Reincarnation, but if I tell you this now, you should feel such a scene."

After Yang Xuan said this, seeing Xuanji Zixuan, his appearance didn't change too much at the moment, Yang Xuan already understood.

Besides, I have already explained my origin clearly, I hope they don't have to worry so much, Yang Xuan is also an elf that 913 thinks lives here, they may all be like this, Yang Xuan will not care so much.

After all, he wouldn't hurt them when he came here, and Yang Xuan didn't hurt those ghosts when he went to that evil world. How could Yang Xuan hurt them, these lovely elves?

Yang Xuan would not do this, but felt that although they were afraid, if he made it clear, they should not be so afraid anymore.

Yang Xuan also felt that Xuanji Zixuan was the only one in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, and he lived relatively comfortably.

Yang Xuan never thought that such a thing would happen one day.

Chapter 1612 Responsibility

Every time he turns around through the Reincarnation Tower, he feels that it is a different state. Although he is used to it, he feels that every world is different.

Every place is different, Yang Xuan felt that there were many feelings and experiences, and this time he didn't want to come here for nothing, he had to understand something.

He always had to look at the situation here before thinking about these issues, so Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, and he would not worry about other issues anymore, he just felt that the situation was already here.

Then he chatted with Xuanji Zixuan for a while, and he might leave the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest in a while, because Yang Xuan felt that there were other places in this fairy flower world that he needed to explore by himself.

He didn't find anything now, and he didn't get anything. For him, he didn't want to just give up like this. After all, if something happened, he knew it in his heart.

How could he change so much so easily, and Yang Xuan didn't know what mission he had this time, but everything went with the flow, he didn't want to make himself so entangled.

Xuanji Zixuan is really calmer than before. He is not as worried or scared as he was at the beginning. Facing Yang Xuan in front of him, and he is so kind, he has already told his background, what else? scary.

Xuanji Zixuan actually understands it, but feels that Yang Xuan is really different. It seems that he is a master if he can come to this fairy flower world.

And his ability is so powerful, and the Tower of Reincarnation can come here with him, it seems really amazing, it is really unbelievable.

Xuanji Zixuan also knew in her heart that all of this happened for real. Although no one came here in their Lingxianhuajie, Yang Xuan had already come here, and all of this was real. Not dreaming.

Xuanji Zixuan saw that Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, so he poured another cup of tea for Yang Xuan at this moment, looked at him, and said to Yang Xuan with a rather excited expression on his face.

"I understand what you said in my heart. It turns out that this is the situation and I won't worry anymore. Otherwise, I was really scared in my heart just now. After all, we elves live in this fairy flower world. We've never been in any danger because we've felt like this is our home since we've been here'.

"¨We have never encountered any situation, nor have there been any dangers. We just feel that if someone really breaks into our territory this time, how can we not be afraid? Because such things have never happened before. It didn't happen, and all of a sudden something like this happened."

"And you came here so well, how could I not be surprised? But after hearing what you said, my heart is no longer (Nuo Dehao) as scared as before, but when will you leave here? You I don't even know, and you just said that you don't belong to me, and you will leave sooner or later."

It is really good for Yang Xuan to drink the tea here, after all, this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest is really different.

And there are a lot of tea trees planted here, there are also a lot of bamboo forests, and there are so many peach blossoms, Yang Xuan just drinks the tea with a faint fragrance of peach blossoms.

Chapter 1613 Changes Everything

Yang Xuan just felt that the current situation had appeared, which was really a change for him, but Yang Xuan felt that Xuanji Zixuan said so now.

It proves that he already understands his origin, and more or less understands his purpose, so he doesn't need to be so worried, just don't need to be so afraid.

Yang Xuan felt relieved, otherwise he just felt that coming here would cause them some inconvenience, if it was really because of his own reasons that Xuanji Zixuan felt worried.

Yang Xuan felt that it was his fault. He felt that some situations were explained clearly, and the other party would understand. Just like what he said, some things were not as complicated as imagined. Yang Xuan was not a villain, nor was he a monster. .

