After all, Yang Xuan has never seen such a beautiful scenery, and the fairy flower world is the most beautiful place in the whole world.

Yang Xuan was lucky enough to be able to come to the Fairy Flower Realm this time, and he also felt happy, at least he had no other regrets in this life, which surprised Yang Xuan.

Unexpectedly, through reincarnation, he could come to such a beautiful and magical place through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan also felt very happy.

It made him feel that he didn't have too many thoughts in his heart, and he felt that he could see it quite clearly, so how could he worry about this problem?

He just felt that if things really evolved, he didn't want too many changes, so Yang Xuan chatted with Jiang Feng Yunze for a while.

After all, he is leaving this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, and he has to go to other places. There are many beautiful scenery in this fairy flower world, and Yang Xuan can't leave too many regrets if he wants to appreciate it.

Because he wanted to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, Yang Xuan had to leave when Yi Dai Wuji opened it, and it would be too late to appreciate the beautiful scenery here.

How could Yang Xuan not know it in his heart, he walked forward slowly, and the ground here is soft, making him feel light, like stepping on clouds, this feeling is no different, it turns out that in the world There really is such a fairy-like place, so beautiful.

After seeing Yang Xuan's words, Jiang Feng Yunze also felt that he could really think clearly, as long as he could think so thoroughly.

He really didn't have too many worries, Jiang Fengyunze also understood him, understood that Yang Xuan admired the scenery here, and he left the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest in a while.

Jiang Feng Yunze could also see that he was excited when he heard Yang Xuan's words, so Yang Xuan could tell himself that he made himself clear about his ins and outs. Jiang Feng Yunze looked at Yang Xuan and was really excited for him. Said.

"However, I still want to thank you for telling me so much, which makes me feel happy. At least you have nothing to hide from me, and there is no situation. I feel very happy in my heart, but you will leave this purple oleander flower in a while Lin is also okay, I don't think I need to bring you here to find what you want."

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"You can do it by yourself. If I follow you, it will destroy your thoughts and plans. I don't think it is necessary to help you in this way. After all, let alone in this fairy flower world gone."


"You will break through the most dangerous place, and you will solve it. I feel very happy. It seems that no one in this world can hurt you. Otherwise, you would not be able to come here. So many things have already happened. You don't have to worry if you do it, you can leave here and go somewhere else, I won't keep you either."

After Jiang Feng Yunze said this, he saw that Yang Xuan was clear, and he left here, so don't keep him anymore, because he still has tasks to complete, Jiang Feng Yunze knew in his heart, seeing Yang Xuan, he left back.

I didn't expect that after chatting with him for a while, I really felt a lot of emotion afterwards. Jiang Fengyunze felt at ease when Yang Xuan left the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest.

Chapter 1600

Yang Xuan continued to search for what he wanted in the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm. After all, the True Reincarnation Tower was opened and brought him here.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to give up easily, this opportunity is not easy for him, everything has new changes, Yang Xuan searched slowly, because every place is so beautiful.

Every place in this Lingxian flower world is green and lush, like the green paddy fields in "Nine Zero Three", it is extraordinarily beautiful. Looking at it, it is endless. I have never seen such a beautiful place.

Yang Xuan was quite excited in his heart. As for where to go next, he didn't have a day's thoughts in his mind. He just thought that since he came to this fairy flower world, he should go forward and check the situation wherever he went to see if there was any trouble. It’s okay to not have what you want.

Yang Xuan didn't know why he had such a feeling, he searched here aimlessly, and at this moment he came to a particularly hidden place.

This place is also so magical, but he felt that the palace in front of him was very beautiful. Yang Xuan saw the words Red Sandalwood Palace written on it.

Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful palace in such a place, Yang Xuan thinks that every place in this fairy flower world is so magical.

It was really different. He walked slowly and looked at a very beautiful back garden, and there was a rockery and a lotus pond. How come every scenery is such an artist? It's all so memorable.

