
"You can see through the mystery of this, you can also know the situation behind it, and the final outcome, but you still have to fight with me, I really don't know how to describe your thoughts, Are you stupid or are you persistent and unrepentant, I don’t know how to decide.”

"So I didn't intend to hurt you, but once the two of us duel in this situation, you will definitely be hurt. If you really accidentally miss and kill you, you won't regret it. I think you I can understand this feeling, but I will not sympathize with you." 1.

Chapter 1545

After the old man in Tsing Yi heard what Yang Xuan said, he was really confused. The Yang Xuan in front of him, what he said seemed so kind, but what he did was so evil and vicious. The old man in Tsing Yi felt that he was obviously pretending Kindness.

But when this happens, the old man in Tsing Yi is sure in his heart that if the other party really cares about his feelings "807", he doesn't want to enrich himself in vain.

Why didn't he return the wave light glass beads to himself? The old man in Tsing Yi felt that he really didn't know how to describe the young man in front of him.

He seemed to be very powerful and kind, but everything he said seemed a little greedy and lustful, and the old man in Tsing Yi didn't know how to make a decision.

But at this moment, these things always have to be resolved. The old man in Tsing Yi didn't want to lose the wave light glass bead just like that. It was a treasure that he had been guarding in Jiuyou Hell for so many years, so how could it be taken away by Yang Xuan for nothing?

He felt that he was very angry and didn't want to give up so easily. He always wanted to fight for it. Since he wanted to have a duel, the old man in Tsing Yi felt that the big deal would be to figure it out. There would be no pressure or fear.

The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the old man in Tsing Yi, but felt a little helpless. How could he tell him that he made it clear? Yang Xuan didn't want him to confront him, and he didn't want him to accept such a challenge. It is simply impossible.

He knew in his heart that such a situation had to be carefully considered, so Yang Xuan already understood this truth. The old man in Tsing Yi seemed to be still obsessed with it. Yang Xuan really didn't know how to make a decision at this moment.

Because he felt that if the old man in Tsing Yi really wanted to attack, how could Yang Xuan refuse to fight? He thought about the situation in his heart, and if it could be dealt with normally, he didn't want too many disturbances. .

These things can be handled well. If there are any problems again, he doesn't want too many changes in the middle. How could he not know about this situation.

But if some things can really be changed, he also hopes that everything can be resolved satisfactorily, but the current situation may not be as fulfilled as he thought, he said to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"Unless you let us go, we will live in peace. If you want to fight, I will definitely attack. I have already said this wave of light glazed beads. No one can take them away. I came to this Jiuyou Hell for These things came, otherwise I would not have come to this ghost place."

"After reincarnation, people are in a different state. Now you have turned around and came to the Jiuyou Difu. What do you want this wave of light glazed beads for? Although you have been waiting here for so long, you don't want to be taken by others. Go, but the 0.1 fact has emerged, you have to accept it all."

After the old man in Tsing Yi heard what Yang Xuan said, he wondered how could he give up so easily?

Is this Yang Xuan looking down on himself by saying this? Anyway, he thought in his heart that no matter what he would not be able to carry the change, because he knew it in his heart.

Chapter 1546 Unwilling to Compromise

If he really quit like this, he still felt a little unbelievable, how could he not understand? If the situation can really be changed again, then the old man in Tsing Yi also thinks that he should put this wave of light glazed beads in his hands earlier.

There may not be such a thing, but such problems have already happened. The old man in Tsing Yi thinks that there is no need to regret it. The only thing he can do at this moment is to be able to take back the shimmering glazed beads from the other party.

Otherwise, the old man in Tsing Yi felt that he was too sad. If he had given up on this wave of light glazed beads for so many years, wouldn't he feel that he was too aggrieved to live.

Even if I die here at this moment, I don't think it matters, because the old man in Tsing Yi doesn't think it's interesting in this Jiuyou Underworld, so guarding the shimmering glass beads is his only goal of survival.

He just thinks that if this is the case, he feels that survival is meaningless, and he might as well die. He has already started to attack at this moment, and it depends on whether the other party can change his attitude.

However, he felt that it was impossible for Yang Xuan to change what he said, and the other party's attitude was so rigid, it must be useful for him to get this tone.

The old man in Tsing Yi was also thinking in his heart, although it was useless for him to take the shimmering glazed beads, but he always felt that I was actually his own and was taken away by him. Why, this world is really irrational.

