Chapter 1533 Moving On

Yang Xuan continued to search forward, because he felt that Yang Xuan didn't want to know so much about the situation in front of him. After all, he thought that every step counted.

Yang Xuan walked to the front, although it was a little dark, but Yang Xuan saw a light appeared, this light was white, Yang Xuan wondered why it was shining brightly?

What happened again? I met a palace just now, which was shining brightly, but the place in front of me seemed to be a blind spot, how could there be a palace?

Yang Xuan slowly moved forward, he carefully looked at the situation in front of him, so after he resisted the light, he looked carefully at my oh my god, it turned out to be a shining shimmering glass bead.

Yang Xuan felt a little unimaginable, how could this shimmering glazed 797 bead appear here, this is a rare treasure, should this thing appear here? Yang Xuan didn't think so much anymore.

As long as it is a treasure, it is useful to people. Yang Xuan looked at the wave of light glazed beads in his hand, it was really too far away. He had never seen such a beautiful magic weapon, and Yang Xuan was a little at a loss. up.

At this moment, while looking at the wave light glazed beads, he thought of many things in his heart. At this moment, when Yang Xuan was admiring the wave light glass beads, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind.

(ccab) Wanting to **** the shimmering glazed bead in Yang Xuan's hand, Yang Xuan dodged to the left, this person was in vain, Yang Xuan looked back and saw that he turned out to be an old grandfather, so Yang Xuan felt even more exciting, this old man Grandpa has grown old since he came here, does he still want to grab the shimmering glazed beads from himself?

Yang Xuan felt that the old grandpa behind him had abilities, but he couldn't resist his own spells, so Yang Xuan's ant umbrella fell to the ground, but the old grandpa got up in an instant, and started to attack Yang Xuan again. Xuan, said at the same time.

"Brat, give me this wave of light glazed beads. I have been guarding here for so many years, and I have never taken this wave of light glazed beads. When we came here, we took this wave of light glazed beads into our hands."

"This wave light glazed bead is mine. I have been guarding and watching here. Why did you get this wave light glass bead today? If you don't want to die, return the wave light glass bead to me."

"Otherwise, the old man will be ruthless to you. Your ability is a little bit, but if you want to resist me, you also need some effort, so don't be obsessed with it, and give me the sparkling glass beads."

"You go your way, I'll go mine, besides, there must be a first-come-first-served one. This wave of light glazed beads is a precious treasure that I have been guarding for hundreds of years. You snatched it away as soon as you came. Are you really Maybe it's a bit too greedy, although this wave light glazed bead is a very magical treasure, but you can't be so greedy, hurry up and give me the wave light glass bead."

Speaking of this old man, his name is the old man in Tsing Yi. He was indeed very old when he entered here, and he was very old, so he will have this ability after he dies.

After living in this Jiuyou Hell for so long, he really didn't reincarnate, so up to this moment, he felt that it was his responsibility to wait for the sparkling glass beads in front of him, otherwise he felt that it was too boring.

Chapter 1534

In fact, he already wanted to get this Wave of Light Glazed Bead, but he felt that the Wave of Light Glazed Bead was still absorbing the power here, and it was okay to pick it up after it became stronger.

The old man in Tsing Yi just took a nap in his sleep, but he didn't expect that suddenly he felt the shimmering glazed beads start to vibrate, then someone snatched the shimmering glass beads away, and when the old man in Tsing Yi found out, it was too late.

So at this moment, he just wanted to take back his own things. When he launched the attack, Yang Xuan already felt the power behind him, and the old man in Tsing Yi felt that the young man in front of him was really dressed in a special way.

It seems that he came here after his death, the old man in green thinks it is impossible, the breath of this young man in front of him is hot, unlike his own breath which is cold.

But he doesn't care so much, no matter who he is, since he took the wave light glazed beads, he must return them, otherwise the old man in Tsing Yi will never let him go.

How could the shimmering glazed beads that the old man in clothes had been waiting for for hundreds of years give up so easily? The old man in Tsing Yi also understood this situation.

He wouldn't let himself do these things and waste his time, wouldn't it be a waste of his time? The young man in front of him is really a little hateful, especially greedy.

The wave light glazed bead didn't belong to him, so he just took it away. The old man in Tsing Yi must **** it back at this moment, otherwise wouldn't he be even more useless, waiting for the wave light glass bead for hundreds of years , unexpectedly was taken away by others.

