After all, Yang Xuan has passed through the reincarnation tower several times. No one has ever appeared in this place. Only he can pass through it, but this situation happened before him.

How could he have no idea? Yang Xuan felt that he really didn't know how to define this matter, and Qian Yizihua didn't seem to know the answer, and he didn't know who sent him here, so there was no need for Yang Xuan to be entangled.

Qian Yizihua looked at Yang Xuan, but thought why were he thinking so much? The two of them have already appeared in this True Reincarnation Tower.

There is no need for Qian Yizihua to think so much, besides, let everything come here naturally, they will naturally reach the fairy flower world after passing through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, so what is there to worry about?

Does Qian Yizihua think that Yang Xuan doesn't like it? Or does he not want to go at all, but he has already entered the Tower of Reincarnation.

He also has no chance to choose. Anyone in this True Reincarnation Tower will change their route. They can only make a decision after reaching the Lingxian Flower Realm.

Qian Yizihua is now thinking in his heart that this matter is really strange, so he has no answer, he just thinks that since he has come to the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, he will go forward naturally.

They shouldn't worry so much anymore, Qian Yizihua just felt that Yang Xuan didn't look so worried, but he always wanted to ask questions, but he couldn't answer his questions at all.

I don't know how to deal with him in so many situations. Qian Yizihua studied it in his heart, and his heart was relatively calm, but he didn't have too many thoughts in his heart. He just felt that his mood was relatively relaxed. He said to Yang Xuan .

"So as long as I can enter other spaces and other worlds, it seems that it will start to change again, but at this moment I understand in my heart that no matter how I change, I will take you back to the fairy flower world. It is my task that must be fulfilled, but I have carefully identified who made the voice'. "

"¨¨But I can't tell the difference, because I have never seen such a capable person at all. They have strong spells. They can process their own voices, and they can't hear them at all. At this moment, I also feel confused. , but you don't have to think so much."

(Qian Dezhao) "Our fairy flower world is very beautiful, it is a very beautiful place, and the fragrance of flowers is everywhere, it is very magical, you will naturally like it after you go there, why do you have to worry so much .”

Yang Xuan just pondered in his heart, what Qian Yizihua said was also reasonable, it seems that he should enter the spirit fairy flower world for a walk.

Because Yang Xuan feels that riding a tiger is hard to get off now, even if he doesn't go, he must go.

Chapter 1558

He has already appeared in this Reincarnation Tower, how could it be possible to change? Yang Xuan knew in his heart that once the True Soul Reincarnation Tower opened the passage and entered the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, Yang Xuan would have no choice.

He had to enter another world in the direction of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, so only when the True Soul Reincarnation Tower stopped, Yang Xuan knew where he was.

So now he also feels some thoughts in his heart, but he thinks in his heart that it doesn't make any sense to think too much, what Qian Yizihua said is right.

They really don't need to worry about so many True Reincarnation Towers. Now that the passage has been opened and Yang Xuan has come in, thinking too much will only make them more troubled.

After reaching the 820 Realm of Lingxianhua, everything will naturally be revealed, but Qian Yizihua doesn't know who brought him into the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, so Yang Xuan doesn't want to ask too much.

How could it be possible that Qian Yizihua didn't have any thoughts in his mind, but he felt that he was thinking too much, and it also made him feel that he had entered the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to pick up Yang Xuan for something.

So he also felt that after Yang Xuan came out of that terrifying world just now, wouldn't it be good to enter their fairy flower world?

On the other hand, Qian Yizihua felt that their fairy flower world was so beautiful and glamorous, it was not as evil and terrifying as Yang Xuan was in that ghostly place just now, there was no light in the darkness.

Qian Yizihua just felt that in such a situation, Yang Xuan had already made a decision, because Qian Yizihua thought it was such a good decision, and he followed him into the fairy flower world in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower.

Let him have a good taste of what kind of beautiful place Lingxianhuajie is, because there is no such good place in the world except Lingxianhuajie.

Qian Yizihua had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he felt at ease when he saw Yang Xuan, because the other party was not an evil monster, nor was he an alien.

