Yang Xuan felt that he really couldn't imagine it. When he left any world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, he had never seen anyone appear here. Why is it so weird today? Have you been fooled?

Isn't the True Reincarnation Tower that appeared in front of me the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, is it an illusion that appeared by myself?

Yang Xuan also felt a little baffled, but he didn't feel afraid that with his ability, there would be no problem in dealing with the 22 teenagers in front of him, Yang Xuan said to him.

"Who are you? Why did you appear here? I find it strange that you look like this. What is your identity? How could you appear in this room? This place can't be like this anymore. Anyway, you are Who is it? Tell the truth about the situation, otherwise, I will be rude to you."

"Based on your situation, I think it is quite special. Why? It is impossible for anyone else to appear in this Tower of Reincarnation. Who are you? Why are you looking at me like this with a hippie smile? No seriousness, where did you come from? Why don’t you say it? Could it be that this Tower of Rebirth was created by your illusion?”

"I don't think it's possible. Can you really reach this level with your ability? I don't think it can be done. It's impossible for you to be able to control the Reincarnation Tower with this little ability on your body. Who, tell me quickly, why are you looking at me like this? Don’t you want to answer? Or do you want to court death?”

After Yang Xuan said this, he has been guessing in his heart how the white-clothed boy in front of him could be a monster. He also looks quite normal.

But Yang Xuan was a little entangled. With his ability, it was impossible for him to appear in the True Reincarnation Tower, so Yang Xuan found it strange and a little unimaginable.

That's why Yang Xuan said that, otherwise, how could he face the other party like this, after all, he looked at the white-clothed boy in front of him, the more he looked at it, the more unbelievable it became.

Why did he appear here, because Yang Xuan was able to leave here after being in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower many times, but no one has ever appeared here.

Besides him, why is it so weird today? So Yang Xuan always felt that there was no answer, and he wanted to know the answer.

If there is really no answer, Yang Xuan always feels a little uneasy in 810's heart, because he feels that the boy in white in front of him always looks weird.

But he still had a smile on his face, which seemed quite self-healing. Yang Xuan didn't hate it, but he had to be clear about all of this. Yang Xuan couldn't let himself face a stranger like this in a daze.

Because Yang Xuan has passed the True Soul Reincarnation Tower here so many times, only through this True Soul Reincarnation Tower can Yang Xuan enter another world.

So this time Yang Xuan came from another world and was going to return to his own life through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan also felt that the young man in white was not dressed like the modern one.

Chapter 1552 Unbelievable

Where did he come from? Now I feel that there is a floral fragrance on his body, which smells good, not such a pungent fragrance, which makes Yang Xuan feel even more exciting. Did a big boy actually wear some rouge and gouache?

The more Yang Xuan thought about it, the more disgusting he felt, but it didn't taste quite like it, he just felt that everything was quite miraculous, and he always had to figure it out.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan felt a little entangled in the True Reincarnation Tower, but Yang Xuan felt that the True Reincarnation Tower was not fake, and was not controlled by the other party.

He doesn't have this strength, and wants to use his illusion to build the True Reincarnation Tower, how can he do this? He just felt that even he couldn't do this, and the other party's ability was not stronger than his own, so it was impossible.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he had no answer to this matter now. After all, it had just begun, and Yang Xuanjiu was not in a hurry. If this situation really happened, he would have to figure out the ins and outs. Then decide how to treat the boy in white in front of him.

Yang Xuan felt that this Bai Ye boy was already an adult, but he was relatively weak in stature, but he looked very humble. This headdress and this kind of attire were quite special.

The boy in white looked at Yang Xuan in front of him and felt quite strange. Did the boy in white also think that he was the one he was waiting for? So after the boy in white came to the Tower of Reincarnation, he also felt baffled.

He has heard of this True Reincarnation Tower before, it is a magic weapon leading to another world, it is extremely powerful, he never thought that he would be able to see such a magical treasure.

The boy in white felt very happy, but he thought that maybe he came here to pick up someone, but he didn't expect to appear here, and this person spoke rather arrogantly.

