He always wanted to know how the other party came here, and why he came to the fairy flower world. All this is always so weird. After all, their place is really relatively quiet. Don't you feel amazing?

......... 0.......

Xuanji Zixuan's spells are still flying towards Yang Xuan non-stop in the air, and will not stop easily.

"We have turned into human beings now, we have become human beings, so we have gone through a lot of difficulties in transforming from elves to human beings, but we know that all this is hard-won, and we cherish it, but you Well, why did you come here?"

"It's been hundreds of years since a stranger came to our Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, but you are the first one. I'm quite surprised when you look at me like this."

"But you have such a smug look on your face, it still makes me feel a little unbelievable. I didn't ask you anything, but you have a lot of questions. What's your reasoning, what's your theory?" One.

Chapter 1605 Do What You Can

After Xuanji Zixuan finished saying this, how could he not be in a hurry, after all he was doing well in the palace, and suddenly an unexpected visitor broke into the Zitan Palace.

How could Xuanji Zixuan not be in a hurry, he just felt that he had launched an attack, and the purple light kept spinning out in the air, wanting to test Yang Xuan's ability.

Let's see if it can resist such a danger at the end of "907", but I didn't expect the other party to easily block the light, which really made me feel a little unimaginable.

He was also thinking in his heart, although he didn't see the other person's appearance, but he had already understood through such a test, the person who broke into the red sandalwood palace was powerful, and he was no ordinary person.

Xuanji Zixuan just felt that there was no need to attack again. After all, the young man in front of him was very capable despite his young age.

Xuanji Zixuan has slowly withdrawn his ability. After all, he feels that there is no need for it anymore. No matter who the person in front of him is, he is full of justice, and he is not an evil monster.

It is enough that he is not an evil person, Xuanji Zixuan will not be worried now, but just thinks that if the situation really happens, how could he not know that there is a storm behind it.

He just felt that if the problem really happened, he didn't want too many changes, and hoped that all of this could be resolved reasonably. How could he not know the risks behind it.

Xuanji Zixuan also understood in her heart that no matter who the person in front of her was, she had to find out.

At this moment, after Xuanji Zixuan withdrew his spell, the light has slowly disappeared in the air, and looking at Yang Xuan, his light has also receded.

"Do young people have some abilities? It seems that the concept of being young is not small. Tonight, a person came to my red sandalwood palace and resisted me. It seems that this ability really makes me feel a little incredible. To have such abilities at such a young age, and to have such spells, makes me feel admirable."

"It seems that I really underestimated you. Why did you come here? Do you know that you have already broken into someone else's territory? Why do you look like a normal person? Doesn't it matter to you? But you go to someone else's house, don't you say hello? This red sandalwood palace belongs to me, don't you know?"

"You seem to be quite arrogant at this moment. You can't come here for no reason. Is there something or purpose? You don't look like an evil person, so I am I don't want to test you anymore, it doesn't make any sense..."

After Xuanji Zixuan finished speaking, she just felt that Yang Xuan in front of him really looked a little rebellious, and at a young age, the spells on him were boundless, especially powerful at 0.1, such a simple young man.

Since he has such miraculous power, he feels surprised, so there is no need for Xuanji Zixuan to test Yang Xuan's ability at this moment, and there is no need to attack him again.

Because Xuanji Zixuan just felt that although his ability was strong and his level was so high, the child did not expect that a young man in front of him could have such spells.

Chapter 1606 Rebellious

But facing a young boy in front of him, he felt a little helpless, and Xuanji Zixuan also felt that if he fought hard to the end.

I'm afraid there may not be a chance of winning, Xuanji Zixuan also feels that Yang Xuan in front of him is not a bad person, so why should he be an enemy?

Let's see why he came to this red sandalwood palace. Xuanji Zixuan spoke so clearly, doesn't the other party know? After all, no matter how capable the opponent is.

But this red sandalwood palace was his own, he came here without invitation or greeting, it was because he did something wrong, but he looked at Yang Xuan indifferently.

It makes people feel very angry. The young man just does whatever he wants, and he looks like he is not afraid of anything. Otherwise, how could the person in front of him look so proud.

So Xuanji Zixuan wondered in his heart, is there such a master in this world? Xuanji Zixuan is really a little ignorant.

He practiced the outside world and disputes in this red sandalwood palace every day. He really didn't get involved and didn't know too well, but the young man in front of him was not his age.

Xuanji Zixuan always needs to know the identity of the other party before making a decision, so Xuanji Zixuan also knows that although Yang Xuan in front of him is powerful, there is no problem in trying to drive him out of the red sandalwood palace.

Yang Xuan also saw Xuanji Zixuan in front of him, but he did not expect such a person to appear in this red sandalwood palace, and he is not young at this age, but his spells are quite strong.

Yang Xuan really didn't expect that after turning around, he came to this red sandalwood palace again, and this place is also a part of the fairy flower world, so Yang Xuan also knew it.