Thinking about it, the old man in Tsing Yi felt very angry, so he was ready to attack at any time at this moment, but he felt that Yang Xuan in front of him seemed indifferent, and the old man in Tsing Yi didn't care so much, as long as he could return the wave light glass beads to himself , none of this happened.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he felt a little funny holding the shimmering glazed beads in his hand, maybe he was a bit too much, then he felt that since the other party said that, it proved that he must have lived here for a long time.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to say that, and Yang Xuan felt that the old man in front of him was an old man with a white beard, why would he want to compete for this wave of light glazed beads?

····Ask for flowers 0·

What does he want this sparkling glass bead for? So Yang Xuan felt that no one would bully him when he lived here, but he felt a little ridiculous, Yang Xuan couldn't help but kept laughing, and said to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"I said, Grandpa, don't be so stubborn. I feel a little ashamed when you say that. How could I want to **** your treasure? This wave of light glass beads suddenly appeared in the air just now, so I feel that it is shining I just took it, but I didn't expect it to be a shimmering glazed bead."


"I think this kind of situation should be analyzed in this way. Whoever gets it first will get it. Although you are watching the wave of light glazed beads slowly absorbing the spiritual power here, but you have not taken it all the time. It doesn’t belong to you, because I just took this wave of light glazed beads from the sky.”

"So this wave of light glazed beads should belong to me, let's not argue, do you think this situation is right? If you really don't want to let me go, then it doesn't matter." 1.

Chapter 1535 Reappearance of Glazed Beads

After the old man in blue heard what Yang Xuan said, he looked at Yang Xuan in front of him in the dark. Although he couldn't see clearly, the light of the shimmering glazed beads allowed him to see the appearance of the other party, who was very handsome.

And he doesn't look like a person, but what he said made me feel angry. The old man in Tsing Yi also stayed in this Jiuyou Hell for so long, watching this wave of "800" light glazed beads slowly grow every day .

In the beginning, the wave light glazed bead was just a small sphere, but now it has become such a large circle of light, which is particularly dazzling and resplendent, so all the spiritual power around here has been absorbed by the wave light glass bead up.

How could the old man in Tsing Yi give up so easily at this moment? He just felt that the young man in front of him was arrogant and conceited, and he didn't seem to be an idle person.

Yang Xuan just felt that the situation in front of him was rather strange. This old man in Tsing Yi was already old, did he really want to compete with him to throw the shimmering glazed beads?

Yang Xuan just thought that if he could really get this wave of light glazed beads, then maybe it would be a good thing, but Yang Xuan thought that his ability could really be obtained.

But he doesn't have this ability and hasn't reached such a level. Yang Xuan also feels that he is not needed here at all. The stronger his ability, the more dangerous he may be.

Yang Xuan just felt that every place in this Nine Nether Hell was in a different situation, and Yang Xuan really did not expect to find a shimmering glazed bead in this corner.

How could Yang Xuan have no idea in his heart, but he just felt that if such a situation was in front of him, it would be impossible for him to change his mind easily, and it was impossible to change his routine.

He has already entered the Jiuyou Difu and wants to get something. This wave of light glazed beads is the first treasure he got. How could he get rid of it so easily?

After obtaining such a thing, Yang Xuan felt that the trip was not in vain, so Yang Xuan was not sure how long he would stay in this Jiuyou Hell, he said to the old man in blue.

"Anyway, whatever ability you have, just show it. I want to see and see. I find it interesting how much ability you have at this age. So if you don't think so, let's just talk about it. Hold the shimmering glass beads, you stay here, in this case, we will not violate the water of the river, I think it is very good..."

"What do you think, don't be so angry, I really don't need to look at me, since I can enter this Jiuyou Difu and get the shimmering glazed beads, I don't care about anything."

"Do you think your ability can resist my actions? Can you take this wave of light glazed beads from my hand? If this is the case, you can take this wave of light glazed beads from my hand, then this wave of light The glazed bead is yours, I will never fight for it, I will keep my promise."

Yang Xuan can only do this at the moment, if the old man in Tsing Yi wants to get back 0.1 of the shimmering glazed beads, let's see if he has the ability, and have a duel with himself.

Yang Xuan happened to practice his skills. He felt that after coming to this field, he would naturally have abilities, but whether he could play to the limit of his strongest, Yang Xuan might not be sure.

So at this moment, he can only know if the situation here has changed if he has a duel with others.

Chapter 1536 A Duel

Whether Yang Xuan was affected, he knew in his heart, because every time Yang Xuan reincarnated, it was a different scene, Yang Xuan was also sure in his heart.

