He is so young, he won't be punished, and he won't be bullied by others, because the creatures here seem to be pretty good, although these souls sometimes look like a lesson, but they are not boring.

There is no need to worry so much, so Yang Xuan really has a lot of thoughts in his heart. After all, once a person dies, who knows what will happen. Only when he enters another world after death will he know that everything is true. existing.

Liu Xiaozhu couldn't figure it out all the time, and he didn't know why he died so well, so he felt a little unimaginable in his heart.

At the same time, he felt a little unbelievable in his heart. He always thought in his heart that he had lived in this Jiuyou Hell for a while, and he knew it in his heart.

He will never see his relatives again, he just thinks that after his relatives leave him, they will be very sad.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what to do anymore. Anyway, he knew in his heart that he would never see his relatives again. From then on, Yin and Yang were separated. Liu Xiaozhu had already entered the Jiuyou Hell, even though he was a child.

But he understands these truths. He has heard others say it. How could Master Liu Xiaozhu not know? Do you just think that Yang Xuan is also dead?

But Liu Xiaozhu didn't think too much, he just felt that when he thought of leaving this world and his relatives, they must be very sad, they must be very sad.

So Liu Xiaozhu also understands these situations, but just thinks what should be done in the end, how can he continue to live in the Jiuyou Hell in front of him?

Because he hid in this cave every day and dared not come out, it was so dark that he couldn't see anything, Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what to do, even if it was Jiuyou Hell, there must be a settlement.

Why is there no one in this place? It seemed that he was free to come and go, but Liu Xiaozhu would never be able to leave here, he said to Yang Xuan.

"So I left them this time, why did I die? Is my family still in grief? But I have been in this Jiuyou Difu for a long time, have they forgotten me? What? This place is so dark, I never leave here."

"I just curled up at the entrance of this cave and didn't dare to go to other places, because I don't know where this is at all. After hearing what you said, I realized all this. It turned out that I was dead and no longer in this world. 790 has come to Jiuyou Difu, it seems that we really have to accept this fact."

Liu Xiaozhu was still shrinking in the corner and was very scared. After all, he knew it in his heart. He was always thinking about it in his heart these two days, but he couldn't think of anything. But he thought about what his parents should do.

Liu Xiaozhu also understood that he was already dead, and Liu Xiaozhu had to accept this fact now, because he knew in his heart that there was no way to accept it, and he would never go back to the past.

How could Liu Xiaozhu not know these things in his heart, because Yang Xuan had already said it, how could Liu Xiaozhu not believe it? Besides, this Jiuyou Difu is so dark and so evil.

Chapter 1522

Liu Xiaozhu already felt that the situation was wrong, so he knew these things in his heart, but the more anxious he felt, the more he thought about these things in his heart.

He felt really helpless, but if things really happened, he didn't want too many changes from it. He hoped that all of this could be carried out stably. If there were any other problems, Time to make other changes.

After all, let's see what Yang Xuan said about this kind of thing, because what should I do in this Jiuyou underworld, do I just live like this when I come here?

Liu Xiaozhu was really at a loss. Although he was a child, he understood everything, and he didn't want to stay in this place.

But how could he not come to Jiuyou Difu after he died, so Liu Xiaozhu also told himself in his heart not to think so much.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't know much about the situation of Yang Xuan in front of him, so he kept looking at Yang Xuan with puzzled eyes.

He was already looking at Yang Xuantu's appearance in the darkness at this moment, it was really special, he didn't have such a cool aura like himself.

Feeling that there is warmth on Yang Xuan's body, Liu Xiaozhu felt surprised at this moment, so if Yang Xuan also came to this Jiuyou Hell after his death, how could he have warmth on his body?

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan understood in his heart that Liu Xiaozhu already understood these things, and he had slowly accepted these facts.

After all, whether you accept it or not, these are real events, so Liu Xiaozhu is no longer a human being in the world, he is already a soul.

He has already left his own world and his parents at this moment, no matter how much he misses these things, he can't change them. Although Yang Xuan feels a little helpless in his heart, it is impossible for Yang Xuan to steal the day.

He can't do this, and he can't do it. Even if one day he can reach such a strong man, it's impossible for him to let himself reveal the secret.

