Once there are other problems, he still hopes that all the problems can be ended satisfactorily. Yang Xuan has been staying in Jiuyou Hell for a few days, and he also feels quite helpless.

But he also understands that it is impossible to leave here, and Yang Xuan doesn't want to change so much anymore, Yang Xuan just wait, after all, he has come here after reincarnation.

After thinking about coming to another world, it seems impossible to return to this world in a short time, so Yang Xuan should look for things here.

Because Yang Xuan has not found any treasures until now, he just met some people, some creatures, some elves, etc. Yang Xuan felt that it was really boring.

Liu Xiaozhu looked at Yang Xuan with helpless eyes, but felt that he would have hope if he met the big brother in front of him. Liu Xiaozhu also understood now, it seemed that he didn't have to be so lonely.

There's no need to be so scared, otherwise I always feel that time flies by a little bit, which makes me feel particularly scary. Is there any possibility that Liu Xiaozhu doesn't understand this kind of thing now.

He just thinks that if the situation can really be stabilized, he also hopes that he can grow up quickly, so maybe he can have a little courage.

Liu Xiaozhu felt that he was very brave. Ever since he came to the Jiuyou Underworld, a child as young as him hid in the hole so helplessly every day, and he didn't dare to come out at all.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't know how he survived, he could live without food, it seemed that after he really died, he just became a soul, and he could live without food.

Liu Xiaozhu also understood in his heart that he just felt the situation, so Yang Xuan should make a decision as soon as possible, he said to Yang Xuan.

"I can only hope that I will grow up quickly, so all this depends on you, otherwise how could I reach this level? I am just a child, if I grow up, I will slowly become When I get stronger, I can protect myself'..."

"But now this Jiuyou Difu looks dark and scary, but I haven't encountered any danger yet, I just feel scared. Seeing this place without sunshine every day, and without any situation, how can I not worry? I just don't know when I'll be able to get out of this predicament."

Liu Xiaozhu was telling the truth. He really didn't know when he would be able to get out of this predicament. When would he be able to leave here?

Do you have to stay in this Jiuyou Hell for the rest of your life after you die? Is the reincarnation that people say really impossible? Liu Xiaozhu was also thinking about it in his heart.

After all, he could only understand it when he was in the world when he heard what adults said, otherwise how could he know so much, even though he was a child.

But he knows a lot (Zhao Nuohao). If it is really possible to reincarnate, he may have a chance to leave. What will this Jiuyou Hell look like after turning around.

Liu Xiaozhu doesn't know either, but it's better than living in this dark place all the time, even though he has a memory, he still remembers the past.

But Liu Xiaozhu felt that it was even more cruel. He could remember the past, but he couldn't see the yin and yang of his relatives. How could he not be sad?

Chapter 1528 Yin and Yang separated

He just hoped that Yang Xuan could use his ability to make himself bigger and grow, and maybe he would have less troubles. Liu Xiaozhu also understood these things.

He just felt that he didn't want to think about it so much. Some things had already happened, and it was impossible to change. Liu Xiaozhu had already left this world.

He has come to the Jiuyou Difu, how could he return to the world of water quality, he is already dead, so Liu Xiaozhu also understands, it seems that there are too many things in the world, too cruel, and he has to accept this fact .

So he also understood, seeing that Yang Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart, after all, he felt that the first person he met after coming to Jiuyou Hell was Yang Xuan, since he has so many abilities, he can help him.

793 Liu Xiaozhu felt at ease in his heart, and he would not be so helpless and worried as before. Liu Xiaozhu also knew these reasons in his heart. After all, he just hoped to live well, no matter which world he was in, as long as he could live well.

Because he knew in his heart that he would be alone from now on, he would have no parents anymore, and he was dead, how could he return to his past life, it was simply impossible.

Yang Xuan saw Liu Xiaozhu in the darkness, and he saw how handsome his face was. Once this little guy used magic to make him bigger, he must be a handsome young man.

Yang Xuan also knew in his heart that he had to do this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to casually talk about this topic just now, because Yang Xuan said it after thinking it over.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to make this decision easily. Liu Xiaozhu looked so helpless, if Yang Xuan didn't help him, he always felt uneasy.