At the same time, he was just a human being, and he looked so powerful. Qian Yizihua, who had so much magic power, didn't have any (ccab) thoughts in his heart, and felt relatively calm in his heart, he said to Yang Xuan.

"After all, I know it in my heart. I just feel that although you are meeting me for the first time, I feel that you are very kind. You are not such a bad person. At the same time, I am just an elf. I have already told you my identity. Come here You already know about the Lingxian Flower Realm, and we will probably be flying for a while in the True Reincarnation Tower right now."

"Because the place you were just now is quite far away from our Spiritual Flower Realm, but we don't need to worry, the True Reincarnation Tower will naturally take us to the Spiritual Flower Realm, and then land and open the passage later, so there is no need to worry about all of this too much."

"Besides, you must be very familiar with the Tower of Reincarnation. It seems that you often travel to various worlds through the Tower of Reincarnation. It really makes me feel that I can't imagine what kind of character you are. How can you be so powerful? ?”

Qian Yizihua looked at Yang Xuan and his heart was really calm. He felt that Yang Xuan looked really naive and innocent, and he had a lot of problems.

But his brain is very flexible, which proves that he has a lot of problems, and his IQ is very high.

Chapter 1559 Once in a Lifetime

Qian Yizihua just felt that if the situation was stable, how could he worry about other things? He felt it was really unnecessary.

It's just that if the problem really arises, he also hopes that everything can go smoothly. He really doesn't want too many situations to arise.

He was just thinking in his heart, if some things really happened, how could he not know the cause of these problems? It was also an experience for him to have Qian Yizihua enter the True Reincarnation Tower.

He has never felt that such a powerful weapon has appeared, which can carry people between two worlds, so is this a kind of reincarnation?

Qian Yizihua was just thinking about how it was possible, if the reincarnation could pass through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, maybe so, otherwise, how could the name of the True Soul Reincarnation Tower be like this.

It seems that Yang Xuan reincarnated from the evil world just now and entered the fairy flower world. Anyway, let him study this problem in his heart, so he has a lot of ideas. He just thinks that if the situation is stable, he will study it later. .

He really doesn't want to have any worries anymore, he just hopes that everything will be normal. If there are other situations, Yang Xuan doesn't want to have too many worries, Qian Yizihua understands in his heart of.

Yang Xuan has never lived like this before. After all, he is used to walking alone, and he keeps leaping and reincarnating in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower alone.

Entering another world, or returning to his own world, but this time is different, Yang Xuan thinks that the addition of one more person may be the arrangement of God, so Yang Xuan should not think too much.

He felt that it was enough to not have any worries. If he thought too much, what's the point? So Yang Xuan understood the situation in his heart, as long as he thought about it clearly, why worry so much.

So he thought about the situation in his heart, if it was really stable, there shouldn't be too many changes, all this could be resolved reasonably.

Yang Xuan also felt that the real soul reincarnation tower, this time the world he was traveling with, since it was the spirit fairy flower world, Yang Xuan felt that what Qian Yizihua said was so mysterious and magical.

····Ask for flowers 0·

This fairy flower world must be a world of flowers and flowers, it is very beautiful and exciting, after all, Yang Xuan has never been there, so it is quite curious to him, he is sitting in a corner of the Reincarnation Tower and looking at Qian Yi Zihua said.


"Well, since you said that, I believe it, and I don't want to argue with you so much, and I don't want to entangle this issue anymore, because I don't think it's necessary. If you really say that, see This situation also made me understand in my heart.”

"I just think that if such a problem arises, I will just let myself solve everything. How can I worry about other things? I feel that what you said is also reasonable. Since your soul The fairy flower world is so beautiful and beautiful, I also want to feast my eyes on it, and I also want to appreciate this kind of scenery."

"Because I've heard of this fairy flower world before, what kind of world it is, it's much better than the place I was in just now." 1.

Chapter 1560 Worlds apart

"The place I was in just now had no light, and it was all dark. It seems that this time I will enter a place full of sunshine and colorful colors. It is really a world of difference."

After Qian Yizihua heard what Yang Xuan said, he finally gave up on being down-to-earth, since the other party wanted to understand that this is the best thing, Qian Yizihua also understood "820" in his heart.

