But when he said such words, his eyes were still full of fear, and he seemed quite worried. Yang Xuan had already explained such things.

He came here only through the True Reincarnation Tower, and Yang Xuan also knew that all this was more frank to them, even though Xuanji Zixuan was the only one here.

Yang Xuan also felt that he would not lie, he knew that since all this had already come here, Yang Xuan also knew that he didn't want to change so much now, let's settle everything slowly.

How could he not understand such a thing in his heart, but he just felt that if things really happened, he still hoped that some things could be resolved reasonably, and he didn't want such risks to happen again.

For him, how could he not understand this truth? He just felt that if the situation was really stable, he didn't want to have too many turmoil, let alone too many situations.

Xuanji Zixuan poured another cup of tea for Yang Xuan, but felt that he was relatively stable at the moment, so he looked so kind and simple.

As long as he won't hurt everyone, Xuanji Zixuan finally feels relieved, and is no longer uneasy or particularly scared like at the beginning.

Because he felt that although Yang Xuan looked young, he was powerful. If he really wanted to destroy everything about him, it would be too easy, and he could see it clearly.

However, his worries about these things have been dispelled, and he no longer has this idea. It turns out that all these are just his own wild thoughts, and Xuanji Zixuan will not worry so much.

He just thinks that if the situation arises, he is aware of these problems, so how could he not know about these situations? He just thinks that if some things change, he doesn't want too many problems to happen.

I don't want too many situations to arise. As long as all the problems can be solved, there is no need to worry so much.

"Although no one else has seen you, I have seen you. I am already relieved that I will not be as worried as I was at the beginning. If such a thing really happened, how could I Worrying about other things, it just feels like it really doesn’t make any sense.”

"After all, if some things really happen, then don't think about other things. If there are really not too many problems, all these 920 will be stable."

"So we are also clear in our hearts. Once something happens, this is not the result that everyone wants to see. We people who live here do not have much ability and do not want to have too many disputes. "

After Yang Xuan heard this, he realized what Xuanji Zixuan meant. They didn't want to have too many disputes, and they didn't want to be in any danger. They didn't want to look at the wonderful world outside. That's it.

So Yang Xuan felt that this spirit fairy flower world is more beautiful than the outside world, no wonder these elves don't want to leave here, this is also a good thing.

Chapter 1617

Although Yang Xuan reincarnated and came here through such a method, Yang Xuan also felt that if he could not leave here one day, it would be okay to stay in this fairy flower world for a lifetime.

But he knew in his heart how could such a situation be possible? How could he stay in one place forever? After passing through the Tower of Reincarnation, he kept traveling through various worlds.

It is through such a method that one can obtain reincarnation and obtain the ability one likes, Yang Xuan also knows that, no matter what, as long as all these can be changed.

He won't think too much about other things, and he doesn't want to bring himself so much trouble, let alone bring so much pressure.

How could Yang Xuan not understand all this? He just felt that if the situation was really stable, he didn't want too many problems, let alone the things that Xuanji Zixuan was worried about.

How could Yang Xuan have the heart to destroy everything here? How could it destroy their living environment? Yang Xuan would never do this, but he just felt that Xuanji Zixuan didn't believe it at the beginning.

It was because he didn't understand all this, otherwise, he wouldn't have said that. Yang Xuan understood it in his heart, so he didn't worry so much.

Xuanji Zixuan has never been so happy as today, after all, Yang Xuan has come to this fairy flower world, although he is a strange face, a stranger.

But Xuanji Zixuan knew in her heart that Yang Xuan looked so kind and simple, so she didn't have too much pressure in her heart, and she wouldn't worry that he would destroy everything here, and it was impossible to worry that he would destroy his homeland. damaged.

Xuanji Zixuan didn't have any entangled issues in his heart, he just thought that Yang Xuan had any plans? Xuanji Zixuan didn't know whether he wanted to leave here or continue to stay in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest.

He just wanted to know Yang Xuan's intentions. What kind of plans did Yang Xuan have? He wanted to continue walking in this fairy flower world, and did he need something? Or have other ideas, it's all unknown.