Yang Xuan also understands this situation in his heart, if this is the case, it seems that he doesn't have to worry so much, so Yang Xuan also understands it in his heart.

He just felt that some situations were really in front of him, so how could he not change it? Yang Xuan said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"Don't worry, I have promised you (ccab) about this matter today, how can I not do it, just wait, I will use my own magic to make you as tall and big as me in a while, so Then you can feel at ease in your heart and don’t be so afraid.”

"But whether you have any ability depends on your own understanding. Although this Jiuyou Jifu is relatively evil and this place is relatively dark, it is a hell, but as long as you change your ability, you will become stronger one day Yes, so you can control these situations yourself.”

"Besides, you don't have to be afraid of other things. There will never be any danger in this place, because the souls here will absorb each other's abilities, and you will be safer if you don't have abilities now. They won't easily hurt you. Someone else's, but absorptivity is something they have to do every day."

After Liu Xiaozhu heard what Yang Xuan said, he sat on the rock and saw that Yang Xuan felt more at ease. After all, what Yang Xuan said seemed to be changeable.

Otherwise, how could he promise so personally? Liu Xiaozhu also understands. Besides, he never thought that after coming to Jiuyou Hell, he would be able to grow up again.

Chapter 1529 Powerless to Change

Liu Xiaozhu felt that it was not what a person looked like after death, but what he looked like now. It seemed that being able to change proved that the Yang Xuan in front of him was really powerful.

He is different, Liu Xiaozhu feels that his luck is good, although he is particularly helpless, but he thinks that if he can really grow up, then he may have some ability.

As long as he can protect himself from being so afraid, Liu Xiaozhu also feels that since the situation can be decided, how can he worry about other things?

He just thinks that as long as he has the opportunity, he will work hard to grow himself up, because this Jiuyoudi-fu is quite terrifying.

Liu Xiaozhu also knew that it was impossible for him to leave here again. He could leave here only if he could be reincarnated. Then he would forget about it and reincarnate again. And when will he reach this level?

It doesn't seem to be such an easy thing, so he knows in his heart that it may not be possible to achieve this for a long time, and he will achieve this goal soon.

Liu Xiaozhu was just waiting. After all, he already knew what was going on in Jiuyou Difu. He had already left this world and came to Jiuyou Difu after he died. .

Yang Xuan looked at Liu Xiaozhu, and he also felt in his heart that since he had made such a decision, he would probably fulfill his promise, and Yang Xuan would not make the promise easily.

Because he knew in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu looked so helpless, how could Yang Xuan not help him, this Jiuyou Hell was originally such a place.

So how can a person escape such a fate if there is only a soul left after death? Yang Xuan felt that the souls here were quite special, so Yang Xuan also felt that the situation could be stabilized and Liu Xiaozhu was not harmed.

It's also because the place he lives in is better hidden. Besides, Liu Xiaozhu just came here after a child died, and there's no need for the souls here to do so, he said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"It's just that the place you live in is relatively remote, so you haven't been discovered. Otherwise, how could you not be discovered? But if such a situation occurs, you can just understand it in your heart. Some things simply cannot be easily changed. Yes, it's up to you to decide."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"The situation in Jiuyou Difu is already here. If you understand it in your heart, then don't worry about it. After all, some things have already happened, and there is nothing you can do to change them. You have already lost it. You are just a soul here. Jiuyou Difu, your body has already been buried in the ground in the human world."


"Don't worry about too many things all the time. After all, people live to be born, old, sick and die. This is a necessary thing. Then no one can escape such a fate. If the current situation arises, then there is nothing to worry about , so you just wait, all this will change in a moment."

Liu Xiaozhu really felt that it was too terrifying. If this was the case, it seemed impossible for him to escape such a fate, because he had already left this world.

After coming to Jiuyou Difu, he can only have a chance to escape this fate through reincarnation, otherwise he will never be able to escape this predicament.

Chapter 1530 Hearsay

Liu Xiaozhu also felt that it would be great if Yang Xuan could really help him, and it seemed like a good choice, and he knew it in his heart.

But is this really possible? Who is this Yang Xuan? Why is he so powerful? Could it be that he can spell, is he a fairy?