As long as he sees through all this, then don't keep explaining so much, otherwise Qian Yizihua will also feel that the other party is so powerful.

Once he didn't believe what he said, and thought that he was really an elf and an evil one, then he launched an attack. Didn't Qian Yizihua die in this True Soul Reincarnation Tower?

How could he not worry in his heart, the initial worry has been dispelled, because when he saw Yang Xuan, he just felt that he was so calm, and he didn't need to worry about other things at all, so Qian Yizihua was also worried. clear.

It seems that there will be new decisions on these matters, so there is no need to deal with other issues. Qian Yizihua also understands that worrying too much is really meaningless.

Then Qian Yizihua finally calmed down when he saw all this, he was no longer so worried and frightened as he was when he saw Yang Xuan enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower at the very beginning.

Because there was a power in the other party, endless and made him shudder, Qian Yizihua had been chatting with Yang Xuan, but he was just pretending to be calm, he was still a little worried in his heart.

Yang Xuan was very happy in his heart, after all, how could he refuse if such a situation arises, because once the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is opened, Yang Xuan will have no chance to choose at all.

No matter which world he brings himself to in the future, he must go in, so after entering the spirit fairy flower world this time, Yang Xuan thinks it's okay.

Then look at this fairy flower world, is it really full of such colors as Qian Yizihua said? So I like to learn, since it is the fairy flower world.

Then it must be different, Yang Xuan, who is the most beautiful place in the world, feels that this time is not bad, at least not as scary as the world just now, Yang Xuan said to Qian Yizihua...

"I didn't expect such a big change all of a sudden. The fairy flower world looks really good, but every time the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower passes through reincarnation, you will enter another world. Don't worry, you are Return to your own world normally, and nothing will happen."

"I've heard before that every place is different, because this time I left in this evil world, so I can reincarnate into another world directly in the Tower of Reincarnation, but every time I feel very relaxed once it’s all by myself.”

Qian Yizihua understood in his heart, thinking of saying this, he naturally had concerns in his heart. It seems that no one came here to the True Reincarnation Tower of 0.1, unless he shuttled freely here alone.

It is true that no one else has entered here, otherwise, Yang Xuan would not be able to keep saying that, and Qian Yizihua also understands now.

But no matter what the other party said about these things, Qian Yizihua didn't know much about them, because he had already been in this fairy flower world for so many years.

Chapter 1561 Inexplicable

He didn't know why he entered the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower this time, maybe he was sent by someone, Qian Yizihua didn't think it mattered, anyway, Yang Xuan in front of him was so kind.

He is a human being, as long as he appears in the Reincarnation Tower, he can follow him into the fairy flower world. Qian Yizihua felt that he didn't have too many worries or struggles in his heart.

Because I don't think it's necessary, just follow all these developments, because once the True Reincarnation Tower is opened, if it looks really magical like Yang Xuan said, this True Reincarnation Tower is really a baby.

But where did this Tower of Resurrection come from? When does it start? Qian Yizi 22 Hua really felt baffled, when he discovered the True Reincarnation Tower, he was already in the True Reincarnation Tower.

Qian Yizihua understood these things in his heart, but he just felt that he should not think too much, he didn't want to ask for trouble, he was more optimistic and had a more positive attitude.

So he wanted to go through the True Soul Reincarnation Tower with Yang Xuan as soon as possible, and return to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm as soon as possible, so that everything would be stable, so why did Yang Xuan shuttle freely in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower? Woolen cloth? What is his mission?

Every time he returns to a different world in another world, what kind of feeling does he have? Qian Yizihua was also curious, but now he didn't ask so many questions, and was quietly listening to Yang Xuan's speech.

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to say that he is not surprised. He thinks these things are really strange, and they look special, but if some things happen, how can he not understand in his heart?

He feels that if this matter can really be reconsidered, he doesn't want too many situations to arise again, and hopes that everything can be stabilized.

If there is really another danger, then he also hopes that everything can be resolved reasonably. No matter what, Qian Yizihua is just an elf from the spirit fairy flower world.

It looks handsome, so that place must be very beautiful, Yang Xuan thinks he should just take a walk, because he has already entered the fairy flower world, Yang Xuan has no choice, he can only go with the flow developed.