This kind of world is also different. Entering other worlds through reincarnation, Yang Xuan also knows that each place is special.

Every place is full of magical dreams, and this place is also full of fairy spirit. This is the most beautiful place. Looking at Xuanji Zixuan, Yang Xuan felt that he asked so many questions today.

Then how could he be his enemy? I was testing it just now, and it was impossible for Yang Xuan to really launch an attack. He was just resisting the other party's attack.

"I said, man, don't be so fierce. It may be my fault that I came to this red sandalwood palace, so I don't have any purpose. I just think this place is so beautiful and amazing. And the palace is so shiny that I'm drawn to it."

"Because every scene here is quite special, I just want to come here to have a look, so there are offenses, and it's my fault, don't be angry, the 910 attack you just sent out is really It's overwhelming to me, although I don't look like I care."

"Because I was born with such a face, don't be offended, maybe you think I'm a stranger, I just came to this Fairy Flower Realm not long ago, so looking at this Fairy Flower Realm in front of me is also feel happy."

"I just wanted to take a walk here, but I didn't expect to break into your territory, but don't think I seem a little rude, because I was born with such a personality."

After Yang Xuan said this, how could he not understand these things.

Chapter 1607 The Light Disappears

After all, he had already come to the spirit fairy flower world through reincarnation through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower this time, and Yang Xuan felt that it was impossible to leave here in person.

Then let's talk about it after seeing what we can get. Yang Xuan may not know it in his heart, as long as these things happen, he will always have new changes.

He will not live in this fairy flower world forever, and Yang Xuan also wants to take a closer look at how many beautiful scenery there are.

Because he didn't want to make a trip in vain, after all he also understood these principles, if the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, he would leave the fairy flower world.

He thought it was too late to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, so before the True Reincarnation Tower appeared, Yang Xuan wanted to take a good look around this beautiful fairy flower world.

Every scene makes him feel lingering, and this red sandalwood palace is also such a magical place, Yang Xuan thinks he should appreciate it slowly.

But I didn't expect Xuanji Zixuan's fierce look to make me feel a little surprised, but since the other party no longer attacks, it proves that he no longer rejects himself.

Yang Xuan felt that he might be a little offended. He has such a personality, so he thought it was fun and interesting, so he ran into the red sandalwood palace.

But he didn't expect the other party to care so much, so Yang Xuan also felt very sorry at the moment. He also watched Xuanji Zixuan withdraw his ability and stopped attacking himself.

How could Yang Xuan be in the seat? They had already retracted their spells, and the light in front of them disappeared.

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Xuanji Zixuan just felt that the young man's words were passable, and he didn't embarrass himself so much.

So Xuanji Zixuan just felt that what he did just now made him feel angry. This young man is impolite, and he looks rebellious, which is really embarrassing.

But Xuanji Zixuan also knows that this young man seems to have come to Lingxianhuajie, but what is his identity? Make yourself feel weird.

The elves living here have never encountered such a situation, and Xuanji Zixuan also felt a little unbelievable that the young man in front of him was not very old.

But his powerful ability really made him look at him with admiration, Xuanji Zixuan looked at him with doubts in his eyes and said.

"Young man, if you had said this earlier, we wouldn't be in the same situation as just now. After all, you just need to know that this red sandalwood palace belongs to me. Then my homeland doesn't want to be deceived and disturbed by others, because the elves here usually They will all live in their own place'."

"Although we have already turned into human form, we are still relatively down-to-earth, but your appearance is indeed a bit strange. Could it be that you just came here?"

"However, there are very few people (Nuo De's) who have come here in our spirit fairy flower world. It seems that it has been more than hundreds of years. Why can't you suddenly enter the spirit fairy flower world? What is the reason? What? I also find it very strange."

Yang Xuan just felt that Xuanji Zixuan said so today, so how could he really care so much?

He just felt that he suddenly broke into someone else's territory. This red sandalwood palace is indeed full of magical dreams, and it is very beautiful, very beautiful.

Chapter 1608 Unpredictable

Yang Xuan just felt that every place was curious, so he wanted to watch everywhere, and he didn't want to miss any wonderful moments in every place, Yang Xuan was also quite playful.

After all, coming to this kind of world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan felt that it was really more expensive, but he would not have so many. It is not something that others can do.

So he knew in his heart, how could he really care about so many things?

He just felt that if these things really happened, he didn't want to have too many problems again. All this was relatively peaceful, which made him feel happy in his heart, and Yang Xuan didn't have too many regrets.

He will take advantage of this opportunity, find what he wants in 910 in this fairy flower world, and at the same time enjoy the scenery of every place here.

He didn't want to miss any wonderful moments, that's what he thought, so when he saw the red sandalwood palace, he came in directly, and he really didn't expect to disturb the other party.

He looked at Xuanji Zixuan, but felt that the other party was calm, and his eyes were no longer full of evil spirit like before, Yang Xuan finally felt relieved.