"I really can't imagine it. It seems that this fairy flower world is really the most beautiful place in the world that people imagine, but there are not many people who can come here. Seeing this is a place isolated from the world. It is a place full of magical scenery and dreams everywhere, which is really different.”

"It's really a good change to be able to come to this fairy flower world through reincarnation through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower this time. At least it's not that kind of dark place, that kind of horrible hell. I don't know the mission this time. What is it, it seems that I don’t think so much, let’s move forward.”

"Such a beautiful palace has appeared again. I have to go in and have a look. This time, I can't come to this fairy flower world for nothing. I have to appreciate it everywhere..."

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart as he walked, he just felt that the red sandalwood palace in front of him was so special, and what was slowly being built turned out to be a purple layout.

Suddenly, I felt a bright light in front of my eyes, surrounded by these emerald green scenery, reflecting the purple color, really like a fairyland on earth.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that, let alone here, he would not be able to see such a scenery even in the sky, but he did not expect to see such a beautiful scenery in this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan suddenly felt that people were really intoxicated, and after coming to this fairy flower world, he felt that he didn't want to leave.

Because the scenery in each place is different, and the scenery in every 0.1 place is different, it seems that you really appreciate the beauty here.

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart and told himself that he was traveling and didn't think so much.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, and this red sandalwood palace was very big, surrounded by fences, it looked like someone lived here, looking inside, he had a mysterious feeling.

Chapter 1601 Excitement

Yang Xuan opened the door of the fence and walked in, and the feeling of walking in made him feel even more emotional.

I always feel that there is a feeling that is different, and Yang Xuan also said it, but I think it is too amazing.

Looking left and right, Yang Xuan really felt that his eyes couldn't see through. The flowers planted here are also extraordinarily beautiful, after all, this is the fairy flower world.

Because there are flowers blooming in every place, and different scenery appears in every place, which really makes people feel lingering.

After all, Yang Xuan felt that he had just realized this feeling. After arriving in the fairy flower world, he didn't want to leave. Yang Xuan also wanted to live here for a long time.

But now he knows that he can't do this, and once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, he will leave here. Yang Xuan doesn't belong to every world, it belongs to his own modern world.

But he didn't know when he would go back. This time also made him feel a little strange, but he knew it in his heart.

No matter what, if these things happen, then think about other issues, there is really no need to be so entangled all the time.

When Yang Xuan was standing on him, he suddenly felt a ray of light coming towards him. Yang Xuan looked up, and this purple ray of light directly drew a beautiful circle of light in the air, flying towards Yang Xuan directly. .

Yang Xuan jumped up and went up. The light Yang Xuan shot was white, mixed with the purple light, it was quite beautiful.

Yang Xuan didn't know why, where did the light come from? Yang Xuan stared blankly at the palace, as if there was really a shadow floating there, and the light was emitted by the other party.

He knew in his heart that the other party had launched an attack, maybe he had entered another territory, otherwise such a scene would not have been possible.

"Who is in there? It's too despicable to use such a method. Is this the way you treat guests in the fairy flower world? I came here as a guest. Why do you treat your guests like this? Don't you?" Asking who launched the attack like this, I don’t think such words are very authentic.”

"Although you people in the fairy flower world are very kind and friendly, why are you so weird? You have already launched an attack before you know who it is. It's all right, so take back your light, do you think you can hurt me by doing this?"

The person in the red sandalwood palace, after hearing Yang Xuan's words, he just felt that the voice was so immature, after all, such a person suddenly appeared outside.

So the person 903 in it is Xuanji Zixuan, he is the person who manages the red sandalwood palace, so he has some abilities. They are not from the fairy flower world.

How could Xuanji Zixuan let others come here easily, so he wanted to launch an attack to see how much ability the opponent had and wanted to test it out. In fact, Xuanji Zixuan didn't want to be an enemy of the opponent.

I just feel that this person has suddenly entered this red sandalwood palace. No matter whether there is any purpose or not, where does this guy who does not belong to them come from? .