In this case, he didn't want to have too many guesses in his heart, he just wanted to prove all this, he couldn't hurt the other party, because the other party was an old man.

How could Yang Xuan do this, he just felt that since the other party wanted to get the wave light glazed beads, it was impossible, and it was impossible for Yang Xuan to give it to him.

After all, Yang Xuan got the wave light glass beads first, no matter how long the old man in Tsing Yi stayed here, it has nothing to do with him, Yang Xuan didn't want to change his mind.

The old man in Tsing Yi saw Yang Xuan in the dark at the same place, but he just felt that the young man's words were too rampant, and he knew that the other party had some abilities in his heart.

How could the old man in Tsing Yi be his opponent? This is simply hitting a stone with an egg. The old man in Tsing Yi is also sure, even though he has been in the Jiuyou Hell for so long.

But his ability is also limited, it is impossible to resist the opponent's attack at all, even if the opponent wants to have a duel, the old man in Tsing Yi will not die.

Although he was aware of all this, what would he do if he took back all the wave-light glazed beads? The old man in Tsing Yi just felt that the other party seemed to have this wave of light glazed beads, and his tone was firmer.

The wave light glazed bead was already in his hands, and the old man in Tsing Yi felt that he was unwilling to wait for him for so many years, but the wave light glass bead was taken away by the relatives of the other party with permission.

Then how could he swallow this breath? At this moment, he also thinks that if he can't do it, let's have a duel. Anyway, the big deal is that he will die in his hands, and it doesn't matter.

The old man in Tsing Yi was sure in his heart, otherwise, would he just admit it like this? He felt that it was impossible for this wave of light glazed beads to protect him for so long. He didn’t want to just give it to others. Wouldn’t it be too useless? He was also preparing to launch an attack on the spot, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Young people, don't be so rampant, because if you say that, you will be afraid. At worst, you will die. The old man has lived here for so long, and he is not afraid of anything. So dying early and dying late is the same thing. I have already died Once, are you afraid of this time? If you have any ability, take it out."

"It's impossible for me to give you this wave-light glazed bead myself. Although I can't take back the wave-light glazed bead, I've risked my life. I want to get this wave-light glass bead, because I'm here I’ve been waiting for so long, and I’m not reconciled to letting you, a brat, take it away, because you’re a little bit unreasonable.”

800 "What kind of world is this? Could it be that the ability to ask is so powerful that it can overwhelm the other? This wave light glazed bead is not yours in the first place, but I have been guarding it. After you came here, you just took the wave light without asking anything. Liulizhu, it's not very natural for you to do this, so if you want to have a competition, if you want to do this, I don't care."

After the old man in Tsing Yi said this, he had already made an attack, and he felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, if he didn't get back the shimmering glazed beads, what would be the difference from being dead?

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't want to use the shimmering glazed beads to gain some abilities, he was just used to this kind of waiting.

Chapter 1537 Inevitable

He just felt that he had guarded it for so many years, and he really didn't want to lose the wave light glazed bead. Yang Xuan came here suddenly, and he didn't ask anything or say anything.

Immediately, he took this wave of light glazed beads in his hands, and the old man in Tsing Yi felt that he was really too angry. Originally, he wanted to look at this wave of light glazed beads here.

Let the wave light glazed beads get more brilliance and get more abilities, so that the wave light glass beads can reach a certain limit and reach the most powerful power.

But he didn't expect to be taken away so easily by the other party. The old man in Tsing Yi felt that he was not reconciled, so he was a little angry at the moment.

The expression on his face was also very angry, wishing to tear the other party into pieces, but the old man in Tsing Yi knew that he did not have this ability, but he had to fight hard and resist, he would not change easily, and he also understood this truth at this moment.

The old man in Tsing Yi has lived in the Jiuyou Difu for so long, no one would really do this, because some of the creatures here would not have such a situation.

It is useless for them to get the shimmering glazed beads, but the Yang Xuan in front of him is a human being, can he still leave here after getting the shimmering glazed beads?

But what does he often do in this Jiuyou Difu? There wasn't much in this place, nor the instruments he wanted, because this place was full of dead souls.

Did he really have other ideas when he came here? It made him feel a little unbelievable, so at this moment he also had to take back the shimmering glazed beads.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he saw his appearance, he was ready to attack, Yang Xuan felt that it was really unreasonable.