Yang Xuan also understood these things, how could he not abide by the rules? Although Yang Xuan may be free and unrestrained, he can't let himself go too far. Naturally, there are rules in every place, and Yang Xuan is also clear, he has already seen all this.

He said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"¨Little brother, don't be so scared, don't worry, because I am here and there is no danger right now, but I have some abilities that I can make you into an adult, what do you think? Just let you grow up quickly, don't You are so small and so scared now, so if you want to gain some abilities, it is up to you.”..”

"But at this moment, I can let you grow up, not like this moment. After all, you came to this Jiuyou Hell after you died. Normally, it is impossible for you to grow bigger, because (Zhao Nuo) wonders what it looks like when you die. Yes, what it's like for you to enter this Jiuyou Hell can never be changed, but you are so helpless and pitiful."

"At this moment in Jiuyou Difu, you haven't encountered any souls, and no one is looking at you, so I made an exception, using my magic to make you as tall as me, which proves that you have grown up Now, what do you think, so don't worry so much, and don't think too much.".

Chapter 1523

After Liu Xiaozhu heard what Yang Xuan said, he stood there stupidly looking at Yang Xuan, feeling a little unbelievable, and also a little unbelievable. What does Yang Xuan mean by saying that?

Do you want to make yourself as tall as him? Liu Xiaozhu thinks how is this possible? Does he have magic, so Liu Xiaozhu can't imagine what will happen in this Jiuyou Hell and how much magic power he has.

So Liu Xiaozhu didn't know the identity of Yang Xuan in front of him, but he just felt that since he said that, he didn't seem to be joking, and he must have a way.

Liu Xiaozhu was also a little happy in his heart, but he still didn't dare to believe him, and felt a little terrified, because he was just a child, how could he grow up all of a sudden?

Such a situation can only happen in legends, so Liu Xiaozhu didn't know how to make a decision, but he felt in his heart that if Yang Xuan could do this, how could Liu Xiaozhu refuse.

He knew it in his heart, but he didn't say a word to see what Yang Xuan would say. Liu Xiaozhu also understands these things, but he (ccab) doesn't want too many problems to arise once the situation arises. Everything is hope. It's going well.

Yang Xuan actually had a lot of emotions in his heart. At this moment, he looked at Liu Xiaozhu's eyes. Although the eyes looked a little worried, they also looked a little excited.

Because Yang Xuan has already said, to use his own ability to make him as big as himself, let him grow up, don't be so small like a child now.

So the only thing Yang Xuan can do right now is this, otherwise he feels that he is really powerless, so how could he not be clear in his heart.

He just thinks that if this situation arises, he doesn't want to have too many changes. These things can be dealt with normally. How could he have other ideas? Because Yang Xuan felt that it was useless to have too many ideas.

It depends on whether he wants to do it or not, so he also understands in his heart that he doesn't want to worry so much at all, and feels that Liu Xiaozhu himself is so pitiful and helpless.

If it is really possible to make him grow faster, Yang Xuan thinks it is a good thing.

He also knew in his heart that he should be able to do this, so Yang Xuan also felt that doing so was not considered breaking the rules here, he said to Liu Xiaozhu.

"Your parents are no longer by your side. It is impossible for them to be by your side. How could they come to Jiuyou Difu with you? Come to Jiuyou Difu to prove that your parents have also left this world, don't you?" Do you wish to do that? Do you wish to watch them?"

"It's better not to think about this problem. Didn't you just say that you have to accept this fact. Now that you accept this fact, don't think about these things anymore, because I feel that although you haven't grown up, you are very sensible. Everything is clear."

"As soon as I tell you, you understand it. How could I not be clear about it, so I don't need to think too much about this situation. I naturally understand the reason in my heart. As long as I can figure it out, it's fine. Don't be old. What is it that I am so worried about, if I am more afraid and sadder, you will not be able to live today."

Liu Xiaozhu understands, Yang Xuan really said that, he wants to grow up, wants to be as big as him.

Chapter 1524 Sudden Arrival

Liu Xiaozhu felt that this incident came too suddenly. He felt that he was really excited. If it was really possible to do this, how could he not accept it? How could you be unhappy?