But the boy in white doesn't care, he doesn't care so much, how can he think too much at such a young age? He just felt happy to see a person appearing in the True Reincarnation Tower, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Big brother, don't be so angry. My name is the boy in white. I didn't transform the Reincarnation Tower by myself. I don't have this ability and I don't have any malicious intentions. Why do you look at me full of blood? What about hostility? I won’t hurt you, and besides, your ability is much stronger than mine, so how could I hurt you?”.

"¨I don't have the guts either, so I don't want to live anymore, otherwise I will obey your arrangement obediently, so my name is Qian Yizihua, I just look at you with special anger in my eyes, Shouldn't I show up with this tone? Or is this tone your exclusive channel?"

"I don't know why, anyway, I heard a voice, let me enter the tower of the real reincarnation (Qian De's), and I saw the real reincarnation tower appeared, with a particularly bright step, I walked up slowly, but I didn’t expect to actually enter here, and I don’t know why these things happened.”

After hearing what the other party said, Yang Xuan realized that the young man in white was actually Qian Yizi Hua Yang Xuan. He also felt that what the other party said made sense, his voice was nice, magnetic, and quite polite. of,.

Chapter 1553 Pretentious

Although Yang Xuan's words were really rampant just now, and he was not very polite at all, but the other party was not angry, Yang Xuan just felt that Qian Yizihua was really good.

So Yang Xuan wondered in his heart that if this is the case, then it seems that all this is true? Is he here to pick him up? Where does Yang Xuan think he will take him? Go to his world? Did Yang Xuan feel like this happened again?

Originally, I thought that once the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, I could bring myself back to my own world from here, but I didn't expect this situation to happen again.

Because Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he had no chance to choose, once he entered the Tower of Reincarnation, he would have to listen to the arrangements here.

At this moment, Yang Xuan has no chance to choose at 813, so as long as the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, then Yang Xuan will know all about it.

How could he not have any worries these days? Although he had thoughts, he felt that what Qian Yizihua said in front of him was quite sincere, and he didn't look like a bad person at all.

Yang Xuan is more attractive, so how could he doubt so much? He just felt that if such a situation happened, then there was really no need to worry so much, and wanted to be sure of all of this in his heart.

I just think that if the situation is stable, (ccab) I can study it by myself at that time. Anyway, let's see what the other party has to say. Yang Xuan looked at him quietly and didn't do anything.

Only then could Yang Xuan stop being so serious and look so angry as before, because he didn't think it was necessary. The other party had already explained his intention of coming today, so how could Yang Xuan embarrass him?

When Qian Yizihua saw Yang Xuan, he just felt that the person in front of him was too calm, but who was he? Qian Yizihua just felt a little unbelievable, the young man in front of him.

He was a few years older than himself, but he really looked a little different, and his eyes were full of evil just now, but at this moment he seemed to be calm again.

Qian Yizihua felt at ease in his heart, because Qian Yizihua would not lie, what he said was true, and if the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, Qianyi Zihua would not know why he came here.

I don't know who sent me here, maybe it was to borrow this person in front of me, otherwise, how could such a situation happen? Qian Yizihua said to Yang Xuan.

"But I know in my heart that you don't need to be so angry, then I seem to hear a voice later asking me to pick up someone and enter our world, so this person should be you, otherwise, this place will No one else could have appeared."

"Because after you entered the Tower of Reincarnation, the Tower of Reincarnation was closed, and it has already started to take off. The route we are flying now is to enter the place where I live, and the place where I live is quite far away. .”

"But the speed of the Reincarnation Tower is so fast, we shouldn't be able to fly for a long time. No matter how you look at me, don't doubt that what I said is true. I don't need to lie to you. You see, I look like a bad guy. Is it? I'm not a monster or a monster, so you don't need to be so guarded against me, I'm just an elf."

I hope that the words have been said so directly now, and that the other party can understand.

Chapter 1554 Received the order

He really didn't have any malicious intentions, he just came to this Reincarnation Tower after receiving an order, and flew in the air without knowing it.

He came to where Yang Xuan was, and brought him into the True Spirit Reincarnation Pagoda, leading him to enter his own world.