He didn't come to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm to wipe out these elves in 917. Yang Xuan came here only because of a mission. The world of reincarnation is different, and Yang Xuan can't change it at this moment.

Xuanji Zixuan didn't know why she fell in love with Yang Xuan so much, and she didn't feel scared when she saw him, although he was a strange face and entered the spirit fairy flower world, which made them feel scared.

Xuanji Zixuan also knew in his heart that they shouldn't deal with outsiders, but now that Yang Xuan has come here, he is not an evil person.

Xuanji Zixuan felt that there was no (ccab) need to worry so much about such things. He knew in his heart that if it could really be changed, how could he not know about these things.

It's just that if the problem really occurs, he doesn't want too many situations to appear again, and all this makes him feel a little incredible.

But he also knew in his heart that if it was really possible to change, he didn't want to have too many worries. He just thought that all of this could be reconsidered, so it might be a good thing, and it would be a new change for him.

Xuanji Zixuan also understood in his heart how it was possible for him not to know these things, but he just felt that if such a problem really occurred.

He also hopes that everything can be resolved satisfactorily, and he really doesn't want to have too many disputes.

"But we also feel a little unimaginable, but we also don't want to ask so many questions about your origin. Although I am the only one living in this purple oleander flower forest, if you walk around here, you can go to other places. Someone will see you, and they'll think it's weird."

"After all, they haven't seen you, so how can they not be surprised? But don't worry, the elves living here are all kind. As long as you don't hurt them, they can't hurt you , but they would be a little surprised if they did see you."

How could Yang Xuan not know these things? Faced with such a situation, he had already seen it very clearly, and besides explaining so much to Xuanji Zixuan, he just hoped that he could understand.

And Yang Xuan didn't come to harm them after he came to Lingxianhuajie. I hope Xuanji Zixuan can understand that if Yang Xuan leaves here, he will meet many elves and people in other places.

Yang Xuan felt that he should avoid such things as much as possible, because he didn't want to explain it this way, Yang Xuan just felt that he had found what he wanted.

Chapter 1614 Waiting for an Opportunity

When the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, he will leave the Immortal Flower Realm and won't think about other issues. If he keeps talking so much, when does Yang Xuan think it's a big deal?

This time when he came to the fairy flower world, Yang Xuan really didn't know what was there, but this is a world of flowers, so beautiful and so magical, Yang Xuan thought it was quite good.

He also likes it very much, but he doesn't know how long he can stay. Facing Xuanji Zixuan in front of him, he also understands this situation, since the other party has figured it out.

Now that he knew his background and accepted these facts, Yang Xuan didn't worry anymore, otherwise he would always feel uneasy in his heart, after all Yang Xuan didn't want to hurt anyone.

If the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower hadn't been opened, Yang Xuan wouldn't have been able to appear here at all, but all of this is already a fact, and since Yang Xuan couldn't change it, he had to accept it all.

Xuanji Zixuan looked at Yang Xuan, how could he not have any thoughts in his heart, after all, he understood that such a situation had happened, if the Yang Xuan in front of him really said what he said, then there was no need to worry.

But if he continues to stay in this spirit fairy flower world, it seems that he will bring some troubles, after all, no one here knows him.

Then how could it not be strange to see him, and Xuanji Zixuan also felt that Yang Xuan, if he responded~ it would be fine.

Besides, Yang Xuan in front of him seems to be very capable, he can't be so high, he should be able to solve this way, and he will also deal with these problems, these things are not what Xuanji Zixuan should worry about, he also understands.

If this is really the case, then there is no need to worry so much about anything. Yang Xuan naturally has his own way to solve it, so he doesn't need to worry about it himself.

Otherwise, once something happens, this is not the result that Xuanji Zixuan wants to see, how can he not worry in his heart, and how can he not have any thoughts.