If this is the case, then there is no need to worry so much, how could he not understand in his heart? He just felt that if such a situation really happened, he still hoped that everything could be resolved satisfactorily.

I really don't want to have too many questions. How could he not know these things for him? Yang Xuan didn't come here to do anything wrong, nor did he come here to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Xuanji Zixuan saw Yang Xuan, but felt that his expression at the moment still looked weird, this young man really had some guts.

Otherwise, how could he come to the fairy flower world? Xuanji Zixuan also felt a little miraculous (ccab), but why did he come to the fairy flower world? The power in him really made him feel a little daunting.

Xuanji Zixuan knew in her heart that although she had launched an attack just now, she just wanted to see how much ability the opponent had, but this time, she knew that the opponent's ability was far superior to her own, and Xuanji Zixuan also knew in her heart.

It turns out that he is not a villain, otherwise, if all the elves they lived in the spirit fairy flower world were to die by his hands, it would be really terrifying.

But now that these things haven't happened, he feels at ease, otherwise he would feel unimaginable, after all, these things always seem a little strange.

Who is Yang Xuan in front of him? He looks leisurely at the moment, is it really a distraction? But this fairy flower world is not the place where he should come.

There is an enchantment in the fairy flower world, but since he can come here, he really can't imagine how much power he has.

"So just now I felt that your power is boundless, and you are not an evil monster. I don't think it is necessary to attack you anymore, and the ability is withdrawn."

"We won't end up hurting both of us, and it doesn't make any sense. I know it in my heart, but who are you? This fairy flower world is not where you should come."

Xuanji Zixuan just hoped that he could understand that this young man also looks very interesting.

Chapter 1609 Reckless

But he is also quite naughty, otherwise how could he have come to Lingxianhuajie? Xuanji Zixuan also hoped that he could understand himself.

Let him leave here as soon as possible, but how he broke in, Xuanji Zixuan also felt a little strange.

Although Xuanji Zixuan is not in charge of everything here, he also has the right to intervene in these matters. He just hopes that they live in the fairy flower world~ these elves are safe and sound.

Don't be disturbed or spoiled by Yang Xuan, but the person in front of him really looks a little weird, and he does have some abilities.

Xuanji Zixuan was not very clear in his heart, he just thought that he would talk about this situation after he figured it out for himself, after all, if something happened, he also hoped that all things could be resolved in a way.

Because Xuanji Zixuan has lived in this red sandalwood palace for so long, Yang Xuan's face is relatively unfamiliar, it seems that he has just arrived here.

Xuanji Zixuan is not very clear, so for him, is this place really so curious? Xuanji Zixuan has also lived for so long, although there is a sense of immortality here.

Xuanji Zixuan already felt that it was very ordinary, because they had seen such scenery all year round, and their hearts did not have the ups and downs like they did at the beginning.

Their spirit fairy flower world was never as beautiful as it is now. It was after their subsequent rectification and changes that the spirit fairy flower world became more and more beautiful.

After all, this is the world of fairy flowers. If it is not so beautiful, how can it become a fairyland on earth?

Looking at Xuanji Zixuan, Yang Xuan also felt a little helpless, because he didn't want to destroy everything about others, but he also destroyed it.

When he came to this spirit fairy flower world, he was destined to enjoy every place here. Yang Xuan had to find what he wanted while enjoying the scenery, and then he could leave here.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to easily change his mind. Although he understood what Xuanji Zixuan said, all of this had already happened.

The True Spirit Reincarnation Tower has been opened, and Yang Xuan has already come to the Fairy Flower Realm, how could he leave here, and he can't do it.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"How could I not understand what you said? I have already explained to you that I came here because of my own reasons, but I appreciate the scenery here, and I will leave here in a while. I won't disturb your practice here. Yes. But judging by your appearance, you should have lived here for a long time."

"Then, although I took the liberty to break into this place, all of this is a matter of necessity, and once you can reincarnate in various worlds, don't you want to leave here? But it should be impossible for you to live here For those who leave here, this fairy flower world is your home."


"You have no other place to go after you leave here, because once you are reincarnated, you will enter another world to experience other situations, so you can change your goals again, but you are different identities, I know in my heart that I came here through the Tower of Reincarnation, and there is no need for me to hide my truth."

Xuanji Zixuan looked at Yang Xuan stupidly, how could she not feel surprised after hearing these words?

Chapter 1610 Bringing Disaster

Xuanji Zixuan pondered in her heart, what is this True Reincarnation Tower? Hearing what Yang Xuan said was quite miraculous. Is this True Reincarnation Pagoda a supreme magic weapon?

Otherwise, how could he come to the spirit fairy flower world through the true soul reincarnation tower? Xuanji Zixuan thought it was really too weird.

No wonder he came to the "September 13" fairy flower world easily. It turned out that it was such a situation, the Tower of True Reincarnation brought him here.

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