So in this situation, Qian Yizihua also felt that he couldn't imagine what the reason was. How could he possibly know? But he can only go with nature.

There can be no other situation, so he also understands in his heart, how can he doubt other things, because Qian Yizihua doesn't think it is necessary, the young man in front of him doesn't look so evil.

And he is an elf from the flower world, so Qian Yizihua also thinks, if this happens anyway, then don't think too much about it.

The True Spirit Reincarnation Tower has already opened Yang Xuan's identity, he will naturally tell himself, besides, why did he go to the flower world? Qian Yizihua couldn't figure it out.

But there are some things he understands in his heart, but he can't understand them at all, because some things are simply unexplainable, so how can he not understand the situation?

Some things look simple, but they are really very complicated to do. They are not as simple and easy to handle as I think.

But Qian Yizihua told himself that since this situation has already happened, he will definitely bring Yang Xuan back to his world on time, so once he enters his world, will the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower disappear? What about -?

Because Qian Yizihua has never seen such a powerful thing as the True Reincarnation Tower, what is it? Is this a passage through? Why is it so amazing? So you can go from one world to another - world.

He also felt that it was really unimaginable. After he said those words, he kept looking at Yang Xuan, wondering what the other party would think, could he believe what he said?

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also understood that since the other party was called Qian Yizi Hua, then Yang Xuan was sure about the name, did he come from the flower world?

Otherwise, how could he look like this? Why does he smell like flowers all over his body? Yang Xuan finally understood that at the very beginning, he entered the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

····Ask for flowers 0·

He thought that the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was opened and he could send himself back, but he didn't expect that Yang Xuan felt that it was too soon since he was going to bring himself into the flower world.

So the smell just now felt weird and faint, but the particularly pleasant smell was a natural fragrance, which turned out to be the smell from Qian Yizihua, Yang Xuan said to him.


"I know your name, so it's your identity, but judging by your appearance and the smell on your body, it must come from the flower world, so there is no need to doubt it. I smelled this smell from the very beginning. , so what I said just now may be more direct."

"After all, I have entered many worlds through this Tower of Reincarnation. No one has ever appeared here. Suddenly someone appeared. I couldn't help but feel a little strange, so what I said just now was indeed not very polite, but I also think it's not a pity, this True Reincarnation Tower can directly bring me into the Flower Realm, so there's no need for you to come here." 1.

Chapter 1555 Unknown Origin

"Don't you know why you entered the Tower of Reincarnation? All of this is really so unimaginable, it makes me feel amazing. If such a situation occurs, it depends on how you decide. "

Qian Yizihua stood on the top of the Reincarnation Pagoda, and after hearing what Yang Xuan said, they were already in the Reincarnation Pagoda, and it was pitch black in the "813" Reincarnation Pagoda.

But Qian Yizihua just felt that the light outside was quite miraculous, so he couldn't explain why he appeared in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

Why bring Yang Xuan back to his world? How could Qian Yizihua know exactly what the situation was? He looked confused at the moment.

Seeing Yang Xuan also felt that when the other party entered the True Reincarnation Tower just now, Qian Yizihua felt that this matter had already happened and could not be changed, and the person to pick him up was Yang Xuan in front of him.

But he felt that he was not a bad person, he didn't look as angry or evil as before, Qian Yizihua felt relieved, after hearing what Yang Xuan said, he also thought about all this in his heart, he also can not explain.

Yang Xuan didn't know much about this situation anymore, because he felt that if this was the case, let's see what Qian Yizihua came from.

Because if he really came from the flower world, Yang Xuan thought it was incredible, where did he go this time? Is there really another situation?

Yang Xuan thought in his heart that it really made himself feel a little too strange, because when Yang Xuan entered every world through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, how could there be other people in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower?

Is Chiichiko Hua just an elf? Yang Xuan felt that something was really inexplicable, but Yang Xuan had to understand the situation before making a decision, because Qian Yizihua had already appeared in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

So if he is really from the flower world, do I want to go with him?

Yang Xuan asked himself in his heart who would not have an answer, but Yang Xuan always had to understand Qian Yizihua's situation, otherwise everything would always look so weird...