There is no justice or fairness in this Jiuyou Difu. Sometimes the old man in Tsing Yi feels helpless, but he has no way to come here. He has to adapt to life here, but he never thought that he has guarded the sparkling glazed beads for so many years. It was taken away by him easily.

Yang Xuan looked at the old man in Tsing Yi, but felt that his eyes were still so angry at the moment, and it seemed impossible to change, Yang Xuan pondered in his heart.

Why did he have to be so stubborn, he insisted on getting bloody, Yang Xuan felt that he was simply vulnerable, Yang Xuan didn't need to use spells at all, the other party would never be able to resist them.

So Yang Xuan knew in his heart how to decide in this situation, he also felt a little helpless at the moment, if it was really possible to reconsider, Yang Xuan also felt that maybe he would not do so.

But this wave of light glazed beads is so important to him, how could Yang Xuan give up such an opportunity so easily? He just thought it was right for the old man in Tsing Yi to give up.

The shimmering glazed beads are of no use to him, why does he still hold the shimmering glazed beads? If you have to fight against yourself, you really can't understand this 807 thing, Yang Xuan said to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"Don't deceive yourself, okay? At this age, do you really want to die in vain? I think it's a pity, because at this age, you can spend your old age in this Jiuyou Difu, spend your life For the rest of your life, there may still be a long time, hundreds of years, thousands of years waiting for you to experience it slowly."

"Did you really care about everything because of this wave of light glazed beads? Think about it for yourself, I advise you now that you still have a chance to turn back once the two of us start a duel, there is no way for you to turn back, I say so I'm not making fun of you, you should think carefully before giving me an answer."

Chapter 1547

Yang Xuan just said that he hoped that he could understand the situation, if he really had a good choice, he could live a safe and sound life in this Nine Nether Underworld.

In the end, it will never be wiped out. If he fights against himself, then although Yang Xuan will not hurt him, his abilities will slowly disappear.

Yang Xuan was just telling him, let him understand this truth, and stop being so stubborn, because it really doesn't matter whether he wants this wave of light glazed beads, why does he have to do this?

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart, even though this wave of light glazed beads belonged to him, he never took it off, it kept floating in the air, and Yang Xuan also thought in his heart that this wave of light glazed beads had a lot of power.

If the old man in Tsing Yi got it, he would not be able to activate this ability. He just looked at the shimmering glazed bead just like an ordinary bead, there is no difference.

Does it matter if he wants it or not? So Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart, he had to talk to him about this matter in a while so that he could understand in his heart, so he shouldn't waste his ability like this anymore, and don't resist himself like this anymore.

It really has no effect, and it is impossible to change this situation. Yang Xuan just hopes that he understands that he does not want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Yang Xuan is also afraid that if he makes a move, the situation will be worse. For him, he How could you not know this situation.

After the old man in Tsing Yi heard what Yang Xuan said, he stood on the spot and carefully considered what to do with this matter, and if it was really what the other party said.

It seemed that he was really doomed today, and the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't imagine it, but he was sure in his heart that the other party's ability was powerful at the moment, and he was still a human being.

Being able to enter the Jiuyou Difu proves that he is a manifestation of his ability, so how could the old man in Tsing Yi not see it.

But he also felt very angry looking at the wave light glazed bead in Yang Xuan's hand. This wave light glass bead is his own, and the other party got it, so he is so rampant.

The old man in Tsing Yi always felt a little angry in his heart. Besides, he didn't know that such a situation would happen. It was already too late, so what's the point? He said to Yang Xuan.

"¨When you say that, I can fully understand it in my heart, and I also know that you have some thoughts when you say that, but since you took other people's things, since you are persuading others to let go, you think it is really special for you to do so. Is it authentic? Is it really so reasonable, I feel that you have come to this Jiuyou Difu`.."

"You are unreasonable at all. If you are really such a kind person, you don't need to emphasize other people's things. This wave of light glazed beads is important to you. Maybe you (Qian's Zhao) like it. , but you can’t win people’s love, right, this wave of light glass beads is mine after all, don’t you know it in your heart?”

"Your attitude at the moment makes me feel that although you have some comfort in your heart, maybe you don't want to hurt me, but in this situation, you have never thought that you will hurt me if you get my wave of light glazed beads. This wave of light glazed beads are raised by me. You have taken away a treasure that you have cherished for a long time, have you ever thought about my feelings?".