Chapter 1602 An Uninvited Guest

Xuanji Zixuan couldn't see very clearly inside, but he could vaguely see the figure of Yang Xuan, a young man with a tall stature.

But Xuanji Zixuan couldn't see clearly what it looked like, after all, he couldn't see clearly through a window inside, and the distance between Zitan Palace and Yang Xuan was relatively far.

Yang Xuan is at the gate of the fence at the moment, and Xuanji Zixuan has already started to attack just after stepping here. He wants to test how much ability the opponent has, to see how much his ability is, where it comes from, and if he can know.

But after Xuanji Zixuan fought against him, he knew that the person in front of him was powerful, but he couldn't know where he came from.

At this moment, the purple light and the white light are still interlacing in the air, and the lightning is extraordinarily beautiful, but it also looks particularly terrifying, because the two masters are fighting.

Then their spells condensed into beams of light and radiated out in the air. Yang Xuan would not show weakness, after all, he felt that the opponent had already launched an attack on his own initiative.

No matter whether it was probing or being real, Yang Xuan couldn't easily admit defeat, and it was impossible for him to do so. There was no such word as admitting defeat in his dictionary, so Yang Xuan knew it in his heart.

At this moment, watching the lights of the two masters continuously erupting sparks in the air is extraordinarily beautiful, Yang Xuan felt that it was really interesting, so he didn't want to think about it so much.

He just felt that since the other party wanted to test his skills, Yang Xuan would have a good meeting with him, and Yang Xuan stepped up his strength a little later.

How could Yang Xuan compromise so easily? No matter what, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower has been opened since he came to the Fairy Flower Realm.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to change his decision easily. If he wants to leave here now, it is impossible for him to know that my heart has not been opened and has not come back.

How could Yang Xuan leave here? So when the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower appeared, Yang Xuan's mission was completed, and he had the opportunity to leave here.

Otherwise, if the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower never comes back, Yang Xuan will belong to the fairy flower world, and he will never be able to leave. At this moment, he still feels very angry.

He watched the shadow in the palace keep attacking without any reaction.

"¨¨I just don't want to be your enemy. After all, I didn't come here looking for a fight, and I don't want to do this, but your appearance makes me feel very dissatisfied. I didn't offend you. Are you going to launch an attack on this red sandalwood palace? Is this red sandalwood palace really yours?"

"Even if it's yours, so what? Every place in this fairy flower world is magical, so is there any rule to come here to watch the scenery? I don't think it's necessary ) Be stingy."

"Who are you? Why are you hiding in there and sneaking around? Could it be that you are the owner of this place? Even if you are, you wouldn't hide behind and dare not see anyone, would you?"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he wasn't so angry in his heart, but he felt quite anxious. Why didn't the other party hide inside and not come out?

Could it be that he can't see people? So Yang Xuan has already spoken so directly, he doesn't want to be submissive.

Chapter 1603 Difficult to reach the sky

No matter what the other party did, it would be very difficult for him to hurt himself. How could his ability be hurt? He just felt that if the situation had already arisen, he didn't want to hurt others.

He just controlled his spells to a certain extent, so that the opponent would not be harmed, but it was impossible for the opponent to take advantage of it.

It is impossible for him to hurt himself, and it is impossible for Yang Xuan to let him have any mistakes. After all, Yang Xuan does not know the identity of the other party, so he will not attack easily. Here, they are all from the flower world elf.

How could Yang Xuan easily hurt them? No matter who the other party is right now, he must be an elf here. This is certain, and Yang Xuan also feels that there is no need to continue wasting ability on 903.

But the other party didn't respond after hearing his words, and Yang Xuan's spell was not withdrawn, so he had to continue to check to see what the other party could last.

After Xuanji Zixuan heard what Yang Xuan said inside, he felt that the other party's voice sounded so immature, and he was not very old.