So he felt really happy in his heart. If it was really possible to reach such a level, he really didn't have to think about other things.

It is also something that makes me feel very happy. Once such a situation occurs, Liu Xiaozhu feels that he is at least an adult, so if there is any danger, he should not be so afraid.

So he knew it in his heart, but he just felt that if the situation was really stable, he didn't want too many problems in the middle.

But he was also pondering what to do in his heart, and it seemed that Yang Xuan's Liu Xiaozhu didn't speak, because he was quietly listening to Yang Xuan's words.

This Jiuyou Difu is always so evil, Liu Xiaozhu has been staying in this place for a while, he never dared to move around, only staying at the entrance of this cave, he felt safe.

Because if he leaves here, he doesn't feel safe at all, and he is not afraid of being hurt, so he knows it well in his heart, so how could he not understand it.

I just feel that if such a situation arises, he will understand these reasons, so Liu Xiaozhu is also sure in his heart, let's see if Yang Xuanzhen~ will do this?

Liu Xiaozhu would not refuse, if he really grew up, then it would be a good thing for him.

Yang Xuan looked at Liu Xiaozhu, just thinking that after hearing what he said, was he dumbfounded? A little in disbelief? Or was he too happy.

So he kept quiet all the time, Yang Xuan looked at Liu Xiaozhu quietly, he was really pitiful, so Yang Xuan knew in his heart that he would definitely help him.

Besides, there are only so many things Yang Xuan can do. He cannot be taken away from here and returned to his world. He is already dead, and his soul has already come to the Jiuyou Hell. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

So Yang Xuan can only let him grow up a bit at this moment, don't be so timid like now, Yang Xuan can get some comfort in his heart.

Because after Yang Xuan came to this place, he didn't expect that the situation was always more complicated. Yang Xuan had also seen these souls, and they were all relatively evil, Yang Xuan said to him.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Because you have to accept the life here when you come to the Jiuyou Difu. No matter what happens in the end, it is unknown whether you can reincarnate to other worlds. Don't think too much. You just need to be in the Jiuyou Difu first. Just go on living, if you think too much about other things, it really doesn’t make any sense.”


"Although you look innocent and naive, you have a lot of things to think about. I can understand that you want to see your parents, but this is something that will never be possible."

"Unless they also leave this world and follow you to this Jiuyou Difu, otherwise, you will never see each other forever. Accepting this fact is also a good thing for you, so as not to make yourself so sad."

Yang Xuan said this very directly, because he felt that Liu Xiaozhu should stop thinking about other things.

After all, he died at a young age and passed away. Even if he does not accept these facts, it is impossible for him to change.

Chapter 1525 Dangerous

At this moment Liu Xiaozhu has entered the Jiuyou Difu, ready to start a new world again, Yang Xuan is also sure of all of this, but he feels that Liu Xiaozhu is so small at the moment, there is really no way to reach such a level.

After all, he still hasn't grown up yet, so he is faced with such a terrifying scene. After arriving in Jiuyou Difu, he will start a new life. Maybe "Qiu Jiu San" will reincarnate if he has a chance.

So Yang Xuan felt that it was all unknown, it was a matter for the future, and now Yang Xuan didn't dare to make a decision, after all what Yang Xuan could do was to make Liu Xiaozhu bigger through his own magic.

Let him not look so thin, Yang Xuan feels at ease, because Yang Xuan can't send him back to the familiar world.

He has already lost his soul, and no one can change this fact after coming to Jiuyou Difu, and it is impossible for Yang Xuan to go against the sky.

How could Liu Xiaozhu not be surprised when he saw Yang Xuan? Was the big brother in front of him telling the truth? Liu Xiaozhu dare not imagine, after all he is a child.

After he came to this Jiuyou Difu, even though he knew that he had already left the world and left his parents, but now he can grow up and become like Yang Xuan, so that he can protect himself at that time.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't know what kind of situation this Jiuyou Hell was like, and Liu Xiaozhu didn't know whether he could reach such a height, so at this moment, he looked puzzled and didn't know what to do. After all, he felt that Yang Xuan said so .