Xuanji Zixuan didn't quite understand either. After all, looking at Yang Xuan, he looked mysterious. At least he knew that he came here through the True Reincarnation Tower, so don't worry. Xuanji Zixuan looked at Yang Xuan and said to him again .

"¨But if all these things happen, we understand in our hearts and don't want to think so much, but what plan do you have, whether to stay in my purple bamboo and peach blossom forest or continue to wander here? Anyway, you have the final say. If you want to stay with me, then I will take you in'."

"I just feel that I have one more good friend, which also makes me feel very happy. I usually have many good friends who will come to my place as guests if they are free."

(Promised) "I have food, tea, and a lot of scenery to enjoy here, but every place in our fairy flower world is so beautiful, it depends on what you decide, I respect it of your mind."

Xuanji Zixuan said that he really wanted to keep Yang Xuan here sincerely, but he didn't know what Yang Xuan was thinking, so at this moment he just said his thoughts, hoping that Yang Xuan could understand what he was doing at this moment. of this mood.

Chapter 1618 Involuntary

Xuanji Zixuan also felt very happy to have one more friend, and it was boring for him to live here alone. Although there were friends who would come to this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest as guests when they were free, they all went home at night .

They all have families. These elves living here are relatively at ease, and Xuanji Zixuan also feels that although he is not so lonely.

But suddenly sometimes there will be such thoughts, if Yang Xuan really intends to live here for a long time, then there is no need to worry about all this.

920 Xuanji Zixuan knew that one day he would leave here through the True Reincarnation Pagoda, but he still wanted to say that. Xuanji Zixuan also felt a little bit reluctant, even though he had known Yang Xuan for such a short time.

But I also know him, and if I may be reluctant to let go of him, let's see what his plans are. Xuanji Zixuan doesn't have any difficulty moving forward, after all, if all these things happen, it depends on Yang Xuan's decision.

How could Xuanji Zixuan be thinking about other issues? Besides, it is also a particularly good place in this purple oleander forest.

If Yang Xuan could really stay here, what a great thing it would be. Xuanji Zixuan really couldn't imagine that there would be another good friend here from now on.

But he knew in his heart that when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower appeared one day, Yang Xuan would be far away from him. He would leave the fairy flower world and never come back again. He clearly knew these things .

But he still wanted to keep Yang Xuan here. After all, he felt that if this was the case, he would be happy to live with Yang Xuan for a day.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he understood that Xuanji Zixuan seemed to be sincerely keeping him, but how could Yang Xuan live in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest? He still has a lot going on.

And before the True Reincarnation Tower opened and picked him up, Yang Xuan had to find more (ccab) things, find more abilities and at the same time get the things he wanted, how could he not be in a hurry?

Yang Xuan really has a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he is also sure in his heart what he should do and how he should decide, he has already made a decision in his heart.

He originally went to another world after turning around. He didn't want to make this friend, and he didn't want to get along so well with others, because he was afraid that after leaving here one day, he would be a little sentimental and sad.

But there was no way, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that his eyes were full of worry at the moment, after all, all this happened normally, and Yang Xuan didn't have too many regrets.

"I appreciate your kindness, but you know what my situation is and what the situation is. It is impossible for me to stay in this place for too long, and I will tell you everything about me, because I don't want to hide it In fact, I don’t think it’s necessary.”

"I don't want to deceive others, because I came here through the True Reincarnation Tower. One day I will leave here. I can't stay here for too long, but in this fairy flower world I still I'm looking for something, I can't accompany you in this purple oleander forest, I also feel very sorry."

"I think your kindness makes me feel happy, and you sincerely keep me. I can understand this feeling, but I can only refuse.".

Chapter 1619

After Xuanji Zixuan heard these words, he also knew in his heart that Yang Xuan would definitely refuse. Besides, Xuanji Zixuan knew that he was looking for something here, but he just wanted to keep him for a day.