Then Yang Xuan thought in his heart that this matter had never happened before, and everything here suddenly changed, how could he not doubt it? Yang Xuan also understood all this, he said to Qian Yizihua.

"Because I understand in my heart that sometimes these things cannot be explained, and sometimes they are really special, so once the passage of the Reincarnation Tower is opened, I am afraid that we can only stop when we reach another world. Impossible to stop."

"Besides, the Tower of Reincarnation is naturally organized, and every time it arrives at a different place, there is no need to send you to pick me up, so I really don't know what the situation is. I understand, but did you hear a voice from whom? Don't you have an impression?"

"Didn't you say that you heard a voice that made you enter the Reincarnation Tower to pick someone up and return to the Flower Realm? Then can you tell where the voice is from?"

Yang Xuan just felt that if such a situation happened, he was thinking about it in his heart at the moment.

Chapter 1556 A Familiar Voice

If this is the case, then whose voice did Qian Yizihua hear? Could it be that he really has no impression? Yang Xuan pondered in his heart.

If Qian Yizihua really heard a voice, he thought the voice was unfamiliar or familiar. Yang Xuan wanted to know, because there really was no such situation in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Yang Xuan was not doubting, because he felt that some things had to be clarified before making a decision, otherwise he felt as if he was confused, how could he not know such a question?

He just felt that if the situation arises, he also hopes to get the answer, and he doesn't want to deal with the problem in such a muddle-headed way, otherwise, how could Yang 22xuan be like this now.

He studied these questions in his heart to see what Qian Yizihua would think, because if he really heard someone else's words, there appeared in this True Soul Reincarnation Tower that he wanted to take himself to the fairy flower world Who does Yang Xuan feel is behind this?

Could it be the master of the flower world? Yang Xuan pondered in his heart, the owner of this flower world must be a beautiful fairy, Yang Xuan also felt surprised at this moment, because he has been to many worlds.

I have come to many places through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, but I have never seen such a situation. This time, Yang Xuan felt that it was quite miraculous.

So he is also looking forward to it. If this is the case, it is a good task to enter the fairy flower world. Let's see what is there.

Qian Yizihua raised his head and looked at Yang Xuan, how could he know so much, he just felt that although he had heard about the Reincarnation Tower, he had never seen it before.

But he really didn't expect that one day he would enter the Tower of Reincarnation, which was really too strange for him.

So he also felt a little unimaginable in his heart. He thought about these things in his heart, they were all real appearances, and it was fine if he wasn't lying to himself.

But he didn't recognize the voice here at the very beginning, it just appeared in Wuxin after receiving the mission, he wants to follow Yang Xuan to enter the spirit fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower at this moment .

Qian Yizihua said to Yang Xuan.

"Brother, don't think about it so much. If I knew who made the voice, I wouldn't be as confused as I am now, because I also felt quite surprised when you appeared. It turned out that I wanted to pick up the voice." People are you, and you look like a human being."

"And I don't know who you are, but I also feel that I can't imagine my name. You also know that I am from the fairy flower world. I am just an elf, but at this moment I also know in my heart that our soul The fairy flower world is full of flowers, plants and trees, as well as some crop products."

"Anyway, all the food that can be eaten is in our fairy flower world. I am just another identity at the moment, so who sent me here, how do I know? I have never seen this tower of reincarnation. This is the first time, it turns out that through such a magical magic weapon, it is really amazing to be able to enter other dimensions, other worlds."

After hearing what Qian Yizihua said, Yang Xuan also understood. Since he didn't know who the person behind this was, Yang Xuan felt that it didn't matter.

Chapter 1557 Inexplicable

Anyway, he was already used to this kind of life. From the moment the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower appeared, Yang Xuan had been reincarnating non-stop, passing through every world and coming to every place, which was quite different.

This time Yang Xuan felt that if he really went to the Lingxianhuajie, did he think this place was much better than the Nine Nether World?

Yang Xuan just felt that there was no need to worry so much, he really didn't have any worries, he just wanted to know that Qian Yizihua appeared here, and it was really complicated.

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