It seems that he is not joking, why would he say that if he has no skills? Liu Xiaozhu pondered in his heart, it seems that this matter should be possible, Liu Xiaozhu blinked his helpless eyes, looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Since you said so, big brother, I choose to believe you. After all, I really can't do anything, because after I came to this Jiuyou Difu, I always felt that such a situation was too dangerous, and if you really can Let me grow up and I feel really happy."

"Because since I came to this Jiuyou Difu, I don't know what's going on here. I've been in this corner and dare not come out, because it's really too scary for me. How could I dare to come out?" Come out? I also understand this truth in my heart..."

"If this situation is really stable, then I don't want another situation to happen again, because all of this makes me feel a little unbelievable. How could I not understand it in my heart? I feel that if these situations are true It can be changed."

After hearing what Liu Xiaozhu said, Yang Xuan really had a lot of thoughts in his heart, because Yang Xuan felt that Liu Xiaozhu looked so helpless when he said that.

There is really nothing a child can do after entering the Jiuyou Hell, because sometimes the reality is so cruel, Yang Xuan looked at the dim place in front of him, it was really terrifying 0.1, Yang Xuan was basically not afraid.

But as Liu Xiaozhu, how could he not be afraid, he was just such a small child, Yang Xuan just made an exception to make him bigger through his own magic.

Yang Xuan can only do this, he really can't help with other things, so Yang Xuan also understands in his heart, if he doesn't do this, he feels that he is really not at ease.

Chapter 1526

Now that Yang Xuan has met Liu Xiaozhu, he knows in his heart that children younger than him may continue to die young, and they will be so helpless after coming to Jiuyou Hell, there is no way.

Yang Xuan also knows that this is a state of reincarnation, a state of birth, old age, sickness and death, and there is no solution. Only through reincarnation can all this be changed.

Yang Xuan also knew it, but how could these souls who came here be reincarnated so quickly, it always takes a certain amount of time and needs to be tabooed, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a level if they wanted to change so quickly.

So Yang Xuan was sure of all this in his heart, but felt that if the things in front of him happened, he met Liu Xiaozhu on 22, and he didn't care about other things so much, Liu Xiaozhu seemed so helpless, Yang Xuan always wanted to help him.

Yang Xuan looked at Liu Xiaozhu, how could he have any thoughts in his heart, besides, he didn't want too many things to happen in such a situation.

Liu Xiaozhu sat on the rock and saw Yang Xuan in the darkness. Although he couldn't see clearly, he didn't know why there was light on Yang Xuan.

It can make him look even more miraculous. Liu Xiaozhu doesn't know if Yang Xuan is a dead person, but there is warmth in him, and Liu Xiaozhu feels happy when he feels this warmth.

No matter what, once he meets someone, he can change, and the other person can actually make himself bigger, so Liu Xiaozhu doesn't have to think that the person in front of him may be a master.

Liu Xiaozhu didn't have to worry so much, so he knew in his heart that he just wanted to live well in this Jiuyou Underworld, even if he had only one soul left, he wanted to live well, he said to Yang Xuan.

"I also hope that everything can be handled normally. I really don't want to have too many disputes, because if some situations do arise, I don't want anything else to happen, because I want to Live well, even if there is only a trace of soul left in this Jiuyou Underworld."

"I also want to live well. I really can't do anything at the moment, because I can't protect myself. I am so weak and this place looks so scary. Now I understand it. It turns out that people from Jiuyou Hell will come after they die. Coming to this place, it seems that it is really impossible for me to change."

Yang Xuan suddenly felt sore in his heart. He looked at Liu Xiaozhu's face in the dark. This little guy looked very brave.

Otherwise, he has lived here alone for so long, and he would have died here long ago, so how could he persist until now? Yang Xuan also understood that if he was Liu Xiaozhu's identity as 793, he might feel scared too.

Because this place looks so scary, how could he not have any thoughts, so Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, but only thought that once the situation stabilized.

I also hope that everything can be resolved reasonably, so how can I hope that too many problems will arise? So Yang Xuan knew it in his heart, but he just felt that these situations could be changed if they really were.

He also doesn't want too many problems to arise, he just hopes that all these can be resolved smoothly, so he also understands in his heart, but if he feels that the problems have already appeared, he also understands such things.

Chapter 1527 Helpless

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