This time I felt that Qian Yizihua suddenly appeared here, and Yang Xuan felt a little caught off guard, after all, he had traveled through so many places.

I have never seen anyone appear in this spirit fairy flower world, Qian Yizihua is the first one, how could Yang Xuan not be surprised, he said to Qian Yizihua again.

"This time you suddenly appeared in the Tower of Reincarnation, so I feel very strange 823, you don't know this situation now, and you don't know who is behind you manipulating you to enter the Tower of Reincarnation Among them, those who want to take me back to the fairy flower world, I don't want to be so entangled, after all, even if you haven't entered the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower."

"I still can't escape this fate, and I will also enter the spirit fairy flower world, so this time it has changed. This spirit fairy flower world is actually a colorful world, let me appreciate it."

After Yang Xuan said this, he also felt a little bit of anticipation and a little bit of mystery, so after entering the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, he would naturally know all of this.

Chapter 1562 Isolation

So is it the kind of world that people talk about? Then this kind of world is really isolated from the world, because I know in my heart that this fairy flower world is very hidden.

Then if you want to enter the fairy flower world without certain abilities, it is impossible to find the fairy flower world, so this time Yang Xuan also felt that it was quite good for the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to bring him to the fairy flower world.

And Qian Yizihua came to pick him up Yang Xuan didn't think so much anymore, after all all this is in front of him, Qian Yizihua is not a bad person, he is just Yang Xuan from the spirit fairy flower world, why bother so much Woolen cloth?

Why did he have to know the last situation, Qian Yizihua didn't understand, he also didn't know why Yang Xuan appeared in this fairy flower world, so don't repeat so much.

So at this moment, the Tower of Reincarnation is flying slowly, but they feel that the speed is very slow, but in fact, the Tower of Reincarnation is quite fast, faster than their flying speed.

Yang Xuan is not worried so much at this moment, Yang Xuan has never been such a person, he just thinks that it is better to go with the situation, how could he not have other thoughts in his heart?

He just felt that if the situation was stable, he would know how to make a decision, and he wouldn't worry so much at all, so Yang Xuan was relatively calm in his heart, feeling that Lingxianhuajie was the place he wanted to go.

Then the situation last time made Yang Xuan feel really aggrieved. Every place and every corner was dark. Although he got the treasure, he felt that it would be better to leave there as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, he would end the mission so soon, and was preparing to go to the Immortal Flower Realm again through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan felt that he didn't want to have too many problems, and he didn't want to worry himself too much.

Qian Yizihua looked at Yang Xuan's appearance, and felt that he was no longer as worried as he was at the beginning, and he looked so serious and nervous.

After all, he felt that since he had come to this invisible place, why he didn't understand in his heart, what he told Yang Xuan was the truth, but at this moment he knew it clearly, and then he and Yang Xuan were going to go back to Lingxianhua boundary.

This fact made him feel that once he returned to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, everything would be stable, and Qian Yizihua would not have to fly in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

Although the True Reincarnation Tower seems mysterious and can enter every world through another way, Qian Yizihua only wanted to return to the fairy flower world, he said to Yang Xuan.

"¨Okay, you have thought so much, and you have thought so clearly, then it seems that I don't need to explain so much, because now you also believe what I say, no matter how much I think, it is useless, after all, you I can’t answer the questions I have, and I don’t know how to answer them, and I’m a little confused about how I got to the bottom.”.

(money is good)

"When I woke up, I had already appeared in the Reincarnation Tower, so I felt like I was flying and flying in the sky, and then I opened my eyes when I fell asleep again, you It just appeared here, and I thought it was really amazing, it seems that God gave me such a chance."

"I don't think too much, because the voice I heard told me that the person who needs to pick up is Yang Xuan, and it's you.".

Chapter 1563 Come to welcome

"Then entering the Lingxian Flower Realm is my hometown, so I don't have to think too much about anything, and I don't have to worry about anything. Isn't that good?"

After Yang Xuan heard what he said, he understood in his heart, since the other party already wanted to understand, how could Yang Xuan doubt it?

Because the elf on the other side looks so pure and simple, why should Yang Xuan doubt it? He doesn't think it's necessary.

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