But if Yang Xuan didn't have such an idea now, how could Xuanji Zixuan be reluctant? He just thought that it was enough if he got his mind. Yang Xuan looked so innocent and kind. If he wanted to find something, then he should look for it.

Xuanji Zixuan just thinks what is there in their spirit fairy flower world, and here are all beautiful flowers, plants and trees, all of which are some particularly beautiful scenery.

There are still a lot of crops and vegetables here, anyway, everything about these plants grows here.

That's why this fairy flower world has become so beautiful, colorful, colorful, and extraordinarily gorgeous, but Xuanji Zixuan also knows in his heart that no matter how much Yang Xuan likes this place, he will eventually leave here one day.

Once the real soul reincarnation tower arrives, he will be the real soul reincarnation tower, and quickly run away from here. What does Xuanji Zixuan think of this real soul reincarnation tower?

He has never seen him feel particularly miraculous, but he knows in his heart that all this is not something he can imagine at all, and he will not let himself be so melancholy.

Yang Xuan looked at Xuanji Zixuan, how could he not have any worries in his heart, but he had already made up his mind, so it was impossible to change, because Yang Xuan had already thought about these things.

Although he can constantly change in every world through the Tower of Reincarnation and come and go freely, he feels that after reincarnation, he has many experiences and thoughts every time.

How could Yang Xuan not understand these things, but if some problems happened, he would understand in his heart, and he really didn't want to have other worries.

Because once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, Yang Xuan has no chance to choose, but he can stay for a few more minutes and say goodbye to his friends.

Yang Xuan looked at Xuanji Zixuan, and he was about to leave this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest to find other things. He looked at Xuanji Zixuan, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"I will leave this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest in a while. After all, I want to find what I want. I can't live in one place for too long. I will change in a while, and I am also thinking about it in my heart. If I really feel that I have found what I want, I will come back to see you."

"Before I leave, I will say goodbye to you. I can only do so much. I hope that these things can be understood and cleared."


"I don't want to say that one day if the Tower of Reincarnation really opens, I will leave without saying goodbye, and I will not do this. I will try my best to change everything, but when there are some things that cannot be changed, then don't change them."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Xuanji Zixuan understood in her heart that it was impossible for him to stay in this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, so don't force it. Xuanji Zixuan just hoped that Yang Xuan would stay for a day, since he had already refused.

He just wanted to find something as soon as possible, and Xuanji Zixuan didn't worry anymore, and he would say goodbye to him before leaving, so Xuanji Zixuan didn't have any worries in his heart.

Chapter 1620 Dangerous

He looked at Yang Xuan at the moment, and he didn't have too many regrets in his heart, because Yang Xuan is such an identity, so he shouldn't change so much, he can keep wandering around in various turning worlds.

This is a very happy thing. Looking at the back of Yang Xuan leaving, Xuanji Zixuan has a lot of emotion in his heart, but there is no way.

At this moment, Yang Xuan continued to walk forward to "930". After all, this spirit fairy flower world is too big, which really surprised him, and the colors here are really colorful, especially beautiful, and especially magical.

No wonder people yearn for such a kind of life. Yang Xuan felt lingering after coming to this fairy flower world, as if he really didn't want to leave here.

But he also knew that when he found what he wanted, the moment the True Reincarnation Tower came to pick him up, Yang Xuan was about to leave here.

Although Yang Xuan didn't have any purpose in this fairy flower world, he didn't know what to do, after all, he got such a world.

Yang Xuan thinks he should keep searching, and as long as there are new changes, he doesn't want anything to happen again. As long as he can travel through the worlds through the True Reincarnation Tower, it will be a new change for Yang Xuan up.

He wouldn't let himself have too many worries, Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, and a particularly beautiful place appeared in front of him, and this palace was also extremely beautiful.

And Yang Xuan felt that any building that appeared in this fairy flower world was so magical, Yang Xuan walked up, and the gate was closed tightly, and the outside was all made of purple.

Yang Xuan had the feeling of applause. Why does this color purple appear so much in the fairy flower world? Do they all like the style of purple here?