Liu Xiaozhu didn't dare to imagine that when he was alive, people always said that there was a "seven nine seven" god, but no one had seen it, it was just hearsay, and all of this may not be true.

But after Liu Xiaozhu came to the Jiuyou Difu, he always felt so weird that Yang Xuan in front of him could actually grow himself bigger through his magic.

So it proved that he was a very powerful person, but Liu Xiaozhu, who came to Jiuyou Hell, was also thinking about why he came to this Jiuyou Hell, and he didn't quite understand.

Yang Xuan pondered in his heart, he also understood in his heart when some situations arise, and explained to Liu Xiaozhu that there is only so much, after all, Liu Xiaozhu is so young.

How could he know so much, but this Yang Xuan will use this spell to make him as big as himself in the future, so that he can grow up, not like what he is doing now.

Because the only thing Yang Xuan can do now is so much, because he can no longer reveal too much about the weather, once something happens, this is not what Yang Xuan wants to see.

Although Yang Xuan was weighing a lot of things in his heart, he felt that what he was doing now was not revealing any secrets, but just helping others through his own spells.

Although Liu Xiaozhu was a soul, Yang Xuan didn't want to change all of this, so he knew it in his heart, and he also understood it at this moment. He stood still and looked at Liu Xiaozhu.

I just feel that after talking to him, Yang Xuan will use spells to make him look different, so that he won't be so weak, so incompetent, and so scared, so Yang Xuan's heart Also OK.

He said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"Although this Jiuyou Difu looks dark, it is also very evil. It seems that you can hear some terrifying voices, and some desire souls are flying here and there. It looks extremely scary, but as long as you understand the rules here, you can I don't think about other things so much for the time being, after all, I understand this situation..."

"I just feel that if some problems really arise, we can think of other countermeasures at that time, and although the Jiuyou Difu is dead, we must come to the place in the future, but you will all have some changes."

"Whether you can pass reincarnation, this is a matter for the future. The things in front of you are in front of you. It is impossible to be so fast, because if you want to reach this level of reincarnation, how can you achieve it all at once? So you don't have to worry. Just use this spell, and I will make you bigger, so you won't be as weak as you are now."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he knew in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu didn't need to worry about such a situation. After all, Yang Xuan had this ability of 0.1, so he could naturally handle these things.

Because Yang Xuan felt that Liu Xiaozhu was so helpless when he came to this Jiuyou Difu alone, and he was so scared after he died, and Yang Xuan didn't want to see him so worried when he left here.

So what Yang Xuan can do is to help him a little bit, otherwise Yang Xuan feels uneasy in his heart.

Chapter 1531 The Light Disappears

At this moment, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that when he saw Liu Xiaozhu, he had already started to cast a spell. Yang Xuan drew a purple ray of light in the air, covering his entire body in the air.

When the purple light directly trapped Liu Xiaozhu in the air, Liu Xiaozhu's body became darker and darker in the light, until the light completely engulfed Liu Xiaozhu in the middle.

At this moment, Yang Xuan's magic has reached its limit. After Liu Xiaozhu stays here for a few minutes, he can grow up directly. Yang Xuan's ability is so powerful.

As long as there are only so many things he can do, because it is impossible for Yang Xuan to make any other changes. 22 Liu Xiaozhu actually looked so worried and scared. help.

A poor child died and came to the Jiuyou Hell. He was terrified. Yang Xuan felt that it was normal for him to help him, so Yang Xuan didn't care about punishment.

As long as he is happy, Yang Xuan looked at the situation in the sky, Liu Xiaozhu was slowly circling in the air a few minutes later, and Yang Xuan's light had disappeared.

When the purple light gradually disappeared, I saw a man in black flying down from the air. Yang Xuan saw that it was Liu Xiaozhu, and his appearance had not changed, but he had grown up. Yang Xuan felt relieved.

His spells can be cast in this Nine Nether Underworld, so how could Yang Xuan worry so much? He just felt that after doing such a thing, he felt at ease.