But Yang Xuan knew in his heart that the other party was already old, no matter what his identity was when he was alive, he had already come to Jiuyou Hell at this moment, Yang Xuan would not hurt him easily.

But if he wanted to get the wave light glazed beads with his ability, he couldn't do it at all, and he couldn't achieve such a result. Does he have to hit the stone with an egg?

Yang Xuan felt that it was really interesting. Standing in the air, Yang Xuan laughed and said to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"Okay, let me put it this way first, and I will let you die in peace. My name is Yang Xuan and I came to Jiuyou Difu just to find these treasures, so the shimmering glass beads in front of me appeared. I must If you want to take it away, no matter what you think, it doesn't matter'."

"¨You want to have a duel with me, so come on, anyway, it's my proposal and you don't want to give up the wave light glass beads, so you can only decide with your ability, if you lose, then don't fight again Propose the shimmering glazed beads in front of me, and don't think about getting the shimmering glazed beads back from me, it will always be fair."

"What do you think, because although you are so angry (Qian's good) like this, it seems that you want to tear me into pieces, but I don't want to care about so much with you, after all, what you said is also reasonable. The shimmering glazed bead is what you saw first, but this shimmering glazed bead is floating in the sky."

After the old man in Tsing Yi heard what Yang Xuan said, he just felt that the other party understood everything, and he still had to hold the shimmering glass beads. He was such an arrogant guy at all, and he didn't want to change at all.

Chapter 1538

The old man in Tsing Yi can only save some face for himself in an effective way, and wants to compete for the shimmering glazed bead, otherwise, how could the opponent hold the shimmering glass bead and give it back to him?

The old man in Tsing Yi felt that no matter what, this wave of light glazed bead was the one he had been guarding for so many years, and the treasure could not be easily taken away by him.

He felt that he was really useless, but he didn't expect that since the other party said so, the old man in Tsing Yi really wanted to tear him into pieces, but the old man in Tsing Yi did not have this ability.

He knew in his heart that the Yang Xuan in front of him already knew his name, but the old man in Tsing Yi didn't know why he came to the Jiuyou Difu, it was really weird.

But he didn't want to think about it so much, after all, there was no meaning for these 803, he just wanted to get back his own sparkling glazed beads, how could he think so much about other things?

Yang Xuan looked at the old man in Tsing Yi, but felt that his appearance was really ridiculous, what's the point of him bearded and staring?

Could it be possible to be frightened by his appearance? There is really some nonsense, the expression of the old man in Tsing Yi is to hope that he is afraid.

But how could Yang Xuan be afraid that he had already obtained the wave light glazed beads, so it would be impossible to hand them over easily, Yang Xuan also understood this truth.

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't have any effect holding the shimmering glass beads, so he felt unwilling, but Yang Xuan had already explained to him so much, he didn't listen and could only have a duel.

It might be fairer to say this, Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, besides, the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't bear to hurt him like this, Yang Xuan just hoped to convince him.

If he failed, he would no longer compete for the wave light glazed beads, and he would not have to pester himself. In this way, everything would be stable and Yang Xuan could get away.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan didn't want to be caught by him when it was a head in such a situation. At this moment, he knew in his heart that he was sure of his own thoughts on all this, he said to the old man in Tsing Yi.

"You didn't get the wave light glazed bead in your hand either. No one (ccab) will prove that this wave light glass bead is yours. I have the ability to control the power of the wave light glass bead right now. Am I not the owner of this wave light glass bead? Master? Think about it carefully, it's really futile for you to do this, and you want to resist me, what's the point?"

"But since you don't want to give up at all, and you also want to have a duel with me, then come on, if you really accidentally kill you, it's your own fault, I can tell you in advance , but I had no intention of hurting you, and you insisted on taking back the shimmering glazed beads, which is simply impossible."

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't listen to Yang Xuan's words at all, no matter what the other party said, the old man in Tsing Yi couldn't easily give up the Wave Light Glazed Bead, he understood Yang Xuan in front of him.

He is a strong man, he is not something to be taken lightly, otherwise, he would not be willing to come to the achievable situation of Jiuyou Difu, and the old man in Tsing Yi is sure that he can't give up like this, even if he fights to the end, even if he Give your life.

The old man in Tsing Yi also wants to fight for it, because he feels that he has been waiting for the shimmering glazed beads for so many years, if there is really no shimmering glazed beads.

Chapter 1539

If he really loses his baby, he feels that life is meaningless, and he understands it in his heart, otherwise he would not be able to do this.

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