Chapter 1548 Overwhelmed

After Yang Xuan heard what the old man in Tsing Yi said, he thought in his heart that the old man in Tsing Yi's appearance also made him feel quite helpless, because thinking about it, he felt as if he had done a lot of things, as if he was hurting others.

Yang Xuan also felt that he had to think carefully about such a situation, and he felt that if this wave light glazed bead was taken away when there was no one here.

Maybe it will be better, but he felt that what he said was also reasonable. He took away the wave light glazed beads, and he was also unhappy with 810, and Yang Xuan took away other people's things.

He wondered in his heart that if this was the case, he didn't know how to make a decision, how could he have no idea in his heart, he just felt that if the situation really could be reconsidered.

He also knew in his heart that he didn't want to worry so much anymore, but he also thought in his heart that if it was really possible to reconsider the problem, it wasn't that he didn't know these things.

It's just that there is always a way to solve the problem, how can it be like usual, Yang Xuan didn't come to Jiuyou Hell to destroy, he just hoped to get something here.

But when Yang Xuan got the things, he didn't intend to hurt others, he just felt that all this was really helpless, but he was also pondering in his heart, let's see this situation later.

After all, he also understands such things, this shimmering glazed bead is extremely miraculous, it is useless for the old man in green to hold it, but he is also so stubborn, Yang Xuan also understands it in his heart.

This wave of light glazed beads seemed very important to him, otherwise he would not have preferred to die in his own hands, and would have fought hard against him, Yang Xuan felt that he was really too stupid.

Seeing Yang Xuan, the old man in Tsing Yi wondered in his heart what he was thinking, and after talking for so long, the old man in Tsing Yi looked at (ccab) Yang Xuan, he still didn't change much.

It's just that his eyes are no longer as determined as before. Could he change? The old man in Tsing Yi just felt that he had to say what he had to say.

Otherwise, how could the other party know what he was thinking? The old man in Tsing Yi didn't want to give him this wave of light glazed beads, and he didn't want to just admit defeat like this. He had to give it a go and resist him, even if he tried his best.

The old man in Tsing Yi felt that he had no complaints or regrets, and he was willing, at least he didn't leave any regrets, and he wouldn't regret it, so he knew what he said to Yang Xuan.

"So young people, don't make sarcastic remarks. If you are really so kind, you will return this wave light glazed bead to me. If you say so, it is impossible to give me the wave light glass bead. I also understand , although this wave of light glazed beads may not have any effect on me, it is something that has accompanied me for so long."

"How could I be willing to do so? I don't know what you can do with this wave of light glazed beads. You have such a powerful ability that no one can fight against you."

"No one can defeat you, but you still want this wave of light glazed beads. You have this ability to enter the Jiuyou Difu alone. It is still very powerful. Why do you have to hold the wave light in someone else's hand?" What about Liulizhu, so think about it for yourself, don't keep persuading me, how did you do it?".

Chapter 1549

The old man in Tsing Yi also felt that what he should say at this moment, he has already said it so thoroughly, does the other party still not understand?

Is he still so stubborn? He thought in his heart, if this is the case, he doesn't know what to do, how could he not be worried, how could he not have any thoughts?

She has never been so sad like today. After all, he has lived in this Jiuyou Hell for so long. No one from this place has come here, and it is useless for them to get the shimmering glazed beads. Even if they come here.

It is also impossible to have many waves of glazed beads with myself, so such a situation is simply impossible, but the arrival of Yang Xuan changed all this and broke the original calm-.

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't know how to decide the young man in front of him, why did he have to come to Jiuyou Hell, was this place really so important to him, and the old man in Tsing Yi didn't know why.

So after talking to Yang Xuan, he thought to see if the other party could change his attitude. After all, if this situation could be changed, the old man in Tsing Yi would have a chance.

Then you can take back the wave light glazed beads. If the other party disagrees, then the old man in Tsing Yi can only do his best to have a duel with him. It always makes him feel that he is not afraid. At worst, he will die in his hands. Have seen it all.

The old man in Tsing Yi was not afraid at all, how could he not be clear about such a situation? He just wanted to look at Yang Xuan's attitude, because he felt that the other party's attitude seemed to have eased up, and he was no longer as stubborn as before.

The old man in Tsing Yi also felt that he was more stubborn, but the other party, isn't he also so stubborn? He didn't want to let go of the shimmering glazed beads in his hand, so how should the old man in Tsing Yi decide.