After leaving here by myself, there is no need to worry so much. Yang Xuan looked at Liu Xiaozhu's appearance. At this moment, he is no longer as immature as before, and he is more handsome with sharp edges and corners. Yang Xuan Xuan said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"How do you feel? I didn't have any situation in it just now, so I just grew up instantly. I told you, you don't have to be afraid, I will help you naturally, so all I can do now is these, I can't do much anymore because the situation has stabilized at the moment."

"I also understand in my heart that it is impossible for anything else to happen, because all of this can only be done in this way. Only when you grow up and grow up, can I leave here, otherwise I feel bad in my heart. Be down-to-earth, so now that my goal has been achieved, you don't have to worry about it."

Liu Xiaozhu's father even saw his special joy. He had slowly landed on the ground the moment the light disappeared, and he felt as if his body was particularly light.

He saw that Yang Xuan was as tall as Yang Xuan, how could he be unhappy, Liu Xiaozhu didn't expect that since he could grow up after his death in 797, the Jiuyou Difu, Yang Xuan gave him such an opportunity.

Liu Xiaozhu also thought very thoroughly. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Yang Xuan. He was very grateful. Without Yang Xuan, how could he have changed so much like this? He has changed from a child to an adult. people.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't have to worry so much, but he had already heard Yang Xuan say that the rules in the Jiuyou Underworld, he has no ability, so it is impossible for him to be killed by others, because other creatures and some souls, they will absorb others Ability.

Chapter 1532

Although Liu Xiaozhu was so weak, he was much safer, so he knew in his heart that he didn't have to worry so much.

How could Liu Xiaozhu be unhappy? After all, he finally understood this situation. It turned out that Yang Xuan in front of him had magic powers. It didn't matter who he was. What mattered was that he was a kind person. He was not like himself.

He was alive when he came to Jiuyou Difu after he died, and the aura on his body was particularly strong, and the aura on his body was hot, unlike his body that was cold.

Liu Xiaozhu came to his senses, he was a child at the beginning, now he has been transformed into an adult by Yang Xuan's spell, he can know these things.

At this moment, he also felt that he had grown up in an instant. He had never felt this way before. He felt that after death, he would have no regrets if he had this opportunity.

Anyway, the worst thing is to die once. If he dies again, he may be wiped out. It doesn't matter when he grows up, because he feels that he has died once anyway, so he is not afraid of dying a second time.

Yang Xuan saw that Liu Xiaozhu didn't have any worries in his heart, but felt that if the situation was stable, then Liu Xiaozhu's appearance was almost the same as before.

But he just grew up and became more brave. Although he doesn't have spells, Yang Xuan just hopes that he can learn slowly in this Jiuyou Difu.

Yang Xuan can't give him too many promises now, and it is impossible to give him spells, otherwise it will harm him and make him unsafe. Yang Xuan feels that the more mediocre he is.

The safer it is to live in Jiuyou Hell, no one will hurt him, Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he didn't have to worry so much, so he also felt happy seeing Liu Xiaozhu's appearance.

At least he did another good thing. Yang Xuan didn't think about too many problems when he came to Jiuyou Hell. He felt that if he could get some abilities, it would be a good time.

Yang Xuan will leave here, he just thinks it's a step, and he doesn't know what his mission is, after coming here, everything will go with the flow, Yang Xuan said to him.

"You are already an adult, and you are no longer as young as before, so the situation is considered stable, so there is no need to worry so much. I just think that if the situation is really stable, it seems that everything can be handled normally. There's no need to worry so much'."

"¨How could I not understand in my heart, you don't have to be so worried, and you don't have to look at me like that, just now you have changed yourself in the purple light."

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he just felt that Liu Xiaozhu's situation was stable, so Yang Xuan would not stay for long, there are still many places waiting for him to break through in this Jiuyou Difu.

How could it be possible for Yang Xuan to stay where he was? He clearly wanted to see (Zhao Nuozhao) to see if he could get something, because what was the purpose of coming to this Jiuyou Hell.

Yang Xuan couldn't understand either, but he had to find everything by himself. He knew in his heart that when he looked at Liu Xiaozhu, he just felt that Liu Xiaozhu didn't need to worry anymore.

Yang Xuan talked to him for a while, and left here directly. He continued to walk forward. He felt that the Jiuyou Hell was boundless, so wherever he went, everything just went with the situation.

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