Xuanji Zixuan just felt that Yang Xuan had appeared unexpectedly, all of this was God's will, so why reject people thousands of miles away? Xuanji Zixuan would not have such thoughts at this moment.

After all, he has chatted with Yang Xuan for so long, and he also knows its ins and outs. Although he doesn't know his specific identity, he has already met him frankly.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Xuanji Zixuan felt that there was no need to worry so much, as long as he knew that he was not a bad person, why bother with this matter.

Xuanji Zixuan also understood in her heart that she was happier looking at Yang Xuan, and she also had some things to tell him, hoping he could understand.


"After all, you are a strange face who came to our world, how could we not be worried, because we have been living here quietly, and we are also afraid that others will disturb our life, but sometimes things are not what we imagined at all , Such simplicity is not something we can decide."

"So we also understand in our hearts, how could we not know about these situations, but when some things happen, we always feel a little unbelievable, and some things can't be explained normally."

"It's like you came here through the True Reincarnation Tower, so we can't explain it, and we can't understand it, but it's enough to know what's going on in our hearts." 1.

Chapter 1615 Unbelievable

Xuanji Zixuan quietly looked at Yang Xuan in front of him, but felt that his appearance at the moment was really special, after all, he was different from the elves here.

Moreover, he came here through reincarnation, which is really unbelievable. Xuanji Zixuan felt that although all this was real, it was like a dream.

Xuanji Zixuan has never seen any strangers in their "September 20th", but Yang Xuan is the first one, he looks so kind and has infinite power.

Xuanji Zixuan felt at ease, after all, as long as they are safe in this spirit fairy flower world, no matter who comes here, as long as they don't destroy everything about themselves.

Xuanji Zixuan and the others just want to live in peace, and they really don't want to be disturbed by others, but Yang Xuan in front of them came here through the True Reincarnation Tower, Xuanji Zixuan felt that it was really unimaginable.

All this happened for real, so I don't have to doubt anymore, besides, he looked at Yang Xuan clearly, he has stood up now, does he really want to leave here?

How could Xuanji Zixuan not be in a hurry now, he just felt that in such a situation, if this was really the case, then Yang Xuan naturally had his own thoughts in his heart.

No matter why he came to this fairy flower world, it was enough for him to be clear in his heart, and Xuanji Zixuan also understood that they had lived in this fairy flower world for so long.

They really don't want to be destroyed. If all their original lives are really broken, they don't know how to face it, and Xuanji Zixuan knows it too.

The Yang Xuan in front of him is not a villain and he doesn't know how to do this. Xuanji Zixuan finally felt relieved. After all, when Yang Xuan just appeared, Xuanji Zixuan also felt really surprised.

How did this strange face enter the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm? It turned out that such a scene came here through the Reincarnation Tower, which is really quite miraculous.

"After hearing your words, my heart is at ease. After all, the elves we live here also stick to it. It is not easy for us to slowly transform into human appearances. After hundreds of years of cultivation, we may This kind of change will only happen slowly, we really cherish this kind of life..."

"And since we came to this fairy flower world to create such a home, no one has come to our place, and the faces of strangers have never appeared. You suddenly came here, How could I not have been surprised at first."

"But after hearing what you said, after talking with you for so long, I don't have any worries in my heart, because I know in my heart that you will not hurt us, and you will not destroy everything here, and you will not destroy us. My homeland is destroyed, I have nothing to worry about but I feel like our best 0.1 friend."

After listening to what Xuanji Zixuan said, Yang Xuan also felt that his eyes were full of fear, but now he looked quite solid, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that they were just afraid that their fairy flower world would be destroyed.

Everything here was destroyed, how could Yang Xuan not understand such a question? Otherwise, how could Xuanji Zixuan be so worried? .

Chapter 1616 Destroy Everything

But Yang Xuan knew in his heart that such a thing was impossible, and he was not a bad person, because Xuanji Zixuan understood this, otherwise he would not be so calm at the moment.

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