So if the other party really does this, he thinks it's time to start the challenge. Anyway, the fastest decision has been made, and he feels that life is meaningless.

After coming to this Jiuyou Difu after getting old and dying, I already feel very content, remembering the past, and I didn't reincarnate here to live so freely, so I just don't care if I lost my life at this moment.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Yang Xuan looked at the old man in Tsing Yi, but felt that since he was so firm, then it seems that this should be changed, if not, give him the wave of light glazed beads.

Yang Xuan didn't want to make himself so cruel, and he knew all of this, but if the situation was stable, then he didn't want to think about too many complicated things, he said to the old man in blue.


"Okay, I don't want to argue with you so much at your age, even if I lose to you today, it's fine if I fail, return this wave of light glazed beads to you, I I don't want it anymore, seeing you like this, you are not in the mood to study this wave of light glazed beads, and it is of no use to me."

"It's okay to want it or not. I just don't want you to lose your life because of my affairs. Since this wave of light glazed beads is so important to you, I will return it to you. There is no pressure in my heart, and I don't want to Don’t worry so much anymore, after all there is nothing else to do, just take this wave of light glazed beads, anyway, I have already given it to you, and I don’t want any more, since you said it was yours, I don’t want to argue with you ."one.

Chapter 1550 Make Concessions

Yang Xuan looked at the appearance of the old man in Tsing Yi, and at this moment his heart was finally at ease, because Yang Xuan left here directly after giving him the wave of light glazed beads.

Yang Xuan still wanted to look for other things in this Jiuyou Hell, he didn't want to waste any more time, because Yang Xuan felt that there was really no need to deal with it anymore, the other party was so pitiful.

And I have been begging hard, and I have made a decision when I was with "810", and if it is unsuccessful, I will fight against myself and I don't want to live anymore, so why is Yang Xuan so cruel to let others die? It's in my own hands.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, after all, there must be other things appearing in the Jiuyou Underworld, so why should Yang Xuan bother with a shimmering glass bead.

Letting go was the best decision for him, and Yang Xuan felt particularly relaxed in his heart, he continued to look for things, even though there was light in the darkness of Jiuyou Hell.

But Yang Xuan didn't care, it wasn't any danger to him, he was just afraid that if something happened, he would become so kind again, it was really his weakness.

Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, he just felt that there was really no need to be so entangled in some things, and there was no need to be so stubborn. Just now Yang Xuan felt that what he did was right.

So he continued to walk here, Yang Xuan also felt, I don't know why sometimes things happen, then through reincarnation, can he enter another place again?

Sometimes it is a good thing to come to a particularly magical place. Yang Xuan looked at the situation in front of him at this moment, and he suddenly saw the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower appearing.

Yang Xuan thought it was too strange, he hadn't found anything here yet, why did the True Reincarnation Tower appear?

"What's the situation? The True Reincarnation Tower has appeared. Did I leave here again? Return to the real world? It seems possible, but this time I came here for too short a time, so I didn't feel it. Any situation arises, you don’t get anything, and you don’t know what the task is, so you just leave here?”

"But I don't want to think about it so much. The True Reincarnation Tower has already opened and the passage has been opened, so I don't hesitate any longer. It seems that it's time to go in. Let's see what's going on before deciding..."

Yang Xuan saw that the Tower of Reincarnation had already appeared in front of him, he just thought that what are you waiting for in such a situation? After Yang Xuan stepped up to the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, he felt that the True Soul Reincarnation Tower had slowly taken off. Standing on the True Soul Reincarnation Tower at this moment, Yang Xuan did not move or feel anything, just felt that the passage was closed up.

Then Yang Xuan didn't have any worries in his heart, he just thought that since the situation had stabilized, how could he promise so much?

When Yang Xuan was sitting in the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and it was just a transparent body, it was not the same as before. Yang Xuan originally planned to lie down and sleep here at 0.1, but he didn't expect that there was a white shadow in front of him. have to come.

Now Yang Xuan saw that he was actually a human being. At this moment, Yang Xuan was surprised. How could there be such a person in this room besides himself?

Yang Xuan started to do it all at once, he felt that his eyes were dazzled, or was he wrong? .

Chapter 1551 The White Shadow

He rubbed his eyes and saw that the white shadow in front of him was really a human being standing in front of him, and it had a smiling face. It was just a young boy, but he looked dashing and personable.

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