Yang Xuan just wanted to go forward to find a person who came not far away, Yang Xuan saw that this person was wearing white clothes, and he turned out to be a handsome young man, this white clothes was not the same as the person he saw just now.

And it's very elegant, and the embroidery on it is also very particular. Yang Xuan didn't continue to walk forward at the same spot, but saw that this person had already walked over.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here? Why have I never seen you before? Why are your faces so strange? Did you just come to this fairy flower world? But our place didn't invite anyone What about your guest, I have never seen anyone else here, what is your identity?"

"What are you doing standing in Ziyun Palace now? Don't go any further in this place. There is a strange person living here, and his temper is quite weird. If he is really angry, We are going to suffer, I don't care who you are, but you are not a bad person..."

"Although no one has appeared in our spirit fairy flower world, we are all elves, but we have gradually become 0.1 of human beings. Although some things cannot be explained, I don't want to explain so much. I just think you have something. It's a strange feeling, not knowing why you're here."

Slowly approaching this young man in white, he looked very elegant, his name was Chu Xiaofeng, he didn't know why he came to Ziyun Palace, they usually don't go here, and today Chu Xiaofeng is Means nothing.

Chapter 1621 Strange Personality

He wanted to come here for a stroll, but he didn't expect that since he met Yang Xuan in front of him, he still felt strange, who is this person in front of him?

And what is he doing wandering around this Purple Cloud Palace? Once the people here are angered, they will walk away when they can't eat.

Chu Xiaofeng just felt afraid to imagine this person, and after hearing what he said, his eyes were full of doubts, it seems that he didn't know much about this place.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to show up in Ziyun Palace, and Chu Xiaofeng doesn't know who he is, why did he come here? Anyway, some questions have been asked, let's see what this person has to say.

After all, Chu Xiaofeng had never felt like 22, and the elves living here felt a little strange, and Chu Xiaofeng didn't know the identity of Yang Xuan.

It's just that he was pulled aside at this moment, it's better to stay away from this Ziyun Palace, and anyone who is close to this Ziyun Palace will have no good end.

Although he can't die, he will be punished. This weird person here is very powerful, and he doesn't come out very often. They only live in this Ziyun Palace in the fairy flower world. This person has a weird temper.

Usually wearing a mask, you can't see who the other party is at all, but although he is quite evil, he never kills innocent people indiscriminately, but he doesn't want others to get close to his Ziyun Palace.

Chu Xiaofeng understood in his heart, so he pulled Yang Xuan aside, there was a pavilion nearby, he lived with Yang Xuan in the pavilion, he didn't know who Yang Xuan was, he just thought it was strange.

Yang Xuan followed the young man in white to the pavilion and sat down. He just thought that since the other party said so, it seems that the name of the Ziyun Palace in front of him sounds good, and is the person living here so weird?

Isn't it okay for others to pass by this Ziyun Palace outside? Yang Xuan was also full of curiosity, and felt quite incredible. What is the reason for this? And I also feel these elves appearing in this Ziyun Palace.

They are all different, Yang Xuan also has a strange feeling, he looked at the young man in white with doubts in his eyes and said.

"Little brother, my name is Yang Xuan, but who are you? Why are you stopping me? I haven't entered Ziyun Palace either. I just think the Ziyun Palace in front of me is too beautiful, so I want to take a look here , but I am not an elf here, I came here from another world."

"I just came here for a walk, but I don't know why, your place is really beautiful, after all, every place in the fairy flower world looks so magical."

933 "It also makes me feel lingering, so I want to enjoy the scenery here every time I pass by, and I don't want to miss such a beautiful scenery."

After hearing what Yang Xuan said, Chu Xiaofeng also knew his name, but Chu Xiaofeng thought it was strange that he came here from the outside world.

Their place is also isolated from the world, no strangers have ever come here, and they are all used to it.

It’s just that they don’t know much about the people who live in Ziyun Palace. This person has been living in Ziyun Palace since he came here, and he rarely comes out. They only met him once.

Chapter 1622 Worried

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