Although Xuanji Zixuan couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly, but when he heard the voice, he felt that the other party was very confident, and his magic power was boundless and very powerful.

Xuanji Zixuan has already felt (ccab), otherwise he would not be able to say that at this moment, it seems that the ability is not small, why does he think the other party came to this fairy flower world?

After all, no one has been here in their spirit fairy flower world for hundreds of years, and suddenly an unexpected visitor came in front of them, how could Xuanji Zixuan have no idea at this moment.

But he always had to try the other party's ability to feel at ease, but he felt that since the other party said that, although it was a bit rampant, at least he didn't have any malicious intentions, and he didn't seem to be a bad person.

Xuanji Zixuan felt at ease, but the opponent's ability should not be underestimated. Xuanji Zixuan didn't take back his spells at the moment, and kept attacking.

The purple light radiated from the room to Yang Xuan's side, mixed with the white light from Yang Xuan, it was still extraordinarily beautiful, emitting a sparkling light.

Xuanji Zixuan just thought that the person who spoke was quite interesting, and what he said really made me feel funny. He spoke rudely at a young age, and he seemed to be not afraid of the sky and the earth.

"Brat, you have a lot of guts. Entering the Red Sandalwood Palace without authorization, do you want to seek death? Now that you have entered someone else's territory, you are still so rampant, and you are still so arrogant. I really feel a little amazed at you Who is it? Who am I, you ask? I am the master here."

"What about you? Why are you so domineering when you come to someone else's place? Is this yours? Now I prevent you from entering my house. Is this wrong? So it's not me attacking you now, it's you This man has no manners and broke into someone else's property."

"Now not only do you not know what is wrong, but you are also rude, and you are so arrogant and domineering. It seems that no one teaches you the rules. Today, I will teach you the rules and let you know what is called human beings. Don't The elves we live here don’t seem to have much ability, but we know how to behave.”.

Chapter 1604 Attack

Yang Xuan finally heard the other party's voice. He felt that the other party's voice sounded like he was not very old, but Yang Xuan felt that what he said was reasonable, and he was indeed quite arrogant.

Yang Xuan said just now that they just deliberately looked at each other to get angry. After all, he knew in his heart that the other party wanted to find out his own way.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to launch an attack, but the spells of the two of them haven't been withdrawn, and they are still fighting in the air.

Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter anymore, they wouldn't hurt each other anyway, they just wanted to know if the other party had more abilities.

However, Yang Xuan also told himself in his heart that it was impossible for him to take back his ability easily, he just felt that since the other party made the first move.

Then Yang Xuan always needs to know who he is, so he is the owner of this place, Yang Xuan can be considered to understand, at this moment he is also rude.

He broke into someone else's territory, but Yang Xuan felt that he had come to this red sandalwood palace, how could he easily miss it? And from outside, you can see the magnificent palace not far away, and the red sandalwood palace is vast and rich in resources.

It seemed that the surrounding scenery was picturesque, and it was extremely miraculous. How could Yang Xuan leave here just like that? ~After all, he also knows it in his heart.

Now that he has come to the spirit fairy flower world, the scenery in each place is different, so he let himself enjoy the scenery, how could he easily miss such a good scenic spot.

So Yang Xuan broke in, but he didn't think it mattered, and he didn't destroy everything here, he just came here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and the person in the palace wouldn't be surprised - he looked like a mob.

After Xuanji Zixuan said those words, he would not change his decision easily, and his spells were not withdrawn.

Because he felt that the other party had broken into the red sandalwood palace without authorization, if it was to withdraw the spell, he would also withdraw it, Xuanji Zixuan pondered in his heart.

No matter what, the young man in front of him has abilities, and he is not very old, and he looks quite naive.

However, he has the ability to break through the enchantment and enter the spirit fairy flower world alone, which is really powerful, and he really has some skills.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to resist the purple light emitted by himself at this moment. Xuanji Zixuan understands this reason, but he does not want to change his decision easily.

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